Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Now that Trump has solved Northeast Asia’s problems, maybe he can get to a problem in our country — in fact, within 10 miles of the White House. For some reason, The Washington Post recently ran an article on something important — the MS-13 gang presence at a public school on the outskirts of our nation’s capital, William Wirt Middle School in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

The media’s usual approach to the diversity being inflicted on us is: Don’t report this! It’s better if no one knows. Maybe the left has decided it’s too late to do anything about the transformation of our country into a Third World hellhole, and Trump couldn’t stop it even if he wanted to.

The Post reported that, like many schools up and down the East Coast, MS-13 has turned Wirt into a battleground. There have been near-daily gang fights, rampant drug dealing, one reported rape, gang signs on the walls, one shooting — more in nearby schools — and teachers afraid to be alone with their students. At least two students are required to have security officers assigned to them, walking them from class to class and watching them during lunch hour, on account of MS-13 threatening to kill them.

How many different categories of immigrants require special law enforcement officers devoted to them? Thanks to mass Muslim immigration, the FBI has terrorist watch lists in ALL 50 STATES. That’s why whenever there’s a terrorist attack, the FBI says, Oh yeah, we were watching that guy. And now we have police bodyguards for kids at schools wherever “unaccompanied minors” have been dumped by our government.

In addition to the free school lunches, transportation, housing and health care to pay for all this wonderful diversity, immigrants are also massively ratcheting up law enforcement costs.

It would be enraging enough if bad things were happening to our country and the immigrants were paying for it. But we’re paying for it. Wait — you are offering to bring gang warfare, drug cartels and terrorism? We’ll go top dollar for that! Put your wallet away! Your money’s no good here!

Having made the odd decision to report factual information about immigration, The Washington Post was careful to include the gigantically irrelevant, painfully idiotic cliche: The “vast majority” of poor Latin Americans pouring into our country “enroll in school and stay out of trouble.”Yes, and the vast majority of boa constrictors stay out of trouble too. Let’s put them in our schools! In fact, far fewer boa constrictors kill Americans each year than Latin American immigrants do. Less than one a year. And boa constrictors don’t undercut you at the construction site.

We never hear that “vast majority” argument about the policies that liberals like. The “vast majority” of gun owners never shoot up a school. The “vast majority” of smokers will never get lung cancer. The “vast majority” of Americans do not benefit from Wall Street profits.

Why are we subjecting ourselves to mass immigration at all? Hey, everyone, let’s all get an HIV injection! Don’t worry, the vast majority of us won’t get AIDS!

We’re certainly not doing it to be nice to Hispanics. They’ve been polled and polled and polled, and it turns out they DON’T want more people being brought in to take their jobs and drive down wages. Recent immigrants probably don’t want their useless brother-in-law from Chiapas sleeping on the couch either.

In the 2012 presidential campaign, Obama’s Spanish language ads didn’t make a peep about immigration. Instead, he bragged about giving everyone free health care. (Sidebar: Unmentioned were the millions of people who lost their health care, thanks to all that free health care for immigrants.)

Less than two years ago, Republicans watched the most anti-immigrant politician in a century be elected president, with every major institution in America against him. Trump won more of the Hispanic vote than any Republican in a generation.

The Chamber of Commerce knows that Hispanics didn’t come here to have their wages driven down by an unending stream of unskilled workers just like themselves. Republicans and Democrats know it. The only people who don’t know it are Americans who don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by opposing the constant importation of unskilled, poverty-stricken immigrants.

The reason for this transformation of our country, our culture and our politics is to flood the market with low-wage workers and Democratic voters. Obviously, those are losing arguments, so the beneficiaries of mass Third World immigration lie. They claim that anyone who doesn’t want to supply the rich with cheap labor must hate Hispanics.

Trump thought North Korea was hard? With immigration, we have all of the most influential forces in our culture on the same page. Immigration is a great unifier of the rich and powerful.

The rich are like sharks — all appetite, no brain. With their cheap labor voting 7-3 for the Democrats, it won’t be long until Democrats have a lock on government. What do you think they’ll do then, Business Roundtable? Answer: Make it impossible to do business. Google “California.”

With the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the Koch brothers’ incessant lobbying for more and more cheap labor, we see exactly what Lenin said about the capitalists: They will sell us the rope with which to hang them.

The rich don’t care. They can’t think beyond next quarter’s earnings.

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June 15, 2018 12:03 pm

Let me return to that pizza delivery guy the USA is trying to deport to Ecuador.

Jeff Sessions was in Fort Wayne yesterday and cited the Bible in support of the government’s stance; —- “I would cite to you the Apostle Pail and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order.”

When questioned about this in the daily press conference Sarah Fuckabee Sanders, mother and evangelical Christian said; —– “It is very Biblical to enforce the law. This is actually repeated a number of times throughout the Bible.” —— which is truly amazing because I believe it’s the first time ever Ms Piggy was able to say two consecutive sentences with saying “uhhhh” or “aaaahh”.

At any rate, there you have it. You should OBEY the government because it is GOD’S WILL …. at least according to the two government agents quoted above. God help us all.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 15, 2018 2:20 pm

Sessions’ & Sanders’ stupid invocation of the bible is no worse than (and in, fact, is better IMO) than the libs’ invocation of the bible to imply that the essence of Christianity is to let the entire world come to America for free shit.

June 15, 2018 3:09 pm

Stucky, are you saying our immigration laws shouldn’t be enforced and the illegals have a Christian duty to violate them? You seem to be opposed to enforcing the law, immigration law being the one mentioned.

old white guy
old white guy
June 15, 2018 3:23 pm

you lose.

June 15, 2018 10:22 pm

Tucker covered that guy tonight. Seems he didn’t have a driver’s license, or car insurance. His job was to deliver pizzas in his car. Tried to deliver one to a military base. Bad move.
Oh, and there was a deportation order on him 8 years old.

Michael Smegma Pence
Michael Smegma Pence
August 14, 2018 6:33 pm

Join the discussion…Thank you for spelling the middle name of that lying press secretary correctly. Megyn Kelly, Fox News anchor used that correct name of Sarah’s father on the air. Please note that I
use my correct middle name, instead of “Richard” or “Dick” because my friends all comment on that white crusty stuff on top of my head. I do wash occasionally.
Michael Smegma Pence, President of Vice

August 14, 2018 7:09 pm

The Bible has been used in so many atrocities throughout recorded history. It will be no different in Amurika .

June 15, 2018 12:27 pm

Anna knocks it owda da paak.

June 15, 2018 1:01 pm

Say it Girl……

June 15, 2018 1:01 pm

Well , I’m still out here in Denver trying to get my engine repaired and I already HATE IS FUCKING PLACE because of all the diversity. Denver is already gone third world as far as majority.Most whites are wise enough to live in neighborhoods away from the city. They got tons of cheap labor .There is one thing good about being a truck driver .Soon I will get to leave all this diversity.I do feel sorry for the young whites.Soon there will be nowhere or way to get away from diversity.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 15, 2018 10:40 pm

Rural Tennessee is alive and well, 99% Humans, and no state income tax. PS: Who ya gonna call, liberal-busters! If liberals can’t kick a MS-13 gangster out of a public school, the Real Americans there (if there are any) need to get Trump involved (hopefully he’ll kick out the MS-13 Bad Boys Bad Boys, and the Useless Idiots who ought to be in charge but are hiding behind the LGBTQ’s skirts).

June 15, 2018 2:06 pm

The rich and wealthy don’t care about the negative consequences because they will not experience any; or until the nose is around their necks. Can you say Charles & David, Paul and Mitch, etc?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 15, 2018 10:52 pm

Who, What? But I can say Blow Job Bill, Harpy, Comey, Obama, Chuck, Huma, Weiner, Podesta, Ginsberg, McCain, Lindsey Graham, Pelosi, Lois Lerner, Lynch, Holder, etc.

June 16, 2018 12:59 am

I was just reading about the politician in AZ who got in trouble for saying that white kids were 40% of the school population and there weren’t enough of them to go around to satisfy diversity. Well, last I checked, 40% was a minority so why are all the people calling for his head?

June 16, 2018 7:17 am

My doctor is a former Navy ship doctor whose parents immigrated from Lithuania. Since we have a few things in common, with a genuine liking for one another (because we are old enough to not give a shit but still able to give one at least daily)… we tend to have long discussions during which his nurses will poke their heads in to remind him he has other patients.

****EDIT**** Important enough to stop and do this before going out to tend to chickens and bunnies. My doctor informed me of a new “game” amongst high school girls in some of the flatlander towns around Sikeston and Charleston (Misery). They “collect” black fux. One high school cheerleader was treated for several STDs and the story was that she walked into the notoriously rough black neighborhood bar and pulled a train INTENTIONALLY on the pool table. Her score that evening took the prize, which was the purpose… her friends were off on their own “Collection” adventure. She just collected the MOST: 52. The extra two is what won it for her. Some other gal got fifty.**** Chew on that while I feed animals that need me to live.

He spent many years working with young men on ships living in some really terrible living conditions. He doesn’t mind discussing, with me at least, his opinion about the ailments that afflict young men with too much testosterone in their pants pockets and not enough estrogen to spend it on. His youngest son and my son are the same age and started college the same year. His son is now in pilot training for the “heavies” in the Navy and that used to mean tankers and cattle-haulers, but I’ve been out of touch with people who fly amongst the clouds for some time. Heavies could refer to FAT glyphs in this world gone mad. (Look that one up, smartyfish! Find out if Odin controls the glyphs. Perhaps the trickster is in charge of it all? See link (s) below regarding trickster. You are on your own for glyphs.) Back to doctor visit story.

For those of you who never enjoyed military indoctrination into a world controlled by crazy people (“You can’t handle the Truth!”), think of the stupidest moron you ever had to call “manager” and put him in charge of an aircraft carrier with a small city on board, all with penises, naturally grown as they had to be to join the U.S. Navy in the 1970s, when my doctor sailed the seas. So, my doctor and I share an ability to do the paradigm shift and discuss current events through the perspective of two old soldiers who knew they really were NOT soldiers but who saw what was going on. All of these things which are NOW crises-at-hand we saw in their infancy: Affirmative action was never going to end. When I suggested there should be a sunset date on the policies, I was told that would be like putting a sunset date on the 1964 Civil Rights Act. And, of course, we know where that one leads, do we not? That is the forbidden zone.

We talked about seeing others get “jacked up” for crossing one or another boundary and if you don’t know what that is ask the trickster not me. I was an aircrew member with a double dog secret clearance, so my line badge was marked for access to almost every area on the flight line. No kidding. I went to Nellis one time and did an exercise one time which offered the opportunity to see an E6 up close and personal. [See? Red rope all the way.] Neither of us had ever been jacked up in our military lives, learning to respect rules and recognize when authority was genuine and enforceable. Both of us have now been put on the asphalt by police officers subdueing us for our own protection. As adults in a small community of sorts. Weird, huh?

His uncle and aunt were shot upon re-entry to Russia after a few years, when they decided to return, since the revolution was over and the news was all good. They didn’t like New Jersey. I’m pretty sure my doctor and Stucky are related.

***I have to go…So good grief… it is light and the chickens need to be let out… we have our own coyote issues here and if the hens are not locked in, coyote will trick them to come OUT.

Link to El Coyote Aboriginal Legend:

Abby Original and Abby Normal are kind of the same thing, aren’t they?

Why EC and Odin are the same thing, different hemisphere?

June 16, 2018 12:14 pm

You, dodo… look at my comment above and watch the coyote link!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 16, 2018 7:24 am

The parasitic life style of the liberal leaches that surround and infest the areas in and around Washington DC is a spectacle not to be overlooked . Consider Moscow on the Chesapeake , Annapolis Maryland . The liberal choke hold on the state and the crony capatialist (Beltway bandits) surrounding the Capitol areas of Maryland and DC give us the pathetic picture . To control the political machine of Maryland you generally need to win 3 counties and Baltimore City , the 4 areas with the most government employees and welfare recipients .
As the mayor and city council of Baltimore quietly quip we are not a sanctuary City , we are a welcoming city . A city that cannot keep water fountains working in schools but has $100 grand to bus little skulls of mush to the nations capitol to protest dem evil guns ! A city without section 8 landlords the property tax take would be cut to unmanageable amounts . Put it all together and you have a liberal paradise , failing schools , crumbling infrastructure poor job prospects for most citizens . Fertile ground for criminal activity and since the breeding welfare population could not fill all the vacancies imported MS13 fills the power vacuum . Their wives and children are supported by a bankrupted system that continues to cry for more money as the facts show much of the money is already pissed in the street and the Machismo gang members are free to operate . Yes yes a welcoming area of America for Johnstown Kool Aid drinkers …!

June 16, 2018 12:17 pm

Okay, this has nothing to do with anything except promoting the El Coyote link. I’ve been watching Yo and I understand that it is okay to toss a little crap on the threads, but not one of Admin’s or a big dog’s threads. Unless they deserve it.

Link to El Coyote Aboriginal Legend:

June 16, 2018 1:52 pm

Every dog has it’s day aided by men (and wo men) myth makers. See Jackal as trickster too. I like the spider myths of creation, ones who wove the universe. And the Japanese version of spider woman, the Jorōgumo (the whore spider)

I like to tell the story of an Asian coyote. One night I rode the roads of western anatolia with an AF mil popo, a Kentucky sharpshooter sgt. He packed his Mossberg 12ga, slug gun and I had a Remington 870 30 inch full at my side. We had unwritten license to hunt at night. On the outskirts of a plateau’d village we found a trash dump, the headlights of my Jeep Commando reflected back the light from tapetum lucidum of a dog like canid.

As we had not found the roving passels of Russian Boars, our intended targets, when targets of opportunity presented, we acted. I rolled down my driver’s window and Dale steadied his slug gun on my shoulder. With the foresight of past experience I put fingers in my ears. He aimed at the soon to be dead target, 100 meters away with iron sights.

The prey dropped in its paw prints, the 7/8 ounce projectile acquiring a spot one inch above the varmints eyes, mid face.

Dale expertly tanned the full body hide, ready to have mounted when he returned to Kentucky.

Now what, dear reader, makes this a salvation shot for the dead trickster? As a student of Linnaeus, my duty is to identify said dead, properly.

A challenge to identify a shape shifting trickster…

Last time I looked, the legend/myth continues. Some called the critter an Armenian Jackal. Some called it an Anatolian Jackal, and some said to do that, is to foster the ‘Armenian Genocide’ and erase their name from history. And some (Anatolians) dislike the negative connotation associated with jackal folklore and that it belongs to the traitorous Armenians.

The impasse may have been resolved by now, under the cover of the Golden Jackal.

And now we have coy wolves to deal with. I once saw the rare red wolf late one night riding in said Jeep Commando in back woods Alabama.

August 14, 2018 7:08 pm

Just wait until the kidnappings start and it’s blamed on MS-13 or one of your local Mexican gangs…

Please, please don’t fall for these instigated false flags to divide us up and get us to so terrible things to people that might have acquantiances or family members who are gang members…

I know I’ll get blasted for taking this stance, but so be it.

I’ve lived around gangs my whole life. Many of my childhood neighborhood friends got into it, some were in and out of prison, others dead.

Some of them are pieces of human waste but many are just individuals who’ve made some bad choices and suffer through their decisions…once your in, your in…otherwise you’re labeled a drop out and are harassed and fucked with whenever seen by another active member.

Some of the younger ones are often born into it through the family and have no other course of action.
Not making excuses for the drive bys or hard drug dealing, many of them have bought into the get rich quick scheme that so many of the youth nowadays seem to be falling for…

The youngsters want to be famous like all that stupid rap they listen to…all Xanied or syruped out…gotta love America’s band aid solutions and labeling tendency to prescribe anti depressants before even counseling or therapy …adults should know better, you would think.

The guy I was introduced to warned me about this, said “wait to the gangs start kidnapping influential people in the communities ” he said they were ready years ago but were told to wait…

All this shit is orchestrated by levels of our intelligence agencies, using the gangs as a means to the end…the public will demand what terrors are to come, please don’t be duped and be one of them….because once their done with the “bad guys ” who are already at war with aspects of the government and have the black market means to do so, who do you think is next????

Please pray for discernment at the very least…i have nothing To gain for saying this and still much to lose.

Good luck in the turbulent chaotic times and hope to catch some of you on the flip side when the dust settles.

Michael Smegma Pence
Michael Smegma Pence
February 28, 2020 4:54 pm

Did Ann Coulter lose another drag queen contest to an immigrant?