Via Knuckledraggin

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I used to be a secret squirrel but now I'm a secret honey badger
I used to be a secret squirrel but now I'm a secret honey badger
June 18, 2018 12:26 pm

“Who run Bartertown?”

Steve C
Steve C
June 18, 2018 12:27 pm

Being a Marxist operation it probably didn’t have any food anyway…

I used to be a secret squirrel but now I'm a secret honey badger
I used to be a secret squirrel but now I'm a secret honey badger
  Steve C
June 18, 2018 2:05 pm

Uncle Josef says: “Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.”

June 18, 2018 12:46 pm
robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 18, 2018 1:11 pm

Marxism=Western Socialism=liberalism=Democrats

  robert h siddell jr
June 18, 2018 2:36 pm

an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage.
synonyms: unmarried woman. That must mean that an unmarried guy in women’s clothes must be a dragster.

June 18, 2018 3:03 pm

Her right tit is way bigger than her left!

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
June 18, 2018 4:08 pm

No comment.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
June 18, 2018 4:47 pm

That’s more like complete self centered behavior. They could care less about the customer. Marxism would be Uncle Sam telling them when to open and close and perhaps force people to buy health insurance. Or have secret courts to avoid constitutional questions in public. Oh wait……

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 18, 2018 5:39 pm

A gal decides to show her body in public as a “political” protest; maybe she gets a night in jail, rarely more than that. A GUY decides (or even accidentally!) shows HIS body in public (with or without reason), and he gets arrested, hauled to jail, labeled a “sex offender” and lifelong repercussions. Something sucks in the land of the free, and “double standard” hardly even begins to cover it.
No, I’m not on any “sex offender” lists, just annoyed over blatant hypocrisy in practice.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
June 18, 2018 7:26 pm

The employees set the hours,..
I learned from experience if say you open at 7 and don’t on ONE day, half the people who showed up when you were not open (yet supposed to be) never came back.
And the other half bitched at you for having to find another coffee shop on the way to work.
Don’t fuck with peoples schedules or caffeine.

June 18, 2018 8:25 pm

Libs just be entertaining. Ha ha ha.

June 18, 2018 10:17 pm

The cafe waitresses were “Beaver Women “…they had more hair under their armpits and legs than Chewbaca . That alone would make you blow groceries !

June 19, 2018 5:54 am

Perhaps lazy, whiny communists should stick to clove cigarettes and patchouli, and leave the sales and profits part to the rest of us. Of course the person that started such a doomed enterprise is clearly an idiot of the highest order.

June 19, 2018 9:26 am

The perfect beauty of the free market is that it is ever-changing, and ever-responsive to the demands of the CUSTOMER, not the business owner. So long as they kept the customers happy (nearly 5 years according to the story), and their investors, they stayed open. Once they failed to do that, they closed.

Compare that to ANYTHING controlled by the political realm, when monies are obtained via THEFT, force and violence are king, and the customer is whomever keeps the politicians happy and in power.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a vegan restaurant, or one that wants to pretend to operate in a “communist” fashion. The same holds true for folks wishing to live a “communal” lifestyle with others. To each his own (and that should always be the case if you actually believe in freedom). The problems only arise if everyone else is not allowed the freedom to patronize or NOT patronize, if contracts are not honored, or if the freedoms of others are violated in the process.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 19, 2018 4:25 pm

That could never happen in America (sarc).