Sarah Sanders, Red Hen, & Social Engineering By The State

Authored by Kurt Nimmo via Another Day In The Empire blog,

This will be seriously politically incorrect.

The management at Red Hen, the Virginia restaurant that booted Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has all the right in the world to deny service to any person it does not want patronizing its business.

It is illegal in many states to do this, especially based in skin color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it so.

Three jurisdictions forbid discrimination based on political affiliation – Washington DC, Seattle, and the Virgin Islands. 

According to the Law & Crime website, if “establishments in D.C. take a cue from [Red Hen], they could be held in violation of D.C. Code Section 2-1402.31, which bars discriminatory actions against people in whole or in part due to characteristics including race, religion, nationality, sex, age, and more, including political affiliation. Violations can result in punishments including court-ordered corrective action or monetary penalties.”

If you own a restaurant or any other “public accommodation” in DC, you cannot “discriminate” against people holding political opinions you disagree with. You are bound by law to serve Ku Klux Klan members and Antifa terrorists alike.

It was Thomas Jefferson who said the only moral commercial transaction is one truly voluntary on the part of the buyer and the seller. 

The ideas of Thomas Jefferson – principal author of the Declaration of Independence – went out of fashion many years ago. According to the Identity politics crowd, his wisdom is the wisdom of a privileged white slave owner.

The liberal social engineers busy at working destroying the Constitution believe the exercise of natural rights – the rights you are born with – permits racists, homophobes, and sexists to spread their poison throughout Hillary Clinton’s village. Natural rights are an excuse for privileged white heterosexual males to act deplorably.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot – a “privileged white” was denied service for the crime of working for the president of the United States – it will be interesting to see what the response is. 

For these folks, application of the law is predicated on “diversity.” It revolves around “protected groups” of people designated by the state, people said to have been oppressed for centuries by evil white slave owners and Indian killers.

According to the Identity crowd Trump is Hitler, a racist, a child abuser, a pervert who had sex with a porn star and soiled a bed Obama slept in. It is “justice”—as one tweeter put it—Sanders was denied service.  

The alt-right MAGA supporters want to punish the Red Hen for its behavior. MAGA tweets call for a boycott. This is certainly their right—unless the boycott target is Israel—but the effort is not likely to be effective. Democrats may respond by packing the restaurant every night with comrades from the rank and file of Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer’s Resistance.

In a more sane and rational world, every property owner would have the freedom to exercise the natural born right to deny service or goods to any person for any reason. When government steps in and tells you what you can and can’t do with your property, you are reduced to the status of a landless serf at the mercy of the state.

I’m afraid we’re at the point now where far too many Americans believe the state should be the final arbiter in personal matters. Decades of social engineering have resulted in a dumbed-down public, citizens that agree the state has the right to use violence against those who nonviolently resist its authority. 

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June 26, 2018 8:53 am

Libertarians believe the Red Hen has the right to deny service to anyone even protected classes. Libertarians also believe that lefties have the right to say what they want as long as they do not commit violence against another. This libertarian believes I have a right to call the Red Hen and express my opinion of their business. I also encourage thousands of others to call them as well. Freedom cuts both ways and the left had better remember that.

Ham Roid
Ham Roid
June 26, 2018 1:17 pm

I would love to see the garbage collection company, pest control company, or the refrigeration repair company that opposes douche-bag restaurateurs stop serving the Red Hen. Give the lib patrons the eating experience they truly deserve.

June 26, 2018 9:08 am

I can just imagine the shallow thinking going on at the hen house,
a bunch of has beens owners influenced by going nowhere staffers,
thinking that they will change the world, by hating the opposing side.

in the long run, this establishment will fail, because liberals only act on emotions, which come and go like the wind, and so will their clients, once a new distraction is created somewhere else.

June 26, 2018 9:16 am

Screw the damn dead hen and Lexington, VA for that matter…….

June 26, 2018 9:40 am

I bet the copfucks in many of these places are sweating pins and needles. Many times when one watches these videos where Marxist protesters are harassing Normals, the police are standing there and doing nothing. If this Marxist foolishness doesn’t stop NOW, one of these days someone is going to get tired of this harassment, and after a brief warning the shooting is going to start. What will the cops do then? They’ll shoot that person who probably warned everyone present that the shit was about to hit the fan. At that point, it will take only one such event for the copfucks to be deemed the enemy along with the commies.
The line of logic in my neck of the woods is that if you’re among a group of people who are communicating that they are going to fuck you up, the first ones who get ventilated are the ones who are known to probably have guns, then the rest. That will be the situation of the copfucks if this harassment protesting in public doesn’t stop now.

June 26, 2018 1:14 pm

The scenario you describe will lead to the cops avoiding the danger and standing off a bit. That’s when things will get sporty.

June 26, 2018 10:46 am

The left needs to remember that what goes around comes around.

June 26, 2018 11:17 am

The hypocrisy of the left is mind boggling. They apparently have no principles or logic behind anything they say or do. They are 100% emotionally driven creatures.

They were against the rights of business owners to choose to not serve potential customers a few weeks ago, but now they applaud it.

They are against bullying, but also for it.

They claim to stand for tolerance while being the most intolerant themselves.

They claim to stand for equality while promoting discrimination.

They claim to be pro-science, but insist all people are equal.

They claim that diversity makes us strong and more diversity is better, but they claim we are all equal.

They claim to be against violence while insisting the state commits more of it.

These people live with their heads in the sand pretending that the world works like they imaging it does I guess. They are truly obliviots and seemingly do not even recognize their own inconsistencies or lack of reason.

June 26, 2018 11:50 am

Red Hen can go suck on Black Cock.

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June 26, 2018 12:05 pm

No one gives a crap if the Red Hen wants to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason. It’s the fashion in which it was done that is in question in my mind. The family was seated got waited on and was allowed to order dinner. The time to refuse service has passed into just being an asshole range now, and that is where the Red Hen chose to go.

There is no need to organize a boycott, it is so publicly known now that only the anti-MAGA crowd and idiots will go there now. Let’s move on to real issues.

June 26, 2018 12:26 pm


It’s a 60 second video. There is currently a traffic jam going on in China …. entering the NINTH DAY ……. and it’s 60 MILES long, bumper to bumper standstill.

Just trying to cheer up Admin and other folk here who THINK they have a long commute!! lol

June 26, 2018 12:35 pm

It funny to see muppet morans jumping and leaping on cue. The plutocrat PR porker took her feedbag to yet another restaurant to polish off 3 or 4 more farm animals. You can really work up an appetite lying to the press.

middle-aged mad gnome
middle-aged mad gnome
June 26, 2018 6:39 pm

It seems easy to lose sight of the big picture. The problem isn’t that the Red Hen people elected to harass Sarah Sanders. The problem is that the libs insist that there are two sets of rules – one of for them and another for everybody else. I don’t think Normies will stand for that for much longer. What happens when the Normies begin hunting down the libs, their friends and even their children? Me thinks the Libs should consider that a little more carefully.