Waiting for John Brown

Guest Post by Southern Sage

John Brown, John Steuart Curry (American, Dunavant, Kansas 1897–1946 Madison, Wisconsin), Oil on canvas

I just read the article by Kurt on TBP regarding the inevitability of leftist violence, and the likely end result.  I had this one finished before I did.  Draw your own conclusions.

Beginning at least since the election of Obama and growing with incredible intensity since the election of Donald Trump, observers across the political spectrum have recorded the ever-worsening internal political situation in the United States.  It has now become obvious to all but the most obtuse and clueless pundits that our country is approaching a great and terrible watershed.  It is in the nature of such things that nobody can predict where, when or how the final explosion will come but it is beyond any reasonable question that it will.

The population is hopelessly divided into two nearly equal parts (though I am inclined to believe that our side is far larger than the enemy press wishes to admit).  There is now no realistic chance of “compromise”, meeting each other halfway, or some loaves and fishes’ miracle that will bring about a “moderate” solution to this division.  Idiots like David Gergen or French at the National Review or Jonah Goldberg spout gibberish about “conservatism”.  Radical leftists completely dominate the Democratic Party.  Trump’s supporters remain solid and are increasingly enraged by the words and tactics of the left.  Those who still see themselves in the “center” look more ridiculous and cowardly every day.

Added to this is a vile conspiracy promoted by the Democrats and anti-white Zionist Jews (often one and the same) to displace the core population of our country with a flood of foreign helots.  This sinister plot, initiated with the 1965 immigration law and expanded in recent years by outright illegality on the part of Obama and others, is well advanced.  History does not record any instance of such a situation failing to bring about war or at least mass violence.

The election of Donald Trump was unexpected by also a natural result of the deteriorating situation.  Millions of Americans sensed that the country was spinning out of control or worse, was in the hands of actual Domestic Enemies.  Nothing they have seen since November 2016 has given them any reason for comfort.

Trump is by any measure a remarkable man, love him or loath him.  It is unlikely that any other public figure in America could have stood up to the barrage of hatred, lies, sabotage, illegal partisan attacks, judicial treason, and criminal subversion that has been launched against his administration.  His enormous ego, combative nature, vindictiveness, high intelligence and, let us admit, willingness to get down in the mud, have baffled the leftists and his own spineless Republican Party.  If it is not obvious to you now, let me clue you in.  Forget about Mueller, forget about the shrieking of Maxine Waters, forget about George Clooney, Tom Arnold, and Robert De Niro.  Trump is not going anywhere.  If he leaves the White House before his term is up it will be feet first and toes up, and a hell of a lot of his enemies will be in the same condition.  It is my personal opinion that Trump has already made up his mind that the forces ranged against him are, in fact, the Domestic Enemies named in the Constitution, he considers their efforts to bring him down subversion and treason, and he will respond to their pettifogging nonsense with force should it come to that.  Use your head.  Do you really think Trump is not fully informed regarding the grossly criminal activities of those who would bring him down?  Damn right he is.  I can tell you right now that the worker bees in the intelligence and law enforcement communities have long ago made sure he has enough evidence in his hands to send each and every one of these political vipers to Gitmo, if not directly to hell.

He is, needless to say, a devious person and has no intention of letting his enemies, the enemies of the American people, goad him into a rash or reckless act.  He will bide his time, strengthen his hold on the levers of government day by day, and wait for the Democrats and their leftist allies to walk into a trap.  Trump knows that a showdown is coming and he plans to make sure he wins the shoot-out.

I believe that the Republicans will hold both houses of Congress in November and may possibly increase the number of seats they hold in the Senate.  This may finally drive the leftists over the edge.  Wars start when one side is either so desperate that they fell there is no other way out or because one side or both underestimates the power or determination of their enemies.  The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was the first, an act of national desperation.  The American Civil War was an example of the latter, with Southerners sneering that they could each a dozen Yankees and the Yankees not taking the South seriously, seeing Southerners as a bunch of lazy drunks and slave drivers.  Both sides would soon learn how terribly wrong they were.

In the current instance the leftists have clearly overestimated their numbers, the willingness of their putative “allies” to launch a war against this country’s majority.  [Note: blacks and so-called “Hispanics”, neither group is stupid enough to follow a gang of sleazy Democrat politicians, mincing queers and leftist lunatics into battle.  This is especially true of so-called “Hispanics”, who have little in common with each other beyond a language and some vague cultural ties – many are ordinary middle-class Americans] and, especially, the anger and determination on our side.  They also leave out the detail that our side is heavily armed, the military and law enforcement are in general supportive of traditional America, and, with Trump in the White House, if the leftists start a war we will have lawful authority on our side.  Trump, like Lincoln at Fort Sumter, will wait for the left to strike the first real blow.  And they will do it, too.  They are that deranged.

I recently read two books relevant to our situation and have for years studied the Spanish Civil War, a conflict which should be of interest to any American who wants to know how civil wars erupt.

The two books are Division and Reunion:  America 1848-1877, by Ludwell H. Johnson, and Scars of Independence, by Holger Hoock.  The latter is a study of violence in the lead up to and the beginning of   the supposedly dignified and rather picturesque American Revolution.  Accurate books on the Spanish Civil War are hard to find as most of the histories are written by liberals or leftists.  There are several on the International Brigades, the Communist-organized units of foreign volunteers who fought against the Nationalists.  These and a few others will tell you what really happened.

The bottom line is this.  Civil wars start when political polarization reaches the point when the two sides are so far apart that they can no longer talk the same political language and their goals, beliefs, and economic interests have deviated so much that the country’s political system is essentially paralyzed.  In most case well-meaning people cry out for moderation, reasoning and understanding, not grasping that the train has left the station.

Political paralysis is followed by an ever-increasing battle of words in which the other side is demonized.  In our case the other side really is under what we might call a form of demonic possession.  Leftists really are evil people driven by hate, resentment, greed, a hunger for power, and delusions of superiority – intellectual and moral.

In all three cases noted above the language of politics descended into rage and a thirst for violent action against the enemy.  In the case of the American Revolution the Patriots slowly ratcheted up the measures they took against the Tories (now politely called “Loyalists” by most historians)  In the end, after tarring and feathering, whippings, seizure of property and exile, the Patriots simply told the Tories they could leave or be hanged.

The years before the Civil War saw a rising tide of hatred between the regions, each eventually seeing the other as a threat to their very existence.   Wild charges and counter-charges were made, every ugly name and slur in the book was employed and, finally, there was no more reason to talk.

In the Spanish Civil War leftists (as crazy, violent, and sinister as any we have, and indeed with similar ideas) eroded the fragile Spanish republic, intimidated and murdered political opponents, refused to obey the law, and openly dared the conservative forces in the country to fight.  They made absolutely no secret of their intention to turn Spain into a Marxist dictatorship, with a predictable fact for their enemies, such as Catholics, the military, the middle and upper classes, and anybody else who did not buy their program.  The idea peddled by liberal historians that General Franco flew off the handle and mounted a criminal and treasonous assault on “Spanish democracy” is utter rubbish.  Franco quite properly intervened to prevent a violent and irreversible leftist seizure of power.  There are moments in history when men have to make hard choices.  Clinging to the “law” in such cases is cowardice.  You have to do what you know is right.  Franco did.

What Franco also did is win his war against the Reds and severely punish those responsible for bringing this catastrophe upon his country.   There was no “reconciliation” without punishment and repentance.

The same chain of events occurred in the American Revolution and the Civil War and in both cases “law and order” broke down and was replaced by another law and order.

But there is one additional ingredient in the witches’ brew that brings civil war.  I call it the John Brown Moment.  There is a spark, an incident, an event that finally clarifies everything and makes both sides understanding that there is no stepping back from the brink.

In the American Revolution the skirmishes on Lexington green and in Concord provided that spark.  In the Spanish Civil War, it was the murder by members of a leftist-dominated police force of a prominent conservative politician.  In the Civil War it was the raid by John Brown, an Abolitionist fanatic, on the Federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia.

Typically, the incidents in and of themselves are almost trivial compared to what comes after.  In the case of John Brown, the murdering, brave old fool tried to cause a slave uprising.  No Virginia slaves wanted anything to do with this “uprising” and the first man Brown and his gang killed was a free black man working for the railroad.  His “war” ended in further bloodshed and, for Brown, a hanging.  It should be said that even Southerners were impressed by his determination and courage.


They were even more impressed by the revelation that several wealthy, prominent Northerners, later to be known as “The Secret Six”, had financed Brown.  The knowledge that respected members of the New England intellectual class had actually donated money to fund a slave revolt stunned the South.  To oppose slavery was one thing.  To arm slaves to murder their fellow whites in the night, men, women and children, was the offense that finally erased the lingering ties of affection between the two sections of the country.  The Nat Turner revolt and the Haitian slave revolt were not distant and hazy tales.  They were horrifying events well within living memory.  The fact that large bodies of opinion in the North apparently considered Brown a martyr of sorts, or even a saint, merely hardened the blow.  War between North and South would follow soon enough.

It is clear enough that many of the readers of TBP scoff at the possibility of another civil war or a similar outbreak of domestic violence.  They believe such concerns are overblown and our situation is unlikely to reach such a boiling point.  They point, correctly, to the much greater ability of the current government to handle political violence compared to the meager resources available in earlier times.  I hope they are right.  Nobody should wish for any kind of civil conflict.

Mr. Vodka insists that I am poorly read, small-thinking and lacking in discernment, incapable of seeing the Big Picture.  16 folks agree with him.  Good for them.  I am reminded of the “sea lawyers” in the platoon of Marines I commanded.  There were always one or two who would assure their fellow Marines that an officer’s authority was not nearly as broad as it was made out to be.  Those butter bars were just all hot air.  I had some amusing conversations when I visited the people who listened to them.  Of course, it was in the brig……….

We will see who is right.

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June 27, 2018 11:51 am

When I read your article I got this sinking feeling in that place I know and trust, my testicles. I hope you are wrong brother but my visceral instinct says your right. Carry on Marine.

June 27, 2018 11:58 am

I hope to God it isn’t a civil war. That’s a fight over who gets to rule the other. I don’t want to be ruled by either side. Hopefully common sense will ultimately prevail and instead of turning to conflict and slaughter we turn to divorce-separation. The Articles of Confederation had it mostly right-a group of sovereign states held together by a simple voluntary agreement linking the various groups together in areas of commonality (defense, roads, air routes, etc). We were taught that it was abandoned for the constitution-which has failed miserably-because it brought ‘chaos’. Right and look what ‘order’ brought us.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 27, 2018 5:37 pm

The Constitution worked fine until it was discarded (for the War Between the States), revived but diluted after that, strategically bypassed in 1913 and basically watered down to nothingness by the Feds ever since. Major weaknesses: (1) allowing government to implement both the income tax and IRS (with attendant principle of “withholding” before the payment of wages, preventing tax revolts before they can start), (2) standing army allowed / encouraged, (3) MIC foundation / growth, (4) three-letter agencies to spy on domestic opposition and plant false evidence (child porn, tax avoidance, whatever they think will stick) and (5) unlimited immigration.
Not sure it can be fixed / restored now; if it can, Jefferson said how, involving watering a tree of all things.

  james the deplorable wanderer
June 27, 2018 9:48 pm


  james the deplorable wanderer
June 28, 2018 2:17 am

You forgot the Federal Reserve Act, the mother of “weaknesses” you mentioned.

June 27, 2018 11:59 am

I’m 69 – lived through the Viet Nam era of protests. Yeah there was the Weather Underground / Symbolese Liberation Army (SLA) / Black Panthers / Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) / Abbie Hoffman – but all in all these people were just a pain-in-the-ass. In the end they didn’t amount to anything. Also, all the war protest groups had little or no affect.

What is unfathomable to me is that after absorbing 20,000,000 illegal Mexicans, there are Americans that don’t see anything wrong with the continued invasion.

Add to the mix, the Millenials (many of which still live at home) want socialism – so we can provide for them.

What is different from 1969 is the organization. These organizations are funded by Soros / Enemy States? / Non-Profits. The ‘protestors’ harassing members of Trump’s staff – this is all organized – these people don’t magically appear

What also is different – people had opinions – but they didn’t believe the first word they heard.

Lastly there is the congress. If they would have acted 20 years ago – we wouldn’t be in this mess. The congress, by not acting, is playing a real dangerous game. What the hell is bipartisan about stopping the invasion of our country?

June 27, 2018 12:35 pm

Right you are. We underestimate them at our own peril. I hope they underestimate us. This is a Zionist funded revolution and will ignite when they have paralized the govt. just a little more.
Kathy Griffin, Mad Maxine and their ilk will get the ball rolling with lots of cheap sleazy attacks like the 60’s & 70’s. Those fags still owe us a parade.

June 27, 2018 1:18 pm

By the record, it is “bipartison” to allow the invaders in.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
June 27, 2018 1:29 pm

I’m right there with you, Dutch. I am four months shy of 70 and lived through all of that, too. And, I think you are absolutely correct in the differences between then and now. At my age, I can endure whatever comes my way in what time I have left. I fear for our children.

  Texas Patriot
June 27, 2018 2:27 pm

I want to add – it was 50 years ago ( 1968) that all this shit started with protests about the Vietnam war. Which escalated to the liberal violence. Gives the Fourth Turning more creedence.

June 27, 2018 9:58 pm

With you Dutch!
Communism is Infancy.
Socialism is Toddlerhood.
As you said, … millenials … haven’t left MommyDaddy yet.

But, remember media chatter about those (mysterious) Outside Agitators?
They wouldn’t be C_A would they?

middle-aged mad gnome
middle-aged mad gnome
June 27, 2018 12:05 pm

The only thing really lacking right now is a legitimate leadership core at the low and mid-level for the “patriots”. Donald Trump is just one man. The Republicans as a group offer no leadership to the patriots. Local politicians are, for most part, wholly inept in terms of leadership. If and when this leadership void is filled, watch out. War will come in a hurry.

  middle-aged mad gnome
June 27, 2018 10:02 pm

As a legacy of the 30 years of the communitarian Bush / Clinton / Bush / Obomba regime?
Stick your head up and appear to be a leader – worry about keeping it. We are in a police state after all.

June 27, 2018 1:26 pm

I live in a small town that has – as of late – seen quite a number of city folk taking up residence here. The other day I was in the bakery having my morning cup o’ joe and a sweet roll, when a few of the recent transplants to the area sat down at the table across from me and began to hold court. The subject of the “deplorables” came up and a few of them began to bemoan having to share the town, as well as the country with us. One of them openly railed at all of the Trump stickers, as well as the “MAGA” hats she sees around town, that and the fact that she actually said, “I love this area, it’s the local people who need to go.”
Anyway a local Sheriff’s deputy walked in to grab a cup and while he was waiting on line, the subject turned to the harassing of Trump officials – how they approved of same, and would like to see it done to all of his supporters – and specifically what should be done in the event that actual violence breaks out. The harpy with the biggest mouth casually said, “I’m not worried, that’s why we have the deputy here, it’ll give him a chance to actually earn his money.”
Said deputy turned around and politely said, “Madam, if you actually believe for one second that I’m going to drop everything that I’m doing and rush to your aid after you and your friends here admitted that you’d like to see violence visited on folks who y’all happen to have political differences with and that it might get ugly for you? You are sadly mistaken.” They were in abject shock, every last one of them. The loudmouth finally said, “You have to come to our aid, you swore an oath to do so.” He laughed out loud and said, “Really? That’s quaint. I have a family at home, that’s where I’ll be, keeping a watch over them and keeping them safe. If you and your ilk are so worried about staying safe, maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to demand violence against those you disagree with, especially when you can’t take care of yourselves.”
The harpy – indignant about being given a dose of reality in front other people – immediately demanded the deputy’s name and stated she was going to file a complaint, citing that ha had no business chiming in on a “private” conversation. He wrote his name down, smiled, doffed his hat at the group and walked out.
I surmised from this encounter that there is one glaring thing about the folks on the unhinged left that they haven’t factored in when calling for violence – 1) They assume that folks like the military and the police will gladly do the heavy lifting for them. 2) They assume the ugliness is NEVER going to come knocking at their front door. Good luck with that!

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
June 27, 2018 1:32 pm

I hope you bought that deputy’s coffee. LOL!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 27, 2018 1:55 pm

Steve, do you squint your eyes and ask them “You aint from around here are ya?”

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
  Mary Christine
June 27, 2018 6:38 pm

Mary Christine,
Do I detect a Texas twang in your comment? Love it!!

June 27, 2018 5:10 pm

I agree with SS to a point – some of the Leftards could be defined as evil, and they occupy the leadership class of the movement. They are successful because of the group you describe, who are similar to many that I know personally. They are nice, good people who are pathetically ignorant and deluded. Often this is in spite of a respectful IQ. They do not understand the basic nature of the human animal nor how the world has really worked throughout its recorded history. They cheerfully believe that allowing complete freedom for every self-defined group could not possibly lead to any conflicts, and thus congratulate themselves because they are tolerant and loving.

The denial required for this belief system is truly astonishing and truly frightening because they are almost impossible to reason with. Logic has no influence so arguing is pointless. As others have explained, it is all is so irrational that I believe it can only be a manifestation of spiritual influence from the wrong realm. I am encouraged that their leaders are continually stymied in their attempts to further their agendas – Justice Kennedy threw another wrench into their machinery just today.

June 27, 2018 1:32 pm

The Spanish Civil War and the lead-up is an interesting subject. Don’t know if you read Spanish, but if you do, I believe you’d find José María Gironella’s four lead-up-war-aftermath novels of genuine interest, given the very balanced view they provide. The first, The Cypresses Believe in God (available in English) is the most on-topic here. I lived in Franco’s Spain, left, returned, lived there for 15 years total and was married to a Spaniard whose uncle was a Franco general, but was herself something of an artsy bourgeois liberal, gave me interesting perspectives.

You might also find the lead-up to the Argentine “Dirty War”, the “Proceso” (’74-’83) of considerable interest. Don’t think there are many books in English though. I’ve studied it quite closely and it’s beginning to seem to me to be even closer to the US present situation than was the Spanish Civil War, at least in certain respects.

Well-written piece. Kudos!

June 28, 2018 12:50 pm

Where is the US Francisco Franco?
I had once hope that the Spanish Civil War had some comparability to the current situation in the US. Time and further analysis convinces me that there is no parallel. In Spain there were strong institutions to lend support to both sides. There were some media who did not lobby for the left, there was a strong faction of the church that maintained traditional values, the education industry was not totally left Wing, the police state was not monolithically control by the Socialists and a substantial portion of the military was willing to fight under Franco’s leadership.
Today a Calvo Sostelo murder would be covered up, excused and lauded by FBI, ATFE, Homeland Security Police and CIA.
THE local police respond to the bi-weekly paycheck signers. In the 64-70 US the police were not on the side of the rioters and were restrained by politicians. Today these police side with the Antifa groups and there is hell to pay for a non leftist,e.g. the Bundy ranch, Ruby Ridge, Trump rallies in San Jose and Chicago.
It is not possible to identify a single institution in present day America that is not dominated and controlled by the Left. No Spanish scenario, no Lexington of 1775 (more like Lexington, Virginia of last Friday evening), and no 1861 resistance is possible in the surveillance state of th USSA.

June 27, 2018 1:57 pm

This may very well be one of the most prescient posts I’ve seen, since it covers many topics I’ve discussed with my very conservative neighbors I’ve come to know here in the “community.”

I always felt I was led to this piece of ground when I was searching for real estate with all the qualities Narnia ought to have. NOPIS (No other people in sight) and a retired US Marine guarding the alternate road in (the gravel access road leading to the Castor River, which is navigable.) Now that we have opened our gates to a few local farmers to bale our hay and “reclaim” our land for us in the name of all that is good and great about living in a country community, I completely and totally get it that all politics is local.

It starts with the planting of a family in a spot where the man and the woman can tend, fend and mend a family. Then, someone else wants what they got and you need some other entity, a political figure of sorts, to sort out who can steal what from who. Around here, it is all about the hayfields and grazing rights. I got goats, so we will be clearing brush in wooded areas, where the deer and the antelope play. Hopefully, we will be able to feed a few of you yahoos as you straggle by, to and from your rehabilitation and retraining camps. If you know about my little goat named Stucky when you come to the gate, I just might let you in. I might. Nick won’t.

By the way, this is a baby copperhead. Looks like a nightcrawler and is colored quite a bit like them. They are found in little nests under boards, around rock outcroppings and anywhere a bunch of bugs and earthworms gather to feed… like under a bunny hutch. I wear gloves, so this one got squished and I look carefully for them now. Nasty little serpents, copperheads.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Note the dark “copper” head. This little snake is maybe five inches long and except for the diamond head and pointed tail, it looks just like an earthworm. This was living under a pile of rabbit pellets which had dried and formed a kind of shelter for them. These tiny ones are deadly creatures to kids because they will strike and bit again and again and again until they run out of poison. What seems like a rash or a bad series of bug bites can turn deadly quick.

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Edit: For size comparison, beside the tail, on the right, is a bunny pellet (poo ball) and it is about the size of the nail on my pinky finger. The little sprout on the far left may have been the size of my thumb then. Anyway, I have some nightcrawlers in my garden that are this big, so it would be easy to get bitten if you didn’t know what to look for around here. Creepy, huh?

June 27, 2018 3:31 pm

What if a familiar face wanders up to the gate, recognized from small, grainy pictures you have, and said wanderer comes in peace, bearing gifts and talents, and work ethics, amongst his travel bag of valuables near the Ozarks one day? One who would almost certainly have some means to scrub soapy clean with a harmless paper towel, hmm?

You might just be like the black woman in “The Stand”, that all the good willed survivors are magically drawn to, from across the country, as the kind soul who welcomes those that begin to band, post apocalypse.
FWIW, that book is way better than the movie. Stephen King fiction, read 30 years ago. Left some lasting impressions on this guy.
The dark side gathers, too. If I remember right, drawn toward some creepy dude named Randall Flagg? Among them is an evil doer named Trashcan Man, I think.
Maybe other monkeys can add to my memories of the book.

Post more often, M. I’m intrigued, and like your updates.
~ a friend

June 27, 2018 7:54 pm

The Stand book was enthralling……….

June 27, 2018 5:13 pm

Yeah they kind of remind me of some people in the news.

June 27, 2018 11:59 pm

Why is it I think the goat named Stucky is just going to haul off and butt me straight in the nuts?

June 28, 2018 10:22 am


I tried to ignore some of the more unsavory aspects in your post. Specifically, your unfortunate decision to name a goat “Stucky”.

I supposed I should feel honored. But, how is a goat like me? They are ugly as shit when they get old (I am most handsome), they are dumb as a box of sand (I am most brilliant), and they eat any and all shit put in front of them (which I used to do when married to my ex-wife).

You do know that sexually speaking, that I am a Monster Stud. You should consider naming your studliest rabbit after me … just promise me you won’t cut off his nuts.

On the other hand … goat ….. greatest of all time. Yeah, that fits.

June 28, 2018 11:20 am


Last year while digging in my garden I encountered a nice-sized earthworm. I decided to study him for a minute so I picked him up to do so and was astonished to see two pinpoint eyes staring back at me. My mind quickly reviewed earthworm dissection in h.s. biology, and I was certain no earthworm has eyes, but there they were. I gently replaced him in his soil home and summoned a search engine to find out why this earthworm had eyes. What I learned is there is a creature called “earthworm snake.” They are tiny snakes that like to hang out in regularly watered environments and spend their time under the soil and look just like larger earthworms. You may encounter one of these harmless guys sometime.

June 28, 2018 11:24 am

A tiny snake with eyes? Sounds like a trouser snake. bb has one.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 27, 2018 2:06 pm

I suck at posting images. But I think you need this with your post.


  Mary Christine
June 27, 2018 2:12 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

I right click on the image and it offers me a location for the image. Sometimes they work here and sometimes not.

In case not? Here is a picture of little Stucky goat this morning. In an update, I managed to tug on the nanny goat’s udder yesterday and she gave me a look like “What the Hell?” and ran off. I am making her peanut butter and sweet feed wraps (the nanny goat LOVES tortillas dontcha know?) and today I will be feeding her little treats and trying to rub udder butter on her teats. Is that how it is done, boys? Do you want a video?

[imgcomment image?_nc_cat=0&oh=e0b5db45e7310e1ac4dd33664424b8b4&oe=5BE9E644[/img]

And the three-legged white rabbit who was living at the edge of the woods was killed by El Coyote two nights ago. I burned the carcass and am trying to round up the other escapees.

June 27, 2018 2:20 pm

Hey, MC… check out my new fancy washing machine and dryer set! In my cozy little basement musiclaundratorium. I was reading the instructions to avoid violating the “no nipple” rule. The basement is cold and when I walk in from working outside, well, you know… rules are rules.

[imgcomment image[/img]

June 28, 2018 9:09 am

I’m a Speed Queen bigot, Maggie. I hate the HE machines. Clothes never get clean to my satisfaction.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 27, 2018 2:35 pm

Yeah, I tried that, Maggie. It didn’t work for me. I see admin fixed it.

See, SS? It’s perfect for your essay.

June 27, 2018 7:04 pm

Also located on the first Kansas album cover. Leftoverture is still one of the greatest rock albums ever made.

Miracles out of Nowhere

June 27, 2018 2:37 pm

Unfortunately, I believe the civil war has already begun; it just hasn’t “gone hot” yet. I concur with your belief that it’s going to be some seemingly trivial event that’s going to tip the scales for good. This isn’t going to be a “nice, neat civil war,” with a convenient Mason-Dixon Line. This will be a mad free-for-all, fought within states, within towns, and even within households.
…Stand by for heavy rolls as the ship comes about…

June 27, 2018 3:35 pm

Damn good post. I agree that things will be getting squirrely sooner rather than later, so keep your powder dry. It would seem to me that you Sage are well read and provided good details, so thanks.

Not Sure
Not Sure
June 27, 2018 3:56 pm

Thanks for providing civil war from 3 perspectives, I saw a little of where we are going in each one. Your article and the following comments have gotten me a little uneasy, as it seems only one John Brown will be needed to light things up; and with the Soros money that is out there, I’m sure there are another “Silent Six” lurking out there looking for action.

I’m nervous as, I have learned enough to know that things will never go as I envisioned and as such, I and my family will probably be out there scrapping for essentials, with maybe a 2 week head start from the rest of the refugees.

The most glaring clue I see is the liberal agenda is non existent, with hating Trump the only rallying cry they have to go on. This may have worked if they were able to have accomplished their goal in a few months, but today, it looks like Trump is here to stay and the impeach voices just sound silly now.

November is coming and if they will try to save face and not be voted out of existence, they will have to engage way before them. Just as a final thought, on Twitter there is a growing number of #walk away posts of liberals waking up and moving to the warm and accepting right that they were told to fear.

Forget the popcorn, watch and pray.

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
June 27, 2018 4:13 pm

A reminder to California Patriots: Saturday, June 30th is the last day you can purchase ammunition without having to present identification. As the psychotic door gunner in Full Metal Jacket said:

“Get Some”.

  whiskey tango foxtrot
June 28, 2018 10:14 am

Go to Arizona or Nevada.

June 27, 2018 6:02 pm

Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this piece, Southern, and to thank you for all of your posts.

I call the Sea-Lawyers in my life “Trolling Motors” because they sound like this: “but…, but…, but…, but…, but…, but…,”; even after they know I have their buts covered.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
June 27, 2018 6:02 pm

The communist will not change (esp their ultimate goals) and I have no desire to take, hold, feed and try to retrain any of them as prisoners. I do worry about good people still living in or near Black areas because I am sure Blacks are well armed and dangerous. The Country areas by the Grace of God will survive. If my sentiments are common among White males, and I think they are, the conflict will not last as long as the timid fear.

June 27, 2018 9:38 pm

Southern Sage:

Please realize that my comment WAS NOT DIRECTED AT YOU. It was a “reply” to the low IQ Plato-something. Thus the indentation, slightly to the right and directly below his comment.

Fuck it, I give up. I’m pouring a triple tonight.

To plagiarize Admin: “The stupid, it burns”.

June 27, 2018 11:32 pm

I have been convinced Civil War is inevitable for years…hope I’m wrong.

Bullet Proof ME Body Armor

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
June 27, 2018 11:42 pm

While there are some liberals in the military, most are not. LEO’s are a much more mixed bag with big city PD’s very likely willing to go along “illegal orders” gun confiscation, roundups, looking the other way for the “rebels” etc. Sheriffs being elected and representing suburban and rural areas are much less likely and can serve as a rallying point for the militia.

Technology like all wars will be a big factor, though the first thing patriots will do is cut off the water and power to major cities and with any luck cut all rail and road links as well. That will cause gigantic problems for the Commie rats in Chicago, NY, LA, Atlanta, San Fran, Sacramento etc. Good luck if you live in a city. Selco has some great stuff on living in a city during the Bosnia civil wars.

I think the left will hurt/kill some folks in a John Brown event, with Soros et al funding them. With any luck, Trump can use loyal troops and Federal Marshalls to arrest them and stop the war in its tracks. If Trump is taken out or the event is large enough…….or the Deep State prevents the immediate cauterization of the conflict……there will be no stopping it and we go full Bosnia X’s Rwanda.

Deep State elements could also release a bioweapon, a very serious one that takes out 100M and then launch a coup in the ensuing chaos. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail.

Don’t underestimate the use of technology for good or ill and by both sides.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 27, 2018 11:46 pm

SS, your writing is good. Your knowledge is impressive. Your skin is thin. Right now you might be a bit raw for the grating you get here but most people like what you offer, including Vodka.

Don’t take offense.

June 28, 2018 12:47 am

I can’t wait to see them fail. Once it’s over, we’ll have to hunt them down. I’ve been reading lately about how many communist traitors in the US in the 1930s and 1940s were originally fighters and supporters of the Reds in Spain.
Did you know even Ernest Hemingway was a Soviet source? As a writer, of course, he had no direct access to secrets, but he did have a lot of connections and he was friendly to the communist movement. Moscow even issued him the codename, Argo, and gave him a password for recognition during his 1941 trip (via Russia) to China. The only reason why he wasn’t further developed as a source was Moscow’s belief he was a Trotskyite. CPUSA didn’t like his portrayal of communists in his writing, either, but he was a fellow traveler.
Whatever leftist apparatus survives the war they intend to start, it will have to be tracked and chased down and its supporters banished from public life, and probably private life, as well. There should be no place for them here after this is over, aside from banishment, never to return.

June 28, 2018 7:06 am

I’m sorry but they will have to be killed if not they will just keep making nasty. At no time must a Commie be trusted ever.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
June 28, 2018 5:25 am

Does anyone trust the other than Marines military?
Do you trust the FBI? The Dept of in-Justice?
Other than some County Sheriffs, do you trust local police, State Police or Homeland Security, never mind TSA…

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
June 28, 2018 11:45 am


Very good points!

I don’t have to know them to understand what they are capable of.
Christopher Browning put together a historically accurate retelling of the Police Battalion of the 101st in Poland through court briefs of the Nuremberg trials and primary source diary entries…

I highly recommend it!

Here is a detailed summary of it

June 29, 2018 10:16 pm

Read that back in college. Great book.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 28, 2018 6:03 am

Our local library has a book discussion series I attend and at the last one we had to choose the next book so I suggested Cloudsplitter by Russell Banks- it’s a fictional/autobiography of John Brown. They all agreed because Banks is from a couple of towns over, but my real reason was where the talk will lead considering where we are in the Fourth Turning. Most of the people who attend are super lib women and I know they are really into this resistance thing. I do a pretty good aw shucks routine, but I always have the material down cold and bring them around on key points without a lot of push back.

Brown wasn’t just the guy who raided Harper’s ferry, he was Bloody Kansas for those who know that story. Sort of an psychopathic, hyper-religious Antifa of his day.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 28, 2018 9:32 am

The story of Kansas becoming a free State is interesting. There was quite a bit of outside interference to push it into being brought in as a free State. People were “bussed in” so to speak. At one point there were two territorial governors.
Missourians crossed the river to vote in territory elections.
Quantrill was the Missouri response to John Brown.

June 28, 2018 9:58 am

I wonder what the drop-dead date is for legal action/indictments against the Deep State traitors and politicians. On one hand, it can’t be too soon or memory-challenged voters will have forgotten by the mid-term elections. On the other hand, it can’t be too late because that’s a big ball to get rolling to achieve maximum effect. Perhaps end of July?

If nothing happens by August, a lot of conservatives will lose faith.

June 28, 2018 10:18 am

August is way to soon. We are living in 1856.

June 28, 2018 11:55 am

I think we are already in the simmering stage of a new civil war. I believe patriots will prevail, and a restoration of the Republic can occur.

I believe that Trump, and those who recruited him, specifically Rogers, Flynn, and other generals had a plan in mind that dovetailed with Trump’s economic agenda. Then Sen. Sessions added the legal and political components to make it more palatable, though more slowly, to avoid the necessity of an out and out coup, with the hopes of avoiding widescale bloodshed.

I still believe we will see some violence in major urban centers, where radicalism of the Left is endemic. But it will be relatively short-lived, as it will be treated as an insurrection, and those areas will be cordoned off and placed under siege. Water, sewer, electrical, and technology will all be disabled, not to mention no truckloads of food coming in every night.

The criminal activity will be publicly dealt with in the courts and military tribunals for treason offenses, and proven beyond doubt, even to those who were politically sympathetic. So genuine education will need to be done, so that these folks understand how they got so far off course. Yes, this will be convulsive, but will largely be accomplished by the end of Trump’s second term.

June 28, 2018 12:04 pm

I’ve been watching this come over the past two years…thank goodness I’m fleeing one of the liberal hubs and returning to the land of the Normals again. Not a moment too soon, I think. The people out here are truly becoming frighteningly radical and illogical. If violent civil war does break out, I would guess it will happen by next year. If there is in fact no blue wave in November, I think that will be the final straw for them. And meanwhile, the media relentlessly whips them into a frenzy each and every day…pushing them further and further to the brink.

June 28, 2018 1:24 pm

Southern ,keep up the good work and writing.By the way Sage means ” one who knows ” and I believe you do.