There Will Be Blood

Guest Post by The Zman

In a healthy and orderly society, the ruling class maintains a set of rules for arbitrating disputes, allocating power and disciplining transgressors. The rules governing the ruling class are intended to defend the ruling class from internal threats, as well as external ones. On the one hand, the rules make sure that people entering the ruling elite are the sort who will improve and defend the system that preserves the ruling class. It also protects those new members, by giving them an orderly path up through the hierarchy.

Imagine if it was OK in the Senate for a back bencher to murder his rivals in order to gain a senior position in the Senate. That could be tempting to an upstart, but then again, killing off newcomers would suddenly make sense for those already in power. Having rules against murdering rivals protects all concerned, and by extension, the ruling class as a while. An orderly system of distributing power and promoting new people up the hierarchy encourages everyone in the ruling class to defend the ruling class system.

It’s why we always see so-called conservatives, for example, rushing to the nearest microphone to disavow challenges from their right. They always frame it is a choice between reasonable compromise versus unreasonable extremism. Their calls for civility are essentially a defense of the current order. The rules work for them, as it allows them to enjoy a one percent lifestyle as the in-house opposition to the Left. While not as gratuitous, Progressives will also call for civility when they sense a threat from their Left.

That’s what makes the debate on the Left about tactics, interesting to anyone on this side of the great divide. From the perspective of dissidents, politics is a spectator sport. There is no one speaking for our issues in the halls of power. Immigration patriots, race realists, populists and nationalists are all excluded from the political debate. On the other hand, the most radical Progressive crazies get at least an audience with the people in charge. This Atlantic piece gives a little hint that maybe the moderate middle is about to collapse.

American politics is today a brutal boxing match of harassing confrontations. The disagreements renew two enduring questions: one philosophical, one historical. Is political harassment civil? And do the ugly political confrontations signal a sharp departure, or have they always existed in the United States of America?

Moderates in both major political parties have long argued no on both fronts. Their political brand is unity. They pursue the absence of tension. That has meant avoiding confrontations through building political bridges high above the audible river of children crying in detention facilities, in police cars and cells, in abandoned schools, in abuse-infested homes, in rat-infested apartments, in searches for incarcerated and deported parents, in funeral homes over closed caskets, in plantation shacks after their first whipping, and in slave auctions fearing their new harassers.

These political moderates classify as uncivil those, like Donald Trump, who would toss children into those crying spaces. They classify as uncivil those, like Maxine Waters, who run down into those crying spaces and call for the all-out harassment of the harassers. They look down on both the Trumps and the Waters’ from the heights of their self-styled civility. They look down on those crying children—and their comatose or raging defenders—and counsel patience, preaching a religious belief in the American political process.

Now, you have to put aside the fact that the author of that piece is a ridiculous person with a fake name. His lack of authenticity is part of the act that gets him a place in the prevailing orthodoxy. The angry black man routine allows him to play the part of house anti-white among the ruling class Progressives. If he had stuck with his birth name, he would be forced to play a different role, as no one is going to take seriously a guy playing the Malcolm X part with the name “Mister Rogers” and sporting a cardigan.

What matters is his argument that justice requires the just to be uncivil, by which he means overthrowing the rules. After all, incivility is by definition the rejection of the rules of discourse. Radicals have always been attracted to this formulation, as they always imagine themselves as the righteous underdog fighting the powerful system. In the last century, this was at least plausible, if not entirely accurate. Communist revolutionaries wanted a new system. The New Left was in revolt against the previous generation.

Today, the Progressives are in total control of American life. If you doubt this, name a left-wing web site that has been banned from the internet. The terrorist group Antifa is allowed to operate on Twitter and Facebook. Post FBI crime stats on social media and you risk being doxxed by a Huffington Post writer and losing your job. In other words, the people in total control of the system are now losing faith in the system, because they don’t think it is effective enough at crushing their enemies. Ibram X. Kendi wants more blood.

This is not surprising. From Robespierre through Marxism, into the multiculturalism of today, the Left has always been a spiritual cause, because all of their schemes require a certain type of person, a certain moral understanding. Ultimately what is required for their society to work is a certain moral order that can only be imposed. As Progressivism has curdled into an anti-white ascendancy, it means erasing all traces of whiteness, which is going to mean erasing white people. You can’t do that and remain civil.

What we are seeing is that the anti-white ascendancy that was birthed by cultural Marxism, brings with it the same defects as Marxism. That is, it lacks a limiting principle, so it inevitably proceeds to the most extreme expression of its core beliefs. There was no end to radical intolerance in 20th century Marxism. There will be no end to the racial blood-lust by anti-white radicals. It is why anti-whites are offended by calls to civility. The inevitable end point of their ideology is unrestrained vengeance against whites.

A dozen years ago, Mark Steyn made the point that the history of ruling elites reforming themselves is not very encouraging. That was in the context of immigration. All these years on and we see that our ruling classes have done nothing to stem the flood of migrants into the West. Therefore, it is hard to imagine them standing up to the anti-white radicals they have cultivated the last few decades. Guys like Ibram X. Kendi exist to hate whitey and they will not be restrained by calls for civility or compromise.

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July 1, 2018 3:05 pm

“They will not be restrained by calls for civility or compromise.”

Good,lets get it all out in the open,the truth from all citizens and how they feel/what their desires are ect.,sooner this is done the sooner we can move on to the next stage what ever it may be.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 1, 2018 3:06 pm

We have received No Quarter from liberals for over 55 years and we shall return No Quarter to liberals ever.

July 1, 2018 3:52 pm

In order to speed up the fall of Russia and get them out of the war and Germany out of a two front war, the German government delivered up Lenin (and some gold) to Russia in his sealed up train. It worked but it worked in the same way that setting the apartment next to you on fire will cause your noisy neighbors to move. Everything is just fine until that fire burns your home down too as the Germans were immediately to learn.

The Democrats are lighting fires everywhere thinking it impossible to spread to their mansions but this New York primary that took out a potential future Speaker of the House is a perfect example of how things can go wrong. You can’t scream that white people have to STFU and then be surprised when your white guy Representative doesn’t get re-elected.

No up and coming white guy politician to include Bezos or Zuckerberg has any chance in the Democratic party. It is now the party of BLM, angry lesbians, fringe feminists, Muslims and communists. No one else need apply.

July 1, 2018 6:31 pm

We Are The World is kind of collapsing under its own weight, eh? Still don’t think Trump is the man? He’s working out better than any of you nitwits could have imagined.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 1, 2018 7:43 pm

Any white guys who want to remain viable candidates in the democrat party are going to have to turn gay. That may not be enough, so they might have to have their legs cut off or something. Finding some Cherokee heritage never hurts.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 2, 2018 12:12 am

On it’s current trajectory the US will eventually end up like Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.

July 1, 2018 6:14 pm

The democrat party is the party of every deviant type including homosexuals, pedophiles, cross-dressers and trannies, criminals and illegal immigrants (who the democRATS want to extend the vote to) in order to assure democrat electoral victories.
The “fly in the ointment” is the white heterosexual males who “pay the bills” and make the country function.

July 1, 2018 6:53 pm

Feel good video of the day. See Antifa run:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 1, 2018 7:49 pm

This Antifa scum got knocked out cold

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 1, 2018 8:40 pm

Another one of those farming analogies.

A long time ago before it ever occurred to me where beef actually came from I was in a plane that came in to land over a feed lot- a CAFO in big Ag terms. You could smell the stink of manure in the plane from 1,500 feet.

That’s modern society in a nutshell. People are just units- consumers/voters/refugees/users- whatever dehumanizing sound byte they are using to describe blocks of humans that can be used for political/economic gain by the controllers, the human ranchers who lord over us.

It ISN’T healthy, it’s anti-life, unnatural, dystopian, toxic, and terminal.

Now go have a look at a well run farm with livestock that are cared for and rotated through pastures, animals that follow their nature. Sure they are kept in by fences along the periphery of the farm, as much to protect them as to keep them in, like borders or laws in a well ordered society. If they have someone to look over them, to care for them and see to their welfare, to provide husbandry in a sensible and organic fashion their lives are far better than those thousands of head forced into close confinement, up to their bellies in a slurry of manure, breathing urea and being fed a cocktail of antibiotics lest they die before the slaughter.

In the end we all die, no escape is possible, but nothing makes the passage between our arrival and departure more acceptable and comforting than to live according to our nature, watched over by benevolent leaders who have our best interests at heart, not a corporate bottom line or a politically expedient outcome translated into nothing more than votes or dollars.

There will be blood, either way we do this, hopefully it allows us a return to a better way of life than the one we’ve adapted ourselves too, cheek to jowl with our hostile neighbors, knee deep in our own waste, headed to the abattoir.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 2, 2018 1:19 pm

So your heart’s truest desire, and life’s most fervent ambition, is to be a kept pet rather than a free person. Well, you’ve got plenty of company, at least.

July 1, 2018 11:36 pm
July 1, 2018 11:39 pm

Anon was I…nkit..

July 1, 2018 11:53 pm

David Bradley, owner of Atlantic Media, is a member of the Rockefeller CFR along with Bill Clinton and George Soros. See lists in the CFR annual report.

Madeline Albright, a former CFR director, stated that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was “worth it” to advance the globalist agenda. At least dead children don’t cry anymore.

July 2, 2018 11:15 am

Get in, and stay in, peak physical, mental, and spiritual shape.

July 2, 2018 1:05 pm

In a healthy society, there IS no ruling class. There are no kings or queens, or presidents, or prime ministers, or premiers, or Senators, or any other term for ‘person claiming magical nonexistent authority to engage in criminal behavior’. I do get what you’re trying to go for here, of course, but you’re basically wailing as the cow kicks over the lantern in a hay barn in Rome.

The only thing to do right now is to make sure that your ammo is dry, your escape routes are well-planned, and your affairs are in order.