Should We Invade Mexico?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Should We Invade Mexico?

One fact a lot of Americans forget is that our country is located right up against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of hitherto unknown “human right” to sneak into the United States and demographically reconquer it. There’s a Spanish phrase that describes his ideology, and one of the words is toro.

Mexico is already a failed state, crippled by a poisoned, stratified culture and a corrupt government that have somehow managed to turn a nation so blessed with resources and hardworking people into such a basket case that millions of its citizens see their best option as putting themselves in the hands of gangsters to cross a burning desert to get cut-rate jobs in el Norte. It is a country dominated by bloody drug/human trafficking cartels that like to circulate videos of their members carving up living people. They hang mutilated corpses from overpasses and hijack busloads of citizens to rape and slaughter for fun. Whole police agencies are owned by the cartels. Political candidates live in fear of murder. The people are scared. And this chaos will inevitably grow and spread north.

The gangs are already here, importing the meth and fentanyl that are slaughtering tens of thousands of Americans a year after coming across the border the Democrats refuse to defend. Let’s not even think about the other foreigners, like Islamic terrorists, who might exploit this vulnerability. “Abolish ICE,” the liberals screech, yet what they really mean is “Erase that line on the map.” But that line is all that is keeping the bloodshed in Mexico at bay for now. You can stand on US soil, look south, and see places where the rates of killing dwarf those of the Middle Eastern killing fields you see on TV.

The chaos in Mexico will spill over the theoretical border. It is just a matter of time. Normal Americans know it. As my book upcoming book Militant Normals explains, the establishment willfully ignoring their legitimate concerns about border security is a big part of why Normals are getting militant. The Democrats, and the GOP donor class stooges, have a vested interest in ignoring the issue, and they will insure that both the political class and the hack media will continue to play ostrich. Already there are Americans, on American soil, living near the border who cannot venture outside at night on their own property for fear of being murdered because of foreigners invading out territory. This is intolerable for any sovereign country. Yet there is a huge liberal constituency, abetted by GOPe fellow travelers, not merely willing to tolerate the invasion but who actively want to increase the flow.

When the 125-million-man criminal conspiracy that is Mexico falls apart completely, as it will, we are going to have to deal with the consequences. Watch the flood of illegals become a tsunami, a real refugee crisis instead of today’s fake one. Watch the criminal gangs and pathologies of the Third World socialist culture they bring along turn our country into Mexico II: Gringo Boogaloo. And importing a huge mass of foreigners, loyal to a foreign country and potentially susceptible to the reconquista de Aztlan rhetoric of leftists, both among them and among our treacherous liberal elite, would create a cauldron for brewing up violent civil upheaval right here at home.

So, what do we do? We defend ourselves, obviously. But how?

Should we be reactive? Should we continue the fake defense of our border we’re pretending to conduct today? Or should we seriously defend ourselves by building a wall and truly guarding it, and by deporting all illegals we catch inside. But would that even be enough when Mexico collapses?

It’s time to ask: Should we be proactive?

Should we invade Mexico? Should we send our military across the Rio Grande to secure the unstable territory, annihilate the criminal infestation that suppurates there, and impose something resembling order? One thing is certain. The border charade we tolerate today can’t be an option – it’s an open door to the fallout from the failing state next door.

Militarily, there are three obvious courses of action (I had input on this by several people familiar with the issue; none of this reflects any actual operational planning that I or anyone I spoke to is aware of).

One is the Buffer Zone option. We move in and secure a zone perhaps 50-100 miles inside the country, aggressively targeting and annihilating criminal gangs – we know where these bastards are – and thereby seal off the threat until Mexico is secure again and then return the territory once we are assured America is safe.

This is doable, but it would take a huge chunk of our military forces (we would need to call up most of our reserves). The conventional Mexican forces that fought would last for about un momento before being vaporized, but it would spark at a minimum a low-intensity insurgency by cartel hardliners and, at worst, a large one by Mexican patriots, probably using guns left over from when the Obama cartel was shipping them south. Regardless, it would be expensive. There is the “You break it, you buy it” rule. We would end up administering a long strip of territory full of people living, largely, in what Americans consider abject poverty. They would become our problem. Moreover, there is the giving back part – millions of Mexicans might find they like being nieces and nephews of Tio Sam.

The second is Operation Mexican Freedom, a much more ambitious campaign that would recognize what liberals already think – that Mexico and America are one country. Our forces would conquer the nation by driving all the way south, perhaps with an amphibious landing at Veracruz for old times sake and because the Marines would insist, then seal the Mexican-Guatemalan border. We would annex the whole country, making it a colony like Puerto Rico (A dozen new senators from Old Mexico? Nogracias). We would kill every terrorist drug gang member and take or torch everything they own, while simultaneously deporting every illegal from the US-Canada border to the Mexican-Guatemalan border.

Of course, that would take up pretty much our entire military and certainly spark some sort of endless guerilla conflict. We would be stuck in another bloody, expensive fight to make a Third World country cease sucking despite itself. It would make the Iraq War seem cheap. But, on the plus side, Bill Kristol and his bombs away pals would probably be excited.

Oh, in both cases the Europeans would be outraged, which is a powerful argument for these options.

Still, no. Invading Mexico is a bad idea. It would convert the problems of Mexico, created and perpetuated by Mexicans, into our problems. We tried that in the Middle East. It doesn’t work. Making Mexico better for Mexicans is not worth the life of one First Infantry Division grenadier.

But the consequences in America are our problem, and we must solve it. That brings us to the third option – Forward Defense. Think Syria in Sinaloa. We secure the border, with a wall of concrete and a wall of troops, perhaps imposing a no-fly/no-sail zone (excepting our surveillance and attack aircraft), and then conduct operations inside Mexico using special operations forces combined with airpower to target and eliminate the cartels. We would also identify friendly local Mexican police and military officials and support their counter-cartel operations outside of our relationship with the central government – they would be the face of the fight. We would channel Hernán Cortés and, in essence, we would allow friendly Mexican allies, with our substantial direct and indirect support, to create our buffer zone for us.

This avoids the problem of buying Mexico’s problems and making them ours. It’s somewhat deniable; everyone could save face by denying the Yankees have intervened. But the cartels would not just sit there and take it. They would target Americans and probably do so inside the United States. Yet that’s going to happen anyway eventually. This course of action risks the lowest number of US casualties, but perhaps the highest number of Mexican losses.

So no, we should not invade Mexico. There are no good military options, and none are necessary or wise today, but we may eventually have to choose between bad options. Mexico is failing more and more every day. We are not yet at the point of a military solution, but anyone who says that day can never come is lying to himself and to you. We need a wall, but more than that, we need the commitment to American security and sovereignty that a wall would physically represent. The issue is very clear, and we need to be very, very clear about it when we are campaigning in November. Border security. Period.

Are we going to prioritize the interests of liberals who want to replace our militant Normal voters with pliable foreigners and establishment stooges who want to please rich donors by importing countless cheap foreign laborers, or are we going to prioritize the economic security and the physical safety of American citizens by securing our border no matter what it takes?

Come on, open borders mafia, let’s have that discussion. Bueno suerte with that at the ballot box.

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Bob P
Bob P
July 5, 2018 6:52 am


  Bob P
July 5, 2018 5:44 pm

But it wouldn’t hurt to spread all our radioactive waste along the border.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
July 5, 2018 6:59 am

Let the citizens of Mexico decide.
Like El Presidente Trumps rise to power, the people of our neighbor to the south should choose.
I am more worried about Canada falling apart, it’s people pouring south.
It is bad enough the male French Canadians come down to flood our Maine beaches wearing skimpy bathing suits with potatoes stuck in the front.
The Canadian women do make up for most of the males strutting and preening however.

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
July 5, 2018 8:33 am

Unfortunately it’s not just Canada and Mexico. All of South America is falling apart including Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil. There is going to be mass migration north on a scale we’ve not seen yet… Chip

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
July 5, 2018 2:59 pm

maine has beaches?

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
July 5, 2018 8:13 am

Excerpt from History channel website:

“Tensions between Americans in the Panama Canal Zone and Noriega’s Panamanian Defense Forces grew, and in 1989 the dictator annulled a presidential election that would have made Guillermo Endara president. President George H. Bush ordered additional U.S. troops to the Panama Canal Zone, and on December 16 an off-duty U.S. Marine was shot to death at a PDF roadblock. The next day, President Bush authorized “Operation Just Cause”–the U.S. invasion of Panama to overthrow Noriega.

On December 20, 9,000 U.S. troops joined the 12,000 U.S. military personnel already in Panama and were met with scattered resistance from the PDF. By December 24, the PDF was crushed, and the United States held most of the country. Endara was made president by U.S. forces, and he ordered the PDF dissolved. On January 3, Noriega was arrested by U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agents.

The U.S. invasion of Panama cost the lives of only 23 U.S. soldiers and three U.S. civilians. Some 150 PDF soldiers were killed along with an estimated 500 Panamanian civilians. The Organization of American States and the European Parliament both formally protested the invasion, which they condemned as a flagrant violation of international law.

In 1992, Noriega was found guilty on eight counts of drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering, marking the first time in history that a U.S. jury convicted a foreign leader of criminal charges. He was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison, but after extradition to and incarceration in Panama, died in a Panama City hospital on May 29, 2017.”

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Robert (QSLV)

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Robert (QSLV)
July 5, 2018 8:31 am

That’s me on the far right.

July 5, 2018 8:17 am

Is it really about the children? Then how about the hundreds of thousands of US children that are the subject of abuse right here in the United States? This is not about the children, this is an INVASION.


July 5, 2018 8:21 am

With all the new free stuff and benefits along with nationalization of industries in Mexico, I would expect Mexico would be flooded with their illegal migrants in the north returning, along with all those from further south that have been traveling north staying in Mexico to enjoy their new freebie based socialist lifestyle.

If you know any “migrants and refugees” from there, ask them if they plan to return now that Obrador has risen to power to save their native land.

July 5, 2018 8:41 am

Mexico has gone full retard with the current election. These pukes want everything for free. I say carpet bomb with nukes.

July 5, 2018 8:48 am

“””””making it a colony like Puerto Rico””””

The US has owned Puerto Rico for over 100 years and its still a basket case. Even before the latest Hurricane it was a basket case and over half the people who were born in Puerto Rico had moved to the US.

July 5, 2018 8:48 am

Maybe going inside mexico would force its government to take responsibility for its border

July 5, 2018 8:55 am

How much did you people drink this 4th?
The comments after this article are a scream. Canadians are now watching the US fall apart and making bets about which city will burst into flame first, while you have the highest incarceration rate in the world and no affordable health care++ plus what must be the dumbest leader to ever be elected by a population so fucking stupid they believe his statements about being smart.

Hey, here’s a good idea. Afghanistan war almost 17 years old, lets invade some more countries while the debt to GDP ratio is only at 106%. hmmm I wonder why so many US citizens travel to Mexico for dental and medical services? Unbelieveable. MAGA led by a president who has gone bankrupt 6 times and regained solvency laundering Russian money in RE sales. Tax returns? Thinking about it, you could use the new Space Force to attack Mexico since our other wars worked out so well. May be Kim will lend a hand since he already got rid of his nukes. Rightttt.

I read this survey, yesterday: “Seven percent of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, according to a nationally representative online survey commissioned by the Innovation Center of U.S. Dairy.

If you do the math, that works out to 16.4 million misinformed, milk-drinking people.

And I have it on good authority that every one of them voted for Trump.”

July 5, 2018 9:14 am

Canada isn’t doing very very itself, certainly not well enough to criticize someone else.

July 5, 2018 9:52 am

I wonder why so many Canadians travel to southern Arizona to get medical procedures like hip replacements and cancer treatment? Maybe because Canada has National Health, and they are on 5 year waiting lists for such treatments….Of course, with the pathetic “Zoolander” Trudeau for a leader…

July 5, 2018 10:07 am

Canada has never made anything of itself. Now you have faggot boy Trudeau for a ‘leader’. You can suck my white, American cock.

July 5, 2018 10:10 am

Paulo, this type of commentary is now standard fare since the YoBoists invaded TBP. I say, build the internet wall before more of these freeloaders come here to spew their ignorant comments. They are Zero Hedging this place in an effort to shut it down. The truth hurts and these infiltrators want to make sure it does not get out.

July 5, 2018 3:05 pm

most people believe that gullible is found in the g section of the dictionary but it’s not,it’s actually under p,as in paulo–

July 5, 2018 6:49 pm

“Seven percent of all American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows……”

Makes sense to me…….if not brown, what color cows does it come from?

July 5, 2018 9:30 am

Yep, we have a big problem south of the border. Simple minded Mexicans elected a communist president to create another Venezuela. The USA will not do a damn thing to stop the invasion. There are to many people trading long term pain for short term gain. The politicians who do know it is coming don’t care as long as they get theirs. America is a nut less gutless eunuch. It makes me sad to say and believe that. We know what to do but won’t.

July 5, 2018 10:22 am

Yes, because it will distract us from our other problems /sarc

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 5, 2018 2:10 pm

Sheesh, tough crowd. I add the sarc tag and still get a downvote. Here let me help you.

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 5, 2018 12:35 pm

But, but, but… Fred says it’s paradise down there.

July 5, 2018 4:30 pm

Like we haven’t already.
The cartels are simply subcontractors for blackhat elements of the deep state.
Could it be more obvious? All of the billions, trillions spent on security and terrorism from Repub and Demon alike and never the slightest concern over the boarder.
Cuz the cartels handle it, and they be paid to do so, for decades now.
The rot is here, not there, we did this, or at least those acting in our name did this, and continue to do so.
Trump could diminish them in the same manner as ISIS, cut their support networks here.
A much bigger job, but basically the same solution.
Invasion is utterly pointless and will only create more of the same. The war is here, please wake up.

July 5, 2018 4:51 pm

Should we? The answer is blowing in this article. The first hint is that he calls Mexico a failed state. Later, he declares Mexico as a failing state. The cat is either dead or not dead and Mexico is either failing or recently deceased. One election does not a failed state make. AMLO has not even had the chance to lose control of the country that voted overwhelmingly for him. Kurt claims that AMLO wants to surrender to the cartels and encourage more immigration to the US. There’s a Spanish phrase that describes Kurt’s blather, and one of the words is toro.

I learned from this article that the US border is merely theoretical. That Mexico is comprised of 125 million criminals. He goes on to declare that he has spoken to some neocon minded folks on the possible reactions. We don’t get names and the scenarios are about as intellectually strategic as a barroom discussion. The first adapts the extant buffer zone in the US so that it is imposed inside Mexico, brilliant. The second adapts Operation Iraqi Freedom, like that was a great idea. The third and more reasonable suggestion that Kurt’s drinking buddies suggested is to build a wall along the border. Goodness, why hasn’t anybody thought of that before?

He declares Mexico’s president elect as a communist. The communist label automatically makes Mexico an enemy of America. Never mind that we are currently making nice with Russia. Nevermind that AMLO is a nationalist who wants Mexicans to stay and rebuild Mexico. Nevermind that his MORENA party stands for Make Mexico Great Again (Movimiento Regeneracion Nacional).
As the accusations become more shrill and agitated, you can bet that AMLO’s enemies are colluding with the neocons to make sure he fails. Where have we seen this story play out before; outsider wins election, entrenched mafia conspires to oust him. There’s something familiar about all this, even the columnist calumnies sound like a familiar tune.

July 5, 2018 7:42 pm


There is not one single American life worth trading for Mexican soil. Walls and defense in depth on our side.
Why not wage a campaign to find, capture, and forcibly repatriate all criminal illegals? Since most sneak across that border, push them back across the border where they broke the law. Declare all public services for citizens only. No pubic school, no free food, housing, or barryfonez, no welfare, no university admissions, no papers/no work, and no emergency room access. Any entity in violation and receiving US taxpayer funds is either shut off/shut down/de-accredited. As a further dis-incentive, seize their property, bank accounts, businesses, etc as the results of a continuing criminal enterprise (broke the law when they crossed, kept breaking it every day they stayed, further broke it when they illegally started working, etc). The practice of asset forfeiture would come in awfully handy here in incentivizing the cops to root them out and remove them. With no means of support, no public benefits, and cops actively trying to get them, they’ll go.
Finally, once the wall is up and the illegals are being rounded up, let’s take every MAM (Military Age Male) and force him through 2 weeks of shake-n-bake training, give him a free uniform, boots, and gun and send him back over the border to fix his country.
Let Mexicans fight for Mexico. Let Americans fight for America. Good Fences Make Good Neighbors.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 5, 2018 11:41 pm

This article makes me worry. A person doesn’t ask casually if they should hire a hitman to kill their wife.

With the military now expelling foreign recruits, one can surmise that in the event of war with Mexico, they would be a liability. The Kissinger doctrine comes to mind: we cannot let a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The story is being bruited about that the new government of Mexico is communist. That’s a good reason to invade, America has a moral duty to defend any and all countries from communism. At least that’s how they tell it.

Trump can launch a blitzkrieg and take over Mexico City in a day. Then the neocons here can rejoice, overthecliff can regain his smile and we can go about rebuilding Mexico in our image like we did Iraq. Shit, we might even secure the drug route to make it more efficient, maybe even plant more poppies to keep the boomers consuming heroin and fentanyl. Imagine the cost savings in Social Security when they suddenly drop dead of an overdose (we’ll call it suicide). Winning!

Things never go according to plan, that’s the beauty of it, we can tell the world that the rebuilding is taking a little longer than anticipated, shit, the Iraq war was supposed to last a couple of weeks and only cost $3B, sorry ’bout that shit.

Should we invade Mexico? The goddam neocons are salivating over Latina pussy already.

  EL Coyote
July 6, 2018 12:31 am

In their fevered imaginations, they all look like Jennifer Lopez.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 6, 2018 12:33 am

She’s Puerto Rican.

  EL Coyote
July 6, 2018 12:37 am

I know. I visited the church in which she was married in San Juan.

But I am saying she is the fantasy. Get it?

July 6, 2018 2:12 pm

Dang, Rdawg, you got it bad. Instead of going to places where she’s been so you can sniff the seats, why not just wait? She’s been through so many men, your turn is bound to come up soon.

July 6, 2018 12:59 am

EC- There goes my dream house in Ajijic at Lake Chapala. Damn neocons and banksters, first they pulled the rug out from under me with Argentina and now Mexico.

Pretty soon there will be no place left for my wanderings and my bucket list will be in file 13. El Drump is ruining my golden years with this blather. Why do these morans all turn into Napoleon when they get into office? Oy Veh…….

July 6, 2018 9:40 am

Trump would probably use the excuse that he was rescuing Americans in SMA or Ajijic to invade. My cousin fought hard against the election of AMLO, said, “we don’t want another Venezuela here.” My cuz went all YoBo against MORENA, warning people about the crooks in the party. I think folks just figured he’d been robbed twice before. He softened his message and promised he was not going to nationalize industries like Chavez in Venezuela. You can do pretty much anything you want to the muppets and everything is cool. Once you mess with an oligarch, you get invaded. Oligarchs know no boundaries, they have an international connection with protection agreements.

July 6, 2018 1:38 pm

I’m guessing the expat gringos will die first down there if the SHTF. The 38 families that control Mexico are the real power south of the border. Be that as it may El, this is still monkey wrenching my best laid plans.

July 6, 2018 2:08 pm

I agree about it messing up your plans. Were you planning on a visit, though?
I hear things are not going too good in the USA either, sounds like a civil war is afoot.
Either way, they will Nazify it soon enough into a police state.
It’s the logical outcome of a broke government with too may unfunded liabilities.
As the dirty war in Argentina showed, an embarrassed government turns on its own people.

July 7, 2018 3:21 pm

well according to Soorcha fal:
Mexico Warns Trump It Will Flood US With Refugees

US Congress Quietly Approves $82 Billion For Mexican Invasion

Something has to break…sooner or later.