THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Frank family takes refuge – 1942


In Nazi-occupied Holland, 13-year-old Jewish diarist Anne Frank and her family are forced to take refuge in a secret sealed-off area of an Amsterdam warehouse. The day before, Anne’s older sister, Margot, had received a call-up notice to be deported to a Nazi “work camp.”

Born in Germany on June 12, 1929, Anne Frank fled to Amsterdam with her family in 1933 to escape Nazi persecution. In the summer of 1942, with the German occupation of Holland underway, 12-year-old Anne began a diary relating her everyday experiences, her relationship with her family and friends, and observations about the increasingly dangerous world around her. On July 6, fearing deportation to a Nazi concentration camp, the Frank family took shelter in a factory run by Christian friends. During the next two years, under the threat of murder by the Nazi officers patrolling just outside the warehouse, Anne kept a diary that is marked by poignancy, humor, and insight.

On August 4, 1944, just two months after the successful Allied landing at Normandy, the Nazi Gestapo discovered the Frank’s “Secret Annex.” The Franks were sent to the Nazi death camps along with two of the Christians who had helped shelter them, and another Jewish family and a single Jewish man with whom they had shared the hiding place. Anne and most of the others ended up at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. Anne’s diary was left behind, undiscovered by the Nazis.

In early 1945, with the Soviet liberation of Poland underway, Anne was moved with her sister, Margot, to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. Suffering under the deplorable conditions of the camp, the two sisters caught typhus and died in early March. After the war, Anne’s diary was discovered undisturbed in the Amsterdam hiding place and in 1947 was translated into English and published. An instant best-seller and eventually translated into more than 30 languages, The Diary of Anne Frank has served as a literary testament to the six million Jews, including Anne herself, who were silenced in the Holocaust.

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July 6, 2018 9:40 am

Otto Frank was a counterfeiter and scumbag who was arrested for criminal activities, NOT because he was jewish. Ann Frank died as a result of typhus. An interesting note is that Otto Frank was treated in the camp hospital. If they were slated for extermination, why would they receive medical treatment. The “diary ” is also suspect, portions of it being written with a ball-point pen–not invented until after WW2. The Ann Frank story is a fraud as here scumbag father embellished it with his own perverted sense. Sorta makes one wonder about the rest of the “holocaust ™”…

July 6, 2018 3:01 pm

You lie! The ball-point pen was invented and sold by Laszio Biro during the 1930’s!!! I wonder how many other lies your post contains??? Your anti-Semitism is very unbecoming!

July 6, 2018 4:20 pm

Wait . . . she died of typhus? In the camp hospital?

If this was, as is claimed, an extermination camp . . . why did it have a hospital?

Um . . . if the ebul notzees wanted them all dead, why was she given treatment to save her life? It’s almost exactly like we’re being lied to and cynically manipulated.

July 6, 2018 4:55 pm

highly unlikely that anne frank had a ballpoint pen but also unlikely that otto frank had one in 1947 in post war europe–

July 6, 2018 11:28 pm

Sorry, Mustang, but you are the one who has sucked down the Zionist Kool-aid. The entire Holohoax has been proven to be a tremendous cash cow for the “chosen survivors,” of which there seems to be millions. Hardly a testimonial to the efficiency of the German war machine. When will the American sheeple awaken and discover that they have been hornswaggled by the biggest scam in history. Probably never, because such a large percentage of sheeple have the mentality of a retarded fruit fly.

Todd H.
Todd H.
July 7, 2018 4:00 pm

Hardly a word is spoken about the real Holocaust against German civilians at the end of the war. The firebombings of Dresden and Hamburg, rape of German women by Soviet soldiers, death from starvation are among many of the sins done to innocent Germans by the victors.

In U.S. public schools, students are beaten over the head with the works of Anne Frank, Elie Wiesel and Viktor Frankl.