Informal Quick Poll: Future Proving Past Reality? – or – Bullshit Hope Porn?

A research request by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


(7/6/2018) – The above 13 minute YouTube video was posted 11 days ago.  It has since garnered near 600,000 views.  Moreover, in the comment section, a link to an international version was posted with supposed subtitles in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and “Traditional” Chinese that has over 76,000 views currently.

In the interest of writing a piece to parse the differences between pessimism, realism, and fatalism that I may, or may not, write – I would like to first conduct some research as follows:

For anyone who views the entire 13-minute video above, and cares to participate, please UPVOTE the first comment on this thread if you believe the video actually describes current/recent events (i.e. is the real deal) – or –  DOWNVOTE the first comment of this thread if you think it is BULLSHIT hope-porn or, worse, purposeful deception. Thank you in advance.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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July 7, 2018 6:57 am

For anyone who viewed the entire 13-minute video above, and cares to participate, please UPVOTE this comment if you believe the video actually described current/recent events (i.e. is the real deal) – or – DOWNVOTE this comment if you thought it was BULLSHIT hope-porn or, worse, purposeful deception . Thank you in advance.

July 7, 2018 7:09 am

At the end “Brave patriots who risk their lives to achieve this victory” shows armed government thugs.
Biggest bullshit video I have ever seen!

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
July 8, 2018 6:36 am

Am I the only one who has been online since 1993? The basic premise and all the elements of the “Q” saga has been floating around for at least 25 years now. References to “The Plan” and the need to trust it, go back to at least the 1980’s.

Basically the good guys in the military save the world by arresting the CONgress and other all the other assorted bad guys and exposing everything on TV. The U.S. military transitions into a global peace corps and power is handed back to the people. Hell freezes over and the human race is freed from it’s shackles.

From where I’m sitting, “Q” appears to be just be an attempt to revive and update the same HOPE PORN story.

Steve Bull
Steve Bull

I down voted the video. While there are some aspects (interpretation of events) I agree with in the video, there are others I do not hold as ‘truths’–or at least very biased interpretation of events that confuse the ’cause’ of certain events/situations. I’ve come to the conclusion that many of the situations we are experiencing are the result of society becoming increasingly complex and then succumbing to the Law of Diminishing Returns and falling into decline/collapse. As the sociopolitical/socioeconomic situation deteriorates, shit happens.; and it matters not who the ‘leadership’ is at a particular juncture. History has shown that when ‘revolution’ occurs, societies tend to simply replace one set of ‘criminals’ with another; there is no set of ‘good guys’ waiting in the wings to make things ‘right’. And even if there were, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There’s a certain amount of truth in the statement that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

  Steve Bull
July 8, 2018 8:56 pm

While I appreciate the effort, the video lost me at mention of “Q” which is probably some Millennial in his Mom’s basement on the ‘net in his underwear.
Back to real things in the news: Sessions just let Awan off the hook with the biggest sweetheart deal in history. What about all the computer equipment he stole? Why did we not get any explanation? Why isn’t Trump firing Sessions?

  Steve Bull
July 15, 2018 4:26 pm

And the pendulum continues its swing, only with the devil’s terminal nudge. CHOOSE to ride the ballast or “remotely view” from an inland county rural location on a portion of UNencumber/UNaddressed arable county “allodium”, GROUPED/GATHERED, GUNNED, GARDENED, PROVISIONED and . . . S-I-M-P-L-I-F-I-E-D. The “clock is ticking” and “the Quickening” – and ensuing entropy – will NOT be [forever] deferred/denied/avoided. Get your priorities in order NOW or . . . [eventually] be on “The Road” and/or “maggot food”.

July 7, 2018 9:50 am

What a load of bullshit. I’d never waste my time listening to that sophomoric, doom porn video. I don’t know who ‘Q’ is – and I don’t give a fuck.

July 7, 2018 1:41 pm

Full disclosure, I didn’t watch but two minutes, with that being said.

I never bought into the Q thing, because it became so big in a short time.

Plus it’s stupid as fuck with the clues. Talk about chasing fucking dead ends.

And yes I down voted first comment.


July 7, 2018 3:57 pm

Okay I finished watching the rest and It’s 100% propaganda bullshit. I also noticed some NLP words there also.

Like the comment below says, their are no patriots left in .Gov scum.


The Moran
The Moran
July 8, 2018 12:06 am

Your reading comprehension is poor and your reasoning is idiotic.

July 7, 2018 1:53 pm

Recent is past. And the claimed connection between Trump and the Military Operation that is called ‘Q’ is apparent in the video. That’s how I took it so no voting confusion for me.

July 7, 2018 3:58 pm

Question is do you feel the Spark ? (GRINS)
I gave it a thumbs up

July 7, 2018 4:48 pm

The creator made of the video some factual errors, but they were not pivotal to the thrust of the message.

July 7, 2018 5:20 pm

All cultures are the same and capitalism will unite us under one great shiny gold standard . All we need is love.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
July 8, 2018 5:54 am

Love and child molesters.

July 8, 2018 2:54 am

I have been a fence sitter on Q, following it since Xmas. Like a lot of TBP commenters I wanted ‘proof’ before getting behind it, though being an optimist, I was leaning more to supporting Q than not.

Today I picked up this thread with 45 Q proofs (some have several parts to them) that ends with the video Uncola has posted. The detail linking Q drops with events that have happened would seem to be conclusive.

Does this prove anything? Maybe, maybe not (Fence sitter). IMO it does support the assertion that Trump and his team are working to break up the group of money men who have influenced and controlled events and our governments for far too long. What it doesn’t do is prove that what comes after that is anything better. After all, those behind Q and Trump are then in control should their team win.

Unless the ‘bad’ side is wiped out entirely, it may well regroup and seek to return. Like cancer, once it has spread and it’s got its tentacles in deep, getting rid of it is nigh on impossible. All I can hope for is remission from this cancer and that it doesn’t return and prove to be terminal.

Back to wait and see……

July 8, 2018 9:04 am

First half of the video is spot on. The part about the military getting Trump to run and this has all been some grand master plan is bullshit IMO. That said, one can still be hopeful that under the current situation there WILL BE “some” justice meted out and that we can police our government of some of the more vile scum that exists in the swamp. That the first half is spot on (how we got here) says the video actually describes current events. The second half (what’s to come) is an unknown or a “let’s wait and see”. Again I don’t think what’s happening is one grand plan but it may be that the current people in political power are trying their best to right the ship. I don’t think anyone thinking critically can poo-poo that idea entirely without being pure pessimist. And this is coming from a “the glass is half empty” guy… Chip

Good post Doug. I like the idea of the survey.

I am
I am
July 9, 2018 5:39 am

1:11 of 13mins shows a plane hitting a tower already hit and blackened. (Yes watch) – explain that please!! Now I know my memory was excellent then and it sure was ingrained, as I remember where I was and the time. Please tell me why I should trust anything I see anywhere and act as I am told.
to quote Shakespeare — There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
There has always been a power so great it creates and maintains order of all, fighting a power who is equally knowledgeable and powerful who want to destroy all order. It may not be of your current perception but it is that kernel of you that has never aged nor needed food or sleep as time expires through the days. Q is just the Id and the Id’s Hubris will be its own reward.

July 7, 2018 7:29 am

First six minutes are absolutely factual. Its all down hill from there. There are no ‘patriots in politics’ left. That is utter bullshit. No evidence exists supporting such a belief. This globe has OWNERS. They have solidified their power and will never relinquish it. In fact, I firmly believe ‘they’ are getting ready to unleash their next phase of global domination.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
July 7, 2018 2:57 pm

Well said, and very true

The Moran
The Moran
July 8, 2018 12:18 am

So, motley, you are the first man ever to prove a negative. Very unlike the people who said there are no black swans. May I see your proof that “no evidence exists. . .?” I’d like to nominate you for a Nobel.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
  The Moran
July 9, 2018 6:09 am

Username checks out…

July 9, 2018 8:52 am

NSA used to uncover criminals and liberate us. HA HA HA HA HA choke, gag, that’s a good one. So, Big Brother loves us and tracks everything we do to for our own benefit, and the military industrial complex want’s to end wars and bring in an era of peace. You fucking Qews are so delusional that you should be embarrassed.

mark branham
mark branham
July 7, 2018 7:32 am

If only

Steve C
Steve C
July 7, 2018 8:08 am

It’s an old tactic. Give people hope then take it away.

The end result is apathy in the people and a continuation of control over them.

Control freaks rarely if ever give up control, and never voluntarily. To them control isn’t the most important thing. It’s the ONLY thing.

Libito Dominandi. “The lust to dominate.

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss….

  Steve C
July 7, 2018 8:41 am

In his famous 2005 commencement address at Kenyon College, entitled “This is Water”, the novelist David Foster Wallace phrased it thusly:

Worship power, you will end up feeling weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to numb you to your own fear.

Steve C
Steve C
July 7, 2018 8:47 am

Wallace was correct.

Although they don’t realize it, a control freak is a dead giveaway of a person that lives in fear…

The Moran
The Moran
July 8, 2018 12:43 am

Have a little compassion for the power worshipers around here.

I can understand their anger and frustration that the power of their own minds is not enough to convert the Qtippers over to their strongly held beliefs that all is bullshit and nothing but bullshit. Must be terrible to “know” the truth and not be heard, especially when the Qtippers keep posting shit that turns out to show Q can see into the future somehow. But no one can do that! Not unless Q is not forecasting the future and is just in the know about shit. Who would believe that?! Damn fools.

Bob P
Bob P
July 7, 2018 8:38 am

Yes, some facts, but overall entirely too facile. Good guys versus bad guys is hardly profound; it’s so much more complicated. Yes, there is a deep state, and it controls the country, but is the purpose to enslave humanity or simply to grab as much power and money for themselves as they can? I’d say the latter is much more likely.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  Bob P
July 7, 2018 2:59 pm

Yep, you got it

  Bob P
July 8, 2018 12:14 am

You made a good point. I think that people who are in positions of power and wealth for whatever reason have the “opportunity” to take advantage of the situation to do what is best for them at the expense of others. If most of us were placed in a similar situation and had the opportunity I’m fairly certain that the results would be the same, a grab for power and money. Sad to say I think that is human nature, possibly genetically motivated.

I downvoted the video.

July 7, 2018 8:43 am

The video gave me a good chuckle, thanks for that and hope you write the article.

July 7, 2018 9:02 am

Eye candy. Let me know when the pressure on Iran is abated. Let me know when israel comes under pressure. Let me know when the fed comes under attack. Until then hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
July 7, 2018 9:38 am

This video contains fact and hope, but its main purpose is to glorify the surveillance state as the savoir of liberty — while it destroys the Bill of Rights and 4th amendment, specifically. Accomplished by appeal to emotion. Be wary!

July 7, 2018 9:41 am

Hopium and Changeium.

July 8, 2018 11:53 pm

Without comment as to why, I down voted the question posed by Uncola.

July 7, 2018 9:58 am

Down voters are just nihilists masquerading as rational thinkers.

July 8, 2018 9:42 am

No, you remind me of a man who told me he had a car to sell and that it was in “perfect shape”. I went to look at it and it was a rust bucket, and the man got pissed off when I told him he was full of shit and pointed out the flaws.
We rational thinkers will never be believers unless a story is true and valid and PROVEN, and to date I see nothing evident of this otherwise.

July 7, 2018 10:29 am

“(i.e. is the real deal)”

It depends on what the meaning of is is…

Or, if the shoe fits, or the foo shits, wear it.

And I believe there is merit in ‘fake it ’til you make it’.

Also self fulfilling prophecy effect comes to mind.

Or you can go on believing as Bertrand Russell:
Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.

Moar BR:
“Uncertainty, in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful,
but must be endured if we wish to live without the support of comforting fairy tales. It is not good
either to forget the questions that philosophy asks, or to persuade ourselves that we have found
indubitable answers to them. To teach how to live without certainty, and yet without being
paralyzed by hesitation, is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can still do for those
who study it.”

And lastly:
“A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you . . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself alone, one question . . . Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t it is of no use.”

― Carlos Castaneda

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
July 7, 2018 6:52 pm

If the Foo Shits,…
I remember that joke from the early ’80’s!
Back when shaggy dog jokes were in fashion.

July 7, 2018 10:42 am

I have watched that video twice. Both times, I was left thinking “How I wish it was true.”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 7, 2018 11:13 am

It’s very well made. It appeals to the emotions of patriots. I think Q is bull and it still gives me goosebumps. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s dangerous. It’s becoming apparent to some that it has become a cult of sorts. People who have left, or even question it, Q supporters try to discredit them.

Q said there would be no deals, the plea deal that Awan got was unprecedented. He has been given a deal that includes a guarantee to never prosecute him for any previous crimes. Bill Still sums it up quite neatly in his 5 minute video.

Jim Jordan is suddenly being accused of covering up 20 year old sexual harrassment at OSU, plus his nephew suddenly dies in a car accident a couple nights ago, I’m sure it’s “unrelated”.

Finally 21 year old Isaac Green does a good job of showing how the Q thing is just recycled bullshit from a similar campaign in 2012.

Just my 2 cents but I think it’s either become a moneymaking scheme or a cleverly disguised disinfo campaign to divide the people who should be working together and stall for time until the left can grab back power. Maybe both.

  Mary Christine
July 7, 2018 2:45 pm

Mary, if you actually knew the specifics of the Awan “deal”, you would realize it only pertains to crimes in the District of Columbia. Indictments by Huber, et al, can be made anywhere in the U.S. (see below)

And here is the plea agreement, should you want FACTS:

Jul 3 2018 10:59:37 (EST)
Logical thinking.
Why was the case against AWAN filed under BANK FRAUD?
The result today is re: BANK FRAUD.
See last.
The SWAMP is being DRAINED.

As to Isaac Green…he posted his “turnaround” video a while back (he was a Q supporter until Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones did an about face), and quoted a woman who claimed one of the pics posted by Q was actually 13 years old. An examination of that pic clearly showed cars built in 2018.
So if Isaac is using people like her to discredit Q, it reflects badly on him.

You decide…

comment image

July 7, 2018 5:23 pm

The Awan farce was the end for me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

The swamp can’t be drained ever. Because what happens is one swamp creature is replaced by another swamp creature.

The worst thing that Q does is sells false hope. I’m surprised so many people are buying into the scam.


  Mary Christine
July 8, 2018 6:07 am

Great observations by Mary, there have already been quite a few “hits” on both sides of the “internecine festivities”.

Rule Number One: No one is coming to save you.

My entire life my timing whistle has been pretty early. That is both a curse and a blessing. But my macro view has been more right than wrong by a long shot. This shit won’t end well. Get as prepared as you can every day move the ball forward and while doing it remember to smile and savor the life we have right now. God bless.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
July 7, 2018 11:14 am

I didn’t up or down vote because I don’t pretend to know. If there’s a counterplot, good. I would put it within Trump’s capabilities, and I’ve had my own theories about what he’s done, giving him more credit than the mainstream since before he was elected. Although not well-versed in Q lore, I’m skeptical of what I’ve seen, while admitting I’d like to see things unfold in the way the video says. If it happens, I’ll be stunned, but I put the probability as low. Grasping for certainty can be disastrous when the reality is that one doesn’t know and the only honest course is to acknowledge that fact. I don’t know. I don’t think any other internet bloggers and commentators do either. I’ll continue to watch and see how things play out.

  Robert Gore
July 7, 2018 4:32 pm

Robert, I know you have expressed concerns about President Trump having the power to become a dictator. It is telling that he has not rescinded any of the previous executive orders that give the President overwhelming powers in the case of martial law. I believe that he is keeping that option open in case he needs it. There are things that I ran across in reading certain sites since Barry’s first term that make me believe that there is indeed a plan put together by military leaders to seize power in this country. Also, that they asked a rich guy who didn’t need the headaches to be their figurehead. That doesn’t mean that these plans are benign. There is a power struggle going on and we are spectators to it.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
July 7, 2018 10:13 pm

Semper Fido,

I think you’re on to something.

July 7, 2018 11:22 am

“In the interest of writing a piece to parse the differences between pessimism, realism, and fatalism that I may, or may not, write …” ——–Uncola

I urge you to write the article … regardless of the voting results in comment #1.

July 7, 2018 2:13 pm

@ Stuck,

I want to write it but something is missing. I was hoping this informal poll might help me discover what that is.

I keep thinking of these continuums / spectrums and direction:

Hope, Optimism, Realism, Pessimism, Fatalism

Fatalism, Pessimism, Realism, Optimism, Hope

And David Foster Wallace’s (“Fate, Time, and Language. An Essay on Free Will”) refutation of the philosopher Richard Taylor’ six presuppositions of predeterminism.

But now, I have to go mow my lawn.

Thank you everyone for participating thus far

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
July 7, 2018 7:10 pm

“Fatalism, Pessimism, Realism, Optimism, Hope”

Well, maybe it’s more like the stages of grief.. when you’re grieving over the loss of the [romantic relationship/parent/country] you wish you had, but which never really existed outside of your mind.

1. Denial; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 7, 2018 2:58 pm

Fatalism is the (Hispanic) idea that the future is already determined; que sera sera. Pessimism is the (Eeyore) idea that things can’t get better. Realism is the idea that it’s all bullshit and one has a moral duty to point out that bullshit so others can keep score. Escapism is the abandonment of reality into a fantasy world of the internet, whether World of Warcraft or Q-balling.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
July 7, 2018 10:11 pm

I second Stucky’s motion.

July 7, 2018 12:35 pm

As much as I think Alex Jones is a tool, he is right about the world being in an INFO WAR. After all, why mount a difficult and expensive invasion of a country when you can get that nation’s elites to welcome the invaders. Why indeed. Also, catching and enslaving people one at a time is difficult so just use weaponized information to get the people to give up their rights and enslave themselves.

This Q thing is just part of that INFO WAR.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
July 7, 2018 12:46 pm

An interesting point. The voice in the video immediately makes me think of Alex Jones when he’s in one of his rare lucid moments.

July 8, 2018 9:08 pm

Gotta give Alex Jones his due. I’ve built a Television studio from scratch and it takes a huge amount of money, timing, and luck. Plus the equipment is obsolete as soon as it’s installed; being current and up-to-date means constantly replacing old with new. And then there’s his news operation that eats all the graphics you can feed it and it never slows down. That, with payroll, and a helluva divorce load means I’ll bet poor Alex has ulcers.
And to think he started all that with a show on Public Access.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
July 7, 2018 12:41 pm

I can understand why people would be so desperate for relief that when one of the multiple different factions among those who rule over humanity says, “Hey, we’re the good guys, trust the plan,” they fall to their knees gasping for joy and relief.

Consider the fact that they’re making these slick, well-produced videos sprinkled with just enough truth to get you to buy into what they’re selling, and then putting it up on YouTube, and Googuhl is just allowing this to happen. What’s more likely: That the “good guys” just happen to be in exactly the right place at the right time to prevent their message from being censored? Or that this is a Pied Piper operation to distract, divert, channel people time and attention down safe dead end roads while the deranged drunken carnival continues to flail on down the road?

Or, perhaps, a third possibility: The rulers are indeed setting up something big, with a central hero figure who pushes apart the pillars and brings down the temple on top of the heads of some of the rulers and consolidates power in the hands of others of the rulers, permanently. Kind of like the story of a certain long-haired strong guy from way back in the day. An option, if you will, named after this strong guy. And they’re telling everyone what they’re going to do to us before they do it, so that they can say that they gave us fair warning, and we then deserve everything that happens to us.

July 7, 2018 1:00 pm

This video, just like Q, is a Deep State psyop to give us hope and keep us from rebelling. It appeals particularly to gullible believers.

Another psyop is those so-called sealed indictments the number of which keeps growing. It was ridiculous at two thousand, then it climbed to three, then ten thousand. Now it’s up to 40 thousand. Yer shittin’ me! If you believe that I got a bridge to sell you.

If Trump were the saviour, he’d have been JFK’d by now.

I’m amazed that half the votes are in support of the video, but then I recall how stupid the average person is and realize half of all people are stupider than that.

July 7, 2018 1:33 pm

Stupider? Even more stupid.
Sorry I just can’t help myself.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 7, 2018 2:24 pm

Stupider sounds gooder, or even more better to me.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Grizzly Bare
July 7, 2018 2:47 pm

It’s mo’ better, moran.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  EL Coyote
July 7, 2018 3:14 pm

I need to get a Brian.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Grizzly Bare
July 8, 2018 2:30 am

Yes it’s always good to have more brian.

  EL Coyote
July 8, 2018 9:10 pm

What’s HSF have to do with this, Coyote? 🙂

July 7, 2018 2:49 pm

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July 8, 2018 6:41 am

The underbelly of this nation is filled with sealed indictments and quiet proceedings. My first experience with our soviet style media was experiencing a blackout in a mid sized city in New England whilst protecting my property “roof top Korean style”. It was a hairy night there and we got tested 3X until dawn broke. The state cops who rolled thru (God bless them) told us how bad it was just 2 blocks south. We heard sporadic gunfire so we knew it wasn’t great. NONE of that made the news ever. Recently I became aware of a multi million dollar drug operation which took place in a very affluent small New England town. NONE of the story has hit the press and it’s a year later. Nothing. The federal drug charges are being pleaded by expensive lawyers and I suspect the town fathers would rather not see their real estate values slip so nothing will make the newz. Keep prepping. Stay frosty. No one is coming to save you.

July 7, 2018 1:10 pm

President Trump is disrupting the status quo. This is causing many to stir uncomfortably in their sleep. The president recently made a comment that we are in the calm before the storm. I think we are now entering the storm. Trade tariffs will affect the entire developed world.

I believe there is a higher intelligence in the universe that runs this world. It does it by suggestion, e.g. the military is a force that has been used for destruction and yet at the same time the technical systems that have been developed to assist in that destruction have potential to be used for constructive purposes on a giant scale.

Faith, love and hope consciously sought for intellectually has been sorely lacking in the world. These values intellectually sought build strength and freedom in consciousness. Emotionally sought and physically manifested these values bring weakness, stupidity, slavery and disease that creates hatred and dismay.

When I speak of sleeping people I am talking about those who are intellectually sleeping. We are a people running on emotional and bodily stimulation but intellectually we are automatons. The school system has taught our intellect; not to be awake and creative; but rather, to follow instructions, arbitrary laws, and follow our emotional reactions & bodily predilections stimulated by the wizards that control our lives from behind the vale of administrative law. Body has been put above mind instead of mind over body.

The wake up call Q is advocating and the president is perpetuating by the disruption of the status quo is going to be uncomfortable for many.

The higher intelligence of the universe that has guided the conscious development of our species, (man) since the beginning is working to complete the next phase of our development. This next phase is the enlightenment of our intellect and the expansion of our consciousness out of subjective to objective thinking and reasoning. It is time to move out of Good Verse Evil and into relationship.

Ever ponder the trinity in Christianity? It is a relationship. It is three independent factors joined into one. Good & Evil on the other hand is a polarity; two factors, that cannot be reconciled. It is not a relationship.

If we reflect on our logical reasoning we find that is based on polarity. It is not reconcilable. it results in the binary yes/no of naive duality and can’t go beyond polarity.

Can you now see what the fruit of the tree of good & evil represent in the development of man’s consciousness? Is it not the first step in the development of the Monad? The splitting of the conscious cell into two parts.

The trinity represents relatedness; dynamism. It is the example given us by the higher intelligence on how to live. How to reason. It represents the Tree of Life.

Our world of today built on the humanistic intellect of man, is built on the concepts coming out of the fruit of the Tree of Good & Evil. This has led to our current state of affairs. It is the road to hell. It is the mesmerism of our conscious sleep that doesn’t allow us to see the fallacies in our polar logic.

Written western history for the past 2000 years is a history of criminality. It is the history of Good verse Evil.

Evaluating the video…

The video is implying that due to our advanced technology in surveying and recording all human activity all will be reveled for humanity to see. The good, the bad and the ugly. Could one say that the Book of Life is going to be opened for all to see and judge? I would say so.

Judgement Day in the here and now?

I sense the end of the world is coming. This is what this video seems to be saying. One has to realize that our world is a construct in our mind. When this world construct is exposed for what it is to everyone; a construct of fictions to keep our minds in slavery to the fallen angels, then the awakening will begin.

The video is saying the process of awakening is in progress.

This is my two cents of the message.

July 7, 2018 2:51 pm

Who knows??? I figured out about 20 years ago there were horrific problems and have since then arranged to take care of my wife, my animals and myself as best as I could. It isn’t good enough because I am poor, but it is better than most I think.

We are definitely in for much more pain because of several other REAL problems that math says can’t continue, and correct math wins every time, and math is my kung fu; it is correct.

May you live in interesting times.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 7, 2018 3:17 pm

Wise words Travis. The only thing we have control over is the choices we make in how we live our own lives.

Steve C
Steve C
  Grizzly Bare
July 7, 2018 3:36 pm

”…I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do…” Professor Bernardo de la Paz, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress — Robert A. Heinlein

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Steve C
July 7, 2018 7:56 pm

Steve, we may have to jump you into our gang Fight the Fuckers 86 (FTF -86). The 86 (When used as a verb, eighty-six, eighty-sixed, 86, 86ed, or 86’d is American English slang for getting rid of something, ejecting someone, or refusing service) has to do with I got ninety nine problems but 13 don’t count. But that isn’t our theme song, our theme song is Whip It:

Give the past the slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma’s back
When a problem comes along
You must whip it.

Let me consult with Bea, Maggie and jFish. If anybody is interest in joining, we are non-denominational and there are no fees or meetings. All we ask is that you live your life much like Steve C’s quote above and be willing to face facts and problems that come along.

July 7, 2018 3:35 pm

As of the timestamp of this comment, the informal polling of the first 100 (very likely above-averaged) intelligent, and red-pilled, online voters showed 50% Believers versus 50% Skeptics.

Assuming that all of us are privy to the same daily information on TBP, and other similar types of blogs, that outcome is fascinating.

Optimist: “After rain comes sunshine”

Pessimist: “After sunshine comes rain”

July 7, 2018 3:52 pm

I believe that the President is disrupting the status quo and trying to free America from the clutches of the Rothschilds. He believes in the fourth turning, knows he can’t stop it and is trying to reformat for what comes after.
I hope all of the propaganda in the video is true. I continue to prepare in case it isn’t.

July 7, 2018 3:53 pm

Optimist: a fisher of dreams

Pessimist: a fisher of reality

July 7, 2018 7:30 pm

Cynic: Thunderbird 😉

July 7, 2018 4:28 pm

if it weren’t for the deep state we would all get along–
blacks & whites,muslims & christians,business owner & employees–
hell,we would all just sit around singing kumbaya & eating granola if it weren’t for the evil deep state swamp creatures & bankers–
let’s kill them all now–

July 7, 2018 7:27 pm

A lot of what I believe to be factual information in the first half. The second half was spent saying exactly what we would like to believe is true but probably isn’t. I wish it were all true, but I had to down vote the video.

July 7, 2018 7:50 pm

The military is the most corrupt institution in the US. It is nothing but a black hole for boodle. Anyone who praises it is a scoundrel and perhaps a traitor.

July 7, 2018 8:58 pm

Do you mean the military that can’t account for 2.5 Trillion and has no desire to find it and is currently guarding the largest opium racket ever? Or did you mean the military that buys 200.00 hammers? If you did you should be ashamed.

July 7, 2018 11:18 pm

You mean the office in the Pentagon that was ground zero for the missil….er jet?

black pill: trump is deep state
black pill: trump is deep state
July 7, 2018 8:03 pm

black pill: trump is deep state.

July 7, 2018 8:04 pm

The military is the most corrupt institution in the US? At least is has vision. Can’t say the congress has vision which I think has become the most corrupt institution in the US along with the Supreme Court.

Didn’t think I would hear you say that Zarathustra.

July 7, 2018 8:11 pm

@ allan: Cynic has two meanings. Which one are you referring to?

July 8, 2018 9:18 am

People with astute powers of observation are called cynics by those who cannot see.

What really riles me up are those who are willfully blind. No sympathy from me …

July 7, 2018 8:23 pm

I voted for Trump because he did not hesitate to “stick his finger” in the establishment’s collective eye. If accomplishes no more than that then he met my goal. If he gets more than that done then all the better.

July 7, 2018 8:25 pm

I voted for Trump because he did not hesitate to “stick his finger” in the establishment’s collective eye. If he accomplishes no more than that then he met my goal. If he gets more than that done then all the better.

July 7, 2018 8:52 pm

Not buying it. Lot’s of truth mixed with lies. The Big Lie is “we are all one and can really get along.” No. Have more respect for our differences. We are not one. And we really cannot “all just get along” in the words of a criminal. We need to go our separate ways. If we don’t do it peacefully it will be done by other means. To “all get along” means that true diversity dies in the cradle and those that do the killing are the tyrants, the empires, the bureaucracies and the people preaching “universal values and rule of law.” Lies, lies, lies. We must be free and go our separate ways.

July 7, 2018 9:27 pm

I only have so many minutes left, and I am wasting none of them on what is clearly a hoax.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 8, 2018 1:19 am

LLPOH, I told Maggie in a super secret email that the day you and Stucky sign an affidavit stating that Q is real, that day I will believe in Q and mermaids. You know what I love about mermaids, besides the tits? They have no vagina, therefore they are rational and you can’t not please them because you can’t bang them to begin with. I’m sure you could get a blowjob, though.

July 7, 2018 10:06 pm

Q is obviously some consortium of MI and NSA. Further it lines up with everything we can see about Trump and the elements of the Deep State that supported him in the campaign. The division among intelligence/enforcement agencies is as plain to see as any could imagine if you just but glance.
The CIA and the FBI have been mobilized into action to support one puppet and Military Intelligence and by default as its DoD, NSA, are mobilized to support the other puppet.
Obvious as it gets, even without many redundant “proofs”, which not one detractor has even bothered to look at.
The stakes could not be higher, Trump is dismantling long built and coveted machinery at breakneck speed.
Who do you think is protecting him while he fuckin does this?
In the face of Full Media opposition, in the crosshairs of FBI and CIA senior leadership, opposed by 1/2 the fuckin Republican party, ALL of the Democratic party, much of Corporate oliarchy including some fuckin heavyweights like Google, 90% of all A listers from Hollywierd to NYshitty.
How the fuck is he still here let alone displaying traction and fuckin their dream up bad?
He must have some powerful benefactors/handlers eh?
Would NSA and the military fit the bill?
These institutions would not only provide effective ground support, NSA would be the goddam glory hole wellspring of juicy info tidbits he could use to go on the offensive.
It is so obvious that this is the narrative rolled out by the Deep Deep state I genuinely feel sorry for those that can’t get up to basic speed and grasp at least this basic jist.
We can argue and discuss weather there is any chance that one side will crush the other, or the preordained nature of the script, but to argue that Q is a larp and not a Deep State psyop at this point is moronic.
That train has left the station, it’s fuckin on like Donky Kong, one side will prevail and the other will be vanquished, and this 4th will get wrapped up

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 7, 2018 10:57 pm

The military recruited Trump, after debating to stage a coup against Obummer more than 4 years ago. They were sick of his deliberate deconstruction of our military assets and removal of top generals and commanders in favor of ‘diversified’ lower rank officers.

Do you think for a second they are gonna let this get fucked up now?

Pompeo cleaned up the CIA and then moved on to State Dept. CIA deep staters are responsible for the mess in NK and Iran (and Syria). Trump is the military’s man to clean up this shit.

I long prayed during the Obummer rein that there were patriots deep in the bowels of the Pentagon who would right this ship. Thank God it’s happening, as it was our last chance.

Most of you “Debbie downers” are so wrecked you have lost hope. I don’t blame you.

But let’s see how this plays out. I think Q is coming out of the closet soon. He/they are military intelligence (perhaps led by retired Admiral Mike Rogers).

This is a internecine war. Pysops is necessary part of it. Disinformation is a weapon.

[imgcomment image&f=1[/img]

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
  Rise Up
July 7, 2018 11:25 pm

It’s a matter of public record that Admiral Mike Rogers met with DJT sometime in November, after the election results.

The MSM narrative is that he did this to prevent losing his job as the NSA Director.

The Q narrative is that he did this to let DJT know that the rest of the intelligence agencies – particularly the CIA under John Brennan, and the FBI under Comey – had gone rogue – with the blessings of the outgoing Obama, and were bugging DJT’s phones, and putting the wheels in motion to start the FBI/Mueller/Russian collusion investigation.

It’s clear that Q is more than just a LARP. He’s more than just some spergy omega sitting in his basement and typing away. He clearly has access to the President.

Now, the real question, is he the real thing? Or just a counter psyop designed to waste peoples’ time and energy?

We’ll find out, sooner or later.

  Dick Jones
July 7, 2018 11:54 pm

Otto says:

…one side will prevail and the other will be vanquished..

I’ve written about Trump here as the manifestation of one of the following three possibilities:

1.) The Real Thing

2.) Serving the agenda of the global financial elite unwittingly

3.) Controlled opposition as a Judas Goat or Trojan Horse

Therefore, this question ever remains:

Who has the power?

Dick Jones says:

We’ll find out, sooner or later

Indeed. I concur. We’re going to know soon. I don’t know what we’re going to know, but we’re going to know it soon.

  Rise Up
July 8, 2018 11:16 am

Rise Up- I think the abuse of the Military was prime in the current political paradigm as well, not just the brass but the Elite as well, that whole bin Laden wrap up was fucked up. Counter stories emerging among team members and a short time later nearly all dead in a mystery helicopter accident.
When you start disposing of elite personnel to cover lies, you invite serious blow-back, add in the hit on Chris Stevens (Bengazi), and other sloppy criminal wastes and a tipping point is reached.
Perhaps it was all of the blood and treasure just wasted in Iraq, to only turn it over to Iran, in prep of the next one, ot like others have pointed out, turning the US Military into opium cultivators, processors, transporters, security in Afghanistan, only to have the end product decimate wide swaths of Americans.
That is not why all the ones I know serve.

July 8, 2018 9:20 pm

Add Mike Hastings and Seth Rich. Roger everything else you said.

July 8, 2018 12:17 am

Otto, you’re wasting your breath. None are so blind as those who “refuse” to see. They worship at the alter of doom. Unless doom is what you’re selling, they ain’t buyin’.

Get thee outside and enjoy the chemtrail free skies if you have them. Been chemtrail free here since the beginning of the year. Weather in the PNW has been GLORIOUS too!

July 8, 2018 10:56 am

IS- I have been Roofing in CO for 25+ years, so I have a lot of experience with the sky…
There has been massively less con/chem trails, massive, there are so few recently that we have a company wide game where if somebody sees one, they txt the rest of us.
I really do not know what it is all about, but I can say with certainty there are far far less than we are accustom to.

July 8, 2018 3:32 pm


I have not seen a Chemtrail over my farm in a long…long time and I live outside!

In the past I would look up and see giant spreading Tic Tac Toe grids constantly.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 8, 2018 7:59 pm

I watch for chemtrails, too, and we had some just last week here in the D.C. area. But noticeably less than in years past. Either that stupid idea has been proven to not work, and/or some pressure was put on whoever was doing it to stop the madness.

Yesterday and today were wonderful, weather-wise. Low humidity and CLEAR blue skies. A nice change from the high humidity of last week.

July 8, 2018 8:04 pm

Otto/Mark, I’ve been hearing from people all over the country and most are reporting no chemtrails. Texas seems to be an exception at the moment.

I’d almost forgotten how beautiful a clean 100% blue was. I used to use them to judge how good seeing conditions would be for astronomy that night. Deep blue skies right down to the horizon with extremely short or no jet contrails are best and we’ve had dozens of days like that this year alone. I’d even begun to forget how beautiful and detailed real clouds were. Our weather has even been stable and predictable.

I’m not sure if Trumplestiltskin has anything to do with it but some suspect funding for the fuckery may have been cut off.

July 8, 2018 9:22 pm

I saw multiple chemtrails yesterday in Socal.

July 7, 2018 10:30 pm

Thoughts have a way of materializing into reality. If the collective consciousness accepts the thoughts then reality is created whether one is verbalizing lies or truth. Lies are all around us; especially in advertising. yet they are believed by many and people who go out and purchase products and services that have zero value. Thoughts are the first step in creating our reality.

If Q is a lie it doesn’t matter. If it is accepted by the collective consciousness of enough people it will grow legs and have impact.

It will never do to picture Q as a two-dimensional structure; by ignoring its depth, we falsify its nature.

July 8, 2018 12:05 am

I thought it was very effective, albeit anonymous, propaganda. More fun than a bookshelf full of spy novels. Along with it’s companion piece – “A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals” – does it qualify as “predictive programming” in the nature of 1984 or Brave New World?

Even if it is a Pied Piper op, created just to pacify us conservatives with timed and measured doses of Hopium, what does it matter? Has anyone here been either encouraged or dissuaded from entering the political fray and physically doing anything to help solve the problem? Any (((problem)))?

This guy seems to add even more pieces to the puzzle:
Or more craziness, if you have a cast iron stomach:
Time will tell.

July 8, 2018 9:44 am

YouTube spent a year shutting down contentious channels. I have had at least 10 channels I subscribed to deleted. Then Q Anon appears! Yeah! And ALL former “truth” media and alt accounts are now consolidated under a government misinformation campaign. And people believe? The level of capture and mind-control is impressive.

Old Krank
Old Krank
July 8, 2018 10:23 am

If Q were to be believed, Barry, Cankles, Lynch, Holder and their crew (including most, if not all, of the DNC) would already have been shipped off to Gitmo, faced a tribunal, and been strung up on the gallows.

I admit I had some hope there was truth in the Q phenomenon, but the last vestige of that went into the dumpster with the release of the OIG report into the Full of Bungling Idiots’ Cankles non-investigation. Instead of the sound made by an avalanche of criminal indictments, all we’ve heard so far is crickets.

Trust the plan? No fucking way.

July 8, 2018 3:27 pm

Gil Scott Theron told me, “The Revolution will not be televised!” But this guy is telling me it will be. And I don’t have to fight in it, all I have to do is passively sit in front of the screen and watch it happen!
On youtube free of charge!

Boy, that’s good, because I thought I might have to lift a finger, or something, to take back my country.
Apparently, I don’t even have to vote.
Just sit passively and wait.

I used to think this was going somewhere. Now I think it’s all wishful thinking. My bro is a big Q supporter and when I bring up reasonable issues with the story, he has an explanation ready to go fresh from 8chan or somewhere. I don’t think it adds up. The first Q post said Hillary was being arrested the next day. That doesn’t appear to have happened. There were a lot of other arrests promised and they don’t appear to have happened, either. And what about the countless indictments? The NYC bombing last December seemed interesting, but most of the rest of it has been random pictures, cryptic statements, and a whole lot of nothing. “Just wait and trust the plan!”

If there were a real massive sea change going on, would you imagine the only instructions came via a less-than-reliable anonymous photo and comment site and the instructions would all be variations of “don’t do anything” and “Just Trust Us?”

Also- none of these commenters and talking heads knows anything more than the rest of us. So their videos are little more than propaganda.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 9, 2018 12:38 am
July 8, 2018 3:58 pm

After reading all the comments and contemplating the differences of opinion I have concluded that Q sums up to be a round square.

But wait! What is really a round square? Let’s see.
A round square:
(a) it has a center
(b) it has four strait sides, equal and perpendicular in pairs; and
(c) every point in the figure is at an equal distance – called the radius – from the center.
There is no logical contradiction in this definition providing it exists in Euclidean space, provided that the radius were infinite.

This is the phenomenon that seems to be Q. It is real and unreal at the same time.

Who or whatever is doing this has a motive. I say whatever because it could be an AI.

We live in a whole different reality than when I grew up in america. Today computers are shaping the thoughts that we have. Computers are taking over many of our functions as humans and are fast taking over our Will. What does this leave us with as humans? No function and no will leaves us with no purpose. Think back to 2001 and 2011 space odyssey.

To be skeptical about Q is wise. Round squares do exist but not in our world.

July 8, 2018 4:10 pm

Great commentary on what has become a very cool thread.

It now appears, as of the timestamp of this comment, the Believers have pulled away from the Skeptics in a near 60:40 ratio; or approximately 3:2.

Like the flicker of lanterns in a dark wood, the glint of moonlight from metal on a mountain trail, or a midnight campfire throwing sparks into heaven, so too does hope shine here for 6 out of 10 people in the entropic cosmos.

Yet, 40% remain Skeptics; perhaps either rooted in pessimism, or realism, or fatalism (predeterminism).

Although we’re like-minded folks watching the same movie, we’ve drawn separate conclusions.

How could it have been any different?

At the time of this writing, 222 people are said to have watched the 13 minute video and voted. That’s 2,886 minutes or 48 hours. Of course, 48 hours equals 2 days; or about how long this post has been featured on the front page of this blog.

And we still can’t agree? Us? The awakened ones?


July 8, 2018 4:40 pm

Like this quick survey Q don’t stand for quick. 222 is 3 2s. (((23)))








July 8, 2018 5:32 pm

I am older than most posters here. TPTB have lied to me my whole life. Thankfully, no one near and dear to me was maimed or killed in the Vietnam War. Fortunately, my own son returned from multiple ME tours with himself intact. I had no one close who became a direct victim of 9-11. There are uncountable other instances, however, in which I, along with millions of other law-abiding citizens, have been fooled and abused by the movers and shakers. JKF comes first to mind (Teddy comes later). The continuing exploitation of my naive trust in the good government has left me bitter and cynical (and taking full responsibility for my own stupidity).

Last night I heard audio testimony from a young woman who claimed to have been part of an elite pedophile group that trafficked young children for the use of the elite (she claimed to be one of those children). She told of witnessing politicians being brought into a room and threatened with the death of themselves and their families if they did not submit to committing sexual assault upon a young child while being filmed. Is that true? Who knows? Would the psychoaths who run things resort to this incomprehensible depravity? Of course they would. And we wonder why the DOJ is impotent?

The best I can figure, Q is a stalling tactic to give Trump more time to untangle the mess in DC. My mother taught me that if something seems to good to be true, it probably is. That’s why I doubt the video.

July 8, 2018 9:30 pm

Right there with ‘ya; 10 yrs old when JFK was murdered, downhill with trust in gov ever since. Q is some kid in his Mom’s basement.

July 8, 2018 10:16 pm

I’ve heard similar stories about Congressmen and I’m also unsure but it’s hard to argue that they sure get co-opted in a hurry.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
July 8, 2018 5:48 pm

2 days of manpower on this blog. 600k views x 13 min = 7.8 mil min = or approx 14 years on YouTube for just this video. Now think of all the time invested on 8Chan by the anons. For what? Q could be an elaborate stall tactic or he could be real if the chemtrails are gone.

In the second video posted above by Mike it ties in Q with the Emmy Awards, Alex Trebec, Uranium 1, Rockefellers and Syria. Not kidding.

July 9, 2018 12:01 am

Did it dawn on you guys that maybe Bill Gates/Microsoft can no longer fund the spraying of the chemtrails? Gates does not have infinite funds for black-ops or eugenics programs.

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
July 9, 2018 6:31 am

Because the Q-Anon phenomenon was engineered by very smart people. It is an animal’s intelligence, entirely lacking in wisdom or thoughtfulness, but they do know what they are doing. Rulers have spent what, 10,000 years studying how to manipulate the masses and get them to not rise up and throw the people who claim magical nonexistent authority to engage in criminal behavior out on their asses. I half expect they actually teach this shit more or less in the open at Harvard and Yale and other schools for future rulers. They do teach ‘gameification’ in public relations management.

R Daneel
R Daneel
July 8, 2018 5:35 pm

I made the downvote because it is probably hope-porn. It would be nice if it was all true and The Swamp was going to be drained along with Deep State actors paying for their crimes. Doubt that tho’.

I am an old guy and my 66 years of observing the human animal tell me I can never go wrong betting on the baser, lower elements of human nature are probably true. IOW, the bad guys seem to outnumber the good by about 7 to 3.

July 8, 2018 7:29 pm

All BS until people start going to jail.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 8, 2018 8:09 pm

“Yet, 40% remain Skeptics; perhaps either rooted in pessimism, or realism, or fatalism (predeterminism).”
Unless you have been keeping track of Q “drops” and relating them to news at the time, you would most likely not be a ‘believer’.

Those of us who follow, trust the plan. But to be realistic, there is no guarantee that the plan will deliver every result desired. If we get 75% or better, that’s huge. Don’t expect decades of corruption to be put down in the short time Trump has been our President.

For those who have lost hope, that is sorrowful.

July 8, 2018 8:17 pm

Today, we walked

Down a quiet lane

[imgcomment image[/img]

The breeze, and trees,

Sung a sweet refrain

And high above

Not one chemtrail did we see

[imgcomment image[/img]

Not even one

What does it mean?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 8, 2018 10:57 pm

I noticed the same thing here. If Maggie weren’t so busy with goats and such, I bet she would comment the same as she is only 4ish hours from me. I don’t know what it means, either but it’s nice to see clear blue and not filtered blue/gray.

Personally, when I hear proclamations that we will have worldwide peace, and that is what they are saying, whoever “they” is, I start hearing this verse from 1 Thess 5:
“for you yourselves well know that the day of the Lord is coming in the same way as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever they say “Peace and security,” then sudden destruction will overtake them like the birth pains of ⌊a pregnant woman⌋a, and they will not possibly escape”

note: The Roman Empire used the phrase “peace and safety” in its propaganda to promote the idea of Roman Peace (Pax Romana).
Citizens trusted the Roman Empire to preserve peace and keep them free from danger (e.g., invading armies). In the ot, the prophet Jeremiah rebuked those who ignored the threat of God’s judgment (e.g., Jer 6:14). Paul warns believers in Thessalonica not to trust in Rome, but in God. The prophet Isaiah also rebuked the people for trusting another nation to deliver them from danger (Isa 30:1–5; 31:1).

July 9, 2018 12:36 am

Must be the locations I have lived for the last 20 years: Seattle-Tacoma, Phoenix, Boise, Eastern Washington and now Northern Utah.

I’ve never, ever, seen anything remotely like a “chemtrail”.

July 9, 2018 12:46 am

That just might be the point, Dawg.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 9, 2018 8:35 am

It’s all nonsense , looking for a Nuremberg Style trial of people in government , industry , banking , investment ?
This would be funny if it were not patheticly true that “NOTHING” of substance will happen . As George Carlin said “It’s a big club and you and me are not in it ! THEY DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU AT ALL”!
It’s all gameshow host mentality .
Eventually shit will hit the fan prepare to duck & cover !

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 9, 2018 12:14 pm

Thread by @_ImperatorRex_:

1. A thread on how Team Trump is preparing the normies for what is coming : major Swamp Draining.

Many look at the kabuki theater in Congress, as the way to evaluate ‘Trump v Swamp’.

They misunderstand the role Trump has assigned to Congress, in this great American scandal.

2. The strategy is becoming clearer now.

Consider : Trump KNOWS EVERYTHING.

This isn’t a situation where he is flying blind. The evidence is in, all of it. Has been for a long time.

The issue isn’t WHAT Trump has. It’s HOW to bring the perps to justice. And WHEN.

3. IMO, Trump’s main challenge hasn’t been so much in the evidence gathering, or even in enforcement.

Sessions, Huber (& I suspect other USAs) are quietly going about their business.

The main challenge has been EDUCATING & PREPARING the public, for what is to come.

4. Remember, Trump has ZERO support from Obama & Clinton media slaves, which once dominated the media landscape, but still have power.

In fact, most of the outlets involved were part of the conspiracy. They LIE and actively oppose Trump, 24/7.

They’re complicit.

5. So HOW to bring justice down on the crooks?

You need popular support. And understanding.

The public need to be aware that terrible crimes occurred in 2015/16. And also softened up, for major law enforcement action to come.

6. That means Trump has to by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media complex, in a way that makes them redundant.

The WHEN question is decided: the takedown will be calibrated to destroy the Dems, in the mid term elections.

But back to the HOW question.

7. To by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media, Team Trump have executed a highly organized, disciplined, complex and co-ordinated information campaign.

IMO, they’re using FOUR different channels, to educate, prepare and build a massive network of support, under the radar.

8. Each channel is run by specific individuals /key players, who have specific objectives, as well as different access levels, to the trove of evidence Trump has.

What are the 4 main channels?

9. I think Twitter, FOX, Congress & ‘Q’ are the four main channels to get the word out.

Plus a handful of brilliant, courageous & independent journalists.

Wait – did you read ‘Q’?


10. A quick comment on ‘Q’.

I’ve never bought into the ‘Q is a larp’ theory . Larps give up after a time. They get tired, rejected or bored.

However, I’ve also ALWAYS rejected the theory that ‘Q’ is gospel truth.

And still do.

11. Most of the Q gang assume that every Q ‘breadcrumb’ is 100% true. Many believe it is Trump himself. They’re wrong. That’s naive.

I don’t really care who Q is. Nor do I care if Q is predicting stuff, before it happens.


12. ‘Q’ IS a genuine pro-Trump propaganda/education & awareness campaign.

It is organized, targeted and sophisticated. Also, enduring.

Is the information ‘Q’ posts misinformation, or real?

Answer: BOTH.

13. IMO, the ‘Q project’ objective has been to create mass awareness, discussion, engagement & loyalty to the ‘Drain the Swamp’ project.

It’s about creating pro-Trump ‘informed SPECULATION.’

And to DISPERSE it throughout social media, by-passing the MSM.

14. The concept is GENIUS. Beyond brilliant and unique.

It allows Trump supporters to engage with each other anonymously, important in the current atmosphere, where outing yourself as pro-Trump is still a risky thing to do.

But the genius is the use of social media,to do it.

15. 8Chan disseminates info with high velocity.

Q can drop a ‘breadcrumb’, a hint, photo, a coded thread on current Trump events, inviting speculation among ‘anons’.

Within minutes, it’s being viewed and discussed by MILLIONS of people on 8Chan, twitter, YouTube, Minds etc.

16. Inevitably some ‘anons’ become so fascinated, that they dedicate their time to deciphering what the messages mean.

Very intelligently, too. Result?

A massive network of pro-Trump speculation. For very little cost. See the genius in it?

17. The point of Q is to use misinformation, mixed with true nuggets of real intel, to produce mass SPECULATION.

At the same time, to EDUCATE the growing ‘Q’ community about what is actually happening, plus providing pointers to the future.

And to lure new followers.

18. IMO ‘Q’ isn’t one person. It’s a collection of individuals loyal to Trump, from within the IC and WH.

Does Trump know about Q?

YES. Most certainly. He doesn’t have time to administer the program, but he’d be green lighting a lot of it.

19. A twitter buddy asked me who I think is involved.

Trump’s a key part of it, I’m sure. Also IMO Stephen Millar, maybe even General Flynn and Steve Bannon.

BUT we will never know. Nor do we need to. ‘Q’ is just one component of an over-arching comms strategy.

20. What about the other 3 channels? FOX : that’s obvious. The Hannity Posse & Lou Dobbs are the main players.

Hannity has been given enough information to drop the occasional bombshell. And to whip up the base.

He knows the enormity of the scandal. But not all the details.

21. BTW, Hannity’s rabid anti-Sessions content is easy for us to lampoon as BS, but normies totally buy it.

It’s also a very effective way to create distance between Trump & Sessions, important for when Sessions needs to demonstrate his independence.

22. So that’s Twitter, Q, FOX.

What about Congress, the 4th channel?

Well, it seems clear that Trump has entrusted select Congressional figures, with different levels of knowledge, about the criminality in the 2016 election.

23. Grassley, Goodlatte and Nunes are the key players. In turn, they assign specific access and intel to others (eg Jordan, Gaetz).

BUT their role is NOT to drain the swamp.

Those of you who think you’ll ever get satisfaction from Congress, will always be disappointed.

24. There’s a reason for that.

Trump knows full well that Congress can’t be given the evidence he has. It is corrupt and untrustworthy, on both sides.

Evidence given will be leaked and contaminated.

Another thing.

25. Many of the crooks are in Congress. Why give them a heads up of what you have?

It would be madness, to do so.

No, IMO the role of the select individuals in Congress is above all, to expose the crooks & educate the public.

26. Those Grassley/Goodlatte/Nunes letters? They are pointers to the evidence Trump ALREADY HAS.

They’re letters to the public. To you & me. And the normies.

Those kabuki Congressional sessions? Think of them as public education and softening up.

27. Perhaps Nunes will be given the honor of dropping some bombshells, that expose the worst. He’s been magnificent.

Plus, it’s important that this comes from Congress, which needs root & branch reform.

But Trump himself will deliver the hammer blow. By declassification.

28. After that, the floodgates will open.

Now, some of you might say that all this is very ‘unPresidential’.

Well, screw that.

You MUST remember who Trump is dealing with.

29. Real nasty SOBs, who were destroying America, while the population slept.

And who’d be happy to do so again, if given a chance.

Trump WILL stop them, but it requires real cunning and genius strategy. That’s the HOW.

30. People ask ‘Will Trump win?’.


Trump has ALREADY won.

‘Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.’ (Sun Tzu).

31. Smashing ‘Operation Crossfire’ to splinters, breaks the dam wide open.

Trump will then have even bigger targets in his sights after these mid-terms, all the way to 2020.

He’ll take them down, too. You can be certain of that.


The end.

July 9, 2018 1:23 pm

Rise- Super well done, I think your analysis is spot on, especially on the mid term timing.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 9, 2018 7:07 pm

Thanks but I can’t take credit for this. I am not Imperator Rex. I also agree with his analysis.