“Last year Simon & Schuster released The Chickenshit Club: Why the Justice Department Fails to Prosecute Executives by the Pulitizer Prize winning journalist at ProPublica, Jesse Eisinger. If you read nothing else this summer, you should read this book followed by Nomi Prins’ Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World.

The two books provide Americans with a comprehensive understanding of how the Justice Department, Federal regulators, a growing number of Federal judges and the central bank of the United States known as the Federal Reserve have been corrupted by corporate influence. To a large degree, they now serve their corporate masters, not the American people.”

Pam and Russ Martens, Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, “The Chickenshit Club,” and Spiraling Corporate Crime

“How worried should the government be if a punishment causes a company to go out of business? Should regulators worry about the cashiering of innocent employees? What about customers, suppliers, or competitors? Should they fret about financial crises? From this rather innocuous mention, the little notion of collateral consequences would blossom into the great strangling vine that came to be known after the financial crisis of 2008 by its shorthand: “too big to jail.” Prosecutors and regulators were crippled by the idea that the government could not criminally sanction some companies—particularly giant banks—for fear that they would collapse, causing serious problems for financial markets or the economy.

Today’s Department of Justice has lost the will and indeed the ability to go after the highest-ranking corporate wrongdoers.”

Jesse Eisinger, The Chickenshit Club

“Central banks and institutions like the IMF and the World Bank are overstepping the boundaries of their mandates by using the flow of money to control global markets and dictate economic policy both at the domestic and global level. These public institutions have become so dependent on funding from private banking and the revolving door between the two worlds is so smooth that public and private banks are effectively working toward the same goals.”

Nomi Prins, How Central Banks Rigged the World

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Michael Keane
Michael Keane
July 7, 2018 10:54 am

At this point there is zero doubt a “Coup” has been undertaken against “We The People”, by the “Palace”(DC Corruption). Originally, that Coup went undetected through disinformation although clearly, now in evidence against the sitting President (Conversely, whether you like President Trump, or not, is immaterial to the facts).

The criminal Filth (domestic and foreign) attacking these United States, are the servile apologists of the presence and foreign intervention in America’s financial center; the notion is: “the banks must be protected at all costs as a matter of National Security”.

HOGWASH. The banks and “DC Palace”, are allowing American and Coalition Service Personnel to be butchered in order to launder terror and drug money… “National Security”?

The initial, thus far successful, Gambit, of the Palace Mandarins is a well-planned systemic fraud stripping Americans of their property. The weapon is “Securitization Fraud- pools of American Mortgages also called: Mortgage-Backed Securities- MBS”. The MBS are Counterfeit, as such antithetical to the Constitution: 1 8 6.

The Filth plying counterfeit MBS have been cloaking a systematic enrichment of foreign and domestic criminals through what are known as “Securitization Clearinghouses”. Search the “Depository Trust Company”- DTC, as the American Participant; “Euroclear” as but one European equivalent.

These “clearinghouse” mechanisms have been looting the American Treasury through tax evasion, SEC evasion and pension violations, at least. An example, in microcosm, of these systemic behaviors is found in the Obama-era DOJ and their refusal to advance American interests beyond those of their criminal banking masters. The fact the Obama-era DOJ is operating under false pretense is described in the following article.


Eric Holder’s Law Firm Covington-Burling created the MERS and Eric Schneiderman, among 50 state attorneys general ignored it is a counterfeiting machine (roughly 70% of American mortgages are false).

Eric Schneiderman was the attorney general for New York. New York Trust Law precludes MBS from launching “foreclosures” in the name of the “Trustee” to that MBS (EPTL 7.24)… DECADES OF WRONGFUL FORECLOSURES HAVE GONE FORWARD IN VIOLATION OF NEW YORK TRUST LAW… Eric Schneiderman, chief apologist for the MERS, must have skipped Law School the day “Trust Law” was taught.

CLEARINGHOUSES: the Filth capitalizing on Wrongful Foreclosures use a contract that serves two purposes. At first, the contract acts as a “Collateralized Debt Obligation- CDO”, once AMERICAN HOMEOWNERS are placed in foreclosure, the contract switches to become a “Credit Default Swap- CDS”. The same Filth operating the intentionally mislabeled “Federal Reserve”, also own and operate the Clearinghouses. They use the CDOs to COLLECT mortgage funding (monthly revenue streams = payments) into shadow bank accounts. Once those CDOs become CDS through Wrongful Foreclosures (AMERICAN FAMILIES FORECLOSED WHILE PAYING THE MORTGAGE), local criminals leverage bets the “foreclosure” will be “successful” = a “Naked Short Sale”.

The CDS is a fraudulent insurance bet, based on insider trading (SEC Violation) in violation of NEW YORK TRUST LAW. It is also called a “Derivative”. Presently there are over 1200 Trillion Counterfeit American Dollars (called “Federal Reserve Notes”) placed, as “calls on margin” against fraudulent MBS (Counterfeit Securities).

Local criminals (usually debt collection agencies posing as Law Firms) adopt the false posture of and call themselves :”Trustees” to bring these Wrongful Foreclosures, while corrupted local judges, sheriffs, clerks strip AMERICAN FAMILIES of their homes and then counterfeit an interest they often buy (for pennies-on-the-dollar) in the distressed property in order to conceal the fraud… all in the name of “National Security”?


The video of President Trump pushing his way past the criminal European, Parasitic Filth is cause for celebration, not condemnation. https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/25/politics/trump-pushes-prime-minister-nato-summit/index.html

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