Every day this past week there has been an editorial (and, even articles on the front page) in just about every NYC are newspaper).  Right or wrong,  I thought this was a settled issue. I guess not. Cuz of Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee. So, I thought, what the hell … let’s debate it one more time.

Related image

Q1:   Abortion is;  ( you may choose more than one)

—— A)  killing something

—— B)  murder

—— C)  neither, it’s just removing a blob of tissue

—— D) shut the hell up Stucky, you are just a comment whore desperately trying to reach 100 again for the first time in 6 months

Q2:  Should Roe v. Wade be overturned?

Q3:  I have read more than one editorial which stated that if abortion is made illegal again that this will be the Left’s calling card to initiate a civil war (literally).  Do you agree with this?

============================================ =


Q1:  A, B, and D.

It is definitely killing something that is alive.  I didn’t say its a life or a person.  Whatever it is, it IS alive … and when you intervene to make it Not Alive, you just killed it.  This is basic unassailable logic.

It is also murder at some point.  That “some point” varies depending on when you believe That Thing Which Is Alive becomes …. human.  In my opinion, that time comes when the brain — believed by some to be the seat of the soul — starts to function.  Brains start to function about one week after conception.  Therefore, imho, an abortion after one week is murder.

Q2: Abortion should be illegal for white people and some brown people (like El Coyote’s sexy mulatto).  Every one else should get more abortions … prior to Day 7.

Q3:  I agree.  The Left has already declared war against all who don’t follow their Evil Ways lock, stock, and barrel.  Reversing Roe v. Wade will simply give them carte blance to make it official to murder their opponents. Indeed, there will be blood in the streets.

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 7, 2018 11:06 am

A,B Q2 no, it is beneficial to control certain populations. Q3 We kill all sorts of sentient creatures, including each other on occasion. Why not limit the number of mouths to feed? The moral question is for the people who actually do it, not the rest of us. Less Govt. is always better.

Just want to know. . .
Just want to know. . .
July 7, 2018 11:12 am

I have never understood why abortion is an issue for women. If you don’t want children use birth control.
I also think that the govt does not have any business legislating women’s uterine issues.
In answer to your question I choose “A”.

July 7, 2018 11:20 am

Test the DNA of the “fetus”.

If it is human and individually unique to itself (not a body part of someone else) then killing it is killing a human, and killing an innocent human is murder.

If it isn’t human, then kill it since it is no different than killing any other animal.

Why is the Left so obsessed with killing the unborn among us? It’s almost like a religious thing to them (and maybe it is, a child sacrifice to Moloch or something).

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 7, 2018 11:32 am

Trump claims he is not using abortion as a litmus test. He is looking for “constitutionalists”. If that is true, I don’t know why the left is so up in arms about abortion. R v W was a bad decision for many reasons, they know it and that’s probably why they are scared. That’s all I care to say about that right now. Stucky might remember the all the shit throwing I got into a while back with some others about this. It went on all day and well into the wee hours of the next morning.

I am just going say D, because I don’t have time to get into a battle with supporters of R v W. I got a family thing to go to.

I’ll come back later to see if you get your 100 comments.

i forget
i forget
July 7, 2018 11:35 am

Throwed a black tent (9 robes stitched together) over something & there, presto, abracadabra – that’s settled. Magic words done did another disappearing act. Hand is quick, whirrds are even quicker. But if you ain’t crawled outta the viewless womb, so’s a calendar could be scratched with another fiction, “birthday,” some slob might decide you ain’t quick at all. they might decide youse just another dead euphemism. Cop a fuk. Conceive a kid. Call a cop. Fuk a kid *up.* Thought you had copfuks pegged.

  i forget
July 7, 2018 12:24 pm

where you been?
i had read you enough that you had become easier to decipher & then you disappeared–
now i gots to reedumacate myself–
thanks alot–

i forget
i forget
July 7, 2018 4:23 pm

Women can egg all the houses they want. Men can festoon likewise. But when fools Russian, roulettes fusion, that’s neither mother nor father, but a new sun.

When the secular foddersfeeders, sons o’ political collectivist divide\conquerors (& the dolts who love that shite, having theirs packed), & holy’r than thou judges dread ordain babies shall be legal ghosts, well it’s just another step in the progression to supernova. Charlie Bronson’s dead, but the deathwish is unkillable. Even Willis the gnome’s getting’ some.

Which of these freaks is for, & which against, & what’s the difference? I’ll take that cool coat, leave the freaks to each others’ rigged\symbiotic\sado-masochistic & scrabble-board pleasure.

Lifeworld’s a big place TR. I been out in it.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 7, 2018 12:05 pm

Abortion is murder; several liberal rulings of the SCOTUS are unconstitutional and should have been left to the States (10th Amend). TPTB want Chaos and the liberals want to kill Conservatives; any one of a dozen excuses will do to satisfy their desires for a CW. Liberals seem to only think about how to legally or otherwise rob others. Conservatives have many problems they must prepare for (Democrats, Global Cooling, Economic Collapse, CWII, The Four Horsemen, the NWO etc). But In God We Trust.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
July 7, 2018 12:06 pm

It’s D of course. You can’t possibly be anything other than a comment whore. But that does not mean that you are wrong. Just that you are a comment whore.

  Hollywood Rob
July 7, 2018 12:13 pm

quit being redundant rob–no need to add comment in front of whore–

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
July 7, 2018 7:12 pm

Unless you ladies step it up here poor old Stucky is never going to make it to 100. Come on girls. Give the old guy a thrill.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 7, 2018 10:29 pm

Thanks guys for the Constructive Criticism.

July 7, 2018 12:11 pm

good question stucky–

2-yes,overturn roe vs wade-every state should decide on it’s own

3-a smattering of violence but not a civil war
abortion matters mostly to young people & they ain’t starting a civil war,though the revolutionaries behind them will try to use them to provoke a civil war

July 7, 2018 12:19 pm

The answer is that abortion is not a Constitutional issue (as even its supporters in my law school conceded) and should be left to individual States to decide, which was the situation before the odious and legally idiotic Roe decision.

July 7, 2018 12:19 pm

I’ll help you get the comment count to 100 but it won’t be anything profound.

IMO, this will never be a settled matter. Yes, it is killing.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
July 7, 2018 12:21 pm

My entire life they’ve promised the male contraceptive pill. This will make abortion about as rare as can be. Everyone knows that men will be better at taking their pill than women, who are naturally distracted and emotive.

The problem with abortion is that it flies in the face of Christianity. Yet, without it we would have millions more knob heads. Sorry to be racist here but no one in the history of the world has said “we could use more black people.” I’m thinking that perhaps the curse of Ham makes it necessary to keep it legal.

A lot of Republicans have lately taken up the black abortion genocide rhetoric in an attempt to appeal to Christian blacks. I think most Republicans and nearly all white Democrats and Independents would like to tell them “shhhhhhhhh.”

Scott halloween
Scott halloween
July 7, 2018 12:30 pm

NEW IMPROVED! Super Welfare! Tired of jamming your ankles into those cold stirrups? Just plain fed up with some guy ramming a garbage disposal up your lady parts just to get rid of some players inability to pull out?
Why not try SUPER WELFARE!
For an unlimited time, you can live the hedonist lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.
Are you any woman of any race or religion between 13 and 35?
Are you childless?
Are you a whore?
Are you a fat, pink haired, tattooed waste of space ?
Are you a scrawny meth smoking toothless useless eater?
And do you think you deserve to make big bucks with no education?
Are you a Democrat?
Then SUPER WELFARE is for you!
It’s a simple matter of a couple of snips and you will receive all this!
Welfare money equal to a woman with four kids. FOUR!
This will get you a nice apartment, food, power, and enough money left over for all the drugs and 40’s you can handle.
just think,now you can have that gang bang you’ve been craving,pack that cock into every hole you’ve got with barely a worry.
But wait there’s more!
Every year on your birthday, you will receive a coupon for the video game of YOUR choice.
You can receive BONUS MONEY for getting your friends to sign up.
And the best thing is…it pays you for your whole entire life!
Just think, a simple operation to get your tubes tied will do so much, it will slow down the tide of single motherhood ( 77% currently), it will stem the endless river of so many fatherless children, the single biggest factor in criminal behaviour next to I.Q. It will help prevent millions of genetic descendants from passing on inherited traits such as diseases and low I.Q., work aversion and inherited addiction syndrome.
No more time spent at the abortionist clinic ( you know them fuckers are getting rich off you anyway.)
There is nothing more patriotic than sacrificing YOUR future for your country.
And get paid for it!
Apply today, don’t waste a second thinking about it. Get that money today, everyone will be jealous of your banging lifestyle and YOU will be having all the fun!

A voluntary eugenics partners participation project.

Join up today!

  Scott halloween
July 7, 2018 12:59 pm

That is the perfect idea. Why not?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Scott halloween
July 8, 2018 3:43 am

LOL, great.

July 7, 2018 12:30 pm

Q1: Abortion is; ( you may choose more than one)

—— A) killing something

—— B) murder

Q2: Should Roe v. Wade be overturned?

Yes, it should be up to each state, women should have a choice if they want it, I should also have a choice that I don’t pay for it if I don’t agree with it.

Q3: I have read more than one editorial which stated that if abortion is made illegal again that this will be the Left’s calling card to initiate a civil war (literally). Do you agree with this?

I think the left will go absolutely ape shit crazy.
I also think the dark people behind the curtains will initiate another false flag during that time, that they hope will initiate a civil war. Lib Prog Dem’s don’t have it in them to start anything on their own, that requires independent thought, they ain’t got none o’ dat.

The Moran
The Moran
July 7, 2018 12:48 pm

When you defend your life by killing, is that murder? Are war deaths murder? If that guy “needed killing” would that be murder? If you were to prevent a baby from coming into the world when all around you people are starving, would that be murder? If you were enslaved and your children would also be slaves, would it be murder to kill the fetus? If you were young and dumb and had sex in a fever but had no kind of support for a child and you wanted to go out into the world and make something of yourself rather than be a waitress, what would you do? Own the mistake or do “murder?”

Humans have found reasons to abort, not feed, or leave in the woods babies and children for all of their existence. The Supreme Court isn’t going to stop abortion. It might define murder as it likes, but humans will act as they always have. Each person by reason of having natural rights ought to be able to live in a community where the laws are agreeable to him or her and be able to move if they are not to where they are so far as is possible.

  The Moran
July 7, 2018 1:17 pm

“Murder” is the deliberate taking of an innocent life.

Not the killing of someone in self defense who is attacking and trying to kill you.

You need to think about that for a while.

July 7, 2018 1:01 pm

Q1: Abortion is;
—— A) killing something
—— B) murder
Even if it is a blob of tissue it is a live blob of tissue before and a dead blob of tissue after, therefore A) at minimum. Whether abortion is A) killing something or B) murder depends on when that blob of tissue goes from being a potential person to a person. There are many ideas of when that blob of tissue becomes a person. Some religion based. Some science based. Some belief based. Some morality based. Etc. Some have more validity than others. To me, AT A MINIMUM, the fetus becomes a person with rights equal to the mother when it can survive outside the mother. Fetuses have survived at 21 weeks so any time after 20 weeks or so is definitely murder. Anything before that I’m not sure so from a libertarian perspective I would leave that up to the individuals involved to decide.

Q2: Should Roe v. Wade be overturned?
It definitely should at least be modified. I think it would probably be best to overturn Roe v. Wade and put the legality of early term abortions back to the states where it belongs. I think that ANY abortion after 20 weeks should be illegal unless the life of the mother is in imminent danger (i.e. there are two lives at risk and they can only save one). A couple months ago legislation similar to this (except it included rape and incest which is BS because 20 weeks is more than enough time to have an abortion in those cases) passed the house and failed in the senate. Big mistake on the part of the liberals. They should have let it pass because it would have drastically reduced the likelihood of Roe v. Wade being overturned now. But that’s liberals for you.

Q3: I have read more than one editorial which stated that if abortion is made illegal again that this will be the Left’s calling card to initiate a civil war (literally). Do you agree with this?

It is possible, but not likely. There are some indications that the war has already started. I find it terribly hypocritical for the left to claim it is their right to kill a baby up to 9 months gestation but they are all up in arms about the President keeping a few illegal children apart from the illegals claiming to be their parents long enough to verify that they are indeed their parents and not human traffickers. Since a big part of the left’s platform is gun control if the left initiates a hot war they’re probably not going to get very far but it could be a very nasty time, at least for a short while.

July 7, 2018 1:08 pm

a little test for you guys who think abortion should be legal & that it is not killing a human being–
get a piece of paper & draw a horizontal line,leaving room on both sides of the paper–
on either end of the line draw a vertical line–the line on the left represents the moment of conception & the line on the right equals the moment of birth–
on either end of the vertical lines,draw a dotted line,w/the left being pre conception & the line on the right being post birth–
now between the vertical lines draw a line 1/3 of the way across & 2/3 of the way across,those to equal the trimesters of pregnancy–
one more line & you’re ready for the test–about 1/2 way between the left vertical line & the 1/3 line,put a small vertical line,which represents week 6 of the pregnancy–at that point it is a fully formed human that is about the size of a man’s thumb–

now for the test–
if you believe in abortion,at what point would you say no abortion is allowed and why there?
the moment of conception?
the 1st week,where stucky stated the brain starts to function?
6 weeks,where it’s fully formed?
9 months,when the woman is a couple of days away from her due date & finds out that her husband is going to leave her for another woman so she decides to abort the baby?
after the baby’s birth,when the parents decide that caring for a baby is too much for them?there are medical “ethicists” who believe that,and many of them are affiliated w/”elite”universities–

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
July 7, 2018 6:37 pm

I heard my baby’s heartbeat when she was a 5 week old fetus.
I cried a bit.
She was smaller than a kidney bean with no eyes or nuthin’. But her heart was racing at about 180 bpm.
If a woman was forced to have an ultrasound before an abortion we would eliminate the psychopathic parents from having children.
I think it is murder but I don’t mind if we cull the children of mothers who could still follow through with an abortion after hearing that heartbeat.
We had an ultrasound two days ago ( our second after reading about the ultrasound/autism correlation ). I saw my baby girls face for the first time and got a bit teary but held it together while I worried that the sonic waves were cooking her teeny little brain.
54 days to go until I am TBP’s newest Dad!

  Jimmy Torpedo
July 7, 2018 7:55 pm

congrats jimmy–
if this is your 1st,your world is fixing to change–
be sure to share in the baby work-example,in the middle of the night when the kid wakes up,be sure to nudge your wife & say,”the baby needs you.”
she’ll appreciate the help–

  Jimmy Torpedo
July 7, 2018 8:28 pm

I believe that forcing a woman to have an ultrasound can be counter productive to your cause. I have heard a LOT of stories about women miscarrying after ultrasounds, especially the early ones. The evidence is all anecdotal, but still.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
July 8, 2018 8:36 am

I know Annie. Ultrasounds don’t seem as beneficial as they are promoted as being.
I was concerned about doing a test for Down Syndrome as my genetic makeup may be a bit distorted after my previous life.

Thanks for the well wishes all.

  Jimmy Torpedo
July 7, 2018 11:22 pm

That is fantastic. Congratulations on being a new dad. I’m a new pappy 2 months now. I love that little girl more than my own life. She is beyond precious.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Jimmy Torpedo
July 8, 2018 3:49 am

Congratulations, Jimmy. You are about to experience the best thing in your life ever! I wish you and your wife luck with your new bundle of joy when it arrives.

July 7, 2018 1:08 pm

I am going with A as though has potential to be a human tis not yet,hell,some born and still not human,look at progressives as a example!

I will say contraception seems a no brainer and easy these days,for men and women,I had a snip job as did not feel was ever going to be a good or wanting to be a parent,minding/guard dogging friends kids more then enuff thank you!

I also go with a D,as ,well……,just a given!

Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
July 7, 2018 1:50 pm

If you think abortion is ok, i am all for you killing any or all children you might produce.

The left is willing to kill for the right to kill children, and, paradoxically, are willing to kill to see children of illegals not separated from said illegals.

Michael Alexander
Michael Alexander
July 7, 2018 2:25 pm

A and B
Bring it on. War will not happen d/t progressives always talking shit till the first counter punch. They they STFU.

July 7, 2018 3:05 pm

Ten million more niglets growing up to become wards of the state won’t MAGA. You can’t murder someone before they’re born any more than you can murder them after they’re dead. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s a living human body not a living human being. Of course it’s sad to abort, like taking a flower bud and cutting it off before it blooms. But birth control isn’t 100% and people are people. As a taxpayer I don’t care to pay for more idiots to breed more idiots and criminals.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
July 7, 2018 3:43 pm

You can’t view the “People of Walmart” stuff and not think this way. You even think Jiffy Lube should have a lift with stirrups to perform abortions. And this is exactly what the welfare state has done to us. If you have to take care of your own kid (including education) it would be a different world.

i forget
i forget
July 7, 2018 4:26 pm

Visine ‘murica, as brought by the viziers, & bought\paid for by the bleary, ain’t ever been anything but grate. It rasps the red outta’ bodies, innocent & dumb alike, & pours it out all over the ground.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 8, 2018 12:56 am

KaD, On the plus side is the work you put into your spouse – kudos!
On the negative side, you have a heart of stone (at least judging from your comments). ave you had an abortion? That could be the reason.

July 7, 2018 4:19 pm

While both of my wives and myself would have never considered an abortion, and we hope to have instilled that value in our children, as a health care professional I have to support legal abortion being available. Abortions will happen no matter what the law says or what your feelz are. And when they are illegal women often die horrible deaths from sepsis and hemorrhage. I have seen the pictures. The carnage was appalling.
Hopefully parents will raise their children to the point where abortion is not needed. Until that time, a fairly safe (no surgical procedure is 100% safe) legal option is needed.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 8, 2018 1:00 am

Fido, are you Mormon?

  EL Coyote
July 12, 2018 12:11 am

I guess I can see why you might think that. I have a current wife and an ex wife.

July 7, 2018 4:21 pm

Abortion is
A – Killing something
B- Murder (of a living human fetus)

July 7, 2018 5:32 pm

Yep, everyone gets to air an opinion on abortion, everyone except the human who is terminated!

July 7, 2018 10:40 pm

Amen 1944er.
Being adopted I have a definite opinion on the issue of abortion. Had Roe v Wade been the law of the land in 1950 there is a good chance I would have ended up in the trash can. Also, my wife, brother, and brother-in-law were adopted. And, I think my children and three beautiful grand children would also have an opinion on the issue.
Q1–A, B

July 7, 2018 6:50 pm

Q1. A and B.
Not C. If said blob has a heartbeat, it’s a living offspring in development.
Thou shalt not kill.
Not D. Comment whores have there ranking. Me? A thumbs-up-Like crack addict.

Q2. Yes it should be overturned, with more strict exceptions. Incest, rape.
Abort for economic reasons? Tell that to the Almighty, whoever you deem Her to be.
We might’ve never had Mozart, and the world would have been poorer as a result.

Q3. Oh, they’ll go apeshit, but CW-II? Doubt it. Just a whole lot more bitchin about it.
And about Trump.

Also, just think.
If Mom would’ve aborted, we’d have one less lager.
Admin might get testy w/ too few beers.
If Admin’s Mom would’ve done likewise, we would’ve never had Stucky, and no platform.

July 7, 2018 8:25 pm

Q1: B
Q2: Yes
Q3: Yes

July 7, 2018 8:26 pm

Anon was me

Wip Zulu
Wip Zulu
July 7, 2018 9:08 pm

This is embarrassing. One of the biggest layups in the history or TBP and we’re only at 40 comments?

July 7, 2018 9:44 pm

Stuck – hope you get to 100. Unfortunately, these issues are above my pay grade. Generally I am anti-abortion, but I tend to believe that this issue should be decided by women. There are many women out there who would carry a life-long burden if they had unwanted children, and personally I cannot begin to decide for them what to do.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 7, 2018 10:51 pm

She decided to take the risk if she agreed to sex. If the male wants an abortion, he is guilty of murder too. Behavior, education, love, marriage, sex, children, support, training etc are all serious issues for Modern Human Society and for God. One screw up can have ramifications for many generations. Electing an Evil Ruler of Darkness can destroy a county; a bullet we pray we have just dodged by the election of Trump.

  robert h siddell jr
July 7, 2018 11:04 pm

Teenagers especially can do stupid things. Accidents happen. Rape happens. Incest happens. Abusive relations happen. All kinds of things happen. And I for one am not judge and jury to condemn someone to a life of misery owing to either a bad decision or unfortunate circumstances.

There are millions upon millions of people in the US that have very low IQs, with no role models, and with the inability to reason or forward plan. And understanding of consequences are beyond many people. I will not force my beliefs upon them.

By the way, I see no evidence whatsoever that God gives a tinker’s damn what the hell happens, or He would have intervened long ago. If anything, seems like He might be on the other side, because they have been winning for quite a while now.

July 7, 2018 11:51 pm

Roe v. Wade passed in 1973. The US violent crime rate rose every year until 1989, when it started falling, a trend that continued for another 15 years. The first legally aborted male black baby would have been about 15 in 1989. Coincidence?

July 8, 2018 10:35 am


It takes a man for a woman to get pregnant, so that potential baby is his as well as the woman’s. All men used to be fetuses, too. So to my mind men have just as much of a say about abortion as women do.

July 7, 2018 11:09 pm

Murder.Unless you are into Eugenics. Then you think it’s a good idea.

July 8, 2018 12:52 am


Mostly it’s “niggers” that get aborted so it’s odd to me that y’all care anyways.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 8, 2018 1:04 am

Are you sure? It’s the white pop that’s decreasing and blacks have an incentive to procreate, it gives them housing, food and cash.

  EL Coyote
July 8, 2018 2:10 am

I’m sure. Stats show blacks, hispanics (spare me the lecture about nomenclature) and “other non-hispanic” get abortions at the highest rates, in that order.

Population decrease for whites is of course because they are having fewer kids.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 8, 2018 7:12 pm

(spare me the lecture about nomenclature)
I wish I knew what lecture I would offer. I am comfortable with Hispanic, Latino, brown, beaner, taco bender, taco muncher, illegal, Mexican, wetback, MS-13, free-shitter, shitholer, etc.

Why are you crying for the Raiders? They don’t even know you’re alive. – the Sexy Mulatta*

*Notice that final “a” at the end of mulatta? It means she’s a female, I do not live with a sexy mulatto, despite what Stucky thinks.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 8, 2018 4:48 am

I believe, 1, Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and, 2, it is murder. Not only based on my Biblical belief, but the fact that, if there’s a heartbeat, then the “mass of tissue” is alive. 3, I don’t give a rat’s ass what Liberals think. It they want to start a civil war over abortion, I’ll protect myself and my family against them.

People in the past have tried abortion, usually using herbs, which could also cause the mother’s death, not far different from the idiots who tried it before abortion was legal. But they knew what they were facing. (By the way, “Dirty Dancing” was a pro-abortion movie, if you didn’t catch the drift. I suggest you re-watch that movie with that in mind if you didn’t notice it before. The girl in the movie knew of the risks beforehand.)

Usually, during the time period before abortion was legal, an extended absence, delivery, and adoption was the preferred method, especially because of community ostracizing of the unwed pregnant mother and the known risks of illegal abortion (except maybe in larger, more crowded cities.)

With the availability of birth control, which is free from Planned Parenthood, there is no reason for “loose” women to have an abortion. If a sexually active woman is not on the pill, then it comes down to laziness. And sexually active men who don’t want children or who don’t want to pay child support have the option of getting a vasectomy, which I understand some can be reversed if they change their mind later.

Now, in the case of the mother’s life, which should be decided by family, on whether to save either the mother or child, or in the case of incest or rape, also up to the family, the option of abortion should be available, which would be rare. Other than that, there is no reason for abortion. There are too many people out there hoping to adopt children.

Even in Rome, there was a field in which unwanted children were placed and hopeful parents would venture to find a child to raise. Same thing today. There are always people willing to take these children.

The main factor is that if it weren’t for the welfare state, many women would not place themselves in a position to have an unwanted child, especially unwed mothers with no income (unless it was something out of their control such as rape or incest.) I blame the whole abortion need on the federal government and Uncle Sam taking over the role of the father.

OK, that’s my 10-cents worth. Bash me if you must, I could care less.

July 8, 2018 10:06 am

Q1: Abortion is; ( you may choose more than one)

—— B) murder

Q2: Should Roe v. Wade be overturned?


Q3: I have read more than one editorial which stated that if abortion is made illegal again that this will be the Left’s calling card to initiate a civil war (literally). Do you agree with this?


This has always been about the collective forcing an individual to do something they morally object to… The problem now is that the Abortionists and the Jena Friedmans of the world want folks like me to be forced to subsidize the killing of the unborn.

If this was really about individual choice then why is the government involved forcing everyone to pay. What it isn’t is a conversation between a woman and her doctor. It isn’t. The conversation is framed to override my individual rights to live my life in a way that doesn’t transgress into things that I moral object to…

These activists piss, moan and bleed about being Pro-choice then breathlessly tell those who object that they have absolutely none of it when it comes to the consequences of their odious decisions…

In the United States it should be 100% privatized. Fund their own Planned Parenthood by either patients themselves or by getting the rich Margaret Sanger types to pony up with their own funding. They seem have it in for the poor chillrens, have the money and nothing better to do.

In Canuckistan make it voluntary to participate in the genocide. Let’s be truly pro-choice. Put a check box on tax return to where the leftist cackle can add additional monies to the health care system to pay for the abortions they hold so dear…

Yeah it still ain’t gonna cure all ills. There will be some who would want it made illegal under all circumstances. Still it wil move folks like me to column of benign indifference from the outright disgust that I have no choice but endure right now.

Ceasing being a wedge issue and why it will likely nevah happen..

One thing is for sure. Twenty years from now after Ms. Friedman’s eggs have frittered away and several babies have been suctioned outta her snatch she will still not be funny…

If they would only follow my plan I would still not care..

What’s no to love as it is the best of both worlds.
The Cunts get their choice and I don’t have to pay for moar leftist spawn…

July 8, 2018 10:21 am

By three weeks after conception, the sense of touch has already developed. If the fetus can already feel things before the mother even knows she’s pregnant, chances are good it will experience pain in an abortion. If it can feel, it’s alive.

July 8, 2018 12:44 pm

[imgcomment image&f=1[/img]

July 8, 2018 5:00 pm

Holy shite. Amazing meme.

August 24, 2018 4:50 am

Too bad I haven’t been feeling well for a bit. I would have jumped into this one.