No Easy Answers

Guest Post by The Zman

It is natural for people to embrace simple answers to complicated problems, even when it is obvious that those simple answers have no chance for success. One reason is complicated solutions imply a lot of hard work. Most people would prefer as little struggle as possible, so the option that offers the least amount of effort is always going to have the most appeal. Then there is the fact that hard solution mean hard problems, problems that change things. People don’t like change, so they avoid facing reality as much as they can.

This is the heart of the current crisis. White people in America are faced with a set of facts that are immutable. Demographics is a straight forward issue. As of 2011, about 60% of the population was non-Hispanic white. The percentage of the minor population that is non-Hispanic white fell below 50% for the first time. Given current immigration and fertility numbers, America will be a majority-minority country within a generation. The crisis of our age is not just how we respond to this reality, but how we come to accept it.

The civic nationalists will move heaven and earth in order to avoid facing demographic reality. In fact, they do everything they can to avoid thinking about it. The results of the NY-14 election are a great example. The civic nationalists latched onto the socialist angle, with the desperation of a drowning man. The fact that the district is over 60% Hispanic was lost on them. Even when presented with the facts, they preferred to prattle on about “muh socialism.” The simple answer asks the least of them, so they go with that.

On the other hand, we have the recently red-pilled. Like ex-smokers, they demand action now, believing all they have to do is explain what they have just learned to everyone else, and public opinion will turn on a dime. Paul Nehlen and Patrick Little are good examples of how this works. They read Culture of Critique, had a revelation and then found the nearest street corner on which they could preach the gospel. All of their efforts were based on the belief that the solution was simple. Just red-pill everyone and the problem is solved.

Of course, the very act of running for office is a denial of reality. It assumes the system is fine, but the people are defective. This has been the guiding star of conservatives for three generations. The simple solution to the culture war is to get the “right people” in office and they will solve the problem. The fact that this has proven impossible, and that the system has led us to this point, is never considered. The possibility that liberal democracy inevitably leads to cultural suicide is unpleasant, so even the red-pilled look the other way.

It used to be a popular line on social media to comment about something being the reddest of red pills. The JQ’ers loved using that line to pose as the most “woke” people in the movement. The truth is, the reddest of red pills is accepting that there is nothing to be done, with regards to our demographic destiny. The die is cast. Barring genocide or some weird plague, the land currently called America will be majority-minority. We can seal the borders tomorrow and the facts will not change. There’s no answer to that problem.

Further, liberal democracy assumes things about the citizenry that cannot be true in a majority-minority nation. The Founders saw this from the start and worried about factionalism ripping their new creation apart. Even in a completely white, English speaking country like early America, there was lots of diversity. People putting loyalty to their tribe ahead of loyalty to their nation was a legitimate concern. The American Civil War was not fought along regional and cultural lines by accident. It was tribal warfare.

The fact is, another bit of that dreaded demographic reality is that what comes next cannot include the current system of governance. In a multicultural society, everyone’s primary loyalty is to their group. Liberal democracy assumes people are loyal to their narrow economic interests. The black guy will vote for what works for him, not for what blacks ad a whole think is in their interest. In an all-white society, this works as whites are the least tribal humans. In a majority-minority society, this cannot possible work.

What comes next for us is what we see in the Middle East. In every country, one group dominates the rest, imposing their idea of order on the society. Saddam controlled Iraq for his people. The Persians run Iran. The Muslims run Lebanon, where every hill and valley may as well be its own country. The rule in multi-cultural, multi-tribal societies, is that one tribe rules the rest. That’s our future. The question is which groups will come to dominate the rest and what sort of system will they impose in order to remain in charge.

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July 11, 2018 11:08 am

Aren’t we already under the control of one tribe?

July 11, 2018 11:30 am

I smell more wars brewing. Tribal…….humanity sucks.

July 11, 2018 12:15 pm

As Ayn Rand is quoted: You can avoid reality but you can not avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

We need several ‘nations’ within the North American continent. It could all be done relatively peacefully albeit not without major inconvenience and emotion. Strange that people readily accept the ‘need’ for divorce amount 2 people in a relationship but can not imagine the need for 280 million people in a toxic relationship.

July 11, 2018 1:46 pm

Indeed, multi-ethnic societies without a strong dominant group simply don’t last long..The Civil War was fought by the Yankees and the Jewish bankers, with many of their troops being Irish and German immigrants, against the Cavaliers and the Scots-Irish, with a few other minorities thrown in….The result has been simmering conflict, with the Anglo-Zionists controlling all major government institutions….But not forever…

July 11, 2018 12:44 pm

On the ruling tribes , I remember news reports of genocide in africa to eliminate the unwanted as also in Iraq and Iran ect.. in justabout every country this has happened even Israelites did house cleaning . On the limitations of resolving the current majority minority question foisted on us I say ;“To a man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.” The expression suggests the essence of humankind: to adapt our surroundings to suit our needs. That is the redest pill of all!

MN Steel
MN Steel
July 11, 2018 9:49 pm

Diversity + Proximity = War.

Can be printed on a Red Pill or a Happy Smoke Pipe.

Seems to me Hard Times create Hard Men, and I wouldn’t want to bet on Black in the upcoming Hard Times.

Of course, I wouldn’t bet on Red, Brown or Yellow either, based on a little factor called history…

July 11, 2018 2:13 pm


“The simple solution to the culture war is to get the “right people” in office and they will solve the problem.”

It is no longer about the right people in office. We are moving past that. See, politics is nothing more than acting for ugly people. The actor, politician and the news reader all regard themselves as a celebrities in a never ending circle jerk. Each supports the other so as to maintain their privileged status.

The actor is now a dying breed. Very very soon, ALL media will be made “inside the box” with zero need for real people. Sure, you’ll need some voice talent but Mel Blanc never went on television to scream expletives at Kennedy now did he? Very soon, no one will give two sh*ts about Hollywood. Movies can be made anywhere by anyone.

72% of Americans no longer believe what they are being told on the news. The lofty position of the 4th Estate is in tatters. The president openly mocks most news outlets to the cheers of his followers. How much worse will they be seen six years from now???

The politician, himself, is nearly finished. If A.I. is good enough to now both hire and fire us common folk then we need to work as quickly as possible to replace as many politicians as quickly as possible with A.I. After all, if the D-Wave Computer can simultaneously consider more possibilities then there are atoms in the Universe then it can probably do a better job of allocating funds to keep our infrastructure functioning.

The age of people in politics is nearly over and it wont matter if we adopt A.I. or not because some other nation will and we’ll have no choice then. We will have to do so or be left far far behind.

July 11, 2018 3:43 pm

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July 11, 2018 4:02 pm

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i'll never tell
i'll never tell
July 11, 2018 4:48 pm

All my Southern White male life I’ve acted cool on the outside while my blood boils on the inside. One day my oppressors, who have been Legion in the government, military, business, education, media, etc, will get the shock of their lives.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 12, 2018 1:01 pm

If we can’t ship ’em back where they come from, how are we to be rid of them?
You only think within the boundaries of what YOU consider possible. Reality has no such constraints.
Demographics are destiny only while peace holds.