Via Ben Garrison

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July 12, 2018 4:14 pm

It’s just a mafia style shakedown by the US . Trump wants Europe to pay for the American empire . If the US doesn’t like it they should withdraw all their forces back behind their border, but they never will.

July 12, 2018 5:37 pm

Empires extract tribute from and dictate laws to their vassal nations.

The way the Soviet empire did before it collapsed, England did during the rule of the British empire, and the EU does with its vassal (member) States today.

Since we pay tribute to other nations (everything from military protection from their enemies to direct foreign aid payments) and have much of our law dictated to us by them through the UN, what makes us qualify as an Empire?

If we’re an empire we’re pretty bad at it, having gotten everything backwards compared to all the other empires that have existed throughout history.

July 12, 2018 5:49 pm

Military protection? From who ? Imagined US invented enemies. What keeps the US dollar afloat ? The US military. What keeps the US standard of living above the rest? The US military. It’s coming to an end just like the Soviet Union.

July 12, 2018 10:25 pm

You’re really not very smart, are you?

If you think you are, then tell me about all the nations in all of history that managed to survive as nations without a military to ward off enemies wanting to take them over.

July 12, 2018 4:51 pm

Well done, Ben Garrison. Why won’t the NATO countries by more of our MIC shit?

Donald Trump, international door to door salesman for MIC and Shale.

theresa april
theresa april
July 12, 2018 4:58 pm

russian gas is abundant, cheap and reliable. nato is a US tool so US should pay for it. Discussion over.

p.s. garrison sucks

  theresa april
July 12, 2018 5:39 pm

If we don’t how will all those European nations that are members of it pay for their socialist programs and their own military defense as well?

  theresa april
July 12, 2018 9:02 pm

You are so right. Garrison sucks, Trump sucks, Germany should be applauded for following it’s genuine interests and Putin is God.

July 12, 2018 10:59 pm

Putin is God? Trump is God? Who thinks that one man or even a few men can alter human nature? One in power can disrupt the status quo but that one cannot alter human nature and human bias.

We forget that there is more than one type of human. So there can be no uni-polar world. We have to learn to get along with out different intellectual viewpoints and predilections in our humanistic world but the only way we can do that is to listen to that higher intelligence of the universe that tries to contact us through our higher emotional and intellectual centers by suggestion.

Russian collusion? How about the collusion of all the different PACs and lobbyists and across the State contributions to the politicians that run for office?

Are we so stupid that we cannot see the same pattern in another form? A spade is a spade no matter how you want to hide it; just like a Leopard can change it’s color but it cannot change it’s spots.

When it comes to politicians they are influenced by everyone. But I think this president is not a politician. He is a member of an elite family. Elite families run the states, they run counties and this is not an exaggeration. Just read history and it becomes clear.

What the world needs is relationships between countries.

July 12, 2018 11:20 pm

So . . . who benefits from the Nordstream II deal getting killed?

It’s not America.


Every. Single. Time.