Trump Should Fire Rosenstein Immediately

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Does Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence officers for allegedly hacking Hillary’s emails and interfering in the US election have any purpose other than to throw a monkey wrench in President Trump’s upcoming summit with Putin?

Don’t forget that Rosenstein is implicated in the orchestration of Russiagate as a weapon against Trump, a weapon that serves the interests of the Democratic Party and the military/security complex about which President Eisenhower warned us 56 years ago to no avail. Rosenstein’s indictment of 12 Russians for allegedly hacking computers is a political indictment aimed at President Trump. The indictment is otherwise pointless as the Russian government will certainly not turn over its military personnel to a Washington kangaroo court. The indictment serves no purpose except to poison the atmosphere of the summit.

If you read the indictment, you will see that it consists of nothing but improbable accusations. There is no way on earth that the US Justice (sic) Department would be able to acquire the information in this fictional story that Rosenstein has presented. Moreover, there is no sign whatsoever of any evidence in the indictment. Rosenstein knows that he needs no evidence, because the accused will never be brought to trial.

Rosenstein has thrown red meat to the presstitutes, who are assets of the military/security complex and Democratic Party, and the presstitutes will pressure the Republicans to get behind Rosenstein’s call for a united front against Russian interference. You can imagine what would happen if Trump and Putin were to have a successful summit and normalize the relations that Washington ruined between the two countries. If your imagination is not working, consult here:

During the presidential election campaign, I pointed out that Trump was not Washington savvy, did not know who would support his positions, which were antithetical to the interests of powerful interest groups such as the military-security complex and global offshoring corporations, and that Trump ran the risk of being destroyed by his own appointments.

Rod Rosenstein is a Trump appointment. Moreover when Trump’s Attorney General ordered Rosenstein’s resignation, Trump refused to accept it and kept Rosenstein in office. Trump’s miscalculation is so enormously wrong that he deserves the knife in the back that Rosenstein just delivered.

If there were a valid indictment of 12 Russians, for the sake of the summit’s success, a normal functioning deputy attorney general would have held the indictment until after the summit results and, if the summit were successful, would have deep-sixed the indictment regardless of whether there is a basis for it. My 25 years in Washington tells me clearly that Rosenstein has knifed Trump in the back. If Rosenstein has caused the summit to fail, Rosenstein has raised the risk of thermo-nuclear warfare.

There is an alternative to the explanation above. The alternative is that Trump, being a bully, was convinced by those in his administration, who most certainly do not want any normalization with Russia, that the indictment would put Putin on the spot and give Trump the advantage in the bullying arena. I can hear the CIA and John Bolton telling Trump that the indictment would put Putin on the defensive and permit Trump to pressure him into a summit outcome favorable to Washington’s hegemony.

This is a clever way of setting Trump up for failure in his meeting with Putin that could possibly poison the relations between the countries ever further without the failure being blamed on Rosenstein. Thus, Rosenstein’s position as Trump’s political assassin would not be threatened. He would still be running Russiagate with a recused Jeff Sessions sitting there useless.

Professor Stephen Cohen is a premier expert on US/Russian elections. His considered view is compatible with mine:

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 15, 2018 4:48 pm

Stien, so I assume the boy is a jew, The trumpster loves jews. Before his selection he said “I will be the best friend Israel has ever had”. So far he is true to form. In 07 wesley clark said “in 7 years we will bomb 5 countrys”. All for the greater good of Israel. But, trumpster has been bailed out by the jews over his failed carere. So he owes them.

July 15, 2018 4:55 pm

Meh, I’d rather watch the semi-animate piece of detritus skewer “itself”, get “Arkancided” or possibly [eventually] get tossed under the bus by the likes of the equally-evil semi-animate piece of detritus, the Clinton MULEler in attempting to save his own sorry ass.

July 15, 2018 5:46 pm

George Webb’s take on the 12 detained
“Did Rosenstein just substitute Russians for Awans and GRU for U.S. DIA?

Just imagine if, when Trump fires Rosenstein for his blatant corruption to hide the Hillary camp, Debbie wasserman Shultz, Imran Awan, black berry spying, Pakistani ISI connection , DNC hack of Bernie supporters funds and votes and the subsequent Seth rich murder not because of a hack but his leaking of info to Wikileaks and the murder of subpoena server to the DNC Shawn Lucas with an “rx overdose”…

The level of desperation and hubris in these acts is astoundin, shocking, revolting and infuriating!

Corruption playing out LIVE , for those paying attention…

For those who watch sports will continue to have to listen to political agendas because this is a coordinated multi institutional attack. An example like the co opting of the kneeling for injustice, instead some how about the flag or supporting the military…more like hiding behind the flag to dismiss the desire for adult discourse with ALL the facts.

That’s like saying a city council”person” hates firemen who are on the budget to be axed because of the insolvency of the mark-to-lunacy ponzi pension contribution schemes the city governments have been caught up in with federal government grants and institutional lenders with ZERO RISK on FRNs borrowed from the FED …all… on the back of the CITIZENS of the US of A.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 15, 2018 6:17 pm

Platoplubius, my apology for previous unkind words; you know the domestic scum and take no quarter… Should Trump fire the Rats? How about a Round-Up of The FBI Touchables (including Harpy) and a public televised trial held. Every Democrat that disrupts the proceedings should be given six months and immediately arrested.

  Robert H Siddell Jr
July 15, 2018 7:08 pm

I may understand some of the “domestic scum” but in no way do I think they are the only scum responsible, from either party
Like I’ve said, this is why Trump was appointed, to empower and embolden the nationalists to come out of the woodwork and dupe them into the group think that the fundamental changes necessary to get back what we have been told we lost and in which we indeed have lost will or even could be accomplished.
Now is this pessimism, fatalism, realism or hope?
Hope comes from realizing what is in your control and what is not, hope is paying attention for opportunities to push back against the underlying current and the forced progression to an “out on the open” one world faux Democratic technocratic dictatorship.

  Robert H Siddell Jr
July 15, 2018 8:19 pm

I just read your comments on yesterday’s thread that you are apologizing for,
No worries man.
We are on the Burning Platform,

I have been forged in the fires of many flamewars from days of yore here on TBP with old dogs like Stuck, Smokey, Reverse Engineer and of course Jim Quinn…
Thank you again Mr. Quinn for the lessons gleaned from this platform over the years even though it has brought with it it’s own obstacles to overcome.