Stucky QOTD: God After The Apocalypse

I just finished the book “Ashes Of The Earth” a few days ago.

The basics.  Humans waged an all-out nuclear and biological war. Only about 10,000 people remain alive.  The people are reduced to living a steam-age technological existence …. and even then only because of what can still be scavenged. Once the salvage runs stop yielding the remnants of society, what’s left of mankind will likely be reduced to that of the Stone Age. Already the first generation of children born into post apocalyptic America are descending into superstitious savages … as they feed each other myths of a “Better World” where there exists unheard of luxuries such as warm houses, machines that fly in the air, and most amazing of all, abundant food — and they are committing suicide to go there.

It’s one of the more enjoyable “post apocalypse” books I’ve read. One of the characters in the book is a priest … but, he’s a sad and lonely figure clinging to his own old “Better World” beliefs.  He has a congregation of one … himself.  Which brings us to the QOTD.

Q1:  General:  In a world virtually totally destroyed by war, with only 10,000 humans left alive …. will the first and subsequent generations (those who never knew the world before it was destroyed) still have a belief in God?
— If so, why? Which God  will prevail this time?
Q2:  Specific, to Believers:    You were a Believer before the Earth was destroyed. You are one of the 10,000 who survived. Do you still believe in Jesus, and that he loves us, and that he will return to Earth to establish his thousand year rule?

====================================== =


Q1:  Yes. Believe in God will probably never die. It’s in our DNA, hardwired in our brains.  There is solid evidence that the cave drawings and burial rituals of humans/humanoids going as far back as (probably)  Neanderthals and (certainly) Cro-Magnon are indicative of religious rituals.  God is baked in the human cake.

Which God will prevail this time?  Well, if it’s 10,000 Christians that survived the Apocalypse then it’s likely that Christianity will survive  … but, it almost surely will not be anything recognizable to current beliefs.  What if it’s 10,000 atheists who survive … will that be the Death of God? Nope.  It may be for that generation but, again, there is a “God Gene” in humanity, and God will eventually reemerge. Hopefully it will NOT be a belief in monotheism!  Monotheism always results in dead people — those people who don’t believe in your God. Kill ’em!  Just look at the big picture history of Jews, Mooslims, and Christians.  Hopefully polytheism prevails where every God is just as valid as every other God.

Image result for god is dead funny

Q2: I would be SO DONE with Jesus!!! Believe in a god who allowed, or could not prevent,  7+ billion people to die a horrible death?  That god can go fuck himself.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 22, 2018 7:29 am

We all die, we all suffer, that’s life.

We also all experience joy, happiness, love, etc. Being human has far more benefits than drawbacks, but that’s just my perspective.

God exists- Creator- with or without us, because this Creation-the Universe with everything in it- exists. If the Creator could come up with everything from the atom to the Universe and all the wonders in between, he could certainly have been able to spend a few decades as a man in the middle east doing carpentry and preaching to his friends and followers, but that’s an entirely different matter.

Over the years I have gone from being a curious and wide-eyed child filled with wonder to a cynical and bitter middle aged man with a sour outlook and a hopeless view of the world, back to being a curious and wide-eyed older man filled with wonder.

It’s all about perspective. We come in, we go out and all the time between is up to us to figure out how we should do it, but Earth abides.

Thanks for giving me something to dwell on today, Stucky, you always provide something worth thinking about. Have a great day.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 22, 2018 9:59 am

I remember reading “Earth Abides” as a child. I think 1949 publishing date. Isherwood Williams was the main character and survived because he was stung by a bee, if I rightly remember. This dude abides until he doesn’t

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 22, 2018 10:04 am

It was a snake bite.

The ending was haunting, his grandchildren turning coins into arrowheads by banging them with a rock and then leaving him to die all alone on the bridge because they had game to carry back to their camp and he wasn’t able to walk anymore.

July 22, 2018 8:10 am

You should read and understand the prophecies, Stucky, instead of speculating about a different outcome than they foretell while using a biblical reference to the final events of the times.

BTW, telling God off if he doesn’t do your expected bidding is an unwise thing to be doing. Threatening God is worse than trying to plea bargain with him to get him to do your will instead of his.

July 23, 2018 11:41 am

What about free will? Yes, I know decisions of others can do great harm to many innocent people. But I believe free will is one of the greatest gifts God blesses us with. John

July 23, 2018 12:27 pm

Free will was coopted by Bernays and the gang. All your thoughts are belong to us.

July 24, 2018 10:26 am

Nope, I would not talk to you that way. I’m pretty sure I have never admonished you about anything, amigo. We are all here biding our time waiting for the big event, talking with anticipation, some elated, some deflated. I am much more inhibited than your unfettered imagination, which is very un-Mexican of me since Mexico’s gestalt is death. It is no surprise that Mexicans spawned the cult of Santa Muerte. They have embraced the Katrina – the death cartoon and La Pascualita, the formerly living mannequin.

Perhaps that is why I’m also impressed with T4C, the death nurse.

I have made my own limited views known; I lean to the left politically and to the right spiritually. Until the day we are safely in our casket, I can’t say for sure whether you or I shall live or die. My only hope is to see God. After that, come what may.

July 24, 2018 3:06 pm

Stucky finally died. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. He appeared before the High Court. Beside him stood Ann Coulter.
– This can’t be heaven, I would have expected a more buxom woman like Stormy as my reward. OTOH, it ain’t hell since she isn’t Hillary.
– BB got that one
– You heard that?
– We know all your thoughts
– Can she hear me?
– No
– Then I must be her reward, that’s kinda flattering
– She lived all her life as a spinster, she prayed often for a man, this is the best we can do considering her politics..
– And I’m him, well, I suppose I can satisfy her needs for eternity. Guess I wasn’t so bad since this punishment seems pretty lenient.
– You will satisfy her needs, see, she never had a man of her own to nag and now as her reward, she can nag you for eternity. Welcome to Stucky hell.

robert orians
robert orians
July 22, 2018 8:24 am

My faith has been tested and I have watched as the Holy One of Israel healed my 5 year old Granddaughter after I ran her over with my old John Deere tractor . Well over 5000# of tractor . I saw rich men of great wealth weeping at the bedside of bald cancer stricken children and yet my baby girl was brought back from the very brink of death through no power of my own . I can never stop believing even if every person on earth is faithless . I was given only 2 months to live on January 4th , 1990 after being diagnosed with a football size tumor around my liver . The whole world may choose not to believe but as for me and my house , we will serve the Lord ! Come what may !

July 24, 2018 6:42 am

God will not be mocked, herr stukfuk. Your time is coming.

July 25, 2018 7:09 am

Mock away, herr stukfuk. Your intellectual dishonesty is only exceeded only by the sheer hubris with which you mishandle and mistreat the truth of god’s word.

Nowhere in the bible does it say anyone will be tormented for eternity, except the devil, the beast, and the anti-christ. Everything else you say is a pigment of your imagination, the same as all your other lies.

From now on, your name will be herr stfukfuk (herr shut the f**k up fuk), censor me, you POS.

July 25, 2018 8:05 am

Looks like someone got their panties in a bunch. I don’t censor low IQ assholes. I let everyone glory in your ignorance and idiocy. Keep going.

July 25, 2018 8:06 am

AlphaDolt – guess you missed a bit of Sunday school. Matthew 25 clearly talks about eternal damnation. You should stick to something you know, like fellating goats and such. Your Biblical knowledge is lacking.

July 25, 2018 11:10 am

“Pigment of your imagination”__________ADHD

Interesting, he is almost as much fun as Bobby Blowjob Fennigan.

July 22, 2018 8:39 am

After The Flood in Genesis God said he’d never wipe us out by flood again. He did not say he wouldn’t allow us to wipe ourselves out.

July 24, 2018 10:45 am

Mikey, if you had bothered to read the rest of the book, the earth will be destroyed by fire.

July 22, 2018 8:53 am

How could a loving God condemn members of his creation to eternity in the Lake of Fire?

This is Stucky’s question.

It is also the question that Lucifer asked of God when he was sentenced to the Lake of Fire after his failed rebellion in prehistory.

The Adamic creation is merely the appeal trial of Satan’s sentence. Once again creatures are given free will, and once again chose to sin by disobeying God. Mankind is derived of the Adamic creation. But God’s love gave mankind an “out”.

All it takes is for one person of free will to, of his own volition, believe and rely upon Jesus Christ to wash away their sins, and he or she is granted eternal life with God. This Satan always had, but rejected in rebellion.

In so doing, the love of God is proven and Satan’s appeal is denied. That a portion of the human race is blessed is a bonus. Each of us are bit players in this drama with various degrees of visible importance to the trial. I’m relatively invisible, and I’m okay with that.

There is no threat, that is a prehistorical reality. But there is that promised “out” we can choose to embrace or reject with our eyes wide open.

It is your choice. Each individual actor has a role of their own choosing. I have made my choice to accept the love of God.

July 22, 2018 10:07 am

So you accept Jesus and it makes your shit sandwich taste better. You have to make it through a sometimes for you and always horrible life for others in order to die and sit at the right hand of the father. That is the hook that keeps everyone believers. Do yourself a favor and read the earth chronicles.

July 24, 2018 6:50 am

Let’s see, believers outnumber athiests/humanists/whatever on this site by a factor of over 2 to 1.

You don’t understand that which you deride. Why is that?

July 22, 2018 8:57 am

Sorry Stucky, but cursing the creator because the created decide to commit mass suicide just doesn’t fly.

The Creator gave us two sparks of His divine essence: the ability to create new life and ability to choose or own destiny. We are busily short-circuiting the former by misusing the latter. Deviant sexuality, abortion, short-sighted materialism, and a host of other attributes of a death culture are destroying the life-giving ties that bind us to Him who is the source of all that is. It is the willful severing of those bonds that is the source of human misery. What we do, we do to ourselves.

Free will remains with each and every one of us to the moment of our death. The fact that we misuse the gift given is no cause to indict the giver. Choosing poorly, or wrongly as an individual or as a people merely illustrates the limitations inherent in the created. Turning on God exposes no weakness or evil in Him. It only magnifies what is lacking in us.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
July 22, 2018 8:58 am

Why do people never respond to your very specific questions?

Q1; If only 10 000 people out of the current billions survive, they will probably be Polynesians or Inuit so the god they believe in will be Molokuku the volcano God or some great white walrus god. People like to believe in something while they are sitting staring at a volcano or eating frozen seal eyeballs.

I don’t qualify to answer Q2

Horndoggle B. Fapsalot
Horndoggle B. Fapsalot
  Jimmy Torpedo
July 22, 2018 8:35 pm

Why do people never respond to your very specific questions?

Because they don’t accept Stucky’s presuppositions. That’s why.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Jimmy Torpedo
July 23, 2018 3:41 am

Or God may make himself manifest to the survivors to bring back believers. You never know.

July 23, 2018 2:41 pm

A HUGE part of the equation, that is not mentioned in your summary, is who are these 10,000 survivors and how did they come to be together. Were they already a community that was somehow spared or were they spared one by one and gradually coalesced, like in The Stand? It makes all the difference.

I really don’t have any new or inciteful answers to you question Stuck, but it got me thinking, so I made a longer comment, but it seemed to fit better on the Zman’s post.

July 22, 2018 9:17 am

“Believe in a god who allowed, or could not prevent, 7+ billion people to die a horrible death? That god can go fuck himself.”

I concur. As to the bible, it is a work of fiction. If God exists then this power or energy known as God is so much bigger than any God man could think of, and without human attributes.

P.S. Many Jews became atheists after WWII. Why is that?

July 22, 2018 9:36 am

Mocking and denying God is probably the most foolish thing that a man can do.

July 22, 2018 12:47 pm

Bolsheviks dude. Wake the fuck up.

Bob P
Bob P
July 22, 2018 1:56 pm

Of course people would still believe in God, thinking God spared them and ignoring any possible culpability on God’s part for 7 billion deaths. That’s what the deeply religious do: attribute wonderful things to God and horrible things to “free will.” What a pile of shit!

As for question 2, if one of those 10,000 came up to me and said something like, “It’s a miracle God saved us!” there’d be 9,999 of us left.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 22, 2018 8:09 pm

Many Germans stopped believing in Hitler after WWII. Why is that?

Do you believe in Trump? Maybe he can save you.

July 23, 2018 12:57 am

The book review is a piece of fiction and some of you coneheads are ready to blame God? It’s fiction, not prophesy. No, man will not destroy the Earth, because God say’s he will do it with a cleansing fire along with the all the evil rudiments at the end of this age.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 12:12 am

If God plans to destroy the earth with a cleansing fire, can’t you just use a boat and go into the middle of a lake or into the ocean and then survive and return to the land? And I ask that as a Christian. Sorry, but I don’t believe that prophecy relates to the end of the world.

July 22, 2018 9:25 am

q1) A scenario where science and civilization is destroyed would, I think, aid in a resurgence in belief in a God (defined as some sort of supernatural power/creator, etc.) as there would be little to counter such a belief left. It would provide all sorts of benefits such as an easy explanation for why things are they way they are, hope for a better future or after-life, etc.

q2) You posit that I was a believer before the earth was destroyed: – If I was a true believer then I would still be a believer afterwards. If I stop being a believer afterwards then I wasn’t a real believer before. Therefore the question answers itself.

Don’t assume my position on God from the above. I just trying to answer the questions.

July 22, 2018 9:48 am

Q1: there will always be a belief in God because the evidence is shown throughout all of creation, that a design and complexity exists well beyond simple chance or evolution.
Q2: Okay, I will play….. I would say in your scenario that true Christianity could not survive. There were dozens of prophecies about the coming of Christ -most of which he could not have fulfilled on purpose (events involving his birth and manner of death.) ALL of them came to pass and were fulfilled. There are hundreds of others concerning his return “lest no living creature remain” These are well into their fulfillment or actively aligning. If Christ doesn’t return and save mankind from his self destruction before your scenario, then Finally, the atheists would have a real argument against the truth of God and his graciousness in giving us the redemptive Jesus Christ.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 22, 2018 9:57 am

Pointless rituals and mindless superstitions have always been introduced as some level of control over the masses .
The more well off in every society somehow find a way to convince the ignorant masses that by serving the more well offs intrests the masses are pleasing the “GOD or GODS or COSMIC MUFFINS” .
When I speak of the more well off it is not just material wealth it’s also intellect and cunning . Possessing the powers of persuasion over others by convincing them some ill will could befall them but VOTE FOR ME AND I WILL SET YOU FREE ! It’s all same shit different day . From snake oil sales to faith healers in tents and wagons to satillette broadcasts around the globe in 17 languages the message is the same “JUST SEND MONEY” wow I feel better already !
The faith I have found is to attempt to do good works for my fellow humans help the ones when I can and attempt to advise the young ways to avoid the many pitfalls in life . If that is not enough then perhaps the mythical hell will be my destiny . Remember one absolute anyone claiming to have the one and only truth and path to GOD and salvation , run away as fast as you can at best they are full of shit and at worst will lead you down a path you are not looking for and will be engulfed before you realize what just hit you between the eyes !

  Boat Guy
July 23, 2018 11:07 am


Good one Boat Guy. Sparing a guess I’d say Lord Odin would have a laugh or two at that one…

Your philosophy is wise. If more would follow that there would be fewer aimless souls walking this earth..

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 24, 2018 12:06 am

Forget Me Not

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
July 22, 2018 10:11 am

Q1: No, because war definitely changes the way people think, believe, and behave from one of building for the future to #YOLO #FOMO.

Q2: I don’t even believe in Christ now. I have never met him and most likely never will.

July 22, 2018 10:31 am

Don’t forget the living cell. From that all life appears in it’s different forms from a proprioceptive process only known in the cell. And science can’t break into it and find out the process because once the cell is broken into it dies.

Is the development of the cell performed by a higher intelligence? An intelligence we call the creator? Man lives on the surface of an actualization we call the earth. This earth is made up of atoms in aggregate form accessible to our sense perception. Did the same higher intelligence form the earth we live on from the atoms?

Atoms and cells form our world and ourselves. We were given religion to let us know that a higher intelligence exists that has functions and a will.

Man was created by this higher intelligence as a being with functions and a will. Hmmmm. Sure seems like this higher intelligence is in the process of creating a family. Could the trinity be a sign to us of a family relationship? Is the Holy Ghost female?

But then man crossed this higher intelligence and some became the Devil and his helpers.

And I heard the voice of the Devil: “I am Evil”, he said, “at least so far as Evil can exist in the best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly. (hmmm… sounds like our political leaders and their followers) I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist. But how to do this is not for me to tell. For I am the Evil which men say is the cause of all evil and which they invented as an excuse for all the evil that they do. They call me the Prince of Falsehood, and truly I am the prince of lies, because I am the most monstrous production of human lies.”

So we need to wake up and see we are the cause of our own problems. Our religious leaders need to stop babbling about false notions they created out of religion and tell us the truth. The Devil has them in his grasp because they have willingly become 501c organizations that answer to his government. So they have to keep their mouths shut concerning the doings of the government of the Devil or their pulpits will be shut down.

We have become a nation of lies which feed into the lie of the apocalypse which we will cause if we don’t quit the triangle of Devil, Death and Time. And Time is running short.

We need a new religion that will speak the truth and dissolve the triangle that oppresses us and causes our will-lessness.

We have come to worship the government and it’s money system. The higher intelligence that created our world resides within us. It is not of this world but is in it because it created it. When we wake up and throw out all the lies inside us that we have come to believe we will then have access to the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is within us but we have filled ourselves with so many lies we cannot see it.

The apocalypse is only a potentiality in Eternity along with an infinite number of potentialities. When we start to believe this rubbish about the apocalypse spewed out of the mouths of so many ministers we are accepting determinism. Eternity is multivalent so don’t buy into determinism.

The world needs a new religion. The others have served their purpose in time. Human consciousness has evolved and needs a new and higher perspective on God and higher intelligence in the universe. Humanity needs to abandon the two term logic of polar opposites called Good & Evil and move on to the three term notion of the trinity as relationship.

Relationship is a feature of the universe. Polarity is a feature of Evil. Human consciousness has to rid itself of this evil; especially in the political class. Then this country can form true relationships with other countries. Then we can avoid actualizing the potentiality of apocalypse that so many ministers of Christianity are hell bent on seeing come true.

July 22, 2018 9:15 pm

Vast numbers of Christians attend services that do not even have a building or collect”offerings” or tithes.
I attend one of these… just a few dozen followers of Christ meeting in homes and when the group becomes too large, our cell splits and a new group is formed… I do not practice organized religiosity… I am a follower of Jesus Christ of the Bible.

July 22, 2018 10:37 am


I saw you asked Admin to release this today and not yesterday. Why? You said today was the perfect day. Why? Is it because you believe Sunday is the sabbath? Even the pope knows Saturday is the true sabbath.

July 23, 2018 1:07 pm

No worries, I was just wondering.

July 22, 2018 10:42 am

Already happened to Noah’s world and here we are, it survived.

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 22, 2018 7:49 pm

Yeah, but Bill Cosby is in deep shit.

July 26, 2018 12:21 am

Noah’s world.

Funny that the Chinese, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Ancient Indians didn’t seems to notice the worlwide flood that wiped them out.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 12:37 am

Rdawg, you need to study history more. EVERY ancient culture has a flood story, from India to China to Mesopotamia to the Native Americans. The Chinese actually have an ancient ritual in which the King returns to the shore every year to thank the one true God for sparing the people. I was a history major and even secular colleges teach this. Bad argument. It’s documented fact.

  Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 12:41 am

Yep. Trouble is, the timelines don’t match up.

You see, I DID study it Vicky.

And by the way, that’s what all of these are: stories. Not real events.

I was an engineering major. We deal in facts. I took a history course as an elective in University. It was the easiest course I ever had by a long shot and frankly, a fucking joke.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 12:54 am

It depends on whose timeline you study. The current Egyptian timeline has been questioned by many. The timeline offered by Immanuel Velikovsky seems to bring history more into alignment, which also aligns with the Bible, though that wasn’t his intent.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 1:02 am

Yes, I agree a lot of history in college is a joke. It’s basically the rudiments and the current political flavor of the day. But when you have to do extensive research on your own and write papers in your major and make presentations, you find more than the joke. History can be found in various areas, not just the library at your college, which can be extensive, but it includes newspapers, criminal court records, government documentation, church archives, and on and on. The truly old stuff, stuff like the English Assizes, would be interesting to study, which I haven’t had a chance to do but would like to. History is everywhere, so I lot to take into consideration.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 1:07 am

Edit: By the way, your initial argument was that these areas “didn’t seem to notice the worldwide flood that wiped them out,” and now you say their flood stories don’t match up. Very suspicious argument.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 1:15 am

Rdawg, and any other nonbelievers, aside from the flood, here’s a good article for you to read on the birth of Jesus taken from the Lew Rockwell site.

Is There Non-Biblical Evidence

Edit: In addition, here’s a video on the fact that Jesus was actually in the tomb for three days and three nights, versus 2 days.

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
July 22, 2018 11:02 am

I most definitely don’t trust anyone who claims God talks to them. I know of many a preacher who runs that racket.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
  Craig Johnson
July 22, 2018 12:58 pm

Believe in answered prayers.
When there is an insurmountable problem, make the call, sometimes it takes a while to get the answer because we are simply not listening.
Our understanding of the word is limited by our openness to God.

  Craig Johnson
July 22, 2018 1:10 pm

I don’t believe anyone that says God talks to him and tells him things that are contradictory to his word in the Bible.

Or, more correctly, I don’t trust the “god” he is talking to.

Satan is referred to (in the Bible) as “the ruler of this world” and “the god of this world”. That he talks to people and people listen to him should be obvious.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 22, 2018 12:23 pm

The question seems another version of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin etc.
It brings to mind the old saw about how can God allow this or that horrible thing? He replies, “I sent thousands who could have done X,Y, or Z but you aborted them, you murdered them, mocked them, ignored them etc. Remember the free will I also gave you? Not sure that road test is working out real well.”
If all knowledge of God disappeared in such a disaster at some point He would again reveal Himself to a future generation.

July 22, 2018 12:26 pm

Q1. If humans own fire, then yes, they will see it as a living thing, capable of consuming, dancing and creating. A flame burning, crackling under a star filled night. There must be more, they will say, there are things here that are magic, we’ll call it Dog. Dog will enable us to see and protect us from the things that creep in the darkness. Dog will warm us and cook our food. Praise Dog.
Q2. NA

July 22, 2018 12:40 pm

It really could be the way it all started…I guess.

July 22, 2018 12:43 pm

Sorry Stuck, but you don’t get to decide what God is and isn’t allowed to do. God is God and you’re not.

July 23, 2018 12:57 pm

I see thirty down votes in your future.

July 24, 2018 7:56 am

pFFT 30 downvotes is chump change around here Goyboi.

Get back to plagiarizing another book.

I even will help, cuz Odin would want it that way. Here is a suggestion. A bit of truth to help see the sermon that flows from that amazing thought that wrote dismissing everyone else as less worthy…..

you wrote, I think..

…you don’t get to decide what God is and isn’t allowed to do. God is God and you’re not.

Geeze all I can add to that is according to Prophet Flash Philosophy class is no longer needed. Send out the Memo to Higher Education. The second Moses has come down from Mount and told everyone to forgetaboutit. And why?

Because reasons..

In the meantime Flash, best not be hanging around with the riff raff here on TBP. You need to git to work pronto writing an addenda to the NT. I have decided to write a short lyric, with the help and guidance of the Mighty and Wondrous Odin, to help inspire you in writing your screed…

You have my permission and cut and paste.

Might you start it like this…

The Book of Flash


In the Beginning
there be a Flash of light
He doesn’t ask questions
And won’t told no lies
As for the reasons
Well he just looks to sky
Where the world is easy
Where colours are heard
because the shades are drawn
With Light of black and white
Behold Flash the new Prophet
who wallows in his blather
all the while dismissing
the hows and the whens,
the wheres and the whys.

…the end!

annnnnnd you’re welcome.

Yours in Odin,


Saint RiNS the Benevolent, Son of Odin
Saint RiNS the Benevolent, Son of Odin
July 24, 2018 11:01 am

That has a nice ring to it. I might cut and paste that one Herr Stuck. As for inspiration, well I owe much to my good buddy Flash.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
July 22, 2018 1:00 pm

Even atheists have religion. Religion and humanity can not be divorced from each other. If we throw out God we start worshiping ourselves as gods and the mother earth god the next day.

This world was never meant to be permanent. In less than a billion years the sun will strip away our atmosphere like un pealing a banana as it becomes a dwarf star. Everything is temporary. Therefore does it really matter whether you live 10 minutes or 100,000 years? There’s no escaping the outcome.

And who’s to say what’s on the other side? We mourn people who die, but what if the other side is some nirvana that makes this place literally like living in a septic tank? Would we mourn the dead at that point or envy them? No one has ever asked the dead if they prefer life. No one ever asked Lazarus which he preferred.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  JR Wirth
July 23, 2018 3:55 am

That’s correct. During the 1st century, people rejoiced when a Christian died. They didn’t cry when a child died because the child would go to heaven without having to further endure their earthly existence. Christians aren’t supposed to fear death. They are supposed to welcome it so they can be with their Lord. But they should also not seek martyrdom.

July 22, 2018 1:02 pm

Q1: No. The institutions that corrupted the word GOD would not be around to influence the new generations. But the genes carried in the DNA from past generations would create the true GOD of humanity to worship. The Devil.

Q2: The God of the old testament; is he not an angry, spiteful and mean God? Why wouldn’t he let billions die? Are they not Devil worshipers who value gold and pleasure over the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob?

Have to hand it to you Stucky. You really put God on the hot seat! Better watch out for that lightning bolt.

July 22, 2018 1:07 pm

God and the devil don’t speak to me in person, but I think I hear them through you people.

July 22, 2018 1:37 pm

That’s George Carlinesque!

July 22, 2018 1:50 pm

Are you hearing voices? The Devil speaks to all of us. He is in our nature. But we can choose not to listen to him. Many do listen to him.

The problem with humanity is our negative thoughts. We don’t want to purge them from our consciousness. So the Devil in us plays with them and we get into all sorts of trouble with each other. Then we blame others for our troubles and can’t form solid relationships.

July 22, 2018 3:39 pm

God blesses.

July 22, 2018 3:54 pm

One thing I learned from drowning and crossing over briefly back in 1978 is that we’re all pieces of God. You can either accept that or deny it, but your choice will have a huge impact on your life here on Earth.
I never could square the old and new testaments, sounds like two different Gods, but I guess we have to remember the “Human” filter has its effects.
And on the topic of “end times” books, I vote for “Dies the Fire” by S.M. Stirling. It’s the first book in a whole series called “Emberverse”. I’ve read 3 of them.
“For survivors of a mysterious event that caused electricity, internal combustion engines, and gunpowder to fail, the Pacific Northwest furnishes enough land to support subsistence existence in a future that belongs not to today’s rifle-toting survivalists but to people who know older ways”

mark branham
mark branham
July 22, 2018 4:35 pm

Beliefs are like assholes, everybody’s got one. Make Truth your bitch and you’ll know.

July 22, 2018 5:44 pm

Since I believe in Christ Jesus now because I know just about everything I once believed was / is a damn lie. From this spinning , every expanding universe to the big bang to evolution to Aliens coming to help mankind .Even the moon landings were staged in a studio according the Director Stanley Kubick .I think that’s the way you spell his name.He made the movie 2001 in 1968. Google it or him making his Confession. I died not long after admitting he helped NASA carry out the hoax upon the world.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 22, 2018 10:48 pm

“I died not long after admitting he helped NASA carry out the hoax upon the world.”

Rest in Peace, BB!

  EL Coyote
July 23, 2018 12:59 pm


[imgcomment image[/img]

say it ain’t so,

My Lil’ trucker has gone to the Big Stop in the Sky. Anyhoo seeing as you are now warming a seat in Valhalla how bout ya say hello to Odin fer me Beebs! Ya have to admit ain’t he great.

Do yer best, don’t drink too much and save some whores for me.. See ya soon!

Yours in Odin,


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  EL Coyote
July 26, 2018 12:20 am


July 22, 2018 5:51 pm

Now to answer Stucky.We are living in the last days heading towards the end of time as we know it. There will be no ” survivers” on the old earth .You will on the new earth with Christ or you will be in Hell. Please don’t come to me with any bullshit. I know what I believe and why I believe it.I know 95% of shit I believed before Christ was lies.

July 24, 2018 7:02 am

Not hell, the lake of fire is reserved for the devil, the beast, and the anti-christ. It is the second death for the hapless souls who rejected the truth of God’s word, and they will be no more, burned up like chaff.

Spirit is life, and as such, is eternal. If you have spirit, you have eternal life, it’s that simple. If you don’t have spirit, your name is not in the book of life at the resurrection, then you will be cast into the lake of fire, and burned up. Unfortunately for the devil and his minion, they are spirit, and as such, will be tormented in the lake of fire for all of eternity.

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” 1 Cor 13:12 ESV

July 22, 2018 6:01 pm

Becoming a Christian was/ is the hardest thing I ever went through in my life .It never ends . It’s a daily spiritual battle that is hard for me to face even with prayer . At least now I know the truth . Thanks Stuck .Good post.?

john prokovich
john prokovich
July 22, 2018 6:02 pm

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

  john prokovich
July 24, 2018 10:49 am

Fuck Jerusalem! and the servants of yaldabaoth.

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 22, 2018 7:43 pm

They say god gave man free will. What psychopathic motherfuckers drunk with power do with it affects us all. It seems the world we live in has exceeded all the checks on these bastards. Maybe it’s stupidity, or maybe just apathy on the population’s part. Look… a squirrel. Methinks Darwin was overly optimistic. That which cannot continue, wont. Hopefully at least a few of them will come to a sudden stop at the end of a long fall with a short rope before it all goes bad.

One foot in front of the other. Hopefully, but not necessarily always, in a positive direction, until I cant continue any longer is all I can do about anything. I make plans & god laughs. God doesn’t micromanage everything (or anything) in the universe. Try petitioning him for a new Ferrari, a woman with an oral fixation, the winning lottery number, your neighbor to stop kicking his chihuahua, or for a bottom feeding politico to do the right thing. Let me know how that works out. Some background music while we wait…

Wild Bob
Wild Bob
July 22, 2018 11:29 pm

John Conway invented ‘The Game of Life’. A presumably infinite-sized checkerboard (our universe, ‘space-time’) in which each individual ‘cell’ has a simple, specific program. Referred to as ‘cellular automata’. Given enough time, and space, these ‘cells’ are able to produce ‘saucers’, motherships, cannons, and an entire array of oddities. There is now a ‘game of life’ in the game of life’, and self-reproducing objects are now being generated.

The point of all this: Every time I see a bird, I realize it’s just a simple pattern of cells, following a simple program. ‘Randomness’ is not really random. Everything ‘alive’ we see around us is simply a conglomerate of binary digits running their programs.
I like to watch my solar lights pop on in the evening. Simple, electronic circuits, programmed to ‘come on’ at dark, each coming on at slightly different times according to their specific thresholds.
All humans are are ‘avatars’ running ‘programs’. The superstitions we have developed over the aeons are just that: fallacies.
Now, this is not to say that we aren’t being manipulated by some unseen yet very real forces. The ‘god’ everyone worships on planet earth is the extraterrestrial race that spliced our number 2 gene from a chimp and created us.
The ‘god’ that may be manipulating us may be some other-dimensional being created just as we were during the big bang. Or, maybe this ‘god’ is completely outside our ‘universe’ (controlling it’s avatar- YOU- from outside our electromagnetic reality.
90 percent of our universe is filled with ‘invisible-to-us’ dark energy. We can’t see it and don’t have the foggiest clue what it is.
Perhaps it’s the gravitational field being generated in the next-higher iteration of our little ‘game of life’ computer game we’re living in.

All in all, in summary then, mankind is a puny, small-minded shit-stain on the ass of some higher, more fundamental reality.
What that reality is, is anyone’s guess, and it’s looking more and more like that’s all we’ll ever really have…..guesses.
But to think that the creator of (all there is…the universe, all other universes….)sent his ‘son’ in the form of a ‘human’ to this one measly sand-grain of a planet to ‘save us from our sins’ is simply suffering from delusional cognitive-dissonance.
Oh, and by the way…..God sure needs a lot of money. Why is that?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
July 23, 2018 12:29 am

I was just in a Walmart. The end is coming. Oh yes. Then end is coming.

July 23, 2018 11:21 am

Q1: General: In a world virtually totally destroyed by war, with only 10,000 humans left alive …. will the first and subsequent generations (those who never knew the world before it was destroyed) still have a belief in God?
— If so, why? Which God will prevail this time?

A1: There is a God Gene in everyone. Look around at the malaise that is modern life. Folks claim to be secular yet cling to their Trump Derangement Syndrome with a fervour no different to a Televangelist on old time Gospel hour. As to which God would prevail. Well that is easy. The one that causes them to think the least. That is why revealed religions such as Feminism, Islam and Christianity have such magnetic appeal.

The Thou shalts are all laid out
so that even a dumbfuck moran
sees it all in Black and White
would be able to understand
what in the hell its all about…

Q2: Specific, to Believers: You were a Believer before the Earth was destroyed. You are one of the 10,000 who survived. Do you still believe in Jesus, and that he loves us, and that he will return to Earth to establish his thousand year rule?

A2: This question is offside Stucky cuz…..

Only difference is I am a Shit Monkee with benefits.. Still if it matters Jesus would still luv us even if Lord Odin thought we deserved our comeuppance and knowing that that guy from Nazareth was a pussy…

As always, with the greatest respect and of course,

Yours in Odin,


July 23, 2018 3:11 pm

Thanks Stucky!

And thanks for the Best Wishes on the Whores.
That said if you do get there first make sure to save some for me!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 12:28 am

I don’t agree completely with you, RiNS, but I gave you a thumbs up because I love the Monkeys.

All it takes is a Bible to survive and someone to find it. Boom, God will manifest himself to a new generation. And if at least one Christian is left among the remnant, then Christianity will continue.

As to your question, I don’t believe the prophesies of the end of earth. I don’t believe in a tribulation. I believe a different scenario is offered in the Bible. And the Bible says Jesus will come back “like a thief in the night.”

July 23, 2018 2:30 pm

Stuck, a bit of dramatic tweeting is preferable to Bush 2 ordering an entire nation obliterated because Saddam threatened Poppy Bush. I have gone so far to the edge of worry that I finally came out on the edge of hope. My hope is that Trump and Putin can negotiate some form of world peace where the US withdraws NATO from the former USSR satellites. Of course, my fear is that he will use these same troops and equipment in the ME. That seems like a Patton move to me. Still, Trump cannot fight a war in the South China Sea and another with Russia. That, my friend, would be madness.

July 23, 2018 3:02 pm

Trump tweets and Bibi smiles and thinks, “That’s my boy!”

July 23, 2018 3:13 pm

They have a amendment that will handle that Stucky. He is starting to remind me of the governor in Blazing Saddles……..Could I get a harrumph?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 26, 2018 12:44 am

You can’t beat Harvey Korman for comedy. As he’s trying to put the pen in the ink stand, saying, “Help me put this in,” Korman says, “Just think of your secretary.” LOL.

July 23, 2018 4:04 pm

Stucky it’s just parallel universe multi-dimensional chess. Trump isn’t a shallow egomaniac whose breath smells of Jewish cock, it just seems that way. The smartest think tank in the world (The Anons) have declared Trump the savior of Amerika. After he locks up all the pedos and criminals in DC, and gets rid of the Federal Reserve, and takes all their money and gives it back to the people, it will be all unicorns and rainbows. I can hardly wait. What are you going to wear to the parade?

July 23, 2018 3:15 pm

I agree with you, Stucky, that religion will prevail due to the predisposition of humans to create stories to explain shit they can’t reason out.

I think Nature-based gods will be created to explain (and house) all the important information needed to survive a hunter-gatherer existence. Eventually, a subset of the population will give up (or will be incapable of) reasoning it out and will seek an authority figure to give them direction. Gods fill that need nicely. So the stories will morph into Divine Edicts from TheFlyingSpaghettiMonster and the purpose for society survival will still be met.

July 26, 2018 12:36 am

Lies. Is this the same fucker that promised the signed Satanic Bible to the 200th commenter on one of your threads last year?

‘Cause that turned out to be bullshit. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation though.

July 25, 2018 11:24 am

I’m hoping that Ditchner would do a fly-by.

July 25, 2018 11:45 am

I think your offer of a lifetime remission of sins is BS. How low can you go? It’s a cheap ploy to get to 100. It’s over, baby. those days of hitting 200 and 300 comments easily are gone.

100. I win

Fake it til you make it.

July 25, 2018 11:48 am

Nice Try Varmit!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 25, 2018 12:08 pm

Ya think? Maybe without Maggie to run up the comments, you are right.

July 25, 2018 1:43 pm

Stucky- She did a hit and run in the 70’s article. was that about a week and a half ago?
She and Nick are doing a lot of projects on their land this summer.

July 25, 2018 11:48 am

Fuck it

July 25, 2018 11:49 am

Goin’ to the promised land. 100 for reall!

July 25, 2018 12:55 pm

I did my best to get folks like AlphaDelta twisting their panties in a knot. Nice to see that meltdown. It makes the hard work writing limericks all worthwhile..

Geeze no sex in heaven . Well that does it. I’ll still go, I guess, but I will be slipping out the door a couple times a week to head on over to Valhalla for a beer and some Ladies…

It will still be great!

July 25, 2018 2:09 pm
July 25, 2018 12:13 pm

Like grade inflation, TBP crypto coin rewards for hitting 100 are now become a tour to the promise land in the great beyond. This is palpable BS! What’s next, an all expenses paid tryst with a Japanese sex-doll?