Via The Feral Irishman

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22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
August 1, 2018 1:25 pm

When you’re watching 12 cops struggling to take down 1 kneegrow and you start to wonder what kind of security they can give you.


When you read 12 comments by a former Zero Hedger struggling to make a point and you start to wonder what insight they can give you.

August 1, 2018 9:43 pm

Considering a BB rating system of 100 BB being equivalent to the density of an imploded dwarf star, we think your wonderment could be quantified.

August 1, 2018 4:12 pm

Reminds me of a personal account of Millenial parents.

My cousin’s kid who was recently married and a new parent came to visit with his wife and newborn baby.
A bunch of family was visiting my place. My old lady and I had ditched our microwave years back over health concerns of digestional issues with consuming microwavable foods.

The new mother came into the kitchen to warm up the baby’s bottle in the microwave but for the life of her she could not find one…she hurried outside to find her husband . They later returned and both scoured the kitchen to no avail.

The panicked looks on their faces were priceless!

The whole family had a good laugh at their expense when my aunt has to explain that to warm the bottle up in “The old days ” you has to heat up some water on the stove and place the bottle in the pot of water.