It Is the Sacred Duty of All Conservatives to Own the Libs

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

It Is the Sacred Duty of All Conservatives to Own the Libs

Nikki Haley is not wrong about much, but she was dead wrong when she told a conservative audience that we should not be owning the libs. Wrong, wrong, wrong. We must own the libs. Liberal ownership – the mockery of these pretentious twits, along with their goofy Fredocon enablers – is vital, even essential, to the success of our conservative counterrevolution.

Ambassador Haley (who we cons like) wonders, “I know that it’s fun and that it can feel good, but step back and think about what you’re accomplishing when you do this – are you persuading anyone?” Except this is not about persuasion anymore. The left has rejected reason in favor of hatred. Only pain will teach them, and if it doesn’t teach them at least it might deter them from messing with us. That’s why all 21st century conservatives have a duty to kick pinko booty.

Figuratively, of course.

Look, the ambassador is right that owning liberals is fun. Alinsky Rule No. 6 is: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” The struggle for our freedom need not be a grim slog; there is joy to be had from crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their sissy, male-identifying allies at Vox and Weekly Standard.

In fact, there are few things you can do without first buying someone dinner or opening up a bottle that provide the pure, unadulterated pleasure of breaking the will of some puffed-up liberal nimrod on social media with a clever, cutting, caustic takedown. They make it easy by being pompous, and their wits have grown flabby and weak from being cloistered in the safe spaces of the media and academia where they never, ever have to face someone who thinks they and their ridiculous dogma are full of it.

The same goes for their Never Trump fellow travelers, the same folks who thought Jeb! was the answer and are still mad at you for laughing. These cruise-huckstering anachronisms exist only because CNN needs guests to pretend to be Republicans, and their endless pearl clutching and cries of “Oh, well, I never!” scream out for the Margaret Dumont treatment by us Marxists – Groucho, that is.

You must have a heart of stone not to giggle in delight as you watch them howl with outrage while you crank them over the flames on the Twitter rotisserie.

But owning the libs is more than just delightful. It is absolutely necessary. Why? Morale – that intangible factor, combined with fearless leadership, that means the difference between total defeat and unexpected, legendary victory: Little Round Top, Rourke’s Drift, and yeah, the upcoming midterms.

Owning the libs is a rejection of their dominance and an assertion of our own. It is a way of not only saying, “We will not submit,” but of demonstrating that refusal to others. There is a reason the motto of the infantry is “Follow me,” and not “Uh, you guys go on ahead.”

People are not led to triumph by cowards, by wimps, or by submissive weasels who take heaps of garbage and then explain away their refusal to hit back by sobbing, “We’re better than that!”

People are not better than that. They want to fight back, but for that they must have morale, and morale requires that they need to see others fight back too. And when they don’t, morale collapses, there is a rout, and the bad guys win.

Let’s be clear about who the bad guys are, because in this struggle there are good guys (us) and there are bad guys. The bad guys are the people who outright tell us that they hope to strip away our freedom of speech. They tell us they want to circumscribe our religious practices to the point at which – maybe, if we’re good little boys and girls and non-binary beings – they might let us quietly practice our faith out of sight, maybe. They are the ones who call for us to be disarmed, then also call for us to be exiled from society, hounded, battered, and even murdered. My novels People’s Republic and Indian Country paint a picture of the hellscape they want to create.

Anyone who presumes to lead us and does not believe that we are in the right, that we are the good guys, is unfit to lead us. The bottom line is that we need to defeat the other side, and you don’t do that through moral equivalence, passivity, and submission. Non-owning is a non-starter.

Owning the libs shows that we are free, that we will not submit, and that we have power too. Owning the libs shows allies who are alone, or afraid, or doubtful, that there is a resistance to the leftist tsunami of lies, corruption, and fake outrage. It shows that all hope is not lost, and that someone, somewhere is willing to fight back. It shows our fellow Normals that they can fight back too.

Owning the libs, like our growing demand that our conservative leaders be accountable for winning instead of merely for adopting the right poses out in the sticks around election time, is not the entirety of our agenda. The weak and shiftless who we dislodged from their formal and informal sinecures in Conservative, Inc., when we elected Donald Trump will tell you it is, but like everything else they say, that’s a lie. We know you cannot create a conservative future without a firm ideological foundation based on the principles embodied in the Constitution – civil liberties, truly representative government, and free enterprise. But we also know you cannot make those things a reality if you’re too much of a wuss to get in there and throw a punch, figurative preferably, literally if they come to your softball diamond with a rifle again.

As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy argues, in colorful language with much liberal ownership – it’s a 288-page festival of lib ownership – normal Americans are sick and tired of being told to be silent, be quiet, and behave.

We tried weakness for eight years with George W. Bush – remember how he was too much of a gentleman to fight back? Remember those Chimpy Bu$Hitlerburton memes we had to defend him against because he didn’t want to get his hands dirty? And remember how he went eight years not defending us during the Obama Regime only to suddenly discover someone he was OK with attacking during the Trump years – us, the same folks who had had his back?

We drew a lesson from that – that not owning the libs really means choosing not to fight for us. We’ll never again pick a leader who won’t give as good – or better – than he gets. When you tell us, “Don’t own the libs,” what we hear is you saying, “Trust us – we got this. Let us handle the other side like gentlemen.” Sorry, we dig you Nikki (not so much some of the other people who decry our lib ownership initiative), but no one gets to tell us to chill anymore. To paraphrase Dirty Dancing, because of course it comes to paraphrasing Dirty Dancing, no one puts normals in the corner.

We’ve got to win this fight ourselves, and if you want to carry our banner down the hill in front of our bayonets, you need to be ready to rumble. Donald Trump may have some faults, but he fights for us – and his track record of conservative success dwarfs that of the Team Gimp gang that is still telling us not to be so feisty.

Well, we’re feisty all right. We’re cocked and locked and ready to rock. That’s why we’re going to do our duty and keep owning the libs – on Twitter, in the bookstores, and at the ballot box in November.

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22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
August 2, 2018 7:10 am

Her name was Nimrata Randhawa before she entered the business of tearing down Confederate flags and monuments.


Yes, “Nikki Haley”, a fake American, is wrong about just about everything, including being a Never-Trumper, and is a despicable human being….Deport her.

August 2, 2018 4:31 pm

Haley is a zionist goy kunt

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 2, 2018 6:10 pm

And you are a Prog coquesuquere troll.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
August 2, 2018 7:24 am

Well Kurt, you being an asshole because other people are being assholes is not likely to make things better. I can’t believe that you picked that neocon nikkie to be the focus of your ardor. She is exactly the same breed of swamp creature that bolton is. She has the same job, and she does it in the same way.

Sure, everybody want’s to think that their way is god’s way. You and your mission accomplished side have just as many skeletons in your closet as your honorable opponents. So maybe it would be better to take them on one at a time as opposed to envisioning running down the hill banner held high. Do your job. Learn your truths and argue them with conviction and kindness. After all, isn’t that what you do with your writing?

It doesn’t do any good to discard your opposition. They will never go away. Either you convince them of their folly, or you are doomed to forever charge down that hill.

  Hollywood Rob
August 2, 2018 10:54 am

You are never going to convince leftists of their folly, because their real objective is power and your destruction….Stick to trying to redpill normies…

August 2, 2018 8:11 am

I don’t know what you mean by “owning”, but I would agree we as human beings need to argue. That is how we present and defend ideas.

I don’t agree we should “giggle in delight” at an opponet’s reaction to our argument. That sounds more like revenge than a fact-based exchange, and revenge is quite petty and childish.

“While birds can fly, only humans can argue. Argument is the affirmation of our being. It is the principal instrument of human intercourse. Without argument the species would perish. As a subtle suggestion, it is the means by which we aid another. As a warning, it steers us from danger. As exposition, it teaches. As an expression of creativity, it is the gift of ourselves. As a protest, it struggles for justice. As a reasoned dialogue, it resolves disputes. As an assertion of self, it engenders respect. As an entreaty of love, it expresses our devotion. As a plea, it generates mercy. As charismatic oration it moves multitudes and changes history. We must argue — to help, to warn, to lead, to love, to create, to learn, to enjoy justice — to be.”
Gerry Spence

August 2, 2018 10:33 pm

You must have missed all those videos of the Milo, et al, events with all the 20yr old toddlers with bullhorns, whistles, chants, jiggling fat, screams and fire alarms.

Argue. Debate. Discourse. Indeed.

Subhominus by choice.

August 2, 2018 8:15 am

Thanks Kurt, I’m with you on this. Although it’s not always as fun as you make it sound, the days of passively rolling over are done. Make ’em live by their own rules…

August 2, 2018 8:24 am

Own a progressive liberal?!That would be slavery and tis outlawed!

I would also say owning one would be a real pain in the ass,the crying and whining/soy lattes and all/the pile of bullshit protest posters in my garage,nope,that would be too high maintenance with little reward owning a progressive liberal!

That said,you insist on owning one please follow the wording I would like to make for a t-shirt ,”Do your Part to Control The Idiot Population/Spade or Neuter A Progressive Liberal Today”

August 2, 2018 8:37 am

Nikki Haley is a new world order zionist Cunt! May the bitch burn in hell.

August 2, 2018 8:39 am

The article’s main p0int is right on. Haley, however, is a POS globalist. She makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot. She sounded good when she was a governor, but as ambASSador to the UN, she’s been so busy selling Trump’s constituency down the river it is disgusting, appalling and as foreseeable as the slime in DC. We conservatives do not in fact like Haley. She should go work for MSNBC.

August 2, 2018 9:01 am

The difference that makes discussion with Leftists and Conservatives almost impossible is that Leftist thinking is totally dominated and guided by emotion and only able to accept itself and Conservative thinking is at least to some degree guided by reason and open to logical argument and reasoned conclusions.

Those two types of thinking are not compatible so any effort at reconciling the differences in them is impossible. Arguing the positions they represent is futile.

The end result of trying is going to be blood on the saddle, the only question being whose saddle will have the most on it. That’s how the winner and loser of the argument will be identified.

22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
August 2, 2018 9:33 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
August 2, 2018 10:11 am

Southerners learned how it’s to be done: kill the enemy men and starve their women and children; burn their cities to the ground and destroy all their infrastructure; then “Reconstruct” them to Hell. No Quarter for Liberals.

Not Sure
Not Sure
August 2, 2018 10:48 am

These are the days of the wild, wild west. There is no reason to hold back , just slam the snowflakes with reality and watch them melt in derision. Enjoy the sense of empowerment.
Either we are on the joyride of a life time of riding the red wave of making America great again, or there is some unseen hand about to quash the whole movement and clamp the whole country into servitude and the sunset of American greatness; either way, make your presence known, crush the opposition and create the stories you will tell your children in the years to come of when we were giants!

August 2, 2018 12:32 pm

“Nikki Haley is not wrong about much, ” ——- Kurt Shithead

Kurt, go fuck yourself. You stupid ignorant dick.

I will never again read any of your articles. However, I will comment on them ….. just to remind people that you are a fucking stupid dick.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 2, 2018 2:09 pm

Nikki Haley is a cum guzzling hooker with Bibi’s cock stuck in her throat. Schlichter is a neocon warmonger intent on getting the domestic hot war going. Leftists are doing their best to commit suicide. Why not stand aside and let them? The pendulum is swinging away from the left. They are getting more hysterical, because the shift has become obvious. We are a long way from winning, but I’m optimistic. We need to take back the schools, or even better, eliminate public education. We are already killing the MSM. To get in the gutter with the left and become assholes, because they are assholes, is stupid and counterproductive. We’ll be much better off continuing to be the adults in the room.

The useful idiots should not be our focus. Our focus should be on who is using them. Those at the very top of the power pyramid.

  Grizzly Bare
August 2, 2018 5:08 pm

Grizzly Bare,

I say that all the time. If we want to take power away from the corrupted institutions and put it back in the parents hands and weed out those kids who don’t want to be at the public indoctrination centers all that we would have to do is undo the compulsoriness of education.
Don’t make it mandatory for parents to send their kids to school.


This will never happen of course.

August 2, 2018 5:23 pm

Why you ask?
Besides the fact that making school not mandatory, like should happen, would destroy many jobs and create a clusterfuck of epic proportions like when Not sure came up with the ingenious idea to put water on the plants instead of Brawndo the thirst mutilate, in “Idiocracy”…

Because the United Nations Declaration of human rights has said that children have rights too.
The children have the right to a free public education. And if the parent interferes with the kids rights the all knowing all powerful State steps in to ensure the child’s rights are not infringed upon.
“How dare you take away a child’s right to an education” would be the chants from the brainwashed semi conscious meatheads. This is the Crux of the bigger issue I refer to as the global Nanny State,
I am of the belief like John Locke that we are born with certain UNALIENABLE GOD-GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS compared to the divvying out of man-given rights to us “CITIZENS” thanks to SCOTUS interprations of the 14th amendment and the created legally defined term CITIZEN.


August 2, 2018 3:14 pm

The libs WILL be owned. The time is rapidly approaching when libs are going to be forced to defend the indefensible or reject it entirely. That time will mark the end of the demoncrat party. You can’t get more owned than that.

August 2, 2018 4:23 pm

i stopped reading after “Nikki Haley is not wrong about much”, only a paid propaganda shill or a utter moron would ever say such bs.
there is no other options.

August 2, 2018 11:37 pm

Halley looks to be doing a decent job. The commenters here appear to be Jew hating idiots. it looks like many here have lost their minds.

August 3, 2018 5:39 pm

Looks like your yamulke is crooked, Yahsure. The only idiots here are those imbecilic morons that suck up to the murderous vipers that have taken over our once great republic and reign terror over the M.E. from that shithole of a rogue state of Israhell. Of course, one of the worst offenders over here is that feckless whore for Israhell, Nikki Haley. Here’s some news for ya, the sleeping white giant is AWAKE. The time grows short for the vile creatures who murdered the Russian Czar and his entire family, created the terror state of the communist Soviet Union and then moved their stinking carcasses over here to attempt the same coup. Too late, asshole, we’re not disarmed and we’re wide awake.