They Hate You

Guest Post by The Zman

The Sarah Jeong story has probably been the best thing to happen to our side since Trump came down that escalator. The challenge of this age is in convincing typical white people that it is not socialism they should fear, it is extermination. There are still people waddling around in their tricorn hats talking about the socialist menace. Mention race to them and they start hyperventilating about their constitutional principles. What the Sarah Jeong story does it make it impossible for the normies to avoid the elephant in the room.

It’s not so much that this Asian airhead hates white people. Blacks have been out in public talking about how much they hate white people since the Civil Rights era. Typical white person has been trained to accept this, by assuming it is meaningless. Blacks are powerless, so their hatreds are no threat. Then you have the subversives like Ben Shapiro telling them that black hatred of whites is really bad for blacks because it keeps them from showing up at CPAC every year to take selfies with adoring white people.

Asians are supposed to be different. They are the model minority. Typical white people just assume that Asians are on their side. They work hard. They avoid crime and social dysfunction. They come here looking for a chance, give their kids nice names like Sarah and send them off to good colleges. You’ll note that you never hear anyone suggest we should end immigration from Asia. In the blossoming race war, Asians are never in the discussion, because white people just assume they are on the side of Team Whitey.

All of a sudden one of the model minority has revealed that she hates white people as much as the black street hustler. Even more disturbingly, the people known for eating dogs apparently think white people smell like dogs. It adds a whole new element to what the coalition of non-whites has in mind for us once they get total control. More important, this white hating Asian migrant is defended by so-called conservatives. Ben Shapiro wore his tiny little fingers raw tweeting out defenses of the Times decision to back Jeong.

The initial response from typical white people was to celebrate Progressive values by howling about the racism. When that went nowhere, they moved onto howling about the hypocrisy. When the response from the Left was to laugh in their face, white people were forced to face reality. The other side is not a bunch of socialists. They are a coalition of non-whites and some traitors, who are held together by a hatred of white people and the fantasy of a non-white world. They hate white people. That’s it.

Normie white people will try hard to rationalize it and force themselves back into the comfortable role of doormat to the Left, but the scales will fall from the eyes of many whites. Many may have already come to terms with the reality, but it is the behavior of people like Ben Shapiro that is the eye-opener. The guy who recently said racists should be hounded out of their jobs, is now defending Jeong and the New York Times, either from a position of solidarity or out of craven opportunism.

Another aspect of this is that it undercuts the argument made by conventional conservatives about their vaunted principles. The other side has no rules and they have no intention of limiting themselves with rules. All the breast-beating about racism was a lie and it always was a lie. Since the Left controls the moral framework, they have just taken the first step toward normalizing tribalism. Compared to Sarah Jeong, Richard Spencer is a naive one-world idealist. Jared Taylor is now Ben Shapiro’s moral superior.

This story also offers a chance to point out to white people that there is no bargaining with these people. A bargain requires a degree of good faith on both sides and some way to hold the both sides to the deal. The Left thinks it has a moral duty to do whatever is necessary to destroy the rest of us, so they are not just allowed to break the rules and lie about it. They are morally obligated to use any means necessary to win, which is why they named one of the activist groups By Any Means Necessary.

Now, white people have been finding ways to roll over and play dead for a long time, so this event will not suddenly turn them into identitarians. Whites have a habit of internalizing each Progressive outrage. It’s important to remind the normie white person in your life that the other side never quits, They can never be shamed into giving up on their goals. They lost over 30 votes on homosexual marriage, but kept at it until they won one and then got the courts to enshrine homosexual marriage as a founding principle.

If you think the defense of Sarah Jeong by subversives like Ben Shapiro is an end point, you are mistaken. Now that they have established that it is OK to hire virulent antiwhites, the next step will be the firing of whites because the antiwhites find them upsetting. In other words, the presence of whites will be grounds to claim the workplace is hostile to non-whites, so the whites have to be fired. How long before Justice Roberts writes the majority opinion claiming the Founders always wanted whites to be non-citizens?

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August 5, 2018 4:17 pm

Well, that’s all correct.

August 5, 2018 4:30 pm

(A) F**k the NYT.Have never read,and never will.(B) F**k Ben Shapiro,Have no care what his opinion is. (C) Hate is a very powerful word. I know that they hate us,but F**k them too. I don’t hate them,because none of them has personally hurt me,but I do not know any of them.Do not want to know any of them and do not want to live anywhere close to them.

August 5, 2018 4:50 pm

Good luck.

i forget
i forget
August 5, 2018 4:35 pm

If it walks like a kulak, & quacks like a kulak, it is dekulakization, whether metaphorically, or literally.

Authoritarianism is the word. All the slivered synonyms add nothing to the analysis. Most of the us’s & them’s – the “sides” – are authoritarian.

August 5, 2018 4:36 pm

I hate the term (normie). Q worshipers are usually the ones using the term normie and that should tell you something.

Bob P
Bob P
August 5, 2018 5:13 pm

Some, perhaps many, individuals, even Asians, are racist. The NYT is an embarrassing, dangerous rag. So what? None of this should be news and straining to stretch the implications of this one case to argue that the lefties are going to fire all of us whities–or as some have argued–going to kill us, is ludicrous. This article is just standard click bait, employing hyperbole to scream the sky is falling. It expands the left-right chasm that many are fretting will result in civil war. I sincerely doubt that will happen, but if it does, bullshit articles like this will have contributed to it.

  Bob P
August 5, 2018 7:14 pm

Start reading the South African news. It might give you some, much needed, insight into where the globohomogayplex has the rest of the West headed. Hint: Their plan ends poorly for us.

You seem fine with what is happening. Your issue seems to be with the fact that white people are *noticing* that things are not at all fine.

The driving force behind the incipient civil war is the fact that the subrosa Jewish war on ethnic Europeans has finally been noticed (and at least grossly understood) by the majority of ethnic Europeans – even if most of them don’t yet grasp the finer details.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 5, 2018 5:39 pm

Bob P, you are a pitiful fool. We are in a race war and you sure as hell need to get your pointy little head out of your ass. Don’t think your fellow whites will ignore shit heels like you when the time comes to settle scores.

Bob P
Bob P
  Southern Sage
August 5, 2018 6:26 pm

Well argued, SS. You should join a debating society and teach them a thing or two. Allow me to size up the first lesson you can impart: “When you’re hampered with sparse grey matter and can’t think of a counterargument, attack the person with childish insults.”

  Bob P
August 5, 2018 7:12 pm

Hey Bob. I can come up with a good counter argument. Suck my dick

August 5, 2018 6:48 pm

Isn’t Shapiro a Zionist Jew? No surprise he would support her.

August 5, 2018 10:29 pm

My thoughts exactly.
I remember being taught tolerance and diversity in grade school in 1950. They called it melting pot then. Tolerance was promoted every year at Christmas time by Mr. Breidenthal the president of the Riverview State Bank. He bought Christmas stockings for every kid at the school every year.
It worked on me for 65 years. Not so much any more.

August 5, 2018 7:10 pm

Since Trump took office, no one has been able to hide what they really are.

August 5, 2018 7:19 pm

There is absolute truth in your statement. SJW, Blacks, Hispanics, Womyn, Socialist, Communists, and most glaring MSM.

Sick of it
Sick of it
August 5, 2018 7:24 pm

Shapiro is a “tribesman” so what do you expect.

August 6, 2018 1:01 am

Wake up white people there are enough racial groups calling for the white race to be not just pushed back or down but eradicated either by inter mixing and diluting the white race or all out murder . Don’t believe it wait till you are or someone you love is injured or killed your attitude and mind set will shift unless you are self destructive . In that. case you belong in a mental institution . I’m not paranoid the groups I speak of openly admit their hatred for white people so arm yourself or ….

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
August 6, 2018 4:18 am

The crazy thing is not all of these groups being anti-white. That’s par for the course in human history, while “tolerance” is the anomaly.

The crazy thing is *this*.. not only have all my local (extremely white) social spaces (local libraries, theater groups, book groups, etc.) been on a non-stop “refugee-love” kick since Trump, but now I’m coming across things like the following: white people feeling bad about being amongst other white people! They feel uncomfortable, they say!

Here’s an exchange I came across on a private forum:

White Woman A:
“I’m at the Dublin Irish Festival in Dublin, Ohio and this is just plain bizarre, even for me. I’ve lived a good portion of my life in areas with small minority populations, but a chunk of my adult life in large cities so I’ve become accustomed to at least some diversity. Walking around here is just plain strange. I think I’ve seen maybe half a dozen families that weren’t white in the past three hours. It’s rather disconcerting.

“And don’t get me started on the town of Dublin itself… It’s this weird bourgeois Midwest version of Stepford with a pseudo-Irish veneer, like the Lucky Charms leprechaun threw up all over it.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m all over the living history first millennium Irish village, the music, and the workshops but the Village of the Damned with red hair and freckles is kinda creeping me out, even if I AM one of them.”

White Woman B:
“It’s a weird feeling, isn’t it?

“I was born in Montreal but we moved to New Jersey (“NYC”) when I was a baby, and my parents bought a house in a VERY black area. I think there were three white families on our street including us. Six years there, then we moved back to a suburb of Montreal in a very mixed English-French neighbourhood and my school there was mostly Jewish.

“Four years later, in 1977, we moved to Ottawa. It’s gotten more multicultural since then but at the time it was OMG so white. The first neighbourhood we lived in was white, English, Catholic (except for us). My grade 7 class had one Jew (me), one black, one Chinese, one Japanese, and one native. I was a little bit on edge for my first few years but I couldn’t figure out why. Then, simultaneously in the early 80s, the break dance craze started and Vietnamese refugees were settling in. We had black people on the streets in groups and we had Vietnamese kids in my school, and my edginess lifted. All that time, I felt off because the city was too white.”

I only got through two of the six pages of dozens of more ladies bowing and scraping to the diversity gods before I had to click away.

There’s something diseased going on here that reminds me of that cat virus that takes over people’s brains.

Hilarious that seeing six colored families in the space of three hours makes the place “too white” for White Woman A’s taste.

Wild Bob
Wild Bob
  Chubby Bubbles
August 6, 2018 10:25 pm

It’s in women’s dna. I enjoy using pepper, so I separate the pepper can from the salt and other containers on our stove. Invariably, my wife will bring all the containers over to the pepper shaker, or vice-versa. She just can’t stand to see one item isolated from the rest.