Via Ben Garrison

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August 6, 2018 8:57 am

Many on TBP have known the hateful violent nature of the Left for years. The Left has pretended to be tolerant and civil and even constitutional to hide their true goals. The few normies who are paying attention are beginning to have their eyes opened. I fear that not nearly enough are paying attention. They are to busy watching sports,playing on their i gadgets and having sex with big Barbie Dolls.

I’m old and have little to fear personally. Americans should be very afraid of them. Crackpot goth Asian white hating cunts are just a cover for the real Stalinists .

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 6, 2018 9:35 am

Liberals are like a pack of wild dogs that run the colleges, the Controlled Media, big businesses and cities; they constantly bark and attack us but when TSHTF, Conservatives will go through them like a wild fire through a California mountain neighborhood.