1968!!! Was That Year The Beginning Of The End For America?

Last week we finally had a more or less pro-Boomer article titled “Boomers and upper-middle class to America: We didn’t start the fire” .  I say “finally” because if you click on the TBP search button and enter “Boomer” you will find that the majority of articles blame Boomers for everything-that-is-wrong-with-the-world. Well, as a Boomer myself, I had a serious question.  I even made sure folks knew it was a serious question because I wrote – “I have a serious question”.  Here’s my serious question in full;

To those who think Boomers fucked it all up I have a serious question —- WHEN did we start this? I want specifics.

Was it while we were in high school … I mean, is that where we started to take classes in “Let’s fuck up America?” Was it while we were in college? Or, was it while some of us were sent to Vietnam to get our asses blown off? Was it when we were in our mid to late 20s trying to start a family? Was it in our 30s when we were trying to establish our careers? Was it when we were in our 40s and getting divorced, or when we were in our 50s and buying a shiny new red sports car?

Look, if I am in the mix as one of the cocksuckers who is responsible for all this shit … at least give me a fucken idea when I started it. That way I can reflect on that time, and make reparations, or at least send an Apology Card from Hallmark. “Dear 1968, I’m truly sorry I fucked up whatever it is that I fucked up that year. I think I started the ’68 riots in Newark. Yeah, that’s it. So solly!”

No one answered the question. However, a few days later in the Millennial Socialism article someone, — perhaps even a single-celled amoeba with extraordinary powers — by the name of Aodh Mor MacRaynall gave his opinion of Boomers.  While it is not the majority view of readers here, such Boomer Derangement Syndrome isn’t unusual either. He said:

“I am old enough to remember the lie the Baby-Boomers accepted; free love, free hugs, free beer, free drugs, everything free, free, free. After they accepted the degenerate lies they were fed and another foot-hold was achieved in our society, they were let go to enjoy ‘the fruits of capitalism.’ A more pathetic bunch of old cucks, to my knowledge, has never been in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD.”


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The history of the world, eh? I wonder if Mr. Amoeba  realizes that the Mongol Empire killed upwards of 70 million, the Soviets at least 40,000,000,  and the European colonialists (primarily British, Spanish, French, and Dutch – see above map) at one point controlled virtually the entire world and caused many millions of deaths and untold suffering.  And though their numbers don’t reflect millions of deaths the following empires were also exceedingly brutal and bloodthirsty; Maori, Comanche, Vikings, Assyrians, Jews (in the Old Testament), Romans, Aztecs, and pretty much any country in the Middle East today. But, sure … this cretin thinks Boomers are worse than all of that!

I was thinking on these things this past Lord’s Day and while meditating, or perhaps sleeping, a bright flash of light appeared and I think I heard a voice from above say; — “There is none so blind as he who will not see!“. I began to tremble and quake and I thought to myself; “Good Lord!  What if The Amoeba is correct?? Have I, the great Stucky, and all my cohorts of similar age actually caused the fall of Mighty Babylon? Woe is me, woe is me!” Really.

And so, as such, I have decided to ponder and then write about my findings regarding this Great Mystery. Since a picture is worth a thousand words I’ll be using the “Pictorial Essay” format.  Obviously, I simply can not include every event from 1968 for it was truly a momentous year, and detailing all of it would require a small book.  So, I’ll choose Nine Events. I do so in hopes that the items I selected will reveal  some kind of pattern which will unlock some previously unknown “secrets” concerning Boomers. Are we Boomers mostly Saints, or Sinners, both, or neither? I must know!

I chose 1968 mostly because it was 50 years ago, and I love round numbers.  Also, the passing of half a century ought to be a sufficient amount of time to come to certain conclusions.

The earliest Boomers (1946) were already out of college or in the workforce, and the earliest Boomers (1964) were just entering kindergarten. This works out just fine. Considering that boomers are pure evil (worse than the Borg!) then the making of such little demons surely started while they were still in grade school, perhaps even in the womb.  For reference, in 1968, I was a sophomore in high school — where the only thing of value I learned came from Wood Shop; that you’ll never accomplish dick without good wood.

Please play along. With each pictorial event you might want to ask yourself; — “Is this event in 1968 generally the beginning of a trend in the USA?“.  If “yes”, then perhaps Boomers can be blamed!  On the other hand, in 1968 Boomers were between 4 and 23 years old. How much damage can a four year old do to society?  How much power did YOU have to actually influence things when you were just twenty-three?  If “no”, then who actually started the damned fire?

Naturally, the other question to ask yourself is; — “How does this event in 1968 compare to America today?” Have things gotten better, or worse?

So, let’s get started.

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1)- Andy Warhol’s “Blue Movie”.

Here is how the film is generally viewed today:  It is basically a lot of talk. A documentary about life in the sixties. Even Andy Warhol said it’s mostly about Vietnam. Viva and Louis, the primary actors,  tell each other many stories, cook food together, …. and screw in the shower.   Yet, Variety said that it was actually the “deconstruction of pornography” … that it lovingly concentrated on the “affectionate relationship” between its stars.  Well, the PC police can call it anything they want.  Fact is, the movie was originally called “Fuck” (not, “Affectionate Relationships”).  The other fact is that in 1968, that bastion of Conservative Values,  the New York Times,  even they called it “heterosexual pornography”  As such, it was the FIRST adult erotic film depicting explicit sex to receive wide theatrical release in the United States.

Porn today is a hundred billion dollar industry worldwide. Porn sites put up billboards in Times Square and online news sources everywhere. You can hardly be on the internet for more than three minutes before being bombarded with porn.  On The Burning Platform it’s 3 seconds. lol

Twitter has 10+ million porn accounts. Every month porn sites get more regular traffic than Netflix, Amazon, Twitter, and The Burning Platform …. combined. Pornhub (world’s largest porn site) gets 65 MILLION visitors per day.  35% of ALL internet downloads are porn-related. Porn has become so mainstream in our society that even the President of the United States can get an affectionate  blowjob in the Oral Office from his mistress, and not suffer any consequences.

Just four years after “Blue Movie”, in 1972 hardcore porn became mainstream with the release of “Deep Throat”  (a movie about blow jobs not involving Bill Clinton)  which was shown on commercial theaters across America, and tabloids showing even Frank Sinatra and Barbara Walters in the audience, and the star of the show even appeared on William F. Buckley’s “Firing Line” to debate whether or not sucking down a cock (we’re not talking about chickens here) qualifies as obscenity.  This is rather stunning when you consider that not even a decade earlier Dick Van Dyke and Mary were only shown sleeping in separate beds, and you couldn’t even say the word “pregnant” on the Lucy show …. even though Lucy was pregnant!


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AlGore did not invent the Internet. The guys in the photo above did. (There might be a Boomer in the pic.)  In July, 1968, ARPA requested a proposal for bids on a device called the Interface Message Processor. The technology would allow a network of “Host Computers” to communicate with one another. An American company named BBN (pic above) won the contract.  By 1969, the first working Internet arrived in the USA which connected exactly FOUR universities (UCLA,   Stanford Research Institute, the University of California-Santa Barbara, University of Utah.)  You can read about the real history of the internet here.   You’ll discover such fascinating details as what it was originally going to be called; The Intergalactic Computer Network (really, and then they got rid of the “galactic” part when they likely realized how difficult it would be to string copper wire all the way to Uranus).   Clearly, in retrospect, this one development in 1968 changed the course of human history more than all other events combined.


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3)- Tet Offensive and Walter Cronkite (a lying son of a bitch!).

Fact #1.  The 1968 Tet Offensive did catch the USA by surprise and, as such, was a psychological defeat.  Fact #2.  In military terms, the Tet Offensive was a military disaster for the North Vietnamese. If you believe it was a military defeat for the United States then you are ignorant of the facts or, you know the facts and you’re just an idiotic sheep. I won’t argue with you but, would encourage you to read this piece in the Smithsonian. Fact #3.  It was a political victory for the North Vietnamese primarily because Walter Cronkite, CBS, New York Times, and other  MSM decided in 1968 to become lying sonsofbitches — i.e.; FAKE NEWS!!! — in order to affect the outcome of the war as they wanted.   It was ….

“America’s FIRST MAJOR ENCOUNTER  with the Big Lie, with all its disastrous consequences, started 50 years ago today, when the American mainstream media — CBS and the other networks, plus the New York Times and the Washington Post — decided to turn the major Communist Tet offensive against U.S. forces and South Vietnam on January 30, 1968, into an American defeat, rather than what it actually was: a major American victory.”   —– Hudson.org


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4)- Black Power.

One of the most iconic images of the 1960’s is the above picture taken at the 1968 Summer Olympics;  black athletes protesting police brutality at a sporting event. According to Wiki  here;

“By 1968 Black Power was a recognized movement embraced by the majority of African-American youth. New organizations that supported Black Power philosophies ranging from socialism to black nationalism, including the Black Panther Party, grew to prominence.”

The Black Panthers developed the Ten Point Program  (in 1966).  The first section is titled “What We Want Now!”  Point 8 states; — “We want freedom for ALL Black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.”   Point 10 states; — “We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.”   (I’m not making this up.)

The second section is titled “What We Believe” and outlines their philosophical views (which basically condemns all whites as racists). Point 2 states; — “We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give EVERY [black] man employment or a guaranteed income.”  Black lives matter!! Nowhere is there any talk whatsoever about their own responsibilities. Apparently, they have none.

How is all this any different 50 years later?

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5)- 2001: A Space Odyssey:

This was the #1 grossing movie in 1968. It’s a good movie and I enjoyed it in 1968, and even again just last year when I watched it on demand. But, let’s briefly compare the beginning and the end of 2001 to the original Star Trek (in it’s second season in 1968) to see how it changed the SciFi genre, and consequently (maybe) how we think.

Gene Roddenberry was an avowed humanist who at times said some rather uncomplimentary things about Christianity. Nevertheless, themes about God and Gods were rampant throughout the original Star Trek, and also all of the offshoots. The original had an episode that clearly resembled the Adam and Eve story. Another episode featured a Greek-like God who liked to play with humans as if they were toys. TNG (the  next generation) had a very Godlike being named Q. In one episode of TNG the android Data contemplates his own death, what it means, and what his “life” has meant so far … and in another episode he’s most anxious to meet his “creator”. And one of the best God-lines ever appear in Deep Space 9; –“That’s what gods do. After all, why be a god if there’s no one to worship you?“.

God was everywhere. Check out this article titled Star Trek’s Religious Themes Or, this one   “Star Trek: The God Thing”.   Or, this very interesting article “What Star Trek Teaches Us About Faith 50 Years Later” which makes the remarkable claim that “Star Trek is one of the most pro-Christian shows ever to air.”.

In contrast, the opening sequence in 2001 (above pic) leaves no room for God: mankind arrives on the scene via the Ape, and a pissed off Ape at that (must of been the First Democrat) … who eventually evolves to the point of space travel a few frames later. Friedrich Nietzsche, of “God is dead” fame, would have also enjoyed this movie.

It is the closing act in 2001 where things get really bizarre and trippy.  Whom among us actually understood it the first time around? Some are still debating what it “means” 50 years later! Strangely and oddly enough, unlike Roddenbury, Stanley Kubrik said that “the God concept is at the heart of the film“. I suppose he’s talking about that weird ending which is interpreted by some to be religiously oriented —  the character being resurrected into some kind of heavenly being. People surely enjoyed the special effects which were nothing short of revolutionary for the time, and as a consequence, paid less attention to what was really going on. It is somewhat shocking to see a mystical ending to a film when everything preceding it was grounded in Entirely Natural (god less) reality. I’m not buying the spiritual line of reasoning.

Much of what happened in 1968 can be seen as The Great Journey Inward. Star Trek was about “boldly going”  out and exploring the “Final Frontier”. Kirk battled enemies like Klingons (Russians) and killed the bastards, good always triumphed over evil, and there was always a lesson or moral to be learned from each episode.

In contrast, 2001 has no real enemies except maybe HAL — after all, it was the Dawning of the Age Of Aquarius, and only Apes kill in the beginning of the movie. Groovy. The movie ends on a psychedelic trip of mind blowing sights and sounds, where climax is achieved when the adult protagonist is transformed backwards into a galactic fetus enveloped in the amniotic fluid of space, contemplating scenes of Earth of which it might or might not be aware …. Jeez!! So, what is the actual lesson of the movie? There’s no lesson. But, there is a message. If Star Trek’s catchphrase was “To boldly go where no man has gone before” then  2001’s tagline should be  “The ultimate trip, man!”  Speaking of trips …

(Note #1:  HAL is not a “one-off” code for IBM. It is an acronym for “heuristic” and “algorithmic”)

(Note #2:  1968 was a great year for iconic movies; Planet of the Apes, Rosemary’s Baby, Bullitt, Night of the Living Dead, The Odd Couple, Yellow Submarine, Love Bug, Hang ’em High.)


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6)- The MERRY PRANKSTERS and Trippin’ on LSD

In 1968, Tom Wolfe wrote “The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test“.  The book became a bestseller and cemented Tom Wolfe as one of the founding fathers of New Journalism — an application of fictional techniques to nonfiction writing, which included such writers as; Hunter S. Thompson, Norman Mailer, and Joan Didion. More people than not consider it the definitive book of sixties counterculture.

In it he tells the true story of Ken Kesey (author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) the ultimate hippie, and his band of groupies, the Merry Pranksters, who zigged and zagged across the country in a far out converted school bus. Wolf traces the hippie phenomenon back to the early 60’s when Kesey and his Merry Pranksters organized the first West Coast LSD parties; aka “acid tests”.  These experiments gave the psychedelic revolution its momentum and meaning. From them came the style of dress, music, and graphic arts that permeated the 60’s popular culture. An excerpt from the book;

“The Acid Test were one of those outrages, one of those scandals, that create a new style or a new world view. Everyone clucks, fumes, grinds their teeth over the bad taste, the bad morals, the insolence, the vulgarity, the childishness, the lunacy, the cruelty, the irresponsibility, the fraudulence, and, in fact gets worked up into such a state of excitement, such an epitasis, such a slaver, they can’t turn it loose.  It becomes a perfect obsession.”

It turns out that the Grateful Dead were YUGE fans of the Acid Tests. Owsley “Bear” Stanley was the sound engineer for the band. Another excerpt from the book;

“In any case [Owsley] started buying the Dead equipment such as no rock ‘n’ roll band ever had before, the Beatles included, all manner of tuners, amplifiers, receivers, loudspeakers, microphones, cartridges, tapes, theater horns, booms, lights, turntables, instruments, mixers, servile mesochroics, whatever was on the market. The sound went down so many microphones and hooked through so many mixers and variable lags and blew up in so many amplifiers, and roiled around in so many speakers and fed back down so many microphones, it came on like a chemical refinery.  There was something wholly new and deliriously weird in the Dead’s sound, …. it was pure ambrosial candy for the brain with creamy filling every time … and practically everything new in rock ‘n’  roll came out of it.

In  this fine interview given in 1999 Wolf had this to say; —  “LSD lets you in on something. When you’re tripping, the idea of race disappears; the idea of sex disappears; you don’t even know what species you are sometimes. And I don’t know of anybody who hasn’t come back from that being more humane, more thoughtful, more understanding.

Doesn’t that sound GRRREAT?? Not only should marijuana be legalized in America — it’s 2018 fer cryin’ out loud!!! — but I think they should replace the fluoride in out water supply with LSD!!  At this point in American history trippin’ on Acid Tests is about the only thing that will save us. Really. LSD was one of the greatest things to come out of that era.


7)- HAIR.

Nude Hippies! Yeah!  This article says it changed Broadway [and possibly us] forever.  The onstage nudity was “a cry for freedom, and it reflected the reality of what was happening.”  This is a funny story; a city ordinance had to be found that allowed onstage nudity “as long as the actors didn’t move“. Sounds like my ex-wife in bed.  Diane Keaton was an original cast member … but she refused to take off her clothes. She was saving herself for Michael Corleone.  This play did almost  as much as Wolf’s “Acid Test” book in defining the beatnik subculture for  mainstream America. One reviewer said immediately after seeing the play; — “Oh, that’s the reason my son is that way!

Most people equate the play solely with it’s very strong anti-war themes … and there’s nothing wrong with that! One of the best images was the “4U slogan” — “We are the unwilling, led by the unqualified, to do the unnecessary for the ungrateful“.  Sums up the Vietnam War fairly nicely, I think.  The anti-war slogan gained public currency when a photograph appeared of it painted on a US airforce base in Vietnam. To bad NO ONE in America today — young or old, Red, Blue, black or white — gives enough shits to protest our endless wars. So, why include this seemingly benign play in this list?

Because I believe it was, if not the beginning of two trends, it surely was the beginning of giving them great legitimacy. First, you have the African-American cries of racism, blaming all their problems on others, and playing the Eternal Victim. Second, it reinforced the decade’s ongoing cries for Social Justice,  persuading millions more white American than Rev. King and his band of Merry Demanders ever did. It was the beginning of Identity Politics.

One-third of the cast was African-American. Ebony magazine called it “the biggest outlet for black actors in the history of the American theater.” The song “Colored Spade” featured a number of terms that would cause liberals today to have an anal cavity aneurysm; “pickaninny, jungle bunny, jigaboo, nigger, and White Boys“.  One of the jungle bunny cast members said;  “African-Americans in Hair were saying what was wrong with our society”. How refreshing. Of course, once again, nothing was wrong with their society.

The show’s co-creators, Rado and Ragni, make it clear that the war is not only racist (!!!!), but is merely the next chapter in a long history of “imperialism” which has seen the “white man” being pitted against the “red man” and the “black man“, and in Vietnam, both were pitted against the “yellow man“. The song “Ain’t Got No” addresses the poverty of black Americans dispossessed and alienated by “capitalism“.

The play also addressed a whole host of other social issues;  drug use, racism (natch), inter-racial relationships, sexuality, youth alienation, unwed mothers, lesbian and homosexual relationships (nothing wrong with it), and, as mentioned capitalism (bad!), colonialism (bad!) and imperialism (bad!).

As such, not everyone was pleased. . Leonard Bernstein walked out of the production. So did  two of the three Apollo 13 astronauts.  As they toured the heartland the actors were at times detained, harassed or arrested by the police.  Also, two separate United States Supreme Court cases dealt with attempts to shut down productions.

Further reading … not an endorsement as I have not read it, but it does look interesting and accurate based on reviews I’ve read;   “Hair: The Story Of A Show That Defined A Generation”


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8)- U.S.S. Pueblo.

(North Korean photo of captured American sailors. Please note that they are surreptitiously giving Da Norks da finger!)

I am including this 1968 event because it was So Damned Successful — a beautiful blueprint for ALL future American Wars for freedom! OK, I’m not very good at sarcasm.  The fact of the matter is that this event was a complete failure of American foreign policy! Instead of learning from this clusterfuk of epic proportions it seems that all American Military Policy in subsequent years has used it as a blueprint.

I wonder if Americans truly understand the Hell that the USAF rained down on the North Koreans; over 600,000 tons of bombs (more than were dropped in the Pacific Theater during WWII), every village bombed, 85% of North Korean buildings destroyed, and 20% (!!!) of its population killed. And even that wasn’t enough.  General MacArthur requested 34 atomic bombs to create  “a belt of radioactive cobalt across the neck of Manchuria so that there could be no land invasion of Korea from the north for at least 60 years”.

Despite all this, America did not win the war.

America rained down death and destruction in Vietnam but, did not win against a bunch of Gooks with rusted rifles, sandals, and a bowl of rice.

In Afghanistan for 16 years, our trillion dollar military can’t beat a bunch of mud dwellers with rusted Kalashnikov rifles, towels on their heads, and a falafel sandwich.

What we should have learned; it’s damned near impossible to defeat a people on their home soil especially if they are willing to fight to the death of the last man standing.

Fortunately, thanks to Trump, we are now near-Allies with North Korea. But, we are humming war songs about bomb, bomb, Iran. Should it happen it’ll be over in a month, they say!  But, wait, there’s more! There has been open talk among both politicians and military planners in the past year that America could win a First-Strike nuke war with Russia. The Hit Parade of 1968ish Clusterfuks keep on coming even in 2018, and seemingly will be with us forever, … until the first mushroom clouds appear over Washington D.C.


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9)- Second Latin American Bishops’ Conference, Medellin, Columbia

(Many of the world’s problems could be eliminated if people would simply refuse to trust people wearing goofy hats.)

It eventually changed the face, and mission, of the Catholic Church. I say “eventually” because Rome initially rejected most of the proclamations issued by the Bishops. The movement’s leaders were replaced, exiled to far off placed, ordered to keep silent, some were outright condemned by  Pope John Paul II — and there were secular reprisals including torturous imprisonments and death squad assassinations, such as happened to El Salvador’s archbishop Oscar Romero which, in effect, turn them into martyrs for the movement.

The bishops denounced the systematic oppression of the poor. They criticized the exploitation of the Third World by industrialized nations.  They stated that the Latin Church was different than the Church in Europe because they had a different mission. They claimed to have a practical application of faith … which became known as Liberation Theology.  They published “A Theology of Liberation”, which caused activists to establish a grass roots organization known as The Church Of The Poor, which was light on religious dogma, but heavy on social activism. The movement eventually produced books such as “Jesus Christ Liberator” and  “Church, Charism, and Power” … all of which were thinly disguised versions of Marxism. Sadly, what The Church initially rejected in 1968 … today, in 2018, it embraces and cherishes with open arms. While sin was crouching at the door (Gen. 4:6-7) the Church just opened it wider than ever.


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10)- The Rest Of 1968.

The Boys in the Band debuts on Broadway … the first major contemporary play to deal with homosexuality.  In the first major women’s march since the Suffragette Era, 5,000 women march in Washington D.C  to protest the war in Vietnam and the social crisis at home. Star Trek airs America’s first interracial TV kiss on a major show (Capt. Kirk and Lt. Uhura). O.J. wins the Heisman Trophy. MLK and RFK are assassinated. All making their debut; Boeing 747, Waterbeds, Hot Wheels, Laugh-In, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, Virginia Slims, and In-a-gadda-da-vida. Jackie  marries Aristotle. Mrs. Robinson becomes America’s first and hottest celebrity Cougar.  It was a HELLUVA year!!!


So, was 1968 the beginning of the end for America? Of course, not! Not any more than the year prior, the year after, or any other year — although some folks make a case for certain years, such as;  1913 when the Federal Reserve was created or, 1962 when prayer was taken out of schools or, 1971 when Nixon abandoned the gold standard.

Speaking of Nixon, after all the chaos and craziness that took place in 1968 — isn’t it odd that Nixon won in a landslide in Nov. 1968?  Amidst all the Crazy Shit, Americans elected a (relative) conservative who last held office as Dwight Eisenhower’s vice president! One of his big campaign themes was a promise to return to a Warren Harding-ish “return to normalcy“.  Actually, that sounds almost Trump-ian!

What is the meaning of life?  God!! It seems to be a human condition to take a very complex question and boil it down to a simple answer that all can understand. Sometimes it works.  Other times the “simple answer” is just proof of a “simple mind”.  Such is the case of those who blame all, or most, of America’s current problems on just one group of people of a certain age — a level of simplicity that even a caveman would reject.  I listed just nine issues, from just one year, which may (some will say, not) have contributed to where America is today. But, there are many thousands of historical issues to consider, along with the actions and reactions of millions of people … probably going all the way back to when the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock.  For example, we really should have left John Casor in Africa! So, please, don’t be a Moran with your #BoomerDerangementSyndrome.

1968 was in many ways un-civil as all the various tribes of renegades retreated into their own self-made cocoon of selfish interests. Abraham Lincoln in his first inaugural address said; —   “I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection

Citizenship is a shared thing. How is shared citizenship even possible in America  when its would-be citizens share so damned little in common anymore?  Just about all we have in common is the pornography of food, the McDonald’s Big Mac, also introduced in 1968. Citizenship simply can’t be shared between hostile alien people who happen to occupy the same territorial space.

In closing, citizenship also requires at least some level of self-sacrifice. Perhaps it even means giving up some of our own perceived individual  “rights” for the benefit of the whole. But, how is that even possible in today’s America where virtually every aspect of community is strained through the narcissistic filter of the most extreme childish kind — like that giant cosmic infant in 2001 Space Odyssey whose entire universe revolves around itself.

The Great Inward Narcissism of 1968 had the motto; “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”  In 2018 it’s #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, ad infinitum. Our world ends where our noses do. And that’s no way to keep a country.


The End.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 8, 2018 3:50 pm

Yes. I will edit if this posts. I have not been able to comment due to invalid field entries or something like that.

Stucky, I think the final chapter began in 1977. I was going to explain why, but I got the stupid invalid field data message again and I am reluctant to type much more.

Thanks TMWNN for replying to my dumbass question. I had not “revisited” that thread, but will now.


August 9, 2018 9:52 am

thanks for posting up this link, friend. when time allows, I need to try all the suggestions that emerged from the posts surrounding TMWNN’s latest upgrades, bugs, and potential fixes. Cheers.

August 8, 2018 3:52 pm

In the United States, the 1968 Gun Control Act was the beginning of the real “infringement” of the Second Amendment. Yes, I know the National Firearms Act of 1934 started the ball rolling but was a “tax” issue, not a prohibition…

August 8, 2018 5:17 pm

Citizenship requires some level of self-sacrifice. Sure Does! We gave up the 4th Amendment freedom against unlawful search. We gave up the right to free speech unless you are in a protected political class, censorship of expression made a great leap forward this week. The value of citizenship diminishes when illegal aliens have preference over native born Americans. The special counsels and other witch hunters run over rights without limit. The Fed’s are going after Cliven Bundy again after a liberal judge dismissed the case with prejudice because of gross misconduct by the DOJ. The right to bare arms is being replaced by prohibition on possessing arms and ammunition.
Government paid snoopers monitor and record all communication personal and commercial. A private conversation remembered by someone 20 years ago can get you fired.
Yea Stuck we certainly have had to make a lot of self-sacrifices to warrent citizenship and “you ain’t seen nothing yet”.
Got to hand it to you, this is your best since the point by point discussion of Islam.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 9, 2018 7:22 am

All your form 4473 is ours.

August 8, 2018 5:08 pm

So…yes, we can clearly state that it is ALL the Boomers’ fault (and fuck every last one of you for it) and it ALL began in nineteen hundred and sixty-fuckin’-eight.

OK, back to my real thoughts. Good stuff, Stuck, as usual. You said the other day that I could write an article on the Fall of the American (or perhaps its the Global) Empire and its ramifications on we little people. I did consider it, of course, but as typically happens I played golf instead of working on it and now, as typically happens as well, will dump any insights I may have, willy-nilly in the comments section:

Of course, you’re right: “So, was 1968 the beginning of the end for America? Of course, not! Not any more than the year prior, the year after, or any other year.” The moving finger writes and having writ, moves on OR in Wallace’s Water analogy, one could ask “Where does an Ocean current begin? Where does it end?” These questions are much too big and complex for our little brains and our minuscule perspective. Genesis defeats us, even only at the human civilization levels, forget the cosmological ones.

But that old Ecclesiastical number definitely applies: “There is nothing new under the Sun.” Do you think that there is/was anything really new (at the human nature level) that occurred in 1968 or at any time since? Cultural decay and decadence, identity politics, religious lunacy, government lies, war and war protest, acts of technical genius conducted without question of the future, sex and drugs and degenerate music…hell, these things are as old as civilization itself. Second verse same as the first. My Name is Yon Yonson.

Funny you should mention the Borg. As far as I know there is no story of the Origins of the Borg. We are surely left to assume that they were created by some evil individual or group (government) to subjugate the entire fucking galaxy, because owning a planet (or a system) just wasn’t enough, and this is certainly a plausible story, but I always though that maybe it was a desperate–perhaps even an heroic–act of self-preservation that brought them into being. Maybe the planets climate was shifting (ala Seti-Alpha-Five) and some brilliant-minded sentient bipods retreated deep into some underground lair and through perseverance and luck simultaneously saved their entire species AND gave birth to the greatest evil the galaxy has ever known. The moral, of course, being that unintended consequences often are so much more dire than those of the tyranny of evil men.

Porn is, of course, not new, but its ubiquity is. I read somewhere that some university tried to conduct a blind study on the effects of pornography but could not…because they could not find a single adult male who had never seen porn.

August 8, 2018 5:11 pm

It’s easy to blame the “baby boomers” for many of the world’s ills of the day, BUT it was those of “the greatest generation” (WW-2) that gave us the Hart-Celler immigration act which redirected immigration from first-world countries in favor of third-world immigration (a big mistake). Add to that, the well-intentioned?” but flawed “civil-rights (for some) acts and statutes which threw out merit and aptitude (Griggs v. Duke Power, which abolished the use of aptitude tests for employment) and substituted “affirmative action”, denying the “best and brightest” their rightful place in society (white heterosexual males).
It has come to light that the CIA and other government “alphabet” agencies have had their hand in influencing the “mainstream media, even going so far as to “plant” fake stories as well as manipulating the political process, not only in the United States, but around the world.
The real “elephant in the room” is “those who we dare not mention”–the “chosen”–those who have hijacked our “foreign policy” since the 1960s and have made the United States their b!tch, involving the United States in wars that we have no business being involved in…as well as responsibility for WTC 9-11.
The baby boomers have a lot to be responsible for, but the groundwork was set up by those of “the greatest generation”.

August 9, 2018 3:52 pm

Being suckered into losing your life or having your mind shattered to fight an unjust war is not exactly what I would think of as a failure of a generation. Evil men sometimes get away with it. How are men to learn to always spot it, when they are lied to by the ones who are responsible?

Information is power.

August 8, 2018 5:12 pm

DAMN!!! Thanks for all of the work, many fine points, I would like to start generally by saying I personally feel November 22, 1963 is when it really got started with the assassination of JFK in a coup d’etat.
Which is not the boomers fault per se, certainly the looking the other way and NOT making a fuckin stink was The Greatist Generation’s unrecognized tragic failure, and shared by Boomers as time progressed.
Same with 911, Boomer’s and X er’s.
Future generations will be hesitant to give a pass for eating the blue pills and going along to get along, rightly so.

Also, generally, the planet and all civilizations everywhere have never seen a generation cozy up to debt so enthusiastically as the Boomers. The price for this has not been paid and in my humble opinion, never will.
That said, all of that debt produced a phenomenal orgy of consumption in every flavor, the likes of which the earth has never seen.
Thanks for that Boomers, it was fun, really great times, probably the best times by the most people, ever, so again, thanks.

August 8, 2018 5:24 pm

It’s not the boomers fault at all. Their parent’s are the ones to blame – gave the world to you with no training. So it’s not your fault, quit crying – it’s just shitty parenting is all. You’re off the hook. What? Still pissed? There just ain’t no pleasing you, is there? 1971 – the beginning of the epic ‘full faith and credit’ shit storm known as the U.S. dollar backed by more green paper.

RT Rider
RT Rider
August 8, 2018 5:31 pm

I’m a boomer – 1956 – and I, and a lot of others my age, didn’t have anything to do with the shit that went down in the 60’s, as we was too young. Now, IMHO, if any group of our generation was truly fucked up, it was the first wave, born from 1946 to 1950. They were the ones who dove head first into the drug culture.

Having said that, boomers weren’t responsible for the Civil War, the Spanish American war, income tax, the Federal Reserve Act, WWI, the New Deal, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Communism, Socialism, Democrats, Republicans, progressives, or liberals. All predated us, though many joined the cause.

Every war after Vietnam, and all other bad shit in general, I’m prepared to entertain that boomers played a big part.

PS. – I’ve always thought that all those nuke drills we did as kids, fucked most people up, especially during the Cuban crisis.

El Coyote
El Coyote
  RT Rider
August 8, 2018 6:58 pm

Usually it’s Vietnam vets that add a year to their designation. We know the date range, give us the year or ‘boomer’.

  RT Rider
August 11, 2018 12:23 pm

I’ve been saying this for years…the Boomers are NOT a monolithic group. I’m from ‘58, my generation wasn’t part of the “me” generation. Our view is that those that were in their late teens and early 20’s in the 60’s are losers. They’re still losers, today. Leftist slime who have finally embraced Collectivism and live in an imagined world without Third World barbarians. I’m STILL arguing with them, today. They SUCK, and their grandchildren are worse. My kids are in their 30’s, one went to war, his sister went to American University, and is STILL a conservative. Somehow, they’re still using common sense to live their lives, independent of their parent’s money.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 8, 2018 5:57 pm

I was 14 in the 9th grade and to think all that control I had to fuck everything up . My science teacher was a former Marine who spoke little of his service in WW2 my algebra teacher was a WW2 & Korea army retiree and my English teacher was a liberal hippie Dollie fruit cake and my geography teachers husband was ending his 4 year stretch drafted in the army and returned from Vietnam in one piece . I was still a Boy Scout with a paper route and an alter boy on Sunday .
I worked and went to school at night after high school and ended up shipped out but fairly safe 72/73 . Went back to work got married bought a home paid taxes got layed off 11 years into what would have been a 30 year retirement . Worked saved hustled and paid my way . 42 years into it got sick “REAL SICK”
Something I was born with thanks to advanced medicine got a fix that 30 years prior you died . Was forced onto disability but am able to do some light duty bench repairs for a small business to help cover my medication costs thanks to the unaffordable health care act .
So yes it’s all my fault that the Circle Jerk Of Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street reaped huge profits bankrupted the nation and many average Americans , destroyed pension plans , stole money from social security and started endless wars that are really nothing more than fools errands or government job programs and I okayed trillions in debt that cannot be paid back and quadrillion’s in derivetives bundled in places I did not know I had . Don’t worry I have big shoulders and a slippery back so Blame Me if it makes you feel better . I don’t give a fuck !

  Boat Guy
August 8, 2018 6:41 pm

Yes boat , it’s your fault motherfucker!

August 8, 2018 6:44 pm

Sorry boat it’s BB .My smart phone will not let me post . I’ve been trying all damn day.Some pls advise.I keep getting invalid URL . What is URL . Stucky , great article. I have so much I want to say but having a very hard time.

August 8, 2018 6:46 pm

Greetings BB ,Admin I’m trying to figure this out.Pls be patient.

August 8, 2018 6:54 pm

Greetings BB , I guess I will have to post like this for a while. Stucky ,2001 movie was really about the Lucifer- ian philosophy of the rebirth into a new God status without Christ so I have read. It was for people who where already in these secret societies like the Freemasons. When I read that the movie finally made sense. I don’t know who is to blame for our fucked up situation but our society can’t go on like this.

August 8, 2018 6:57 pm

I believe I have got this figure out.I did everything.I put my Email in right but still no go.I thought I was going to have to call someone but maybe it will keeping working now.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 8, 2018 8:15 pm

It’s cool we boomers got handed a military industrial complex that is like cancer add that to a banking and monetary system that was designed to do exactly what it is doing “ Fuck everybody but insiders and a minority of average shmucks that are either government employees or lucky right place right time and of course the born on third and strut like they hit a home run ! With 100 MILLON idle in their prime working years and stagnant wage growth for decades it could not be our congress and senators that did all this damage . After all they are from the government and only here to help …THEMSELVES !

August 11, 2018 8:46 am

my smart phone posts won’t submit or just disappear–my home computer mostly gets “long-running scripts” pop-up now and freezes on TBP. Only my work computer during lunch ( or weekend paperwork) is able to post here now….

August 8, 2018 6:12 pm

Honest Stucky, I saw Tommy in the rear view mirror. He was making a face and giving me the finger. It made me old man nervous and I drove this big mother Caddy right into the ditch. It’s that mean kid Tommy that made me do it.

August 8, 2018 6:46 pm

I spent 30 minutes praising this article and got Aw Snapped! Too bad I had a lot to tell you, anywho BRAVO!!

August 8, 2018 6:49 pm

Oh, and THANK YOU for all your effort.

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 8, 2018 6:54 pm

Don’t you hate that? I had done a comparison of Trump and LeBron, both promoted as ‘you’ll get tired of winning’. Both generally disliked by the public. Then it all went – POOF! That was my comment in a nutshell. You can imagine the rest, I’m not going to re-write it.

  El Coyote
August 8, 2018 7:00 pm

Seriously EC it was one of my better replies/posts lately and it’s gone like a fart in the wind. Stucky’s article was a breath of fresh air.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
  El Coyote
August 8, 2018 9:19 pm

Mark and save (cntrl-C) your comment before you post. Then if it bombs, you just cntrl-V.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
  Capn Mike
August 8, 2018 9:19 pm

Like this!!!
Mark and save (cntrl-C) your comment before you post. Then if it bombs, you just cntrl-V.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
August 8, 2018 9:20 pm

oops, i didn’t see this before my post. but you don’t NEED Word, just your clipboard.

August 8, 2018 9:57 pm

Stucky- Many times I have told you that you are the biggest reason I hang out here on the platform. There is just nobody out there quite like you, you are unique (in a very good way). You can convey thoughts in ways that draws the reader into your world and we enjoy the hell out of it. More please.

What happened to the no nips policy?

Ben Gangloff
Ben Gangloff
August 8, 2018 7:27 pm

Bravo Stucky. Great read. As my father always said, “There’s a lot of commies out there.” I think he was right…

August 8, 2018 7:35 pm

I enjoyed your writing Stuck…you dont have to answer this if you don’t want to, but how long did something as grand in scope, take you to put together?

Great thoughts and appreciate sharing your reflections…i find it fascinating learning about how other generations see the world and historical events that happened when they were alive and processing…


August 8, 2018 8:36 pm


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 8, 2018 11:27 pm

I thought this was excellent, Stucky. Absolutely brilliant the way you tied everything together and very witty.
I was only 6 in 1968. But one of my favorite songs was “Hair.”
As to Iron Butterfly’s “In A Gadda Da Vida,” the lead singer was supposed to say “In a Garden of Eden,” but he could never make it come out right so they just changed the name of the song. 🙂

  Vixen Vic
August 9, 2018 9:14 am

One of my favorite songs is also the infectious “Hair.” I play it when my grandsons are in the car and they are beginning to sing along with me.

August 8, 2018 7:35 pm

Some interesting facts about the Boomers…

Baby Boomers represent the 76 million people born between 1946 and 1964. 

Boomers represent 44% of the US population, and in the next 5 years, they’re projected to hold 70% of US disposable income and buy 49% of total consumer-packaged goods. [Nielsen / BoomAgers]

They are retiring later in life due to the economic recession of 2008 but are living longer than any generation before them. 

65% of Baby Boomers plan to work past age 65 or do not plan to retire and 34% plan to continue working for enjoyment, including 18% who want to stay involved and 16% who enjoy what they do. [Transamerica Center]

Baby Boomers are responsible for 80% of all luxury travel spending. [Pew Research]

66% of Baby Boomers say that preserving social security and medicare is more important than reducing the deficit. [Pew Research]


Then there is this

“At a time when divorce is becoming less common for younger adults, so-called “gray divorce” is on the rise: Among U.S. adults ages 50 and older, the divorce rate has roughly doubled since the 1990s.”


comment image

And then there is this

comment image

Baby boomers get a lot of the blame because they are the largest group and have benefited the most while the Petro Dollar reigned supreme as the world’s reserve currency…..alas, those days are numbered and the countdown to the end game is quickening its pace.

Perhaps being the largest generation, living longer, staying in the workforce longer, holding onto political positions longer, might lead to the younger generations development of some resentment, whether warranted or not. I’m sure at the individual level the case could be made, either way.

The over licensing and regulation of the economy has also contributed to differences in the workforce requirements like certifications that require schooling to do a job that 30 years ago when the Boomers were in their primes didn’t have to even consider, which typically adds to the younger generations debt load…

BTW, 1969 gave us this…

” The self-esteem movement, generated by a 1969 paper by Nathaniel Brandon, declared that success stems from a child’s self-worth. This initiated a culture of participation trophies, micro-management and fear of failure. ”

“The parents of most Millennials are either Baby Boomers or, for the younger Millennials, Gen Xers. This need for verbal approval and reinforcement correlates with the way detached parenting was normalized in the 1960s and 70s, when Boomers grew up. As a result of not being babied or supervised themselves as children, as well as cultural shifts in parenting norms through the progression of technology, these generations overcompensated in their involvement with their Millennial children. Thus, “helicopter parents” were created.”


At least the babyboomers can say this:
It IS what it IS.

For some reason the graphs and image won’t show but the links will take you there…enjoy

August 8, 2018 10:05 pm

Damn, that was a great add on the the Stuckmiester’s article.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 8, 2018 11:29 pm

“Generations” and “The 4th Turning” explain the variations of parenting styles and the pendulum swings of the styles coming and going very well.

August 8, 2018 7:46 pm

Stucky, You’re almost right. The year everything started down this road was 1948-the year I was born and Israel was declared; even though it was stealing land from Palestine.

Mohammed R. Goldstein
Mohammed R. Goldstein
August 9, 2018 1:01 am

Isaiah 66:8 on May 14, 1948

“Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? shall a nation be brought forth at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children”.

August 11, 2018 12:32 pm

I STONGLY disagree…American Jews have been largely liberal…their foolishness resonates with policies we’ve been STUCK with for 100 years, but Jews in Israel offer hope that even Liberals, surrounded by armed enemies will become more conservative. Classical Liberalism has never been the problem, Progressivism…THAT’s the problem. Without Israel, those same Jews would have immigrated here, where, without enemies, they would have become part of the Collectivist Institution of Liberal thought. Thank GOD for Israel.

August 12, 2018 10:48 am

Hello Stucky and all: I am a long-time reader but first-time contributor-to-the-conversation, and I agree with Doug. The establish of Israel is but one significant event of 1948. In March of that year, the Supreme Court rules that religious instruction in schools is unconstitutional because it violates the “establishment clause” of the First Amendment.


In April, the scientists George Gamow and Ralph Alpher (along with a third non-participant . . . the story is “cute”) submit a paper called “The Origin of Chemical Elements” that “provided the first support for the big bang model since Hubble’s discovery in 1929. . . .”


In June, the first crisis of the Cold War begins with the Soviets’ Blockade of Berlin; the US responds with the Berlin Airlift.


AND (this is my personal favorite event to point to as THE most significant due to the events to which it leads later) in Texas, Lyndon Baines Johnson STOLE an election from Coke Stevenson and defrauded his way to national office; the story is infamous in Texas but, somehow (jeez, REALLY?), is otherwise unknown to the world.

August 12, 2018 11:21 am

Hey niebo! Welcome to the party, nice post.

August 8, 2018 7:48 pm

I was born in 1954. There has been a dichotomy to my life which I’m confident was part of all the Boomer’s lives. I remember “hiding” under the school desk waiting for the big mushroom when 9 years old. I was pretty sure that I’d see the end of the world in my life at that time (I’m still alive and it hasn’t happened YET). On the other hand I grew up in a time of technological innovation and cheap energy that produced a world never experienced before by man. Popular Science magazine said the bomb would wipe out the world and send into the stone age in a matter of seconds and/or we’d be getting around Jetson style in flying cars-whew, wrap you brain around those polar extremes. I started working around 11 cutting lawns etc. and always held some employment so, there was a level of responsibility and ingrained work ethic. On the other hand I imbibed in a few (ok, a lot) of lets say treats that life and the times offered. I played by one set of rules by day and another by night; kind of a Jekyll and Hyde existence? But through it all did we ever have fun! Bottom line-wackiest period in human history and the best time to have ever lived. I thoroughly loved every minute of it. I played by the rules (mostly) and raised 3 great kids. It doesn’t get any better than that and I have no regrets about not fulfilling someone’s expectations about how I lived my life or left the world.

August 8, 2018 8:14 pm

Just imagine what the youngsters nowadays are subjected to…
Fire drills, bomb drills, active shooter drills…

Not to mention all the testing…

Boy, I could tell you some stories hahahaha

and for the typical public school student in California, the easy access to information through digital devices is even more influencing than when most of us were in some form of elementary schooling and having limited access to reading material unless you were able to get to your local library (And at that the junior high or high school age I wasn’t into researching or reading like I am as an older person…

That’s why I cut the Millenial GEN some slack just like I do the baby boomers …all part of a 4th turning …wrong place wrong time…
In understanding these differences between generations does minimize some of the hate that is pushed out there.

August 9, 2018 7:02 am

Good post, my thoughts exactly, born in ’58, married, one child now a functioning responsible adult.
Only real regrets were the few times in my life when I was too polite, should have told them the kiss my arse!

August 8, 2018 8:08 pm

I remember ’68.
It was something I lived through, not something I read about.
My “safe room” was a quonset hut at MCRD.
My message to the millennials who don’t like us Boomers is simple. Go fuck yourself.
At least we aren’t a bunch of worthless pussies.

August 8, 2018 11:54 pm

Born in 1949 I never felt kinship with most of the Boomers…too many were spoiled, self-indulged, Dr. Spock raised, trendy, assembly line cultural drones. I remember more than a few guys who were beatniks, then greasers, then surfers, then hippies…then some morphed into drugged out losers who had peaked in high school. Two guys I grew up with died of heroin overdoses…they were two of the coolest guys around before they starting riding the needle. I never touched that poison or any hard drug poison and it was everywhere.

I laughed at the hippies…I told everyone in 63 when I was 13 I was joining the Marine Corps after HS, was going to earn the GI Bill, then was going to go to college on it and that’s exactly what I did. Also had a VA apprenticeship and bought two VA nothing down houses with it. I went in in 68 as planned and spent 69 in the Nam humping the M-60 becoming popular with the riflemen for backing their plays. It was my rite of passage and it was a stormy, deadly trip, but I still am who I was.

I see these chicken armed Soy Boys wandering around with their faces buried into their phones and I listen to them spout what they believe and I laugh at them harder than I did at the hippies.

August 8, 2018 8:18 pm

1968,the birth of the great band Jethro Tull,my favorite band of all time.
Did not unfortunately see till 1975 for first time as a kid,and so,the shows began,am@ 104 shows to date.

While I do not suggest LSD in the public water supply a few mics in me coffee might be appreciated,been a weird few years lately in me life and a trip(pun intended) in my past might be just fine with me.

August 9, 2018 6:42 pm

I rock out to Locomotive Breath in my shuffling madness all the time!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 8, 2018 8:50 pm

It all started when Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper crashed – says Don Maclean.

  Iska Waran
August 8, 2018 9:48 pm

It was the beginning of the leftist liberal progressives coming out of the closet backed by alot of Jewish money and media. Behind all this ” change ” has been Jews. Whether you like it or not that’s the truth.Just do a Google search . Not all Jews but many of the most powerful ones hate Christianity and the culture it produced. They have done much to sabotage our society. In the end it will come back to bite them on the ass in ways they never dreamed as it did in Germany in the 30s. Third world immigration is and will destroy what is left of America thus causing us to break apart. I don’t see how it can last much longer. Diversity is where nations go to die and America will be no different. I think I will see it in my life time.
Stucky ,you have said nothing about my comment on the Movie 2001 : A space … what ever.It was a flim about the devil’s philosophy of becoming as god as he promised in the garden of Eden .It a damnable lie but is and has been the building principle of all secret societies since Babylon. Mr.Nimrod had his own version. It’s a Satanic doctrine that many will follow to HELL. The Occult religions and secret societies are behind much that is wrong.You mentioned taking prayer out of schools.From 1941 to 1971 there were 5 supreme Court Justices that were Freemasons.It was Freemasons on that Court that took prayer and Bible out of our schools. I hope there are some Freemasons on this site .I would like for them to explain some things.

August 8, 2018 9:59 pm

Almost forgot , the moon landings were a lie carry out by Freemasons that controlled NASA. The Astronauts were Freemasons .All 12 . NASA was started by Nazis . Later controlled by Masons . It was all a lie . The space station is a lie .Hell I’m even beginning to think Outer space is a lie.
Stucky I am beginning to think the earth is Flat, not spinning ,supported by ” pillars “. I still have so many unanswered questions but I think most of what we thought we knew about life and history are nothing but damn lies. ” TO BE CONTINUE”
For now good night and God bless to all.

August 9, 2018 10:46 am

cant wait, this is gonna be awesome!

August 9, 2018 11:35 am

RiNS- Me too, NOBODY can relate facts like Beebs. That should be good for a mini-shitfest if ya ask me. 🙂


August 9, 2018 1:00 pm

you got that right Bea. I got one of my best swords sharpened for the fight. Odin would be proud!


Best Regards,


August 9, 2018 2:57 pm


Not so fast. Kubrick’s last flick “Eyes Wide Shut” delves into the occult secret societies which most are linked with esoteric teachings from the Jewish kabbalah ….the special knowledge supposedly passed down from the high priests over the years…tied directly into Marxism and a desire for a one world government, economy, religion and mono technocratic culture….

Most of Kubricks movies were cultural in nature, look at A Clockwork Orange , Doctor Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket and definitely don’t forget “Lolita”…

Kubrick was definitely trying to tell his audience something about the world with his work taken as a whole.

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 6:14 pm

You definitely used definitely twice in the last two sentences.

  El Coyote
August 10, 2018 11:46 am

Definitely deranged n deafening the amount of times definitely dropped in the disheartening discourse…
What a dilemma

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 5:55 pm

Nope, I see Trump.

August 9, 2018 9:49 pm

comment image

August 10, 2018 10:50 am

Shit…yup, that is definitely the Devil and he is A Deadly Handsome Man!

August 11, 2018 9:26 am
August 8, 2018 9:34 pm

I am curious (Yellow) beats your Warhol movie by a year (1967). https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061834/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Regarding the meat of the topic, we Baby Boomers were in unchartered territory back in the 50’s. Change was the thing, and guys coming home from the war got good jobs, formed families and households, and there was prosperity among the masses. That brought with it a lot of cultural trends, and inventions like the color tv, transistor radio, portable record players, washing machines, etc etc changed our culture in marvelous ways.
But many of the problems we face today are due to the military/industrial complex Ike warned us of.
And the prosperity of the 50’s is long gone. In fact if you use the same formulas for GDP, unemployment, and inflation, right about the now we’re in a helluva mess, because once more the government is lying to us, and they’re lying about most everything. I’m not dumping on Trump, he didn’t do it but takes the #’s at face value. I think he will regret this later.
Finally, the rich (I refuse to say “elite” because it connotes “superior” and they’re not) have gotten organized in these clubs like CFR, Bilderbergers, etc. and decided certain things needed to happen so they could suck even more of the marrow out of us folks by worldwide brokering of labor to the lowest common rate with a long term goal of a homogenized serf public.
They’ve come a long way, but that’s the battle as I see it. And it’s not the fault of any “Demographic bulge” caused by a world war. We just happened to be here for the ride.

August 8, 2018 9:55 pm

Well, first of all, if you were going to pick a year with some glaringly blatant USA-ending issue, it really should have been 1965. That was the year of the traitor LBJ’s “Immigration Act”, or rather the the thing he signed off on, which was created by those who long before, set out to destroy the USA…

The 20-somethings, and millennials, blame the “boomers” because that is the generation they see before them. They see that “boomers” had at least some semblance of a future before them, even if it was artificial. Few of them understand that America’s fate was sealed over a century ago; it is one of those things that historically makes little sense.

Most Mercuns don’t understand, that to the people want to rule the world, the USA has long outlived it’s usefulness. Their goal now, is to speed up the destruction from within, and ramp up the use of the military, as their battering ram against country that stands in their way. If they had their way, the millennials would never have been born.

Being born in 1959, I rather resent being called a “boomer”, and always have. Most of the real “boomers” were born within the first 10 years after WW2, 1945-1955. The rest of us who are also called “boomers”, were spares, afterthoughts, fresh starts, and accidents, really.

The millennials need to do their homework, and take a hard look at when America’s demise really began. I could just as easily blame the WW2 generation; they could have stopped the destruction from within, but chose to do nothing. But, it’s a bit late for blame-games. The fix is in. Time is short. America’s days are numbered, unless lot’s of people grow spines and brains…

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
August 8, 2018 10:15 pm

Rob, I understand that boomer applies to kids born in great numbers. That cohort is depicted as a bulge in a snake, such numbers were not seen before or after. Please take your meds. You can always tell an asshole when they bring up the 1965 immigration act as if that was the end all argument to why the USA is fucked; it releases you of any responsibility, it’s the Mexicans…

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
  Filomeno Reyes
August 9, 2018 1:07 am

The fact you are hooked on opioids now is not due to the 1965 immigration bill, sorry.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
August 8, 2018 10:11 pm

Pretty sure Pope Benedict wasn’t Pope in ’68.
You forgot to mention Steve Jobs tripped on acid and dreamed up Apple computer.
The Beatles White Album came out in ’68.
The Graduate (1967) showed some titty before I am curious (blue)(1968).
Myra Brekenridge came out in ’70, I only mention it because I traced the similarities of that film and Bruce Jenner’s Caitlyn.

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 11:26 am

I don’t want her to burn it, I want it for my rear view mirror in my truck.

August 8, 2018 10:19 pm

The civil rights act and welfare without a work requirement gets my vote. Really, it’s an amalgamation of many many things.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 8, 2018 11:36 pm

I don’t think there can be one specific year to show where America became screwed up. It’s been one bad piece of legislation or cultural change after another, year after year, and piled on top of one another. Not to mention the differences in the generations that were described by Stauss and Howe in their books.

  Vixen Vic
August 9, 2018 12:19 am

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For a long time it was imperceptible gradualism….now with the advent and proliferation of the internet and connectivity it is much more noticeable from inside the boiling pot of water for many of us.
Many of us have been boiled our whole lives and not until recently realized how late in the game it is…

  Vixen Vic
August 9, 2018 8:52 am

Vic- I think Stucky is right on the mark with 1968, the insanity that ensued beginning that year continues to this day and can’t be unseen. I have posted in the past that POP CULTURE ruined this country, you can name a hundred movies, plays, rock groups etc. but that all comes under pop culture and I think ya’ll are starting to get it at last. If I had to place blame on someone for that it would not lay on the boomers, though they were just heathen enough to throw their morals and common sense out the door.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
August 9, 2018 1:24 am

I like how you casually threw TBP in with the MSM.

Did you see how Q-Anon compares to TBP? A small group of writers, a bigger group of commetators and a huge group of lurkers. Another article discussed how truth tellers are being shut down. Cops are turning into highwaymen. Superbugs, Lyme disease and fake food threaten to kill us all.

Some moran asked what did Nixon do that was so bad? Current events make the past seem tame. It’s amazing how rapidly we have left the past so far behind.

  Filomeno Reyes
August 9, 2018 10:55 am

Maybe you could post a link to the Anons mention of TBP…i think it would be interesting for the lurkers and commentators and writers here to read.

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 12:04 pm

I should have written: Did you see the QAnon numbers and consider how they might be compared to TBP numbers?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 9, 2018 1:41 am

True but when the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax and the IRS were created in 1913, the ZOG got the money and the power to start their rotten ball of shit rolling: buying politicians, mass media, corporations, colleges etc, that resulted in the Cultural Communist laws passed and social manipulations accomplished one after the other that turned Traditional America inside out. No generation and no one year is to blame per se but the ZOG is guilty as Hell over the whole 105 years. There is a Time and a Purpose under Heaven for all Things: a time to plant and a time to reap; the ZOG need to reap what they have sown, the sooner the better; just as they finally did from the Russian People 20 years ago.

  robert h siddell jr
August 9, 2018 10:01 am

I agree 1913 the FED & The INCOME TAX are the gulag’s foundation…every time I drive over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge in DC I roll the window down snarl and spit and then go into a rant to educate whoever is with me.

I have enlightened 100’s of people about the above no matter how glazed over their eyes become.

Some are awake now!

Joe Guy
Joe Guy
August 9, 2018 2:39 am

Instant classic.

August 9, 2018 5:20 am

We started something in the sixties, but pussy’d out and gave up. Too much trouble to fight on.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 9, 2018 7:13 am

As another commenter pointed out, any group over 3 to 5 men gets infiltrated.

Especially anti war movements.

August 9, 2018 11:02 am

One of my former high school teachers, retired now, said, “I wish we had this guy (me) back then”, referring to the anti war and corporate pillaging taking place, to another one of my former high school teachers…

I had written a letter to the editor on defense of her and several other teachers who were pitching a fit and being singled out in staff meetings as not going along with the school districts attempt to alter a students grade after the teacher had input the final grades.

The district tried to incentivize the students to perform better on the state and federal mandated tests by offering to raise the students overall subject grade for the year, sometimes by 2 or 3 letter grades, if they obtained a proficient or higher score on the tests.

It was a shit show after I wrote the paper about it…

The district’s attorney assured them it was legal but the courts saw otherwise!

I have been a target ever since hahahaha.

Later on after making the public aware that inflated GPAs might have helped students get into colleges over other students whose districts weren’t breaking the laws, an angry parent wrote another letter and sent it to all the CSUs and U.C.s admissions offices.

It’s amazing how, when given real time accurate info, people tend to make the right decisions…
Imagine that.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 10, 2018 10:40 am

I think the anti-war movement of the ’60s was more about the younger generation trying to keep from being drafted than actual anti-war sentiment. I think the majority didn’t care unless it came to their butts being put in the trenches.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 9, 2018 7:04 am

It’s 2018 and America has collectively made it past the 51st anniversaries of the various and colorful 1967 race riots.

Let’s Move On as the comrade Clinton used to say.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic

Cool shirt.

Anthony Giudicy
Anthony Giudicy
August 9, 2018 7:57 am

Boomers fucked up America when they decided to vote themselves free shit from the public treasury. Now the spigot is almost dry. Thanks a lot.

  Anthony Giudicy
August 9, 2018 8:33 am

Tony G- I have never gotten a GD thing for free from the government or from your stupid ass or anyone else. Please list the things that the boomers got for free.

August 9, 2018 5:28 pm

free love

August 9, 2018 5:44 pm

Free love is a moral issue Tred, It’s not like it was an entitlement program handed to boomers from .gov in a major move to provide free pussy to all who applied. No cigar , keep trying.

August 9, 2018 7:44 pm

BL above meant for you

  Anthony Giudicy
August 9, 2018 7:44 pm

BL well there is SS, Medicaid, lots of food stamps, all the govt services financed by debt that will never be repaid, etc. How is that for starters?

August 10, 2018 1:11 am


August 10, 2018 2:45 am

Love it how everyone shrieks bu bu bu but I pa pa pa paid in so I deserves my SS, even though what is taken out is far, far more than ever paid in.

It is free shit. It is all free shit. It is all paid by debt, and the bill passed to later generations.

It is all free shit. Get over it, and own up to it. If Boomers did not pay for it, any of it, and Boomers overall did not – roads, defence, SS, etc ad naseum, then it is free shit.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 10, 2018 10:45 am

Actually, the first generation to get Social Security in the 1930s got the completely free stuff because they were paid without paying in a cent, whereas, the later generations had to pay in to support them, as did every following generation for the generation before them. Though people get more Social Security now than they paid in due to inflation, they still had to pay, so not completely free.

  Anthony Giudicy
August 9, 2018 8:57 pm

Sorry Anthony G. This is one Boomer that worked and paid taxes for all the free stuff. By the way, there ain`t no “free stuff.”

  Anthony Giudicy
August 11, 2018 12:44 pm

FU…I hate the government…I have no plans to ask for Medicare or SS…Retirement is a socialist myth…and you’re an idiot if you think a LOT of us believe that government’s free shit is actually “free.”

August 9, 2018 8:25 am

I guess maybe you’re right Stucky, Boomers have gotten a ‘raw deal’ in being blamed for the ills of the nations. I mean just look around, things are SO MUCH BETTER since boomers took the reigns in, oh lets say 1990. Right? Corporations are flush with cash investing it more solid foundational items like R&D, employee education, higher wages, and capital growing ventures. Government has reduced spending and has become the apitome of what the founding fathers envisioned. Culturally, wow man I just don’t know where to start with our culture, I just can’t get any better than it is right now.

Truly, the Boomer Generation has things SO MUCH BETTER than what they inherited. Right……right…….RIGHT?

Oh wait………

The only generation worse than the Boomer generation, is my own the x’rs, we bought all your Boomer bullshit and helped your generation along the way, because we trusted you to do the right thing. Fk Boomer’s and thier sacrocant self righteousness. Same ol’ shit, different day.

August 9, 2018 10:36 am

It is as childish to judge an entire generation of people as it is to judge an entire race. Grow the fuck up… Chip

August 9, 2018 10:46 am

I judge individuals as they deserve, but if the shoe fits……………………

August 9, 2018 11:25 am


You make some valid points…
See my lengthy comment earlier for my stance.

They dont call Gen X the “Lost generation” for nothing…

Many factors can be attributed like advances in medicine prolonging the life span, boomers working through retirement because of the Great recession of 2008 and holding political and high profile positions longer….
By the time they do retire, Gen Xers will be too old to want to add to the insurance rolls and the Millenials will get the promotions…

We are the cynical angry group, just listen to some of our music from the 90s…
We are pissed off and looking for someone or something to blame…
The boomers being the largest GEN, is an easy target indeed but inadequate nevertheless

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 12:07 pm

Gilnutty makes Dullnig seem like a bright fellow.

  El Coyote
August 9, 2018 12:52 pm

If you post enough times, eventually you’ll come up with a witty or intelligent thought. See “Infinite monkey theorem”.

P.S. Now THAT ladies and Gentlemen is a proper ad hominem attack. Thank you. 😉

August 9, 2018 12:49 pm

What other point was there other than a 5000 word excercise in Moral (and historical) Relativism? The same exercise that almost every other social group performs in order to prove to themselves and others that they are “not so bad” and it’s “not their fault”.

As is usual, when I point out the fallicy of the Boomers “not my fault” argument, it’s met with ad-hominem personal attacks, versus giving counter point or refutation of my position. It’s the inerrant self righteousness and hipocracy of the Boomers that irritates me the most.

August 9, 2018 3:03 pm

Additional definitions within context.

“Moral relativism is the view that moral judgments are true or false only relative to some particular standpoint.”

“The theory that there can be no objective standard of historical truth, as the interpretation of data will be affected by subjective factors characteristic either of the historian or of the period in which the historian lives.”

I agree that the historical reletivism statement may be a bit of a stretch, however it was meant from the standpoint that your article read, to me, as “they started it, so it wasn’t our fault”. I take issue with that. It’s my take that the Boomer generation took things to an exponential extreme in almost all cases, such as incarceration rates in the US going up 500% in the last 40 years, etc. etc. No the Boomers didn’t “start” anything, but they sure did turn it up by exponents when it suited them. Just through pure population numbers, the Boomer generation had an iron grip on business, politics, and culture for at LEAST 40 years. To try and say “it’s not our fault” or “we were tricked” is disingenuous, at best.

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 3:39 pm

My History Prof -Doc Pangloss was of the opinion that the historian’s job is to make sense of events in history. Every historian has his particular approach. His byword was, “When I teach, the flag waves.” He actually had an American flag right there by his side. Gilnuts is just reaching for straws by throwing out relativism to muddy the waters like a damn mudcat.

  El Coyote
August 9, 2018 3:53 pm

Gillnutty and Anthony G and the rest of the crybaby whiners have not listed a single thing that Boomers got for free, the day is still young and I’m waiting with great excitement to see what their answer will be. They have been playing with their Star Wars action figures so long , they are lost in their own altered fukkin reality.

What say you boys, speak up??

August 9, 2018 4:00 pm

You know who came out of this whole thing smelling like a rose Gilly? The USUAL SUSPECTS, the .01% who had the CONgress Critters pass anything they (wink-wink) handed them so they came out on top while dipshit boomers were going to pop festivals. THEY want a scapegoat and it looks like they are pointing the finger at us (boomers) but I’m not taking the blame for any of this crap……..period.

August 9, 2018 7:49 pm

BL -I have listed several above. SS, Medicaid, food stamps, and all govt services were financed by debt, which will never be repayed. Boomers, along with others, have received all kinds of free shit.

When you get back two or three times what you pay into SS and Medicaid, that is free shit. When you pay only 2/3 of the cost of govt expenditures, all the govt services you get are in pRt free shit. When 1/2 of the taxpayers get back more than they pay in taxes, that is free shit.

Come on BL, you are smarter than that!

August 9, 2018 11:15 pm

Loopey- That is not the question, WHAT have boomers soaked up over the last 50 years that was a freebie, not just in the retirement years? These dilberts claim we have stripped out all the wealth and left them high and dry. That is contrary to everything I read about boomers, most don’t even have a $1000 dollar emergency fund to fall back on and failed to fund a retirement plan or pay off a house. BOOMERS ARE BROKE as a joke, they are not rolling in the dough.

What’s up with listing food stamps? Boomers did not spend the last 50 years on SS, Medicare and food stamps , what is your point?

August 9, 2018 11:29 pm

llpoh- Did you hit your head? There are still millions and millions of boomers who have not reached the age to sign up for their SS, most do sign up early at age 62 for which they forfeit 25% of their benefit. I can’t believe you infer that boomers have been getting food stamps for the last 50 years. Since 1968, most of us boomers have just worked our selves to death and raised children, you are full of it if you think we were all getting free anything from the government. We paid for our elders SS benefits, we are not slackers or moochers by any stretch of the imagination and you should be ashamed to blather out this stupidity.

August 10, 2018 6:50 pm

BL – given that the govt is $20 trillion in debt, there has been at least $20 trillion in freebies handed out. Are you seriously too dense to see that? Plus untold future commitments, much of which is to Boomers.

Evryone, especially Boomers, has sucked up bits of that $20 trillion, and passed the bill to the young. Hooray! I ain’t gotta pay, the young can carry my pack, say the Boomers.

Very few Americans have paid more in taxes than their pro rata share of benefits of that $20 trillion. That means an average Boomer has certainly sucked up over $100k in freebies, of all manner.

Math is not your strong suit, is it?

August 10, 2018 7:33 pm

Loopey- First of all that 20 trillion went into MANY directions, wars and military over spending in general (biggest chunk), education, medicaid and health, interest on the debt, cost of running the government, FSA entitlements, international giveaways etc.etc.. Other than roads and infrastructure or edumacation matching funds, I didn’t get anything nor did 95% of us. We just got the bill and a big red,white and blue dick up the arse.

There are close to 100,000 expats collecting their SS payment outside of the country and I’m pretty sure that YOU will be/are collecting your benefit in OZ. That still has nothing to do with boomers who got zip for free in the last 50 fukkin years. I mustta missed out on the 100k in free shit Loopey cuz my parents and I paid property taxes and income taxes and also into SS. Israel gets FAR MORE MONEY each year than we ever will.

August 10, 2018 8:05 pm

Are you dense? Deficit looks to be a trillion a year. Israel should get zilch, but what they get is a rounding error on a trillion.

You used roads, you were benefitted by military, to the extent anyone else was, and it is not anywhere near the biggest chunk. Welfare in its many forms is. You used healthcare and schools. Etc. You were represented, poorly, but represented, and received your benefits for that.

All of what you used was subsidized = free to a certain extent, on average to the tune of $100k total on average for Boomers as a estimate, and the bill was passed to the young.

Whether or not you personally paid more than you got back is dependent on how much you paid in fed taxes. I paid more than my share inclusive of the deficit amount of $100k. To do that a person would need to be in the top ten percent for lifetime taxes paid I am guessing.

The other 90% have collected free shit to some extent, up to an incredible extent.

Seriously, get your mind in the game. The US is one giant free shit state being distributed to most everyone via ever incresing debt.

BTW, I will get SS if I claim, but not medicaid.

August 10, 2018 9:15 pm

BL HERE-Llpoh, You and the rest of the whiners here never seem to mention that the parents of the boomer were still here using up$$ to the maxup until the late 90’s and early 2000’s. I know numerous boomers who are just now losing their parent/parents in 2017/18 like Stucky. BOOMERS were NOT the one sucking up the government $$ like a sponge. Wars and stimulus plans and money that vanished into dark ops was the greatest part along with money spent on boomer’s parents. To blame it all on boomers is ridiculous, my God the Pentagram can lose a trillion or two in a wink of an eye and you whiners don’t say dick about that.

They admit to 234 billion paid to Israel since boomers were born which is laughable as they looted that much out of the NY Fed alone, and you need to included BS wars we entered to aid the Israelis. So cry me a river crybabies but you need to drop back and punt.

And I would bet that you won’t turn down your SS deposit in the near future Loopey so what is your point?

August 11, 2018 2:35 am

Who s blaming it all on Boomers? Not me.

But you said “please list the things Boomers got for free”, and I have been listing them. Every damn service that the govt has provided them – SS, Medicaid, streets, military, education, etc. – has been partially financed by debt that the boomers will never repay. Hence, they got that for free.

How you do not understand that is baffling. That you do not understand that the Boomers also were largely in control, as a group, of the expenditure is also baffling.

Re SS, nope will not turn it down. But will recognize that I will get back more than I paid in.

But given I have paid multi millions in tax personally, well into eight figures, and given my biz has generated tens of millions in tax revenue directly and indirectly, I am among the few who has actually paid in more than my individual share of the entire govt expenditure. So a tiny bit of SS seems fair to me.

I am not crying. Far from it. I am pointing out that the entire country is drowning in free shit, and the boomers as a whole are leaving their share of the bill to the young. And that is disgraceful.

August 11, 2018 11:02 am

To All Boomer Accusers: (That means you too Loopey)

The point that Stucky is making with this article is HOW is it all the fault of boomers AND when did it all start? My parents were born a hundred years ago, when the first deductions from their paycheck for SS came out it was ONE DOLLAR (true) and on up until the seventies the deductions for taxes and SS were quite low. Medicare blew the top off costs and parents of boomers certainly got far more than they EVER PAID into their healthcare or SS in their lifetime. Boomers were left holding the bag to pay for their parent’s generation and WE DID all through the 70’s, 80’s. 90’s and the first part of this decade until most of that generation is now gone.

We (boomers) could sit around and bemoan how our parent’s let them legislate all this socialism and we got stuck with the bill also. Boomers were/are REAL men and women who stepped up to the plate and produced for their children and parents and we were not perfect but we certainly were not crybabies who blamed our parents for the ills of the world. We blamed the establishment, the top of the pyramid, and we were RIGHT to blame the USUAL SUSPECTS who always get the cream off the top.

Pop culture was conjured up ny the MIC/Military Entertainment Complex and the media joos/Hollywood cabal. The socialist programs and pop culture of the last fifty years ruined this country and I don’t blame X’ers and Minnies if they don’t want to inherit this mess. JUST DON’T BLAME a generation who had no more control than our juniors do today. WE DID NOT START THE FIRE!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 10, 2018 10:50 am

Social Security was the generation before the Great Generation of World War II. Their Social Security was actually free.

  Vixen Vic
August 11, 2018 1:26 am

Maybe the first to retire got off with only paying a few months, I do’t think it was ‘free’.

August 9, 2018 9:57 am

Sorry I couldn’t comment earlier on your most interesting piece. Thanks for the effort.
I just was finishing up a lengthy response, and like others, lost it. I believe the problem is with my iPad rather than the site, though.
At any rate I am sorry I don’t have time to rewrite it.

August 9, 2018 9:58 am

Anon above is Gayle. Ggggrrrrr.

August 9, 2018 10:02 am

Is it the Boomers’ fault or not? That’s a false dilemma. Always beware of ‘either/or’ situations because the truth is often ‘neither one nor the other.’ Once you allow yourself to get sucked into a false dilemma you go down the rabbit hole and never see the light of day.

I’m a Boomer born in ’51. Most of my Boomer generation are assholes, but that’s not a fault, that’s a fact. We had a lot of promise. We screwed up. We sold out. We rebelled against the materialism of our parents’ generation. But, we were too self-centered to realize our parents came of age during the Depression and the sacrifice and rationing of the Second World War. All they wanted was a few things like a clothes dryer or a used car and they were willing to save and pay cash.

We Boomers allowed ourselves to get sucked into consumerism and credit card debt. We pretended to rebel against materialism and then we sold out and became the greatest consumer generation ever and we went deeply into debt to buy stuff we didn’t need with money we didn’t have to impress people we didn’t even like. How fucking stupid is that?

Boomers didn’t create the Federal Reserve or take us off the gold standard, but we willingly went along with it for selfish materialism. And, if that wasn’t stupid enough, we raised a bunch of entitled snowflake children and grandchildren who are now blaming us for their shallow lives. And, they’re right; we created them and never showed them the discipline they needed to live productive lives. So, yeah, my generation of Boomers are stupid assholes. But that’s not a fault; that’s just a fact. And now, despite all the excuses in the comment section, the chickens are coming home to roost and those little bastards will be the ones looking after us in the nursing home.

August 9, 2018 10:30 am

In chronological order the trendy pop culture evolution of too many Boomers as they were molded and shaped by Hollywood Perverts, Marxist Professors and the Mocking Bird American Death Cult Media:

1. Beatniks
2. Greasers
3. Surfers
4. Hippies
5. Disco dancers
6. Yuppies living on debt and credit
7. Broke former Yppies
8. Parents of chicken armed Soy Boys and overweight Blue Haired bitchy FemNazies still sucking on their parent’s aging teats as they top 30…now looking to attach their desperate lips onto the Socialism udders to take over feeding them their spoiled entitled witches brew. (They were so close with Jezebel in 2016!)

Now as the 4th Turning and Civil War 2 and Economic (collapse) Reset and the bursting Everything Bubble and the Tribulation approaches they and their lost parents are circling the drain faster and faster.

Take about the Rude Awakening…the 2020’s will bring a reality (and a spiritual opportunity) never before seen to the lost Boomers and their spoiled spawn.

August 9, 2018 11:33 am

I’m thinking 2020 is a Yuuuuge year for the country and da world…

August 9, 2018 11:32 am


Thank you for sharing and being honest.

You said,
“those little bastards will be the ones looking after us in the nursing home.”

Nursing homes? They’ll be the ones doing this…

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The lack of empathy and entitlement will lead them down a dark path

August 9, 2018 6:32 pm

Excellent distinction between the ‘F’ words, Stucky – “forced and fooled.” They got me too for a while which is how I know. It’s only being TV-free for thirty years now that I’ve been able to free myself from the enslavement of consumerism.

August 9, 2018 10:11 am

Was it a hinge in history.
Or is not..
Maybe the Wormy Apple
Was handed from one before.
Could it be
It goes right back to that Eve.
For if only that woman
had the power to resist
the fruits picked from that bad tree.

Myself, I was born in Flanders, in 65, with one foot on each side of border. While I tend identify more with the X-gen, I can see from both eyes. I have found it all depends on which way the tanks are rolling…

And so it goes…

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Nice that you mentioned God. He was after all the original Go to Guy for the answers to the Great Mysteries and a place to assuage blame when things went wrong. It all depends on which way the winds blow.

See The Boomers ain’t to blame
It was a Big Guy in Sky.
Yet still Gen-X piss and moan
When Boomers shit on the floor
In what’s still a fucked up home

comment image

Well done Herr Stuck! Nice to see you still out there flying kites out in the Thunderstorms of TBP. Shame there ain’t moar comments but these the only God that matters is Q.

See cuz everyone is waiting
Thumbs primed and looking at clock
Staying tuned at the ready
waiting for the writ to drop


Same as it ever was….

Yours in Odin,


August 9, 2018 3:16 pm

Maybe Kubrick was hinting at a God Gene being inside each of us. That spark born from the stardust which we are all made…..

Anyways I really appreciate the effort you put into writing this.

Lots to think about..

cheers and thanks

August 9, 2018 10:15 am

Great post Stucky. Born in 1960 so I remember most of the events even if they didn’t mean much until later in life. Chip

August 9, 2018 10:33 am

“Every generation blames the one(s) before”

Mike and the Mechanics

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 10:34 am

Small, if you weren’t old enough to understand that they whacked the president, you didn’t get the message, some bad hombres run this country. Free and clean elections? Hah! Winner takes all, baby. That means you’ve got to play hardball.

Glenda T. Goode
Glenda T. Goode
August 9, 2018 11:02 am

In a way, 1968 was a year of testing the limits for communism. From the communist inspired protests in America, the TET offensive, the conquest of the media, the Pueblo incident and the protests at the democratic convention all seem to be part of a coordinated attack to see how far the influx of socialist and marxist tenets could go. If you look at the origins of the conflicts of today in politics you see the seeds sown by communism. This was fertilized by the education system in the next 30 years until it was self sustaining.

Education was compromised by socialism and communism in several ways but it was cemented into the system by the liberal teachers and professors that were the result of the Vietnam conflict. The draft was in effect in the 60’s and those who were in college were exempt as long as they were in good standing and enrolled. This education deferment allowed many to attain their degrees and post graduate degrees. One of the easiest curriculum is education, at least back then. I am not suggesting that all teachers are compromised by this and many I had back then had masters in their fields. All I am suggesting is that those who wanted to not be drafted went to college and that many became the teachers of the boomers (myself included) and their offspring. These teachers brought with them their liberal leanings. Perhaps this was another prong of the communist/socialist attack. I am uncertain about that but the results nonetheless speak for themselves.

Journalism and media studies is another area that was conducive to the liberal student. If you wonder where the current socialist movement in the media came from look at who became reporters, editors, and news personalities and where they came from. Again the liberal looking for an out from the war.

The current crop of college graduates are more indoctrinates than they are educated. They have been programmed to resist the nation as founded and to seek a socialist society. So thorough is their indoctrination that they do not question any of this at all.

If you were planning a soft take over of a country, this would be how to do it. Put the nation into turmoil. Embarrass it in the eyes of the world. Weaken the heritage of the nation by not teaching it but instead teaching ‘global concepts’. Co-opt the news media with socialist journalists. Lastly, use all of these to put the conservatives in society on trial for believing what they do.

  Glenda T. Goode
August 9, 2018 11:37 am

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Active measures let loose and taught by Americans to Americans for several generations…

August 9, 2018 11:09 am

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I like this one better but it only provides a link…


August 9, 2018 3:36 pm

Wait. Bradley Cooper really did all that shit?

August 9, 2018 11:16 am

Nope, 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the alleged passage of the 16th Amendment allowing for the direct taxation of income. Those two things have enabled ALL of the rest.

August 9, 2018 11:48 am

True that Mr. Liberty. Aided and abetted by……guess who?

August 9, 2018 12:11 pm

A book some of you might want to read is ” Secret societies And Psychological Warfare ” by Michael Hoffman. It will open your eyes as to the secret occult powers that have harmed America.
Also alot of people in pop culture took up the satanic ideology of this man ..Aleister Crowley . You will be amazed at the number of people in Hollywood who follow his teaching (Watch “Hollywood’s Satanic Roots ” on YouTube. Some of the biggest bands of the 60s and 70s were devoted to him. Watch ” “They sold their souls for rock and roll “It is broken up into one hour parts but the documentary is 6 1/2 hours long. You will begin to understand the deception in the music industry. According to this most music you hear and buy has had black magic spells put on it.
I know there is much to blame for our fucked up situation but pop culture and the people who make and control it has had their pound of flesh in corrupting our society.

August 9, 2018 11:36 am

Mags here. I am experiencing this weird glitch. I can’t seem to reply to anyone but the Original Post. I cleared my cache cooties and even all of my history, just in case. I also need to check my WordPress Account and find out what’s up with the email issue on my moniker. If I put in my actual email, TBP seems to shift me to elsewhere in the comment thread when I submit the reply. It is not TMWNN worthy (nor sponge worthy) but if anyone has similar experience… lemme know.

This is a test…lightning zapped my computer (hello LGR and others)… it belongs elsewhere in a discussion about government handouts where it was a reply to BL, who had just indignantly replied he’d never taking gubmint handouts.

My reply was saved just before the zap, thanks to Bea’s comment about losing a long comment.

The Red Rope’s Sad Tale (Don’t tell you know who, who is now thinking about the red rope’s flat tail for some reason.)

I separated, medical reasons on paper but really part of Bill Clinton’s reduction of forces after 1993. In spite of being perfectly capable of retraining into some ground pounding job in AWACS, the military had to send my package off to a board to determine if I was any use to the USAF with my hurt back . At ten years, I had kind of planned a career in the Air Force, but since I’d recently had my first child, the offer of a medical separation which would include a tidy sum of cash minus taxes seemed a decent trade when a back strain led to a DO NOT FLY stamp on my flight physical, I was boarded (AF lingo for a bunch of admin officers in San Antonio trying to figure out what to do with people like me who were no longer useful but had performed too well to just separate. (Although, they did test me to see if I was dumber than a coyote from somewhere south of the border.)

I was more than satisfied with the separation package: A lump-sum (5 figure) and a 20 percent disability rating from the Air Forces medical authority personage from whatever office in the Pentagon has to approve all of these (shhhhh…. unfunded) liabilites. That 20 percent disability rating turned out to be a spigot off the funding flow between Defense and the Veterans Administration, IF one stumbled upon the fact it was there.

I stumbled.

You see, when I applied for (and received) a disability rating from the VA for my back injury and any other injuries acquired while in service. Well, who knew? I lost an ovary post-partum in an emergency room to operating room visit while on active duty a year after my son was born, due to crappy postnatal care from the Air Force (it was that pervert Dr. Rich’s fault. He was fired for practicing with a revoked medical license in Kansas. For quackery.) Too much information, you think? That little ovary qualified me for an enormous amount of assistance from the Veterans Administration, with the 1990s giving us the Contract with America and putting a first term Senator from Arizona (two previous House terms, I think) on the horizon as a Keating Five member. (Realize that Keating was the Oklahoma governor at the time, which made it somewhat confusing for me. And, since McCain was military and at the time, I was military, my cognitive dissonance filter wasn’t tuned correctly and I was sure McCain was either framed or was duped. Now that I’ve learned a lot more about what happens in the tunnels inside Congress Critter Kingdom and the Pentagon of Fools, I wonder when it first occured to him to run for Congress.)

So, back to the tale of the dead ovary (torsion… it was the size of a grapefruit, the stunned surgeon told me the next morning, holding his index fingers and thumbs in a huge representation of something that had been causing me agonizing pain when I breastfed for the past year. Perhaps, T4C could explain why that twisted ovary caused me so much pain during breastfeeding. I’ve managed to forget. And back to the fact that I’ve snatched every dime of your government goodies, Bea. It turns out the VA compensates me about a hundred bucks per month for the loss of a reproductive organ. The second ovary exploded in a fit of life=threatening rage a couple years later, having been overlooked by even the surgeon removing the first. (You would think he would have seen the damage on the one that brought me to the ER and would have just felt around to see if there were hard cysts on the other one, wouldn’t you?) I tried to connect the second, but since it occured after my separation, they had me on a technicality. I wasn’t actually active duty when the second one became a problem. I didn’t fight it… but, if I’d been approved for the loss of both ovaries? I’d have been a 50 percenter right then and there! Meaning, that piddly hundred dollar compensation (which went into the college fund btw) would have become close to a thousand. Sigh… it wasn’t to be. Not then.

Not now. However, the back disability qualified me for Vocational Rehab, a program snuck in under the G.I. Bill at some point which allows veterans with disabilities connected to service to be retrained for a new vocation, if their service connected disability prevents them from performing their vocation of choice. Of choice. That was way cool, but underwater basket weaving was not available, so I picked journalism.

So, a couple of weeks ago, I get a letter from the IRS telling me some law had been modified due to a SCOTUS decision. I am to get the taxes from that lump sum separation back. Well, because it was for medical causes and they should not have taxed me, says SCOTUS. I expect a direct deposit to my account for anywhere between three to five thousand dollars, Bea. I could be wrong, but I bet I’m close.

So, I completed a degree at OU in a couple of years (I already had two years prior and a USAF associates for being a red rope – wink), then asked the VA if I could go on to my Masters, since I was smart and all. They said okay. I stayed in college until my son was almost ten.

El Coyote
El Coyote
August 9, 2018 4:05 pm

Were you still breast-feeding him when you graduated?

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
  El Coyote
August 10, 2018 12:57 am

Maggie it’s a scientific fact that there is a negative correlation between boob size and intelligence.

  Filomeno Reyes
August 11, 2018 2:30 am

In that case, would you like to see my naked GRE scores when I applied for Grad School?

August 11, 2018 2:44 am

I NEVER expected the stipend to continue. In fact, my husband didn’t even ask me to deposit the check monthly into our account. (Does anyone remember getting those government punchcard checks in the mail?) I was pretty naive regarding the whole schema I transitioned into because, coincidentally, one week before I was scheduled to meet with the VA representative to assess my need for retraining after separation, the Murrah Building explosion occurred and the schema changed.

(I had started college, but the VA had not officially finalized my paperwork. Since my tuition was due, I’d stopped by the Murrah Building during Spring Break to make an appointment to finalize my application for GI Bill funds. (you see… there are many ways to sneak unfunded liabilities into the funding stream).

Here we are, twenty something years later and I not only still get that compensatory sum for an ovary that I wasn’t planning to use anyway, but it did hurt like hell for six months, it appears I am going to get the taxes I paid on my lump sum severance pay BACK and there is a glimmer of hope they might just REAWARD that lump sum BACK to me again, having “withheld” it from my VA compensation all these years to recoup the severance pay at separation.

It is a weird system where Peter and Paul toss imaginary money back and forth.

Now, you might ask me why I continue to take the money if I suspect it really isn’t quite right?

Wouldn’t you?

August 9, 2018 11:50 am

Late to the party again, but I enjoyed that, Stuck.

Although, I wonder if you’re not a year early?

Some might say 1969 was when the proverbial Rubicon was crossed:

In March of that year, the first person died of aids, in June the Stonewall riots in New York City began the modern gay rights movement, and July and August brought the fake moon landing watched by 500 million people worldwide, the Manson murders and Woodstock.

Woodstock: 40 Years Ago, An Orgy for the Quickening of America’s Fall

Also, in October, the Days of Rage took place in Chicago where the United States National Guards quelled demonstrations by the Weathermen terrorists in connection with the “Chicago Eight” Trial, and, that very same month, the first message was sent over what later came to be called the Internet.

Who knew?

August 9, 2018 11:52 am

Testing, testing, 1,2,3..

August 9, 2018 12:05 pm

OMG! Did anyone else see a Ginormous post of mine go floating by?

August 9, 2018 12:17 pm
August 9, 2018 12:17 pm

Okay, I have been trying to reply to several comments here. Finally, I managed to post an original comment to Stucky’s article and I was editing it when it disappeared into spam, perhaps, because it is rather long. It could almost be a post of its own, except I am pretty sure such a post title The Red Rope’s Tale might make the coyote howl, but would bring a bit of rotten tomato throwing at me for being on the government dole for my poor dead ovaries.

If it is in spam, perhaps it could be restored here as a reply to either Stucky, BL, RiNS or LGR. Or the tadpole. And not to coyote because he gets all persnickety about my comments that seem to poke fun at him. And since we are having great difficulty here in Narnia (Salmonella really are NOT cute lizards that eat flies) but finding our way out of the haze, please don’t restore all of my attempts to post the comment. I think I tried replying to all of those above as well as the “new” duck-billed platypus (Sorry PlatoPublius, I couldn’t resist the pun.) So, if you were to drop all my attempts to reply to other people that disappeared into cyberworld on JUST THIS ONE thread, there might be another dozen comments by Maggie, Anonymustard or Maganon.

August 9, 2018 10:45 pm

Hey. I just saw this. 8/9 at 10;30 pm. Hope you can reply below my comment, like I just did to yours. Good to see you back in action on the Platform.
FWIW, clearing my cache helped me on one device I use for this site.
I thought you posted the link on how to do that, but I later saw TMWNN posted it in one of his updates.
Anyhoo, hope things are going well for you.

August 9, 2018 12:27 pm

#1. Whenever I read these morons on the internet saying how us Baby Boomers screwed up the world and how they hate us with a white-hot hatetred, I think to myself how in the world did millions of us born over 18 years ever get together and agree on anything much less how to destroy the world for future generations!!! Also, how did we who are born communicate with the unborn to make sure they would be in on the deal?!?!?! #2. These idiots who blame Baby Boomers for every ill under the sun remind me of the Nazis during the 1930’s who blamed the Jews for all of Germany’s problems. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 9, 2018 12:46 pm

I got a new one.

I am not allowed to vote on a comment. I have been stripped of my TBP thumbing rights.

comment image

August 9, 2018 11:36 am… I found one of my original replies that actually posted as Anonymous. I can’t link to it though because it won’t allow me to vote on that comment or reply or nuttin.

August 9, 2018 12:53 pm

Mags it might be that you are just not allowed to vote for your own comment. I can vote for you though!

August 9, 2018 10:52 pm

Holy smokes Rinsy, that’s a blast from the past. I first heard that around 1973.
We had a wild dude in our elementary school who played this tune from a .33 LP.
Right before 8 tracks and then cassette tapes started supplanting LP’s, particularly when you wanted to play your fave tunes in car tape players.
Hope the railing came out good on the beach staircase project, bud.

August 9, 2018 1:08 pm

I voted for ya Mags. What did you want to say to me that you could not post earlier? Make a personal appeal to Admin to bring your posts out of the spam filter.

August 9, 2018 12:59 pm

RiNS I wasn’t trying to upvote my comment, but I guess that is what it seemed. Haha.

I can’t “reply” to anyone. I can only leave my own comment.

So, let me see if I can link the other comment here. I don’t have a bizarre need to see my words on the screen. I just don’t want to have to Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V again.

August 9, 2018 11:36 am

Um… no

August 9, 2018 1:29 pm

In 1968 I was in school to learn computer programming, looked around and figured out there were waaay too many CP students and I went into finance instead. To this day I don’t know shit about these devil machines and I’m too old to learn now. Why can’t thing be simplified? Why are workable systems constantly being revamped to unworkable systems. When are we going to be done with new and improved and just settle down?

The Man With No Name
The Man With No Name
August 9, 2018 1:35 pm

If you scroll up from here a bit, there is a long post from “Anonymous” where the first line says “Mags here.” That’s probably the post you are all bemoaning the loss of.

August 9, 2018 1:15 pm

dude. that was entertaining!! yr of my birth…

August 9, 2018 7:00 pm

Her 15 minutes that have been cawed into 15 weeks by the Mocking Birds should have been 15 seconds.

Good slicing and dicing Stucky.