Trump Strikes Back at ‘Ringleader’ Brennan

Guest Post by Ray McGovern


There’s more than meets the eye to President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearances that ex-CIA Director John Brennan enjoyed as a courtesy customarily afforded former directors.  The President’s move is the second major sign that Brennan is about to be hoist on his own petard. It is one embroidered with rhetoric charging Trump with treason and, far more important, with documents now in the hands of congressional investigators showing Brennan’s ringleader role in the so-far unsuccessful attempts to derail Trump both before and after the 2016 election.

Brennan will fight hard to avoid being put on trial but will need united support from from his Deep State co-conspirators — a dubious proposition.  One of Brennan’s major concerns at this point has to be whether the “honor-among-thieves” ethos will prevail, or whether some or all of his former partners in crime will latch onto the opportunity to “confess” to investigators: “Brennan made me do it.”

Well before Monday night, when Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani let a small bomb drop on Brennan, there was strong evidence that Brennan had been quarterbacking illegal operations against Trump.  Giuliani added fuel to the fire when he told Sean Hannity of Fox news:

“I’m going to tell you who orchestrated, who was the quarterback for all this … The guy running it is Brennan, and he should be in front of a grand jury.  Brennan took … a dossier that, unless he’s the biggest idiot intelligence agent that ever lived … it’s false; you can look at it and laugh at it.  And he peddled it to [then Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid, and that led to the request for the investigation. So you take a false dossier, get Senators involved, and you get a couple of Republican Senators, and they demand an investigation — a totally phony investigation.”

The Fix Brennan Finds Himself In

After eight years of enjoying President Barack Obama’s solid support and defense to do pretty much anything he chose — including hacking into the computers of the Senate Intelligence Committee — Brennan now lacks what, here in Washington, we refer to as a “Rabbi” with strong incentive to advance and protect you.  He expected Hillary Clinton to play that role (were it ever to be needed), and that seemed to be solidly in the cards.  But, oops, she lost.

What needs to be borne in mind in all this is, as former FBI Director James Comey himself has admitted: “I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president.” Comey, Brennan, and co-conspirators, who decided — in that “environment” — to play fast and loose with the Constitution and the law, were supremely confident they would not only keep their jobs, but also receive plaudits, not indictments.

Unless one understands and remembers this, it is understandably difficult to believe that the very top U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials did what documentary evidence has now demonstrated they did.

So, unlike his predecessors, most of whom also left under a dark cloud, Brennan is bereft of anyone to protect him. He lacks even a PR person to help him avoid holding himself up to ridicule — and now retaliation — for unprecedentedly hostile tweets and other gaffes.  Brennan’s mentor, ex-CIA Director George Tenet, for example, had powerful Rabbis in President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, as well as a bizarrely empathetic Establishment media, when Tenet quit in disgrace 2004.

The main question now is whether the chairs of the House oversight committees will chose to face down the Deep State. They almost never do, and the smart money says that, if they do, they will lose — largely because of the virtually total support of the Establishment media for the Deep State. This often takes bizarre forms. The title of a recent column by Washington Post “liberal” commentator Eugene Robinson speaks volumes: “God Bless the Deep State.”

Reprinted with permission from ConsortiumNews.

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August 16, 2018 10:45 am

1. Brennan is brought to trial.
2. Brennan found guilty of treason.
3. Brennan is shot through the heart by a firing squad.

These are the type of things that bring meaning to life.

August 16, 2018 10:59 am

[imgcomment image?itok=KK3EpKGs[/img]

Bob P
Bob P
August 16, 2018 11:27 am

Yes, but what comes next?

4. Brennan is the fall guy and the MSM blames it all on this rogue ex-spy, so Clinton, Obama, and the rest of the criminals get a walk??

August 16, 2018 11:27 am

…united support from from his Deep State co-conspirators …

I would have thought that with his former ducal rank in The Blackmail State that he would “have something” on everybody he needed for support. Pictures of them pronging puppies perhaps?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 16, 2018 11:30 am

This fuquere Brennan is bad enough, but the one I despise most is the cowardly RINO squish Richard Burr who eagerly performs as Mark Warner’s butt-boy in the Senate. Given the power, I would place him naked in a small enclosure surrounded by chain link fence about the size of an infield and allow kids to shoot at him once or twice a day with BB guns for a couple of weeks.

  Harrington Richardson
August 16, 2018 11:12 pm

agree with you about burr–
did jesse helms have any sons or grandsons?

  Harrington Richardson
August 17, 2018 11:39 pm

Yep…I’m in NC and despise him.

August 16, 2018 11:44 am

Read the Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller to see that it was limited to ONLY investigating the Trump campaign. This was done on purpose to deflect any investigation into the Clinton side and the people who were backing her. Those people are the rest of the list of people who need their security clearances revoked, along with Rosenstein and some democrat congresspeople. They were the swamp Trump wanted to drain, and Mueller was hired to stop it. If Trump can dig a little deeper, Mueller will end the investigation, exonerate Trump, and the whole thing will end with most of the swamp intact.

Appalachian Trail Deblazer
Appalachian Trail Deblazer
August 16, 2018 3:27 pm

Stuck in NJ,
Brennan’s heart is so small – if there is one there at all. A normal .308 would probably miss and that would waste a lot of good ammo trying to find it.
A 20 Megaton atom bomb only if GPS guided through his ass and even that may take several applications to complete the job.
May his soul rest in pieces!

August 16, 2018 5:50 pm

Brennan is a fucking treasonous coward. His best bet is to suicide while he still has supporters that imagine him to be some sort of hero. He’ll probably wait too long for that but I’m sure he’ll ventilate his own brain pan sooner or later.

Anyone that doesn’t think these people KNOW the jig is up is fucking delusional. The only hold up is that you cannot successfully arrest, investigate and prosecute the scumbags with corrupt motherfuckers running the FBI and DOJ. I think it’s great that things are dragging out forever because these evil pricks get to watch their network of protection being dismantled piece by piece knowing there is NOTHING they can do except scream louder. Felonia was their collective get of jail free card.


The reason security clearances are being yanked is because of the Five Eyes (FE) loophole. FE is USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia sharing intel. It is illegal for any of these countries to spy on their own citizens however it is not illegal for these countries to spy on each others citizens. The price of admission to this loophole is a current security clearance. This is why BHO, Felonia, Comey, Brennan etc are making so many trips to AU/New Zealand. There is no paper trail if they spy on US citizens from a foreign country but if they tried to access the same info from within the USA a paper trail is generated. Those book tours are some handy excuses for world travel!

The reason security clearances took so long to be yanked is because it had to be done according to the rule of law. Guess what provision was tucked into the most recent NDAA Trump signed?

Everything Trump is doing has to be done with impeccable adherence to law otherwise it won’t work.

Enjoy the fucking show!

August 16, 2018 8:25 pm

We can only hope…

August 16, 2018 11:22 pm

It’s funny, Q just dropped “Timeline changes. Watch the budget.” The budget issue being referred to is the hefty uptick on the cost of the 11/11 parade. Headlines are it’s a 666% increase of the budget. The parade will occur as planned and the message has been sent to the BH. 666…Symbolism will be their downfall.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 17, 2018 12:08 am

Never thought of that, I.S. Makes sense.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
August 16, 2018 8:44 pm

Congressional investigators are going to investigate Brennan and do what? Give him the Trey Gowdy-Hillary Clinton Benghazi tongue lashing treatment… and then cue the sound of crickets.


Go learn who John Huber is. Obammy appointed him first but he had to resign before he could begin his current task because Obammy was not a legitimate US President. Who rehired him? Who is he working for? Everything by the book or it doesn’t work.

I’m sure Brennan’s investigation has been done or is in progress. I’m also sure he will be one of the 40 odd scumbags to get a twelve judge military tribunal instead of a DOJ trial He committed high treason and the penalty for that is death. Twelve (military) judges are required to hand down a death sentence. Like the rest of us, the military was just a big pawn in the deep state game. The military will get it’s pound of flesh.

Enjoy the show!

Mystery surrounds Sessions appointee to FBI investigation

5 Things to Know About the Prosecutor Probing FBI, Justice Department Actions

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 17, 2018 12:03 am

Waiting to see the cuffs on Brennan and many others.

August 17, 2018 5:30 pm

Under the wheel in the sky all life is born, has it’s day, then dies. Then a new day is born. Looking at the bigger picture a higher intelligence is running the show. And as the old saying goes; it is always darker before the light again shines.

World history shows us our system has decayed and has to die; just like all life rots after it’s maturity.

Have hope and faith in out consciousness as it is our strength and freedom in an age of apparent confusion and distress. Strong conscious people will get through this period and inspire others to plow the path to a better world.

Mac Tírè
Mac Tírè
August 18, 2018 1:24 am

You used “it’s” incorrectly both times. Stupid or lazy? Why should we bother to read what you write?