The Unpleasant Truth About The 1941 Parachuting Of Rudolf Hess In England, Part 2

Authored by Sylvain LaForest via Oriental Review,

Read Part 1 here…

The context

A little context is mandatory to perfectly define the message that Rudolf was carrying. The outstanding works of researchers such as Anthony Sutton and Charles Higham are critical in our understanding of the real historical context surrounding the creation of the Nazi war machine. When in 1933 Hitler accessed to the Chancellery in the Reichstag, Germany was in financial limbo. Worst, the nation was in the gutters of limbs. It owed tens of billions in reparations for WW1, and its inability to comply had provoked a gargantuan-scale inflation crisis on the mark in 1923 that cut the currency to 1/500 billionth of its original value. To make matters worse, the country suffered along everyone the world Crash of 1929. So how in the world was Germany able to eradicate unemployment and create the most formidable military machine the world had ever seen in just 6 years? Over achievement is under rated when it comes to explain the German Miracle of the ’30s.

The first tool that is required in our investigator’s toolbox is to admit the very documented fact that the Bank of England, controlled by the Rothschild family, had been involved in the financing of the Nazis. It had become a common procedure for the rich European banking family to fund enemies as well as allies, in order to make profits from both sides of wars since Napoleon. The self-proclaimed French Emperor of the early 19th century had been hired as a proxy by Rothschild who wanted to impose his private central banks in the conquered countries. So, the heirs of the Rothschild family saw in Hitler their next Napoleon, who would submit rival colonial empires like Belgium, the Netherlands and France, as well as destroying the mighty USSR, in order to singlehandedly take the reins of the New World Order, which is simply the economical and political ruling of the whole planet by a handful of bankers.

Even though the New World Order sounds like a supercharged conspiracy theory, it’s an indisputable and quite simple concept.

Even if the infamous banking family helped the Führer, the bulk of the money that flooded Germany between 1933 and 1939 didn’t come from England, but mainly from the United States of America. Not the American government per say, but more specifically American bankers and industries. Through white-washing money schemes, through the newly founded Bank of International Settlements and through joint venture investments in Germany with their companies such as Standard Oil, GM, Ford, ITT, General Electric or IBM; Rockefeller, Morgan, Harriman, DuPont, Ford and a few other billionaires were mainly responsible for what is known as the German Miracle, that now looks more like an American Dream.

Thanks to British and American investments, Nazi Germany went from the poorest country in Europe to the second world economy. Even though education won’t tell you anything about it, the overwhelming help that Hitler got from the West is never disputed because it was exposed in numerous US inquiries, senatorial committees and court cases based on the Trading with the enemy Act adjusted by President Roosevelt in 1933, but the verdicts always came after the usual “we didn’t know what Hitler was going to do next” explanation. As if Mein Kampf, published in 1925, hadn’t been clear enough on the matter.

The War

Things looked fine for England at the start.

Hitler quickly filled the mandate he had on top of his agenda by invading the colonial trio of Netherlands-Belgium-France in a month and a half. The complicity of the British Army is appalling in the lightening speed success of the Wehrmacht.

The four “allied” countries had together 149 divisions, or 2 900 000 men, while the Wehrmacht had 2 750 000 men split in 137 divisions. Allied countries had more canons, more tanks, more ammunition, yet France, a country of 70 million people, gave up in one month!

History tried to explain this lame defeat by the unstoppable German blitzkrieg, but this blitz was advancing at 15 km/hour, when it was moving at all. One would think that there was plenty of time to aim at this jogging pace. Russian historian Nikolay Starikov has looked thoroughly over what happened on the ground to find some plausible clues to the quick defeat of France in June 1940, which can be summed up very simply: Churchill betrayed France, as clear as crystal, by purposely failing the French General Weygan’s plan of defense. This grand treason is also circumstantial evidence of what self-proclaimed virtuous nations can do to each other that extends to the destruction of an ally for your own benefit.

But Hitler was yet to reward Churchill for his great help in the conquest of France, so he turned a blind eye on the evacuation of the British army in Dunkirk that history explains as a “strategic blunder” from Hitler. Reality does explain rather mysterious events of the war that only find dubious explanations in our books; another unexplainable event was the vicious attack of the British Navy on France’s fleet in July 1940, presumably to avoid that the ships fall in German hands. It turns out that it was another very positive step in order to complete the destruction of the French colonial empire, as were the operations by Rothschild-funded Japan that were ousting the French from Indochina at the same time. From the British point-of-view, the Wehrmacht pit-bull would next leave France and jump at the throat of USSR.

Against Churchill’s expectations, the next few months were devoted to the Battle of Britain that started by a German invasion of the Channel Islands, from where German planes could start bombing England. Churchill was evil, but he wasn’t so stupid as to not understand that Hitler had stopped working for England. Whatever the deal was, the RAF defense definitely slowed down any advantage that the Luftwaffe could gain over the British skies and after the horrendous mutual bombings of London and Berlin, Germany decided on October 12th 1940 to postpone its operation Sea Liondesigned to invade England with ground troops. It looked like Germany and England were in a stalemate by the winter of 1940-1941.

If you’re acquainted with the official history, you would think that Hitler’s attack on great American allies such as France and England would have motivated the USA to enter the war at once, but no. Not at all. President Roosevelt even declared on October 30th 1940 that “his boys wouldn’t go to war”. This policy would extend until the spring of 1941, and not a single move, decision or sanction was undertaken by the US government that really looked like it had decided to never get involved in WW2.

The theater of war moved into North Africa and the Middle East for the winter, where people could kill and maim each other under more pleasant and milder climate. With the melting of ice and snow in the spring of 1941, Hitler was facing two options: launch Sea Lion and invade England, or leave the West in peace and launch Barberossa against the Soviet Union.

Both were major operations that couldn’t be sustained by Germany at once, and Hitler had to make a choice. He also knew that the invasion of England would’ve mortally crippled the Rothschild family’s influence on the planet and paved the way for Wall Street to rule the world at will.

Well folks, that’s precisely when Rudolf Hess was parachuted in England on May 10th 1941. Without any form of speculation, it now appears very clearly that Hitler didn’t want to take this mighty decision alone, and that he didn’t want the rest of the world to know about his dilemma.

The Proposal

According to an article published in May 1943 by the magazine American Mercury, here’s what the Führer proposed to England through Rudolf Hess:

Hitler offered total cessation of the war in the West. Germany would evacuate all of France except Alsace and Lorraine, which would remain German. It would evacuate Holland and Belgium, retaining Luxembourg. It would evacuate Norway and Denmark. In short, Hitler offered to withdraw from Western Europe, except for the two French provinces and Luxembourg [Luxembourg was never a French province, but an independent state of ethnically German origin], in return for which Great Britain would agree to assume an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards Germany as it unfolded its plans in Eastern Europe. In addition, the Führer was ready to withdraw from Yugoslavia and Greece. German troops would be evacuated from the Mediterranean generally and Hitler would use his good offices to arrange a settlement of the Mediterranean conflict between Britain and Italy. No belligerent or neutral country would be entitled to demand reparations from any other country, he specified.

Basically, Hitler wanted to be a partner in a British-led New World Order by taking care of Eastern Europe. He even spoke in front of the Reichstag about the option of peace with England. The American Mercury article concluded that these very likely terms offered by Hitler to be implemented on the spot were swiftly rejected by Churchill since none of the conditions ever happened, but in reality, they were terms to be applied after the war, after the destruction of the USSR by Germany. But the Red Army had other future plans, of course.

There is no doubt that we are now deep into speculation about whatever proposal Hess made to England, but in reality, this wasn’t the main point of his mission. And independently of the exact terms that were discussed, what was to happen next dissipates any cloud of mystery, be it thin or thick.

To be continued…


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Galicant Wiseword
Galicant Wiseword
August 20, 2018 9:13 am

Fascinating stuff. I missed all this in my public school edjumication for some reason. Looking forward to part 3.

August 20, 2018 10:49 am

It’s Monday morning, do I dare recommend reading MeinKamph.
Hitler saw the British Empire and a strong Christian Church as the best and perhaps only bulwark against the spread of Communism.
Everything we learned in public school was wrong.
In the 50’s were told to hide under the desk in school. Todays kids are told to hide under a blanket of security agencies.

Miles Long
Miles Long
August 20, 2018 2:41 pm
The Last Mile
The Last Mile
August 20, 2018 3:01 pm

That Hitler regarded the UK as fellow Aryans and potential allies is well known and taught in High School. He was shocked that the UK was not joining him in his conquest. It is also hypothesized that he went easy on the Brits during the Dunkirk evacuation because he hoped to persuade the UK to join him, and Hitler also did not like the idea of killing Anglo-Saxons. Fleabags you went to a lousy school

  The Last Mile
August 20, 2018 4:02 pm

I said Public school and of course it was lousy. I doubt you learned that in a public high school.

August 20, 2018 11:58 am

August 20, 2018 12:53 pm

I call bullshit : on the German economic miracle .The miain reason for this fantastic growth in the economy was ….Hilter took of control of the money and issued the notes himself back by the product development and labor of the German worker.He also issued the notes ( money ) as value and without interest. This is the reason Germany came out of the depression and into a military power that challenged the world in just 7 years . Churchill even admitted this in one of his letters. The war was really over who would control the world economy , the money and what kind of Banking system we would have.You can do a Google search and verify everything .
I do agree that we have been lied to about Hilter and the real reason for the war. Hilter took control of the nation’s money supply and issued the money as value and without interest.This is why Hilter has been so slandered in history. The Bankers and Banking Families don’t want people to know how to set themselves free from the slavery of the Debt based money system. Congress could do the same for us if they were not traitors to our Constitution. Think about it.

August 20, 2018 2:11 pm

Sounds like you’ve read “The History of Central Banking and The Enslavement of Mankind” It goes all the way back to Rome in it’s coverage.

mark branham
mark branham
August 20, 2018 2:19 pm

Corrupt money corrupts everything… eventually.

Guess where we are…

Miles Long
Miles Long
August 20, 2018 2:56 pm

The Channel Islands were hardly what was used for attacking England by air. There were two aerodromes on, I believe, Jersey & Guernsey which were hardly large enough for much of anything let alone “The Blitz” as implied by the author. The islands were a small side-show taken mostly for their proximity to French ports thus for security rather than offensive reasons.

Reading this with interest, but little things are giving me a jaundiced eye toward this guy’s still secret “theory”. Got things to do right now or I would research this a little more.

  Miles Long
August 20, 2018 3:00 pm

Glad I’m not the only one who caught that channel isle thing.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 20, 2018 3:00 pm

“Per-say”, Hah!

You guys are morans. This is nothing but another conspiracy theory. What have I learned reading this kind of amateur historical revisionism? Stuff we didn’t hear in school; the earth is a flat dish spinning atop a dowel, the planetary retrogression occurring when the dish starts to wobble (who is re-spinning it?); Jews have been conspiring for eons to get to this peak moment when the world comes under the lash of global banking. Sheesh! I might have a smidgen more respect for you guys if you said you were Q-bies.

High colonics are in order, bartender, time to 86 these fools!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 20, 2018 4:06 pm

The first casualty of war is the truth regardless of what side you or GOD is on . GOD always picks the winners and losers by using the banking systems of the world . What group of people do we find in control of those banks and currency systems , GODs chosen people in far greater numbers to be considered a game of chance .
Remember this many fortunes were made building up the German NAZI war effort and most were American at its base also if your grandparents or great grandparents had sold NAZI Germany a sling shot they would have died in Leavenworth Kansas or Nuremberg . But the money manipulators always seem to be untouched or at worst a sever wrist slapping . Justice may have found a few but very few indeed . Now in America these are the swine bailed out as the common man is left to hang on by a thread and is told how great things are !

August 20, 2018 6:29 pm

Seriously, what the fuck!!!! The ads seem to just keep regenerating. Literally hundreds and hundreds of them to scroll through in order to get to the comments, and then they regenerate some more, and it starts over. You fucks are not that interesting that I am willing to go through that to get to the comments. Except for EC.

August 20, 2018 6:50 pm

I had the same problem/complaint a month ago. I switched from safari to chrome for ease of use and the regenerating ads stopped for some reason beyond my comprehension. I now only have to go through one iteration.

August 20, 2018 7:04 pm

Thanks, Suzie. It is only on this thread. I use Firefox.

August 21, 2018 1:36 pm

Using NoScript for FireFox here, and AdBlocker. This site, for some reason(ad revenue, I’d guess. No offense, Admin), has the highest script load of any site I go to. 23, last time I checked. More sometimes, if I let them off the leash.

Only seeing the Donate thingies, Walmart, and

PS: for people who can’t install(Work, library, etc) Brave runs from memory. Abit clunky, and slow to load, but it git’s er done. It could likely run portable from a thunb drive.