Shaw, Steinle; Now, Tibbetts – The Growing Crisis Of Natural-Born Citizens Slaughtered By Illegal Aliens

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter – Authored by Jon Hall

Jamiel Shaw, Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts – needlessly murdered by illegal aliens and their lives cut short.

This week, the mystery behind Mollie Tibbetts – who had been missing for over a month – came to a tragic conclusion.

Tibbetts was last seen on July 18th, jogging near her home in Brooklyn, Iowa.

The case was cracked wide open after a neighbor who lived in the same area as Mollie offered security camera footage to investigators. After identifying Cristhian Rivera’s car, they were able to deduce Rivera was one of the last people to see Mollie alive.

Once apprehended, Rivera confessed to the murder and cooperated with police – leading them to Tibbetts’ dead body.

Rivera told investigators that he ran alongside Mollie until she threatened to call the police and tried to run away. Rivera said he chased her and blacked out, detailing that when he came to he realized he had killed her.

Rivera stashed her in the trunk of his car and then dragged Tibbetts to a cornfield where he covered her body with corn stalks and left.

Sadly, Mollie Tibbetts is added to a long list of names slaughtered needlessly by illegal immigrants. Even worse, if our current immigration laws were staunchly enforced, Tibbetts – among others – would still be alive.

For instance, Cristhian Rivera used a stolen identity and passed e-verify, able to work in the U.S. despite being in the country illegally. Spectacularly, our system continues again and again to fail us in regards to illegal immigration.

In typical fashion, the radical left has attempted to write off and politicize Mollie Tibbetts’ death. On Tuesday, a guest appearing on MSNBC’s The Beat referred to Tibbetts as “some girl in Iowa Fox News is talking about”.

Elizabeth Warren even used Tibbetts’ death to shamelessly virtue-signal on the complete non-scandal of immigrant families being separated at the border:

I’m so sorry for the family and I know this is hard… for the people in her community… But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. Last month I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with their mothers who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were and hadn’t had a chance to talk with their children. There was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children. I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer.

Ignoring completely that Tibbetts was permanently separated from her family, Warren drew the ire and outrage of critics for her total lack of sensitivity.

Remember Warren’s – and the left’s platform – heading into the November mid-terms, defending illegal aliens in the country and ignoring the needless murder of innocent citizens.

Mollie Tibbetts is added to the growing list of citizens killed by illegal immigration. In 2015, Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal that had previously entered the country unlawfully five times and had a criminal record with seven prior felonies – plainly, someone who should not have been in the country in the first place.

Last year, 17-year-old Jamiel Shaw was shot and killed by an illegal alien, a member of the 18th Street Gang. The illegal had previously been arrested in 2007 on gun charges and assault on a police officer but was released early from jail a year later.

Again, no politicization – but enough is enough.

Ostensibly, we have immigration laws for a reason. With liberal sanctuary cities being so prevalent across the U.S., the safety and security of citizens is thrown into question; Shaw and Steinle a testament to this notion – coming from California, a so-called “sanctuary state”.

Mollie Tibbetts emphasizes that politicians on both sides of the aisle must come together and protect the sovereignty and freedom of America by enforcing our current systems and building an impenetrable wall on our southern border, lest more innocent citizens have their lives tragically cut short and extinguished by illegal aliens with illustrious rap sheets and numerous deportations. 

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August 24, 2018 2:08 pm

“For instance, Cristhian Rivera used a stolen identity and passed e-verify, able to work in the U.S. despite being in the country illegally. Spectacularly, our system continues again and again to fail us in regards to illegal immigration.”
The perp DID NOT pass an E-Verify check! Even the weblink in the article’s sentence states this–it was misreported. He submitted a falsified I-9 citizenship form.

Amazingly shoddy journalism.

“Bahena-Rivera worked at Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm in the region. The farm owner Dane Lang originally said that he used the E-Verify system to check whether Bahena-Rivera was an illegal alien, saying that he passed the screening.

Today, though, Lang admitted that his farm did not use E-Verify to check the legal status of Bahena-Rivera, noting that the illegal alien used a fake or stolen photo ID and provided a fraudulent Social Security card.”

  Duane Norman
August 24, 2018 8:59 pm

Doesn’t matter. One of the very few jobs of the feral gubmint is to protect our borders. Not invite every turd world barbarian here and give them copious amounts of money in the form of welfare and medical care while stealing our jobs.

August 24, 2018 2:29 pm

I saw tweets that reportedly done by Mollie that said that she hates White people. Has this tweet been proven to be real ?

As to Warren….let’s hope Chief Cornhole tears her ass up once an hour for the next two dozen or so years.

August 24, 2018 3:35 pm

I saw the hate white people stuff she allegedly wrote, if true poetic justice. I understand her family has launched a tirade against the FOX News, correspondent Candice Owen.
OTH I receive at least 10 emails a day from potential Republican candidates in Primary contests. They really savage their fellow party rivals and frequently Mitch. I have spent a few hundred in donations but I wonder will there be any venom left over for the main event.
Since the MSNBC commentators are public communicators and Warren is a public speaker, why can’t the GOP make a few commercials that feature excerpts from their most atrocious pronouncements? Like the democrats did so effectively with Newt’s words in the past.
It seems that the greatest effort is over boring non-issues.

Quippy (EL Coyote)
Quippy (EL Coyote)
August 25, 2018 12:02 am

Does that make Rivera a hero?

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
August 26, 2018 4:41 pm

Well, this is a simple one. Most of the left’s donors – you know, their bosses, don’t WANT immigration to be enforced. Did you know that the owner of the dairy where this asshat worked, was a high ranking GOP donor and activist? This is the problem. We are all owned by these people. Left, right, makes no difference. It is one party, one in which we were not invited to, and one in which they keep us distracted while they continue to loot the country and the world

August 24, 2018 8:31 pm

Hey, I hate liberals, too, but you can’t wish some stupid bitch is dead, just because she’s stupid and a bitch. Given time and a loving family or experience in the real world, she might have overcome the mind virus. Now she’s just one more tragic loss and a waste of 20 years’ investment in the future on the behalf of her parents. The shitbag who should be dead lives, however.

August 24, 2018 2:54 pm

if our current immigration laws were staunchly enforced, Tibbetts – among others – would still be alive

The Democrats and Open-Border RINOs know this, and not only do nothing, they actively work to ensure that ever more American girls are raped and murdered by people that would not be here at all if actual Americans had any voice in ‘our’ government.

The Democrats, and their faux-right crypto-democrat Open-Border RINO allies, murdered these children.

They are just as guilty as the illegal alien that dragged her tortured body into that cornfield.

August 24, 2018 4:26 pm

Any politician that supports open borders, unlimited immigration and sanctuary cities WANTS YOU DEAD, WANTS YOUR CHILDREN DEAD, and wants you EXTINCT.
Post THAT message anywhere you can, while you can.

22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
August 25, 2018 6:08 am

+1 but replace “Any” with “Every” and delete “that.”

August 24, 2018 6:48 pm
Police said 47-year-old Edmundo Arellanes-Audelo was threatening the driver and the other 26 passengers with a knife.

He gained access into the secured area of the bus and tried to attack the driver while purposely grabbing the steering wheel, causing it to crash.

Another passenger confronted Arellanes-Audelo, at which point the suspect broke out a window and got out of the bus.

After getting out, Arellanes-Audelo was confronted by a passerby, who was armed with a gun. After seeing the gun, Arellanes-Audelo dropped the knife and remained at the scene until law enforcement arrived.

August 24, 2018 8:01 pm

Tibbets is dead because she was unarmed, alone, white, and female.
Ignoring her stupid liberal politics,
she should have been with a male friend or family member.
She should have been with one or more fellow female friends.
She should have been armed.
We should have provided her a safer community that didn’t include criminal illegal aliens.
We should have hunted them all down and deported or jailed and deported them.
We should have had our borders patrolled and enforced.
We should have made it illegal for illegals to hold property, have bank accounts, work, seek education, housing, welfare, etc so there were no places for them in our nation.
You can disagree with me, but if you have kids, you ought to think twice about what kind of world you want them to live in. When I was a kid, this kind of shit was a lot more rare.

If you are white and female, get a gun and learn how to use it. Carry it concealed. It will be there when your cell phone fails to scare away murderous illegal aliens, as well as your average assholes who don’t take No for an answer. And don’t get drunk without a sober battle buddy, too.

August 24, 2018 10:50 pm

Instead of deporting these shitbags over and over we should give the ONE trip out, after that if they get caught in OUR country again they should get a bullet in their head and dumped in the desert. When word gets back that America is not coddling them anymore they will stay where they belong- in THEIR country.

August 25, 2018 2:47 pm

They say politics is the art of the possible. Stick to solutions you can actually sell.

August 24, 2018 8:43 pm

It is WAAY past time to enforce and strengthen our immigration laws. Build the wall and even more, start to execute these asshole criminal aliens! They are not all criminals but enough already!