Guest Post by Ol’Remus

These are the last of the good times. How bad will it get? No one can know. How bad can it get? Now we’re on better ground. Let’s speculate.

We live in the darkening foreshadow of a world catastrophe to be remembered for millennia to come. When it comes apart it will happen with no more warning than we have now. Each step down will be a disaster in itself, followed by worse, then worse yet, until many years later civilization becomes a fading memory told to disbelieving children. The wholly unprepared have no more than a single-digit percent chance of long term survival.

Most have chosen their fate. Few have chosen wisely.

Big city dwellers who believe potable water and their daily bread is “a human right’, whose lives rely on contracts and connections and persuasion, who take the weather personally, who hold leisure class values even as they’re being swindled into penury, who can’t prepare a real meal at home and hire an illegal to change a light bulb—they won’t survive.

Those who live far from cities and lines of drift, who have a circle of reliable relatives and friends at a good level of self-sufficency, who have experienced scarcity or even poverty, who are experienced and well situated to hunt and fish and garden, or are already practicing homesteaders, who value self reliance, who know their home ground intimately and have prepared realistically—they may survive.

We can’t know how events will unfold. It’s likely the first post-apocalyptic months will seem to be, if not be, the most cataclysmic. The incompetent, the deluded, the resolutely unprepared and other self-selected victims will be winnowed in huge numbers. Add to them the chronically ill and elderly, the wholly dependent tribalists of the inner city and their feral broods, and the plain unlucky.

Old vendettas will be settled, chains of revenge for revenge will begin. City utilities will fail, sewage and garbage and corpses will contribute to unchecked disease . An exposed light at night will be worth your life. Enclaves will attack enclaves no less destitute than themselves. The naturally homicidal, suddenly unconstrained, will prey singly and in groups. Some uniformed enforcers of defunct martial law will go rogue.

Long time readers know survivalism is summed up in my Most Excellent and Inviolable Rule One: Stay away from crowds. There’s nothing in this for the survivalist. Serial gunfights and derring-do are not the key to survival. The survivalist removes himself from this pointless maelstrom, ready to defend himself and others, but aware the hard work of preparation is not over. The long term is still ahead and there’s plenty of room for things to get worse. And worse they will get.

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September 4, 2018 11:30 am

Those that need daily medication to survive will last at most 30 days. Those that have ZERO survival skills will last about the same amount. Taking in folks you don’t know will most likely be the end of you and your family.

Planning is the ultimate first step. I have a book with a list of what needs to be loaded on my truck and the order in which it is to be loaded. I have two packs loaded with essential tools etc to survive long term if I need to leave on foot . One bag weighs less than three pounds and will contain what I need to survive..alone.

I spend some time each week on youtube learning new skills that will aid me and those with me in survival. Is it wasted time….who knows but like any knowledge it can never be taken away and if the need arises I’m far better off.

Buy more ammo

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 12:32 pm

Your friend will not be overweight for too long. He might overcome his diabetes using the Al Sharpton diet:
Breakfast: Three slices of wheat toast (about 300 calories / 15g of protein) and a Doctor Earth green juice from Juice Press (180 calories / 2g of protein)

Lunch: A salad containing lettuce, tomato, onion, a chopped hard-boiled egg, and balsamic vinaigrette (about 240 calories / 6g of protein, depending on serving size) and a banana (about 100 calories and 1g of protein)

Dinner: Another green juice

i forget
i forget
September 4, 2018 4:05 pm

A1C, Serum glucose….5.5/107 on 1/19/18; 5.4/82 on 5/25; 5.3/I didn’t specify, so it didn’t get tested on 8/29.

Beginning 4/25, continuing for ~ 1 month, I took 100-150mg vanadyl sulfate per day (50mg caps). Stopped because I can’t get a straight answer about potential adverse side effects. (I haven’t suffered any I am aware of.)

Brand is Priority One, Vanna Trace. Amazon. I was tipped to it by a diabetic who keeps numbers good this way, has been taking 100mg a day for years, he says.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 6:48 pm

On the bright side, that’s a 20 lb loss there.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 6:58 pm

Dammit, I can’t even compete on blood glucose numbers. There are two types of diabetes. My doctor said I have mild diabetes. I lost control after almost ten years on Metformin. She tried insulin and couldn’t get me under 500. Finally gave me Invocana. Works like a charm.

I have to go to the gym regularly to keep the blood circulating, one day I will try the free weights (here’s something new, I can get a strained muscle just picking up a 35 lb weight) and I have to write here regularly to keep the brain busy. Dealing with morans is a challenge. One day I will attempt big numbers.

i forget
i forget
  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 7:17 pm

500 sugar? Didn’t know anybody could get that sweet.

Short of a revitalized pancreas, tweaking has meth aspect tradeoffs. Be nice, tho, to kind tractor loads of a trace mineral don’t…without being the Curies, & finding not so, the hard way.

But what’s nice got to do with anything, except maybe the original definition of it?

September 5, 2018 12:15 am

all you need is a plan and a direction to head… the rest of it seems to fall into place as you head off toward the unknown

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
September 4, 2018 12:52 pm

Will my illegal alien house keeper start stealing from me?

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
  JR Wirth
September 4, 2018 1:04 pm

When you gonna pay my mamacita? She said you tried to pay her in food stamps last month.

  JR Wirth
September 4, 2018 5:15 pm

Only food..

Cheuy Gonzalez
Cheuy Gonzalez
  JR Wirth
September 5, 2018 12:36 am

Not unless she really needs a used PS2, cause you know all of those bad boomers kept you from achieving and that’s all you have to steal.

September 4, 2018 11:35 am

The fall of Rome and the Dark Ages. I fear you are right. Learn those basic skills,yes.. Buck has the only solution to this.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 4, 2018 11:54 am

What caused the mess that is coming? Fiat currency.

  Jack Lovett
September 4, 2018 12:02 pm

Jack,what caused this mess is US!We allowed things to go off the rails as long as we had a roof over our head/food ect.Thus,tis up to US to do the best we can as society dissolves for ourselves and if we can do safely help others.

As for meds,would go black market/change lifestyle if poss. to avoid the need/look into alternatives NOW!

I would also say and agree with BLOAT(Buy Lots Of Ammunition Today)because as always,have never heard someone say,”James,I have too much ammunition”.

As always,sucks to think this way and have to try to best of ability prepare but beats the alt.!

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
September 4, 2018 12:55 pm

“We allowed things to go off the rails” – baby boomers in white tube socks. They were already smoking pot in the Jacuzzi when I got here.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
  JR Wirth
September 4, 2018 1:01 pm

Does anybody here, besides Rdawg. have anything nice to say about jBird? I don’t.

  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 2:54 pm

Bea didn’t give you permission to come up for air, did he?
Get back to suckin’.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 3:47 pm

I was wondering if you and jBird had done the 69 but that’s beginner’s stuff to you.
Note to self: Don’t say nothing bad ’bout Rdwag’s soul mate, jBird.

  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 5:32 pm

Ratty- You and JayWirthless need to set up house.

September 4, 2018 8:07 pm

Funny you would say that since you asked me to suck your dick a few days ago.

You got something you want to share with the group, sweetheart?

Booger Presley
Booger Presley
September 4, 2018 8:28 pm

“Blow Me” is a traditional endearment on TBP, it is not a solicitation in any way. BL

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 5, 2018 12:05 am

Sweetheart? Just cause he asked for a BJ doesn’t mean you guys are going steady, Rdawg.

Booger Presley
Booger Presley
  Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 5, 2018 12:17 am

EC- I think Ratdawg has a real hard on for me since I totally showed him up in the fuel cell debate. Then Mark H and I whipped him in the “Wind Idiot” thread.
Not much competition but I like ole’ dawg just the same. Too bad he spends most of his time hiding under the porch. BL

  JR Wirth
September 4, 2018 5:29 pm

Wirth- We have a bet going that some boomer will have to show you a few things so your coddled ass won’t perish. There should be a test for who we help.

September 4, 2018 8:11 pm

Coddled? Coming from a boomer? Fucking Hi-Larious. The Gen-Xers had to raise themselves since both their parents were off working so they could have nice things. We didn’t have Barbara Billingsly around to make us a sandwich after school, bitch.

Don’t worry about it, though. Your blind ass will be dead inside of a week when SHTF.

Book it.

Booger Presley
Booger Presley
September 4, 2018 8:25 pm

RawDawg- Perhaps you missed my posted telling of my family living galt on just shy of 80 acres. I’m guessing you have never spent even a week trapping/shooting/growing/sourcing ALL of your food. I can assure you without reservation that I will fare much better than you and Jay Worthless. BL

September 4, 2018 5:20 pm

No, what caused this mess was giving women the vote, establishing the Fed, passing an income tax, and then letting a bunch of (((Congressmen))) pass an Immigration Act that lets 3d world predators, and financial (((predators))) into the country by the tens of millions, and also provide expensive welfare and medical care for them…

September 4, 2018 11:08 pm

It can all be blamed on Peter Stuyvesant, the first governor of New Amsterdam (now New York) for caving in to his traitorous advisors and allowing that first boatload of kikes to land and set up shop behind their ghetto wall. The irony being that it later became Wall street and the descendants of that first thieving band of cutthroats are still robbing us blind.

September 4, 2018 12:18 pm

If things get really fucked-up nobody will be immune from the destruction. We’re all in this together.

September 4, 2018 8:58 pm

Ah, Dutchbag (Douchebag) chimes in with another sage comment. Too bad he didn’t put forth fake numbers to support his opinion. Hey Dutch, why don’t you proffer that 6.8 million rubes out of the total population 7 billion will succumb in the first 48 hours because Dutchbag says so.. That would be par for the course.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 5, 2018 12:03 am

Jim, you have not paid your dues to fuck with Dutchman. Why is it always the noobs who come in here thinking they can fuck with the old-timers?
He didn’t say anything that required numbers, he said that we are all fucked when this shit goes down. Moran.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
September 4, 2018 12:50 pm

Utilities will fail? But how will I flush my toilet?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 4, 2018 12:57 pm

I have a feeling it won’t be caused by anything any of us have anticipated should disaster come. Some crazy thing like the poles flipping or shifting the tilt of the axis. It has happened many times over the billions of years and will happen again. One of the known or unknown calderas could blow without warning. Nothing fun like hordes of Democrats assaulting your carefully prepared survival ranch being mowed down by your clan in numbers that would make Viking mythology jealous.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  Harrington Richardson
September 4, 2018 9:25 pm

The hordes will only get as far as their automobiles will take them. Once they are on foot they won’t go but maybe a few miles. Bridges aren’t hard to take out.

September 4, 2018 1:09 pm

Its already like this is Sub Saharan Africa. Only a few tenous links to the First World keeps Africa from returning to the stone age and even now African savages are willing to walk hundreds of miles across the desert, get in a rubber boat just so they can lay on a sidewalk in Europe! How bleak must it be in their homeland that a cardboard box in Europe is their ideal?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 4, 2018 1:31 pm

People are very disappointing. Would one not think a formerly rich and powerful country like Argentina would want to go back to what made them first world? Would you not think Africans would want to copy the economic and legal systems that allowed South Africa and Rhodesia to have reached the levels they did before the morons were allowed to gain control?
I watched the 1937 film “Things To Come” by H.G. Wells again last year. It tries to show how over time the same characters emerge over and over. How the Free Shit Army always emerges and ultimately you get a tin pot dictator like Maduro or Chavez and the whole system collapses, then is rebuilt only to have the FSA and the tin pot show up over and over.
No one wants to hear it but the National Party should have massacred the ANC. Whenever a society gets to the point where a FSA connected party is about to take over and turn it into Mugabe’s Zimbabwe or Maduro’s Venezuela and the opposition does not massacre their leadership and prominent figures, that country is finished. The only thing remaining to be seen is how long before the destruction is completed. As we have seen with the Soviet Union and Argentina, it can take an extended lifetime.
Just my personal observation and conclusions. Probably not fit for “polite society.”

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Harrington Richardson
September 4, 2018 5:25 pm


September 4, 2018 1:29 pm

Pick a natural disaster that you know for certain will happen and prepare. Its a good first step, and not a money wasting fantasy. What would it take to survive in decent comfort for 2 weeks after a hurricane or blizzard ?
Fresh water, propane to cook, a way to wash, a few hundred cans. Its not hard to use the supplies in non-disaster times and now you’re more ready than 98% of your neighbors. Hurricanes are more likely than Mad Max world.

September 4, 2018 5:22 pm

In most of the country, hurricanes don’t exist…but if things break down, you will need much more than 2 weeks food, not less than 6 months.

September 4, 2018 6:10 pm

Tornadoes rate right alongside the worst nature has to offer and there are a lot of them.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
September 4, 2018 5:27 pm

Since man is part of nature and therefore anything man does it imbued to it, hence any disaster caused by man is natural.

September 4, 2018 5:13 pm

“Bugging out” is likely to fail..So the major key is to be at your retreat in advance..Furthermore, you are unlikely to survive if you are within one gas tank of a minority area, unless you are part of a very well armed and determined community. A place like North central Montana would probably be best..And you had better have a lot of food stored, and be planning to defend it…Finally, there is no such thing as too much ammo in a collapse situation.

The Last Mile
The Last Mile
September 4, 2018 7:11 pm

Yeech…death sounds better

September 5, 2018 7:24 pm

So why bother?

September 5, 2018 11:34 pm

Take your family to the woods and off grid like i did for 2 years Washed my clothes in a garbage can with a new commode plunger. During the winter my trailer was 50-55° day and night. A 30lb bottle of propane lasted about 8 days. When I cant get that I will use a wood cookstove. I live so far out in the boonies I can point a high powered rifle in any direction and pull the trigger and I will hit no one. I have 5 dogs, 31 chickens and 10 guinea fowl birds and I can eat them all. Remember folks, its called survival. Cows are coming next year, woods being timbered next month to give me some pasture. My winter will spent putting up fence. Got a neighbor that is real handy. We wont even discuss guns and ammo.

The minute the magic negro said he was going to run is when I started. I and many others around me have already discussed our plans of action should the need arise.

Been warning people till I am blue in the face. These will be the very first ones waiting to come and expect me to share what i have with them. I will give them a can of beans and order them to leave. If i share my 6 months supply of food with 1 person that goes down to 3 months. If i allow 5 people to come here it goes to 30 days. Sorry, they will leave or be shot dead where their standing . Makes no difference to me. I understood where this country was heading almost 10 years ago and they failed to heed the warning signs. Called me crazy and right wing terrorist. Well I am not crazy. Piss on them! I am going to survive and they are going to die because of their own stupidity.

Dont try to find me. I dont even have a mail box, internet or a landline phone. I use a wi-fi connection once a week when I come into town to write these comments.

I have already bugged out and I suggest you do the same.