Trump Saboteur Op-Ed Backfires: LA Times Calls “A Coward”; Greenwald: “Unelected Cabal”

Via ZeroHedge

An op-ed written in the New York Times by an anonymous “senior official in the Trump administration” has drawn harsh rebuke from both sides of the aisle and beyond – after everyone from President Trump to Glenn Greenwald to the Los Angeles Times chimed in with various criticisms.

The author, who claims to be actively working against Trump in collusion with other senior officials in what they call a “resistance inside the Trump administration,” has now been labeled everything from a coward, to treasonous, to nonexistent.

Trump, as expected, lashed out at the “failing” New York Times – before questioning whether the the mystery official really exists, and that if they do, the New York Times should reveal the author’s identity as a matter of national security.

Trump supporters, also as expected, slammed the op-ed as either pure fiction or treason – a suggestion Trump made earlier Wednesday.

What we don’t imagine the anonymous author or the Times saw coming was the onslaught of criticism coming from the center and left – those who stand to benefit the most from Trump’s fall from grace, or at least probably wouldn’t mind it.

In an op-ed which appeared hours after the NYT piece, Jessica Roy of the Los Angeles Times writes: “No, anonymous Trump official, you’re not ‘part of the resistance.’ You’re a coward” for not going far enough to stop Trump and in fact enabling him.

If they really believe there’s a need to subvert the president to protect the country, they should be getting this person out of the White House. But they’re too cowardly and afraid of the possible implications. They hand-wave the notion thusly:

“Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis.”

How is it that utilizing the 25th Amendment of the Constitution would cause a crisis, but admitting to subverting a democratically elected leader wouldn’t?

If you’re reading this, senior White House official, know this: You are not resisting Donald Trump. You are enabling him for your own benefit. That doesn’t make you an unsung hero. It makes you a coward. –LA Times

Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald – the Pulitzer Prize Winning co-founder of The Intercept, also called the author of the op-ed a “coward” whose ideological issues “voters didn’t ratify.” 

Greenwald continues; “The irony in the op-ed from the NYT’s anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being “anti-democratic” while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency.

So who is the “coward” in the White House? 

While the author remains anonymous, there are a couple of clues in the case. For starters, Bloomberg White House reporter Jennifer Jacobs points out that the New York Times revealed that a man wrote the op-ed, which rules out Kellyanne Conway, Nikki Haley, Ivanka and Melania (the latter two being CNN’s suggestions).

A second clue comes from the language used in the op-ed, and in particular “Lodestar” – a rare word used by Mike Pence in at least one speech. Then again, someone trying to make one think it’s pence would also use that word (which was oddly Merriam-Webster’s word of the day last Tuesday).

A pence-theory hashtag has already emerged to support this theory; #VeepThroat

Given the Op-Ed’s praise of the late Senator John McCain, never-Trumper and Iraq War sabre-rattler Bill Kristol tweeted that it was Kevin Hassett, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. Of course, Kristol and whoever wrote the op-ed are ideologically aligned, so one might question why he would voluntarily work against this person.

So while we don’t know who wrote the op-ed, it appears to be backfiring spectacularly on its author(s) amid wild theories and harsh rebuke from all sides of the aisle.

We’re sure Carlos Slim – the largest owner of the New York Times and once the richest man on earth, is having a good laugh at Trump’s expense either way… for now.

Perhaps Trump can push the “fabrication” angle longer than NYT can retain the moral high ground – especially after they hired, then refused to fire, Sarah Jeong – a new addition to the NYT editorial board who was revealed in old tweets to be an openly bigoted, with a particularly deep hatred of “old white men.”

The New York Times stood by Jeong – claiming she was simply responding to people harassing her for being an Asian lesbian – only to have their absurd theory shredded within hours. Jeong in fact has a multi-year history of unprovoked and random comments expressing hatred towards white men.

And now she’s right on the front lines of perhaps the greatest attempt to smear Trump yet. Not exactly a good look for the Times at a time when MSM credibility has already taken a hit. How many broke bread with the Clinton campaign leading up to the 2016 election?

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September 6, 2018 9:18 am

Who’s surprised? Anybody?

What surprised me is that the backfire turned into a backdraft.

22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
September 6, 2018 9:40 am

Treason… and other amorphous, unenforced crimes.

September 6, 2018 9:46 am

Sedition, Conspiracy, Racketeering. Close them down.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 6, 2018 10:12 am

Keywords (lodestar) in the written op-ed are being profiled and that verbal profile points to Spence.
Did he do it? I don’t think so, I call BS and here’s why.
The Resistance is framing Pence, knowing Trump has a fiery temper when it comes to loyalty. It’s just the Left sowing lies, distrust, and confusion to isolate and remove Trump loyalists, one at a time. It becomes a mindgame against Trump, making him paranoid,
Congress can remove Pence, but for what reason? They can’t even impeach Trump. Not yet, anyway.
… but if it is Pence, then it fits the pattern of Dem-RINO cooperation we’ve been seeing for years in Establishment politics.
If you didn’t think the Deep State existed, now you know it does. The mouthpiece is giving everyone a big hint it’s alive and well.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 10:24 am

It’s somebody like JRWirth, a sheltered young nobody with not enough brains to amount to common sense.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
September 6, 2018 10:47 am

I’m surprised that no one mentioned Trump’s statement saying the NYT’s should reveal the author. What about that pesky First Amendment and freedom of the press? Now we all know that the NYT probably doesn’t deserve the First Amendment, but that’s beside the point. He can yell treason all day long, but I question his definition of that word too.

We all know Trump isn’t much on the Constitution but this is a major point that should not make people like us very happy.

  Craven Warrior
September 6, 2018 11:35 am

The Constitution is dead . I think the Bill of Rights is is important but dead. We are in a crisis and the only people who will have rights are those who can keep other from taking them. Buy ammo and get ready. Don’t start violence but defend yourself.

  Craven Warrior
September 6, 2018 12:02 pm

While freedom of he press includes protecting the identity sources, it doesn’t protect the press from serving time in jail for refusing to name their sources.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 12:17 pm

Dave, that comment is like a dog chasing its tail. Are you bi-polar, pal?

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
  Craven Warrior
September 6, 2018 12:17 pm

This is Trump, Constitution be damned!

September 6, 2018 11:57 am

How would Pence be part of an unelected cabal?

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 12:30 pm

Look, everybody, Woodward’s book got taken off the front burner in a damn hurry. It’s not a serendipitous coincidence. This is one Roy Cohn-media savvy president. As Bob Gore might say, Never underestimate the power of a shitfit. All the focus now is on Trump’s anger rather than…

It’s not a golf idiom but Trump is following the old football rule, offense is the best defense. Rather than waste time defending against Woodward, he is on the rampage yet again over some manufactured piece probably dictated by him to create a distraction.

Heck, the FBI did the same thing; gave the newspaper stories that they later used to justify their court request. Trumpy will use this self-generated ‘news’ to request a ‘temporary’ approval of martial law and arrest people criticizing him.

Saudi, China and Trukey are not the only countries led by a thin-skinned tyrant.

  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 1:54 pm

is this the outline for a novel you’re going to write?
martial law?

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 2:42 pm

Tampico, Do you think my scenarios are so fantastic that they belong in a novel? I go a little wild because it seems most folks here are easily played. The net effect is that this distraction has stolen Woodward’s thunder. If the British had deployed such tactics, the USA would still be a colony of GB.

All King George would have to do is have one of his lackeys publish a scurrilous expose’ of traitors in his court. That would have shut down the colonies’ Declaration of Independence. Folks would be lining up to profess allegiance to King George.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 2:47 pm

I saw this movie once, it may have been Guide For the Married Man with Jayne Mansfield. It’s a cheap movie but it’s the best comparison to the White House farce we are witnessing. One of it’s wise pieces of advice is, when caught, deny, deny, deny.

  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 6, 2018 3:44 pm

El Coyote..
Are we the only ones that smell a rat.
The left demanding the snitch out himself as the Patriotic thing to do??? That’s what they would do if they agreed with your take on it.
In the meantime its business as usual at Robbery Central in D.C.

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 6, 2018 12:38 pm

A possible author for the times piece is detailed here. Historical justification is in the internal links for credibility.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 6, 2018 12:56 pm

The Democrats, MSM, Deep State, Far Left Antifa etc want to destroy (think kill) Trump and everybody on the Right from Christians to Nazis. They lump us together as The Enemy; we should start calling them all what they are: Communist. This video tells the story of the Spanish Civil War and the same thing has happened in Russia, Cuba, Africa, China, etc and is happening here.

  robert h siddell jr
September 6, 2018 3:37 pm

When the Govt. is paralyzed the Bolsheviks will strike.

September 6, 2018 1:48 pm

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Rather, Not
Rather, Not
September 6, 2018 5:12 pm

Who do we have to vote for get the anonymous traitor coward out of our gov’t? I would have thought it would have been Trump, but obviously that didn’t work.

It seems like the soap box didn’t work. The ballot box didn’t work. What was third box? Something about cartridges?

I don’t want an unelected, unaccountable administrative/deep state. The political spoils system was literally better than this. This is a spoils system except only one uniparty gets the spoils regardless of who we elected. If they won’t leave even when they get voted out, do we have to hang the bastards?

If by some miracle, anonymous NYT coward both exists and reads this: you are a federal official, that oath most of us swore was to defend the Constitution against enemies, both foreign and domestic. You, asshole, are the domestic enemy.