Are We Being Played?

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

If any evidence existed to be found that Donald Trump had illegally colluded with the Russian government to rig the 2016 presidential election, that evidence would have been picked up by the sprawling surveillance networks of the US and its allies and leaked to the Washington Post before Obama left office.

Russiagate is like a mirage. From a distance it looks like a solid, tangible thing, but when you actually move in to examine it critically you find nothing but gaping plot holes, insinuation, innuendo, conflicting narratives, bizarre mental contortions to avoid acknowledging contradictory information, a few arrests for corruption and process crimes, and a lot of hot air. The whole thing has been held together by nothing but the confident-sounding assertions of pundits and politicians and sheer, mindless repetition. And, as we approach the two year mark since this president’s election, we have not seen one iota of movement toward removing him from office. The whole thing’s a lie, and the smart movers and shakers behind it are aware that it is a lie.

And yet they keep beating on it. Day after day after day after day it’s been Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. Instead of attacking this president for his many, many real problems in a way that will do actual damage, they attack this fake blow-up doll standing next to him in a way that never goes anywhere and never will, like a pro wrestler theatrically stomping on the canvass next to his downed foe.

What’s up with that?

As you doubtless already know by now, the New York Times has made the wildly controversial decision to publish an anonymous op-ed reportedly authored by “a senior official in the Trump administration.” The op-ed’s author claims to be part of a secret coalition of patriots who dislike Trump and are “working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.” These “worst inclinations” according to the author include trying to make peace with Moscow and Pyongyang, being rude to longtime US allies, saying mean things about the media, being “anti-trade”, and being “erratic”. The possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment is briefly mentioned but dismissed. The final paragraphs are spent gushing about John McCain for no apparent reason.

I strongly encourage you to read the piece in its entirety, because for all the talk and drama it’s generating, it doesn’t actually make any sense. While you are reading it, I encourage you to keep the following question in mind: what could anyone possibly gain by authoring this and giving it to the New York Times?

Seriously, what could be gained? The op-ed says essentially nothing, other than to tell readers to relax and trust in anonymous administration insiders who are working against the bad guys on behalf of the people (which is interestingly the exact same message of the right-wing 8chan conspiracy phenomenon QAnon, just with the white hats and black hats reversed). Why would any senior official risk everything to publish something so utterly pointless? Why risk getting fired (or risk losing all political currency in the party if NYTAnon is Mike Pence, as has been theorized) just to communicate something to the public that doesn’t change or accomplish anything? Why publicly announce your undercover conspiracy to undermine the president in a major news outlet at all?

What are the results of this viral op-ed everyone’s talking about? So far it’s a bunch of Democratic partisans making a lot of excited whooping noises, and Trump loyalists feeling completely vindicated in the belief that all of their conspiracy theories have been proven correct. Many rank-and-file Trump haters are feeling a little more relaxed and complacent knowing that there are a bunch of McCain-loving “adults in the room” taking care of everything, and many rank-and-file Trump supporters are more convinced than ever that Donald Trump is a brave populist hero leading a covert 4-D chess insurgency against the Deep State. In other words, everyone’s been herded into their respective partisan stables and trusting the narratives that they are being fed there.

And, well, I just think that’s odd.

Did you know that Donald Trump is in the WWE Hall of Fame? He was inducted in 2013, and he’s been enthusiastically involved in pro wrestling for many years, both as a fan and as a performer. He’s made more of a study on how to draw a crowd in to the theatrics of a choreographed fight scene than anyone this side of the McMahon family (a member of whom happens to be part of the Trump administration currently).

You don’t have to get into any deep conspiratorial rabbit hole to consider the possibility that all this drama and conflict is staged from top to bottom. Commentators on all sides routinely crack jokes about how the mainstream media pretends to attack Trump but secretly loves him because he brings them amazing ratings. Anyone with their eyes even part way open already knows that America’s two mainstream parties feign intense hatred for one another while working together to pace their respective bases into accepting more and more neoliberal exploitation at home and more and more neoconservative bloodshed abroad. They spit and snarl and shake their fists at each other, then cuddle up and share candy when it’s time for a public gathering. Why should this administration be any different?

I believe that a senior Trump administration official probably did write that anonymous op-ed. I do not believe that they were moved to write it out of compassion for the poor Americans who are feeling emotionally stressed about the president. I believe it was written and published for the same reason many other things are written and published in mainstream media: because we are all being played.

The more I study US politics, the less useful I find it to think of it in political terms. The two-headed one party system exists to give Americans the illusion of choice while advancing the agendas of the plutocratic class which owns and operates both parties, yes, but even more importantly it’s a mechanism of narrative control. If you can separate the masses into two groups based on extremely broad ideological characteristics, you can then funnel streamlined “us vs them” narratives into each of the two stables, with the white hats and black hats reversed in each case. Now you’ve got Republicans cheering for the president and Democrats cheering for the CIA, for the FBI, and now for a platoon of covert John McCains alleged to be operating on the inside of Trump’s own administration. Everyone’s cheering for one aspect of the US power establishment or another.

Whom does this dynamic serve? Not you.

If you belonged to a ruling class, obviously your goal would be to ensure your subjects’ continued support for you. In a corporatist oligarchy, the rulers are secret and the subjects don’t know they’re ruled, and power is held in place with manipulation and with money. As such a ruler your goal would be to find a way to manipulate the masses into supporting your agendas, and, since people are different, you’d need to use different narratives to manipulate them. You’d have to divide them, tell them different stories, turn them against each other, play them off one another, suck them in to the tales you are spinning with the theater of enmity and heroism.

As a result of the New York Times op-ed, if this administration engages in yet another of its many, many establishment capitulations (let’s say by attacking the Syrian government again), Trump’s supporters won’t see it as his fault; it will be blamed on the deep state insiders in his administration who have been working to thwart his agendas of peace and harmony. Meanwhile those who see Trump as a heel won’t experience any cognitive dissonance if any of the establishment agendas they support are carried out, because they can give the credit to the secret hero squad in the White House.

Would a billionaire WWE Hall of Famer and United States President understand the theater of staged conflict for the advancement of plutocratic interests, and willingly participate in it? I’m going to say probably.

*  *  *

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September 7, 2018 7:44 am

I wrote the nyt op-ed. Prove that i didnt.

September 7, 2018 10:52 am

You are misleading the followers of TBP. I wrote the op-ed.

September 7, 2018 3:54 pm

I am Spartacus!

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 4:44 pm

Spartacus in tights or a thong?

September 7, 2018 8:09 am

Its the correct mindset. Doubt anything the msm states-especially when the message is obvious. Never give even the merest benefit of the doubt. THEY hate us. Every minute of every day.

September 7, 2018 8:13 am

IMO, it doesn’t even look like a mirage.

22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
September 7, 2018 8:20 am

“…whose job would be jeopardized”

how about “…whose life would be jeopardized after they hang the treasonous fuck, if the treasonous fuck indeed exists”

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 7, 2018 9:11 am

If you tell a big lie and repeat it often enough, the public will believe it. Adolph Hitler…Do you believe that? or that CO2 will over heat the Earth; The Russians hacked the 2016 election and influenced it for Trump; Trump conspired with the Russians; Trump is an idiot; The MSM and government statistics are award winning accurate; the real Hate Mongers hide within Christian and Patriotic Organizations and must be purged from the Social Media to avoid Civil Strife in America; Racial and Social Equality, Diversity, Respect, Open Borders, Abortion, Freedom of Sexual Identity and Expression, Education and Health Care, decent jobs, living and working conditions are all Constitutional Rights. White males and Capitalism always ultimately oppress people; Socialism is the only Just form of Government, and Communism is Socialism in it’s purest form.

September 7, 2018 9:43 am

Guys, you’re missing the subtext here. She’s pissed they’re not removing Trump. She thinks she got played because he should be gone by now. Sorry sister, you played yourself

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 11:07 am

Well, I said the same thing over and over yesterday. Did I play myself?

Your a fucking moran but not as bad as those idiots above who got distracted by the Russia topic and missed the point of her screed even though it was mentioned in the title.

Really, folks should not go back and read the op-ed without first re-reading her article so they know why they are going back to re-read the psy-op-ed.

It’s the Woodward book, stupid! They stole his thunder. Mueller should start an investigation into possible MSM collusion.

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 7, 2018 10:38 am

You know that you are in hell when you live in a police state and are not allowed to say it.

Americans punish hard-workers with taxes and regulations, reward failure with affirmative action, give welfare to losers, and lower standards for idiots.

Anyone who tells about the dangers of socialism are called racists and nutjobs and are banned, censored, given IRS audits, are arrested, or killed.

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 7, 2018 11:03 am

How about some “Occams Razor” using history as a guide for the author. See internal links please.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 11:14 am

Sorry, just woke up from a nap, I had a strange dream that Bob Woodward had written a scandal-filled book on the Trump White House. I had the TV on, I guess the NYT op-ed story inspired that crazy dream.

September 7, 2018 1:46 pm

The collusion was between Crooked Hillary and the Russians but that doesn’t fit the narrative that the Liberal-biased MSM wants to push so you don’t hear anything about it in the news. Nothing but anti-Trump news stories.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 4:25 pm

Anti-Trump news stories sell. The whore media will publish anything that sells papers or get viewership.

You can invent the perfect mousetrap but if it doesn’t sell, it’s a dud. Betamax was superior to VHS but people bought VHS for its longer run-time.- Prof Pangloss

September 7, 2018 4:20 pm

Johnstone wrote,

Did you know that Donald Trump is in the WWE Hall of Fame? He was inducted in 2013, and he’s been enthusiastically involved in pro wrestling for many years, both as a fan and as a performer. He’s made more of a study on how to draw a crowd in to the theatrics of a choreographed fight scene than anyone this side of the McMahon family (a member of whom happens to be part of the Trump administration currently).

Billionaires And multi millionaires abound in his cabinet.

Yet anyone who points this out is labeled a coveter or jealous of their wealth.

Class warfare being waged on all us prols….sivising us up, kissing us off, confusing the shit outta us , priming us for what is to come…

Then our corporate overlords will sit back sipping some Crystal in their underground cities, protected by some Blackwater clone army and smile ….relishing in the fulfillment of the next phase of their overall plan for total world domination.

Hail Cobra!

September 7, 2018 5:05 pm

Now we are being called Killjoys for pointing that out and robbing the hope of those who want to have a little hope that the Hopium peddlers are right.

September 7, 2018 6:51 pm

Paging Doctor Killjoy!

BAM! got some hopium? Gotta chase that Dragon! BALL Q… err….was it Z?

Just trying to add a cold dose of reality to this live action novela. Just call me the Disillusionist of the LARP party…

You can be the Warrior…..or maybe Ranger…

T4C can be the Bard or court jester…

September 7, 2018 7:08 pm

Killjoy Rangers has a nice ring to it.
T4’s answer to my question about how Big Orange will take back the money and pay off the bills without nuking the world finance system was classic Dumb Blonde Hopium.
” I don’t know anything about those dollar thingies but I’m sure Trumpy does.
Beam Me up Scotty.

September 7, 2018 7:14 pm

This dungeons and dragons game is getting exciting. Sounds like T4C rolled a critical fumble on her Intelligence check roll.

But at least Trump is playing 44Double D chess and will save our supposed Republic from the “Deep State”

September 7, 2018 7:34 pm

If it was just some harmless dreamers I would leave it alone.
When I look at the discord and distractions being spread by self styled free thinking conservatives using Alinski tactics on those who challenge their Meme, it bothers me.

September 7, 2018 7:42 pm

You two ought to get a room; I sense a real chemistry here.

Never have I seen something so unworthy of attention (Q) get so much attention. Methinks thou doth protest too much.

By the way, I’m not a Q guy. I was one of the first to kick Indentured Servant in the balls when he began bringing it up. But you guys take your righteous indignation to a whole. Nother. Level.

September 7, 2018 7:56 pm

Maybe you should have kept kicking.
While you blinked this “unworthy of attention” has spread like a runny shit.
You can choose not to read our replies .

September 7, 2018 8:01 pm

True. Why continue beating the horse, though? I am really curious. It’s bullshit, so who cares? Is it a burning desire to be right; to be on record as having opposed it when the smoke clears? What?
Everybody here knows your position on Q. And Diogenes’. And Plato’s. Why wax the bean?

September 7, 2018 8:18 pm


I can’t speak for Flea, but for me it is to be on record mainly.

It’s also for the casual observer who might have just found this site. If beating the dead horse offends you, don’t look.

I’d rather flick the bean not wax it.

September 7, 2018 8:58 pm

“…but for me it is to be on record mainly.”

Ego, then. Got it.

September 7, 2018 9:11 pm

Not Ego,

But for you Rawdog sure it can be for my ego.
Don’t need to explain meself to you

September 7, 2018 9:32 pm

A little late for that. If not ego, why else? It’s okay, man. Most of human behavior is driven by it.

September 7, 2018 8:32 pm

I’ve said often I want them to be right. I n my condition I don’t want to be right.
They keep bringing it up. Repeat a lie over till it becomes truth. The title was “Are we being played”.
The last 3 or 4 days it’s been all over tbp.

September 7, 2018 9:02 pm

“Repeat a lie over till it becomes truth.”

Ah, but the problem is, it won’t work, will it? At the end of the day when the sealed indictments don’t amount to shit and Bill and Hillary and Loretta and Eric and Chelsea and the Podestas and so on ad nauseam are still walking free, the lie will not have become truth.

So why sweat it?

Anyway, thanks for earnestly answering the query, I appreciate your candor.

September 7, 2018 9:17 pm

Ur welcome.

Conspiracy Geesus
Conspiracy Geesus
September 7, 2018 4:28 pm



Where’s all my Hulkamaniacs….Please

I don’t smell what you’re cookin

But please do Rest in Piece…sss

Hitlery, Dubya, Slickwilly and the Donald!

Rather have The BODY..

Jesse Ventura

At least he told it like it was!

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
  Conspiracy Geesus
September 7, 2018 4:42 pm

You mean Democuks and Republicuks?

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 4:41 pm
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
  Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 5:06 pm
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
  Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 5:25 pm

Stuck, you’ll need something strong (tequila) to accompany the Bitter Drinks song, do not attempt it with Champipple.

  Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 8:22 pm

It is I who prefers Champipple EC, not Stucky.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 7, 2018 9:37 pm

Yeah, well your gonna need a bigger drink for that song.

September 7, 2018 7:16 pm

Trump talks a lot about Fake News, Fake Markets and just about FAKE everything. The biggest joke of all is that the largest fake out there is probably a Fake Trump. How else to explain the FACT that Trump has populated his cabinet with certified members of the putrid swamp. Draining this cesspool takes on an entirely new meaning when you realize that Trump IS the swamp. Sorry all you Trump lovers out there…which used to include me….but we have a sacred duty to seek truth using facts, rigorous logic and a heavy dose of common sense. Are we being played? You can bet your bottom dollar that we have been suckered once again. Nevertheless, Trump has served a purpose in the process to take back America and restore Christian Western Civilization but he is not the solution.