I Know Who the “Senior Official” Is Who Wrote the NY Times Op-Ed

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I know who wrote the anonymous “senior Trump official” op-ed in the New York Times. The New York Times wrote it.

The op-ed (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/50194.htm) is an obvious forgery. As a former senior official in a presidential administration, I can state with certainty that no senior official would express disagreement anonymously. Anonymous dissent has no credibility. Moreover, the dishonor of it undermines the character of the writer. A real dissenter would use his reputation and the status of his high position to lend weight to his dissent.

The New York Times’ claim to have vetted the writer also lacks credibility, as the New York Times has consistently printed extreme accusations against Trump and against Vladimir Putin without supplying a bit of evidence. The New York Times has consistently misrepresented unsubstantiated allegations as proven fact. There is no reason whatsoever to believe the New York Times about anything.

Consider also whether a member of a conspiracy working “diligently” inside the administration with “many of the senior officials” to “preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting” Trump’s “worst inclinations” would thwart his and his fellow co-conspirators’ plot by revealing it!

This forgery is an attempt to break up the Trump administration by creating suspicion throughout the senior level. If Trump falls for the New York Times’ deception, a house cleaning is likely to take place wherever suspicion falls. A government full of mutual suspicion cannot function.

The fake op-ed serves to validate from within the Trump administration the false reporting by the New York Times that serves the interests of the military/security complex to hold on to enemies with whom Trump prefers to make peace. For example, the alleged “senior official” misrepresents, as does the New York Times, President Trump’s efforts to reduce dangerous tensions with North Korea and Russia as President Trump’s “preference for autocrats and dictators, such as President Vladimir Putin of Russia and North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un” over America’s “allied, like-minded nations.” This is the same non-sequitur that the New York Times has expressed endlessly. Why is resolving dangerous tensions a “preference for dictators” and not a preference for peace? The New York Times has never explained, and neither does the “senior official.”

How is it that Putin, elected three times by majorities that no US president has ever received, is a dictator? Putin stepped down after serving the permitted two consecutive terms and was again elected after being out of office for a term. Do dictators step down and sit out for 6 years?

The “senior official” also endorses as proven fact the alleged Skripal poisoning by a “deadly Russian nerve agent,” an event for which not one scrap of evidence exists. Neither has anyone explained why the “deadly nerve agent” wasn’t deadly. The entire Skripal event rests only on assertions. The purpose of the Skripal hoax was precisely what President Trump said it was: to box him into further confrontation with Russia and prevent a reduction in tensions.

If the “senior official” is really so uninformed as to believe that Putin is a dictator who attacked the Skripals with a deadly nerve agent and elected Trump president, the “senior official” is too dangerously ignorant and gullible to be a senior official in any administration. These are the New York Times’ beliefs or professed beliefs as the New York Times does everything the organization can do to protect the military/security complex’s budget from any reduction in the “enemy threat.”

Do you remember when Condoleezza Rice prepared the way for the US illegal invasion of Iraq with her imagery of “a mushroom cloud going up over an American city”? Iraq had no nuclear weapons, and everyone in the government knew it. There was no prospect of such an event. However, there is a very real prospect of mushroom clouds going up over many American and European cities if the crazed Russiaphobia of the New York Times and the other presstitutes along with the Democratic Party and the security elements of the deep state continue to pile lie after lie, provocation after provocation on Russia’s patience. At some point, the only logical conclusion that the Russian government can reach is that Washington is preparing Americans and Europeans for an attack on Russia. Propaganda vilifying and demonizing the enemy precedes military attacks.

The New York Times’ other attack on President Trump—that he is unstable and unfit for office—is reproduced in the fake op-ed: “Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president,” writes the invented and non-existent “senior official.”

Americans are an insouciant people. But are any so insouciant that they really think that a senior official would write that the members of President Trump’s cabinet have considered removing him from office? What is this statement other than a deliberate effort to produce a constitutional crisis—the precise aim of John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, the DNC, and the New York Times. A constitutional crisis is what the hoax of Russiagate is all about.

The level of mendacity and evil in this plot against Trump is unequaled in history. Have any of these conspirators given a moment’s thought to the consequences of removing a president for his unwillingness to worsen the dangerously high tensions between nuclear powers? The next president would have to adopt a Russophobic stance and do nothing to reduce the tensions that can break out in nuclear war or himself be accused of “coddling the Russian dictator and putting America at risk.”

The reason that America is at risk is that the CIA and the presstitute media have put America—and Europe—at risk by frustrating President Trump’s intention to reduce the dangerous level of tensions between the two major nuclear powers. Professor Steven Cohen, America’s premier Russian expert, says that never during the Cold War were tensions as high as they are at this present time. As a former member of The Committee on the Present Danger, I myself am a former Cold Warrior, and I know for a fact that Professor Cohen is correct.

In America today, and in Europe, people are living in a situation in which the liberal-progressive-left’s blind hatred of Donald Trump, together with the self-interested power and profit of the military security complex and election hopes of the Democratic Party, are recklessly and irresponsibly risking nuclear Armageddon for no other reason than to act out their hate and further their own nest.

This plot against Trump is dangerous to life on earth and demands that the governments and peoples of the world act now to expose this plot and to bring it to an end before it kills us all.

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September 8, 2018 2:43 pm

Anyone who believe anything from New York Slime is a moron.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 8, 2018 8:58 pm

Yes, and any other msm crap.

September 8, 2018 2:51 pm

Listen, please. Try to ignore your urge to slap duct tape over my mouth the moment you see my name.

The propaganda tools crafted and studied by Edward Bernays in the days when all sorts of subliminal messaging was allowed to determine how it might serve American interests.

Why no one realizes how the Old Grey Lady (NY Times) and the other papers associated with the Horace Greeley attempt to marry politics and the press outright in the post Civil War country ready for yellow journalism to show up, gasp for air. The tools of the Public Relations trade were the big newspapers across the country which provided the way for the narrative to be written.

Not saying it was right. Just that it was by design.

What if what Hearst said about Cuba was true? That if they gave him the newspaper space, he could provide the war? Was that what he said? And how abour Pulitzer being the cunning politician in Missouri long before he was the king of yellow journalism.

I’ve got some PR experience on my resume, myself.

September 8, 2018 3:41 pm


You’ve been ramblin’ on a bit much lately, but you are correct on this one.

The stars are aligned for anyone with discernment to see: The MSM=False Prophet of the Last Days to deceive the people.

September 8, 2018 3:45 pm

It is an intended ramble, but I appreciate the input.

September 8, 2018 4:56 pm

“The propaganda tools crafted and studied by Edward Bernays in the days when all sorts of subliminal messaging was allowed to determine how it might serve American interests.”

This non-sentence might be an example of what anon was referring to. I’m not a regular writer, but I’ve been reading this site for over two years. You have changed since whatever surgery/illness you refer to in some of your recent writings. I say this as an admirer of your writings.

September 8, 2018 7:15 pm

I’ve semi-diagrammed this little selection to help you grasp that I don’t feel like proofreading all the time for you illiterate can’t read between the lines and think context is the continental competitor of FEDEX.

The propaganda tools (subject)df

crafted and studied (predicate/verbs as descriitors)

by Edward Bernays (qualifying descriptor)

in the days… American interests (prepositional clause that ran on a bit long packing as much information as possible)

WERE IMPLEMENTED AND USED for decades by media moguls. (Forgotten predicate.)


Simplest form: The propaganda tools were implemented and used.

Hope that clears that up.

September 8, 2018 8:32 pm


September 9, 2018 2:50 am

I don’t care.

September 9, 2018 6:17 am

am working on final revision for posting soon

September 9, 2018 11:52 pm

and it is ready when you are

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 8, 2018 3:06 pm

In my travels about town this morning I am literally awestruck by the number of people I know that are or lean Dhimmicrat who are pissed off about the NYT editorial and smoking hot over Obama’s speech at U of I yesterday. The U of I booster organization declared war and an end to donations and fundraising. Union guys were talking about how much better things are under Trump. The NYT’s “stupid people or Deplorables” are neither. I am already salivating waiting for all the claims of Trump and the Republicans must have rigged the election because the commie freak show crossdressers contest didn’t go their way.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
  Harrington Richardson
September 8, 2018 5:57 pm

“commie freak show crossdressers contest”

Good one. I like it!

  Harrington Richardson
September 8, 2018 7:49 pm

what was obama’s speech about?

Old Krank
Old Krank
September 8, 2018 9:11 pm

Most likely about an hour too long (even if it was 40 minutes in length).

September 8, 2018 10:45 pm

In a nutshell he used the word “I” over 100 times. He claimed the economy we have today was because of him. We are stupid. Trump is stupid. Trump is a phony and taking credit for all of his tough and brilliant decisions. The best part was when he accused Trump of politicizing the DOJ and FBI. I shit you not. He didn’t mention anything about his hiring a criminal defense attorney probably since this award was for exemplifying the HIGHEST ethical standards in government. The U of I was one of our country’s great universities but Democrats got hold of it and turned it into a crime scene complete with a big fatassed Black woman campus police chief. The cops are unarmed and will not report the race of crime suspects. A “guy” is apparently all these “Sam Spade” detectives need to go on. The place is so fucked up that they now schedule snow removal. For example, say there is a blizzard on Sunday that drops 18 inches of snow. The worthless union fuques announce with great fanfare that “Snow Removal is scheduled for this Thursday.” The place has been rocked by one administrative scandal after another.
Harrington Richardson
I cleared my history and forgot to sign back in.

September 8, 2018 11:18 pm


“what was obama’s speech about?”

In a phrase…”Self centered desperation.”

September 8, 2018 3:10 pm

Since the article, I have it a 40% chance it was a false flag by the NYT. Since Arthur Sulzberg, publisher, met with Trump, several events have happened, both by the WH and NYT. Right after the meeting, both flung accusations at each other, the Times hired an Asian lesbian racist, the WH attacked, and now this.
The deep state intelligence community uses the NYT and WaPo, I guess a 40% chance its the deep state, and 20% a dumb@ss inside the WH (IMHO).

September 8, 2018 4:21 pm

Ny times couldnt vet my damn cat. Lying propagandist bull shit.

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 8, 2018 7:02 pm

Does anyone really care about any shit the NYT prints other than New Yorkers??????

22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
September 8, 2018 8:30 pm

Don’t kid yourself.

Trump isn’t taking this seriously. He’s to busy working the phone with Nutty working out the details of the coming Syria attack.

  22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
September 9, 2018 7:12 am

There’s no indication of this, in fact, Trump is a closet non-interventionist. Maybe he realizes war profits no one.

September 8, 2018 11:06 pm

Last comment.

The reason you read my rambling drivel even though you wish Admin would put duct tape on my mouth and my fingers is this.

In spite of the fact that I ramble, I do so in almost iambic pentameter.

I also do so in stimulus and response writing technique that Gertrude Stein made trendy after the yellow journalism wars educated an entire wave of immigrants who needed to learn to speak English and grasp the political machine that was Chicago and New York politics.

If you do not grasp that the Old Grey Lady, the New York Times, has a powerful role as gatekeeper in the Mass Communication industy, I can’t help you any further.

Good night.

September 8, 2018 11:54 pm

Last comment, please let it be true.

September 8, 2018 11:56 pm

Not even close.

September 9, 2018 11:53 pm

One day, CO2 will love you back

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
September 9, 2018 2:15 am

The problem in these days of ‘fake news’ is that it leaves doubt in everyones’ minds, even the true stuff. Clearly sources need to be identified if verification and cross-checking is to validate the truth of any statement/claim.

The MSM has been so used to concocting fairy stories for so long that they can’t see the Internet Reformation is now in full swing and their monopoly is broken.

The American empire is failing fast now, and as with all empires in crisis, they will fight with all means, fair and foul, to hold on to power – even to end in a final war when they are losing the battles. History is rhyming again – it has ever been so.

Expect much more of this false flag propaganda leading to the ultimate confrontation which may involve nuclear or may not. In any event, the hegemony of the dollar will be broken at some time in the future then all hell will break loose.

  Austrian Peter
September 9, 2018 7:14 am

The US doesn’t need the hegemony of the Federal Reserve Note to survive. In fact, the sooner it collapses, the better.

Hollow man
Hollow man
September 9, 2018 6:39 am

I agree. I think it is fake. Morals ha! Truth is treason in an empire of lies. I didn’t say it. But it rings true.

September 9, 2018 11:47 am

My friends out west sent this to me this morning.