Mainstream Media Uses The Anonymous NYT Op-Ed To Reinforce The Precedent Of Unsourced Anti-Trump Fake News

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter – Authored by Jon Hall

Last week, the New York Times took a “rare step” in publishing an anonymous op-ed from a “senior official in the Trump administration”. Whilst they know who wrote it, they are keeping the lid on their identity because the author’s job “would be jeopardized by… disclosure”:

Submit a question regarding the op-ed or the NYT’s vetting process here:

The op-ed details a secret “resistance” inside the Trump administration to protect the country from the President’s “misguided impulses” and explained there were “early whispers” of a possible Cabinet coup to oust Trump from office via the 25th Amendment.

However, as Politico points out – the 25th Amendment isn’t the catch-all the anonymous author (or leftists) make it out to be:

Trump is not “unable” to serve as president, as would be required to invoke the 25th Amendment. He is actually a high-achieving, high-functioning person who has excelled in business, entertainment and now politics. He hasn’t suffered from a crippling stroke, a psychotic break or dementia.

Although the op-ed author admits there are “bright spots” to Trump’s presidency, such as massive deregulation and “historic tax reform”, the editorial claims the victories came despite Trump’s “impetuous, adversarial, petty, and ineffective” leadership style.

On Friday, Trump was asked if he had any idea would could of wrote the op-ed and he specified he “could think of four or five, mostly people that either I don’t like or don’t respect”. Trump didn’t name names but predicted the identity would soon become public and said people think it’s “disgusting” the piece was published.

Indeed, the sheer vulgarity and sliminess of the New York Time’s action in publishing this op-ed is not lost on any Trump supporter.

Since Trump took office, the 62 million people that voted for him have been forced to bear witness to countless numbers of unsourced, unverified, and untrue stories pumped out by the mainstream media in their bid to delegitimize and oust a democratically-elected President from the White House.

304-227 seems pretty unanimous to me.

To the Fake News Media, banking on “anonymous sources” for a story is a rite-of-passage in the Trump era. Whether or not it’s true or verifiable, if it’s anti-Trump, it will be published. From this onslaught of salacious, unproven garbage against the Trump admin, people have become increasingly jaded toward the mainstream media and their true intentions.

However, to the media, this anonymous reporting seems to bolster the anti-Trump narrative in their minds.  Otherwise, why would they keep spewing such false, trite stories?

At one point, the anonymous op-ed posits “this isn’t the work of the so-called deep state. It’s the work of the steady state”.

When the concept of the “Deep State” was first introduced, it was lauded as a laughable conspiracy theory touted by only the most fringe right-leaning voices. However, as time spanned, it has gone from conspiracy to being openly confirmed – and even defended. Take WaPo’s Eugene Robinson for instance:

With a supine Congress unwilling to play the role it is assigned by the Constitution, the deep state stands between us and the abyss.

To a fake news flunkie like Robinson, the “deep state” is one of the only things standing between Trump and casting the country into utter turmoil. Now, our anonymous author wants us to believe the partisan, biased figures working tirelessly behind the scenes to obstruct and finish Trump are the “steady state”, dedicated to saving and protecting American interests. How laughable. 

Furthermore, the timing of this “anonymous” op-ed is a bit more than suspect. When Bob Woodward’s new, “tell-all” book on a Trump White House in chaos hit the news cycle, this anonymously written editorial also popped up. Is it coincidence that an op-ed detailing a “resistance” inside the “chaotic” Trump admin is published just a week ahead of an anti-Trump book that hinges on unverified sources? 

Sadly, it’s the same old song and dance – but people are slowly waking up to it.

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September 10, 2018 3:02 pm

The op-ed was probably penned by Sarah Jeong.

September 10, 2018 3:07 pm

The NYT could have written it themselves.

September 10, 2018 7:12 pm

This was either done at Trump’s direction, or was an incredibly ill timed and stupid thing to do. Trust in MSM outlets is already at an all time low. Trump and his supporters have been railing on about a deep state type group thats constantly working to undermine him, and along comes this op-ed that essentially reinforces everything trump has been complaining about. All this really does is prove him right to a lot of people, including me. I’m not real happy with Trump in a whole lot of ways, but I’m even less happy about a group of neocon/neo-libs interfering. They had a whole bunch of candidates running for the GOP nomination, and then they had killery as the dem candidate, and they all lost. So, in light of that, clearly most American voters aren’t interested in having some unelected group of shit flingers interfering like this. The op-ed sounded supremely arrogant as well, just oozing that ‘you all need to just shut up and let your betters decide things for you’ mentality that put trump into office in the first place.

September 10, 2018 4:18 pm

Spot on, as usual. Thanks, Jon (and Duane).

September 10, 2018 4:58 pm

I wrote it as i previously stated. Made the whole thing up. Prove it wasnt me.

September 10, 2018 5:02 pm

You cannot believe ANYTHING published in the NYT. If it’s true, it’s probably covered elsewhere (and better). If it’s false, why read it?
They wasted their credibility long ago, and STILL haven’t realized it. A thousand days of straightforward, honest, verifiable reporting MIGHT induce me to read it again – but then, since I don’t read it anymore, I’d never know if they changed their ways. Catch-22, eh?
But since they have decided they are part of the “Resistance”, I will RESIST the urge to ever read them again. Even if they START telling the truth again.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 10, 2018 6:14 pm

Being accused, tried, and convicted in the press without a fair hearing means one of two things.
Either the evidence for summary punishment is overwhelming, or the petty secretive SOB anonymously stabbing from behind you fears an open, objective examination of the truth.
In either case, honest and fair people will see the difference despite the Rule of Law going to hell in this country. As a Fourth Turning sort of guy, it’s going to be a very painful lesson to learn for those required to rebuild afterwards.