Hollywood Can’t (Won’t) Make Awesome Movies Anymore

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Hollywood Can’t (Won’t) Make Awesome Movies Anymore

When Burt Reynolds drove his celestial Trans-Am into the Great Beyond he took a significant chunk of America’s dwindling reserve of testosterone along with him. Unless you grew up in the ‘70s, its hard to understand his influence and impact, and how he reflected what Americans (particularly American men) wanted to be. Flicks like The Longest Yard, Smokey and the Bandit, and the criminally underrated Sharkey’s Machine, all offered us a tough but funny hero who took on the bullies in authority with a smirk, a joke, and when appropriate, a football to the “nether regions.”

Of course, you couldn’t make any of those movies in 2018. They are all too subversive, and Hollywood – a key component of the elite establishment – isn’t interested in subversion. It’s won. It’s taken power. Now it’s interested in submission.

Your submission.

Forget movies that challenge the status quo by violating our elite’s delicate sensibilities and myriad taboos. Count out Blazing Saddles. It’s perhaps the most powerful attack on the utter stupidity of racism ever put on film, but the snowflakes would melt and besides, as the New York Times demonstrated by hiring bigoted no-talent Sarah Jeong, today’s elite is actively pro-racism.

Forget Dirty Harry. He’s not understanding enough of the criminal’s point of view – which was the same liberal crook-coddling attitude the movie critiques. Also, guns are scary and we should solve our problems with words unless it’s politically useful to, say, conduct a weapons-drawn pre-dawn raid on a white-collar crime suspect associated with a conservative political opponent. Then guns are cool.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High? No way. The spectacular Phoebe Cates swimming pool scene reaffirms the cisnormative male gaze and we can’t have men enjoying beautiful women. Male happiness makes liberal feminists melt. In a 2018 reboot, Pheobe’d be wearing a burka to show solidarity with her oppressed sisters and Judge Reinhold would be fantasizing about watching her write an article for Vox on how men disappoint her by not being hairy versions of women.

If Animal House were to be rebooted, Hollywood would make the Omegas the heroes. After all, today’s establishment is essentially a fraternity of stuck-up snobs. Smarmy Greg Marmalard is Cory Booker or Elizabeth Warren without the real or faked ethnic change-up, and Neidermeyer is one of those retired Obama-loving generals that CNN periodically hauls out to explain why Normal Americans can’t be trusted to own fully semi-automatic assault cannons with high capacity clips.

Once upon a time, Normal people were Hollywood’s heroes, rebelling against the pompous windbags who wanted to keep them down. But that’s changed. Today’s elitists are those pompous windbags, and they are terrified by the rebellion of the people they desperately want to keep quiet and submissive. Hollywood doesn’t want to stir us up with entertainment that breaks the narrative. That’s why it serves us wimpy mush, cinematic Xoloft to lull us into dead-eyed passivity.

My upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy explains this phenomenon in greater and more profane detail (think of my book as my meanest and funniest Townhall column ever, except it’s 288 pages long and full of swears). The left fought a culture war back when we were led by the same spineless Fredocon sissies who are now mad that Trump is showing them up by actually fighting against the left. The left won, because our cruise-shilling betters in conservatism were too weak to throw a punch. Now that the left is in the society’s driver’s seat (excepting, to its limitless fury, the White House and Congress), rebellion is out. Assimilation is in.

What could be less rebellious than a tongue bath ode to the Deep State? There’s a reboot of The FBI coming out, because of course there is. Really. After all, since its leadership has gone all-in on #TheResistance and demonstrated its incompetence and corruption to the world, it has to be rehabilitated. So, you’ll probably not see much sexting, though that appears to be about 75% of what agents do these days. Another 20% is leaking. And what do you think the chances are of a story arc involving evil FBI brass trying to subvert an elected outsider conservative president?

About 0%. But if there was such a plot line, the plotters would be the heroes.

But there’s about a 100% chance that the main villains will be conservative Christian NRA members that the brave agents – played by a gorgeous cast that is carefully curated for maximum diversity – must stop from shooting up a school or a baseball diamond full of congressmen. Because that’s what conservative Christian NRA members do, right? Except conservative Christian NRA members never actually do such things and the FBI never actually stops such crimes, but who cares?

Remember, this is the same Hollywood that is pushing The Handmaid’s Tale, which is Harry Potter oppression fan fic for lonely cat ladies, as a powerful critique of Trump’s America. Have you noticed that literally the only people actually covering their bodies under folds of clothes are the Muslim activists that libs drool over and the idiotic live action role players who show up dressed in red robes to protest dressing in red robes? Like Burt Reynolds and his Normal fans would be down with sexual repression and shapeless clothing. The libs are the ones with the anti-hottie agenda, not us.

Burt’s passing leaves a void that none of the simpering femboys trying to pass as modern movie stars can hope to fill. There’s just no equivalent of that Florida good old boy today, not in terms of masculinity nor in his sense of fun. Who is the star who tells the haters and the snobs to buzz off with a wink and a smile? Today, they are all over social media issuing mea culpas for real and imagined transgressions and seeking pardons for their sins against political correctness. Do you think ‘70s Burt Reynolds would have ever tweeted that he’s learned so, so very much from the swarm of social justice jackals hounding him because he failed to point out that women can have penises too?


He’d just put the pedal to the metal and do what he wanted, when he wanted, in the way he wanted. After all, that’s the Militant Normal way, and that’s why we’ll miss him.

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September 13, 2018 6:49 am

He will be missed. I have gotten to the point of not watching movies anymore unless they are free on YouTube. Haven’t been to see a flim since the Passion of the Christ.I believe that was 2004 when that movie played . Some of the overseas flims are good for traditional Americans. We still have Clint Eastwood.Thank God .
Sometimes it seems like I’m living in a foreign country. I’m working BTX concerts for the next month. A boy band from South Korea . I have never heard of them but they are very popular here in Southern California . Lots of pretty little Asian girls running around. At least they are not lesbians. Gives a old ? like me hope.?

September 13, 2018 11:49 am

You should see his very last movie. It was very much his farewell. Watch it and you will see. Cant remember the name of it though. Outstanding and sad.

September 13, 2018 5:46 pm

Everybody I know loved Burt Reynolds, and particularly Smokey and the Bandit and the Longest Yard. He was a role model for men..

September 13, 2018 7:10 am

Now, if Mel Gibson would make a movie about the deliberate Israeli attack (act of war) against the USA on the USS Liberty (GTR-5) on June 8, 1967, we might have something there…
Since Gibson is already “damaged goods” for speaking out truthfully about the jews and Israel, he could “get away with it”.
C’mon Mel…what say you?

September 13, 2018 10:41 am

Mel actually has a cop movie coming out soon (“Dragged Across Concrete”). He’s also working on a sequel to “Passion of the Christ”.

September 13, 2018 11:14 am

Wouldn’t a sequel be called “Resurrection of the Christ”?

Or maybe, “Jesus and Odin Party in Heaven”? (You’re welcome, RiNS.)

Wacky AWACs WAF whiffs with waffling work
Wacky AWACs WAF whiffs with waffling work
September 13, 2018 11:24 am

Mel’s crucifixion movie was a celebration of gore. Doc Pangloss once asked why Flaubert knocks off Emma so suddenly, it’s the same reason the bible is brief about the crucifixion scene, less is more. More gore did not make Mel’s movie great, it just made it gory.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Wacky AWACs WAF whiffs with waffling work
September 13, 2018 9:36 pm

“We preach Christ crucified.” Mel showed us what that means in human physical terms.

September 14, 2018 12:29 pm

Mel directed “Hacksaw Ridge”. A good film and a story that was long overdue.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 13, 2018 8:44 am

American Jews gave the Sidam (ie shiza) Touch to Hollywood movies, popular music and radio, TV nightly news and special reports, print news, all Wall Street securities, mortgage investments, the NeoCon’s MIC and K-Street, Sports and Madison Ave, Museums and Modern Art, Traditional American Culture and Religion, the US Constitution, Congress, the Supreme Court, Foreign Policy, government statistics and Climate Science, race and gender relations, and American Manufacturing. The Israeli Jews brought the Sidam Touch to the Middle East and still keep on giving.

September 13, 2018 9:55 am

I disagree somewhat. True, hollywood doesn’t make the “everyman white guy hero” movie anymore. Instead they do make gratuitous displays of depravity, whatever necessary to undermine white male Christian culture, and if there is an unlikely “hero” it’s almost always a minority of some type (religious or otherwise).

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
September 13, 2018 10:24 am

I like pre-politically correct movies more than the next guy, but Sharkey’s Machine was positively deplorable.

No chemistry between Reynolds and Rachel Ward, bad acting, bad writing, bad screenplay, and lame stunts.

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 13, 2018 10:49 am

THANKS for the excellent musings Sir!
All need reminding of one of his great not PC works with fantastic music and plot.
“The Best Little Whore House in Texas.”

  ursel doran
September 13, 2018 12:38 pm

Some time ago (since the 60’s) I wondered what the ZZ Top song La Grange was about. I thought it was about rave like gatherings in Texas for the longest time.

The Chicken Ranch was an illegal but tolerated brothel in the U.S. state of Texas that operated from 1905 until 1973. It was located in Fayette County about 2.5 miles (4.0 km) east of downtown La Grange. The business was established by Miss Jessie Williams, and was the basis for the 1973 ZZ Top song, “La Grange”, the 1978 Broadway musical The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, and its 1982 film adaptation.

September 13, 2018 10:49 am

Burt was my boyhood hero is movies like Gator, White Lightning, Deliverance, etc. He will be missed.

September 13, 2018 12:41 pm

Excellent article full of truth and wisdom. I haven’t been to a movie in probably 10 or 15 years. I got tired of my Christian faith and Conservative political beliefs being constantly mocked, scorned, ridiculed, impuned, and laughed at. I Got tired of putting money into the enemies of the Cross of Christ. I got tired of putting money into the hands of people who hate me and want to see me dead. I got tired of putting money into the hands of people who if they could get away with it, would round us up at gunpoint and transport us to a deserted island just to get rid of us. Even though I haven’t been to a movie in 15 years the sun still comes up in the morning and Jesus is still on His throne. P.S. I no longer watch the television either.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 13, 2018 10:06 pm

That was good article. I loved Burt Reynolds movies.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 13, 2018 10:12 pm

I watch a bunch of old movies on YouTube, usually from the ’30s and ’40s. There’s a site on YouTube called PizzaFlix that has some great old movies. They simply don’t make them like that anymore.

  Vixen Vic
September 14, 2018 3:38 am

Have a look at oldmovietime.com
Lots of links to old movies (obviously) on youtube.
Westerns, film noir, drama, etc.
They are sequentially listed by year of release.