Let’s Hope Justice Kavanaugh Avenges This Disgusting Democrat Slander

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Let’s Hope Justice Kavanaugh Avenges This Disgusting Democrat Slander

There is this thing called due process, where someone accused of something has a right to defend himself, except liberals don’t like it very much. They sometimes play lip service to it, but only when it has to do with covering for the criminals they consider victims of society. You Normals are “society,” by the way. But regardless, when it is politically useful to let super-convenient accusers trash people from a distance by feeding talking points to eager media allies, forget due process. Allowing someone to effectively challenge fake charges gets in the way of the liberal elite’s ability to slander good people for cheap political gain with fake charges. We can’t have that.

The sliming of Brett Kavanaugh by a Bernie donor is disgusting and disgraceful, and if Democrats had any shred of decency they would hang their heads in shame and spend the next two months ahead of the midterms doing penance to atone for their scummy act of cheap political theater. But they don’t, so they won’t.

That’s why I hope that after he is confirmed, Justice Kavanaugh remembers and spends the next 35 years making the liberals sorry they ever pulled these skeevy shenanigans.

Let’s review. As I write this, a liberal who doesn’t have the moral courage to subject herself to cross-examination is presuming to besmirch the integrity of someone who has never had his integrity questioned in any serious way. Well, it has been besmirched in an unserious way, by T-Bone’s buddy Spartacus as well as by that idiot Kamala Harris, but they didn’t lay a finger on him because the dumbnamic duo’s allegations were such transparent baloney.

But now we need to pause the confirmation so we can further investigate her inconsistent claim (Was it four dudes? Two?) that an ancient relic/senator sat on for three months? Or something. Sounds legit. Whatev.

Victim status, whether based upon truth or lies – because people do lie, and all the time – does not give you any special privileges or special rights. Instead, it gives you duties and obligations, whether that is cosmically fair or not. See, if you propose to inflict damage upon someone, even if justifiable, you bear the burden of proof. You have to prove it; the accused doesn’t have to disprove your amorphous innuendos. You have the duty to back up your claims, in public, and subject yourself to the greatest engine for the ascertainment of truth humanity has yet invented, cross-examination by a zealous advocate for the accused who is doing his best to show that you can’t be trusted.

Take the stand and the heat, or shut up.

Is it hard? Yeah? Is it tough on real victims? It sure is. Is it unfair? Maybe, but the only people who think life can ever be fair are little kids and socialists, and only fools design their society around the insights of either bunch.

Maybe some tough cross-examination of Asia Argento back when she was a #MeToo heroine might have prevented the activists from going all in on someone who now seems to belong squarely in the abuser column. People who tell you that “You have to believe the victim!” are afraid you’ll spoil their lynching if you discover the alleged victim is lying. When people refuse to allow the one thing that centuries of experience has shown to be the best way to discover the truth, due process including the cross-examination of the accuser, then it’s reasonable to assume that they are not interested in the truth.

Is she hiding from examination because she’s afraid that people will challenge her claims and maybe find exculpatory evidence? This mystery woman appears to admit to mental health issues, which allegedly stem from this ambiguous, third of a century-old alleged encounter, but who knows? We don’t know, but if you really wanted to know the truth, wouldn’t you want to?

Her claims must be challenged if we intend to keep pretending we are seeking justice. Let’s be clear. It is a good thing, a necessary thing, a critical thing, to allow a tough advocate for the accused to forcefully challenge anyone making a devastating accusation against someone else by forcing them to prove their claim. No one has the right to expect people to go easy on them when they are saying something that can have such a dramatic effect on another person’s reputation and life. It’s not pleasant, but it is absolutely necessary if we are going to figure out the truth.

I know. I do it for a living as a trial lawyer. I intentionally, and on purpose, ask hard questions of people claiming to be victims of various wrongs that are designed to elicit a response that demonstrates to my juries that the person on the stand is not telling the truth. And the other side gets to do the same of the people I represent. That’s a good thing.

It all seems so convenient that California’s doddering, crusty senator (remarkably, DiFi is the least stupid of California’s two senators, and she’s astonishingly stupid) decided to announce this claim in such a manner that Kavanaugh has no way to defend himself. Maybe the red Chinese spy Feinstein had on staff for 20 years gave her some pointers.

This kind of garbage is galling because it’s indecent and scummy, but it’s much worse than that because of the effect it has on our society. It destroys respect for what should be our shared norms and values. It’s become very clear that if you get crosswise with the liberal elite – even if you are demonstrably part of the elite’s conservative faction – the elite is going to do everything it can, without regard to trifles like morals or scruples, to destroy you.

As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracyexplains, we are in a conflict between an elite that is threatened by the outraged mass of normal Americans who elected Donald Trump in response to the elite’s long track record failure. The elite’s push-back demonstrates that Normals have accurately assessed that the rules the elite points to are only meant to apply to the Normals. The elite may talk a good game about the rules and norms and stuff, but it does not consider itself bound by them. So, this kind of accusation is fine. Innuendo is fine. Slander is fine.

They have to preserve their power and position, you know. And that imperative transcends your bourgeoise morality.

Keith Ellison, Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy were all unavailable for comment.

But do you think Normals are just going to stand there and accept that the rules are applied only to them, while the very people charged with preserving and enforcing those rules blithely ignore them? Do they really think that a double standard society is possible and stable over the long term? It’s not – check out my novels about what happens to America at the bottom of that slippery slope.

Luckily, the Republicans are getting woke to the okey-done, and recognize this as a Hail Satan play by Democrats who realize that the Brett Kavanaugh Express is rolling toward the confirmation station. Heck, even some of the Fredocon sissies are upset by their liberal elite pals and are taking the side of Normals for once, so you know it’s undeniably outrageous.

Brett Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed. And when he is a justice on the Supreme Court, I hope he remembers what these people did to him. I hope he gives them the same kind of lesson in the power of payback that Clarence Thomas has delivered for nearly three decades. As Militant Normals observes, pain is a great teacher, and the elite needs to learn.

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September 17, 2018 7:52 am

Surely, if Cavanaugh’s being falsely accused, then the woman’s behavior is unjust. Nevertheless, Cavanaugh is a deep-stater who helped cover up the Vince Foster murder and is/was a crony of Bush. I believe Cavanaugh is not a friend of our republic.

September 17, 2018 8:20 am

If you’re a ‘cunt’ – then you are always right. You have the ability to ruin any man’s career with decades old unprovable accusations – simply because they are too far in the past for any fair analysis.

Besides that: he may have been a minor, and it’s way past the statue of limitations for assault.

And so what if he did do it. How does this disqualify him, since all the rest of the fuck-ups in Congress have all done much worse.

September 17, 2018 8:27 am

This was sat on till right before nomination vote,fuck that noise.While not a huge Kav fan get him voted in.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 17, 2018 11:04 am

All of these suburban white women who have purportedly turned against the republicans because of Trump being such a pig and all need to show the mothers’ protectiveness for which they’re lauded. They need to think about the danger to their SONS if they allow this kafkaesque crap to continue – where an evidence-free assertion from a crazy woman can mean an innocent kid is kicked out of school, loses a job or is even forced to spend years in prison. They ought to know that there are a lot of mentally ill and malicious women out there. The notion that we should believe all women all the time is not only crazy and wrong, but poses serious danger to the men in their lives. We’ll see how many women care about that.

  Iska Waran
September 17, 2018 12:20 pm

there are a lot of mentally ill and malicious women out there

Iska, did you just learn this? They’re all crazy/nuts – it’s just to what degree.

September 17, 2018 4:25 pm

Divorced recently?

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Iska Waran
September 17, 2018 1:20 pm

Do these crazy cat-women types actually have any children to worry about?

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 17, 2018 8:26 am

Why not set the minimum wage at $1000 per hour and rents at $10 per month? Free money!

Everyone knows that the USSR was such a huge success. What could go wrong?

September 17, 2018 10:58 am

I often wonder if this kind of treatment gives these Deep Staters any pause about their own sell out to the devil? I hope it does and they find within themselves some bit of soul left to fight back for the ‘Normals’.

September 17, 2018 11:08 am

Ford’s parents were foreclosed on by Kavanaugh’s mother. Ford is a liberal activist and a California professor. She gave to Sander’s and the DNC. She participated in the women’s march with the brain like pussy hats. And she signed several petitions against Trump’s zero tolerance policies at the border. But I’m sure none of that has anything to do with these “revelations” … Chip

September 17, 2018 11:22 pm

links to the foreclosure info please–

September 17, 2018 12:42 pm

About time somebody came up with this…and it’s long overdue.

The burden of proof lies 100% with the accuser, BEYOND a reasonable doubt.

September 17, 2018 3:41 pm

Ford doesn’t even remember what year this purported traumatic HS incident occurred in ….100% fake.

As-salamu alaykum
As-salamu alaykum
September 18, 2018 12:04 am

Could something like this happen in an islamic shithole?

Testimony of Women

Allah, the Exalted, stated in the Glorious Qur’an:
(And get two witnesses out of your own men. And if there are not two men (available), then a man and two women, such as you agree for witnesses, so that if one of them (two women) errs, the other can remind her.)

Allah clarifies to assure the rights of others that testimonies will not be valid unless two men, or one man and two women offer them.