The Little White Book

Guest Post by The Zman

What is “white nationalism”? If you ask a Progressive, you will get a list of the other abracadabra phrases they use to label heretics. A white person insufficiently enthusiastic for things like egalitarianism, unlimited immigration or racial quotas is dismissed as a white nationalist. They call President Trump a white nationalist, for example. For normal people, the term conjures images of white separatists, maybe, or perhaps nothing at all. Unlike black nationalism, the phrase white nationalism lacks an agreed upon definition.

Greg Johnson, in his new book The White Nationalist Manifesto, sets out to define white nationalism and also make the case for it. The book is a series of essays, grouped around three major themes. The first section focuses on the state of white people, the forces operating against whites and the need to restore white homelands. The second section covers the basic concepts of white nationalism. The final section addresses the cultural and political movement necessary to make White Nationalism a reality.

The first thing that recommends the book is the structure. In this age of short attention spans, breaking it into a series of essays is more effective. Writers will have to come to terms with the fact that their audience simply lacks the patience to read long complex arguments. In the case of something like white nationalism, the format allows the reader to quarrel with one or two points without having to reject the over all argument. Even people comfortable with white identity politics are going to have their disagreements.

There’s also the fact that most white people remain allergic to thinking sensibly about the issues facing white people. The adherents of Frankfurt School arguments and tactics have been in control of public discourse for generations. They have controlled the school curriculum since the 60’s. As a result, few white people alive today have ever existed outside the poaching liquid of multiculturalism. Short, easy to digest arguments that explain the basics of white identity politics provide a useful antidote to this conditioning.

Perhaps the most important argument in the book is at the beginning, where Johnson lays out the facts of white demographics. To people familiar with white identity politics, none of this will be new. Sadly though, most white people simply have no idea they are members of an endangered species. Even when the facts are presented to them, they will find some way to deny reality. Again, generations of proselytizing by an alien intellectual elite have conditioned whites to avoid facing the reality of their own dispossession.

The other aspect of this is the cause. The public polices that are putting whites in danger are not accidental. He makes the important point that the elites pushing these polices have to know the results of those polices in advance. Otherwise, it means the cultural and political elites are smart enough to craft and implement these policies, but too ignorant of reality to understand the inevitable consequences. In other words the ads on your television that always feature a brown man and a white women are calculated.

That removes the handy excuse whites have used for generations for not rising up against their rulers. For as long as anyone reading this has been alive, the claim has been that all the opposition needs to do is craft the right argument. Once they do that, the ruling class will throw down their weapons and embrace us as brothers. The responsibility is shifted from the people implementing public policy to the victims. By eliminating the excuse that they simply don’t know, the burden shifts back to the elites.

Another highly useful essay is titled Homogeneity, chapter eleven in the book. For American readers this is going to be challenging because the argument in favor of homogeneity contradicts everything they have been taught about diversity. The challenge presented in this chapter is that everything about observable reality makes clear that ethnically homogeneous societies are healthier and happier. More important, up until fifty years ago, everyone understood this, even in America. It’s a big red-pill for normie.

Now, in fairness, the book could do a better job explaining white demography. The empirically minded will hate the fact that Johnson makes a lot of assumptions, without providing studies, graphs and so forth. For American readers, an essay on the history and nature of white American ethnicity would be helpful. For generations, whites have been pitted against one another on ethnic and regional lines, so thinking about white identity is very difficult. White Americans don’t exist, even to themselves.

I’m also firmly in the camp that thinks we have to be careful with the choice of words, when it comes to discussing these topics. White nationalism is going to conjure mostly negative images. The essay titled The Slow Cleanse uses the phrase “ethnic cleansing”, which brings to mind firing squads and death camps.The word “cleanse” reminds people of Hollywood weirdos drinking prune juice for a week. Fair or foul, the bad guys control the language, so using words and phrases that make that hard for them is important.

That said, a big part of this project is the rejection of the prevailing moral orthodoxy. This does not mean the puerile role playing that came to define the alt-right. That’s just juvenile rebellion that accepts the moral supremacy of the Left. The proper way to reject the prevailing orthodoxy is to not be bound by it and not react to it. One way to do that is to return to the clear use of language. Nothing infuriates the people in power more than the indifference of their subjects, so maybe Johnson is on the right path with the language.

Finally, the target audience for the book is not your MAGA hat wearing granny or the Ben Shapiro loving CivNat. The book is best aimed at the type of person who generally knows the reality of race, but maybe thinks “racism” is crude or low-class. What a book like this does is provide language and arguments that the typical white person can use to inoculate their own mind to the prevailing culture. It also supplies the tools to help bring people over to this side of the great divide. It’s the Little Red Book for modern white people.

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September 23, 2018 11:36 am

According to my crystal ball(Foreign Affairs) the Elite realized they over did the immigration thing. They are going to back off a little by appealing to (Right Wing) white Nationalists with an offer of less immigration but at the cost of higher costs of living. Interpreted that means lower standards of living. While pushing this theme or Meme they will also be using the media to promote the idea of multicultural (Mulatto) kids and other forms of diversity is more beneficial to to whites than they realize on account of them not being smart enough to know whats good for them.

September 23, 2018 11:43 am

White Nationalist and other ists and isms are intended to be vague to make it nearly impossible to nail down the accuser while still smearing the target with something sinister or perverted sounding.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 23, 2018 12:15 pm

Whites that don’t want to mix should have that Constitutional Right even greater than perverts presumed right to mix. For the rest of us Whites, many Hispanics and Asians are our friends and genetically 99% (99.9%?) the same as Whites. As individuals, we blend and love each other. The non-Blacks rarely harbor ill will (only the Black race is genetically significantly non-White/Asian, and the two religions Islam and Judaism are notoriously intolerant). Probably 10% of Blacks, Jews and Muslims are assets to Society (the 90% voting Democrat are aren’t). Without open borders and Democrat Immigration Policies, a peaceful multicultural country would have been possible; even then it would not have been as united and strong as a single American English speaking culture. We have been set up by the Leftist for a Civil War; TPTB called for it, not US.

September 23, 2018 1:17 pm

Living in San Francisco in the early 1970’s my favorite bar was owned by a Mexican American. He wasn’t an immigrant and was light skinned enough that except for his black hair his ethnic background wasn’t apparent or an issue. Later, I lived in Marin and became good friends with a Mexican immigrant family who owned several Mexican restaurants. They too looked more like Ricardo Montalban types than Juan Mower. However the great influx was underway by 1980 and even in these high rent communities there appeared all of these sawed off mestizo men standing around on street corners or outside Home Depot.

I’ve mentioned this before but I used to argue with Fernando the patriarch of the restaurant business that this would end badly. He understood my point but, being an immigrant himself, albeit a legal one who came in the early sixties he wanted to believe it would work out and that these mestizos were just looking for a better life and would assimilate just as his family had.

He changed his mind abruptly when one day I pointed out a Mexican Taco Truck was parked in the gas station across the street from his San Rafael restaurant. I even came in with food from it and asked the bartender to bring me a plate and some silverware so I could eat! Well Fernando, who had to pay property tax and payroll taxes meet health and safety codes and all the other rules a business in California must adhere to, was enraged. He called the city to demand the Taco Truck be shut down!

The area, called the Canal district, had been turning into Marin’s first slum as several thousand mestizo migrants had poured into the cheapest apartments the county had available. They had displaced whites who had frequented his restaurant. The mestizo migrants didn’t as they liked dives where they could get shit faced drunk and brawl in the parking lot just as they did back in Mexico were their style. A taco truck was fine dining for them too.

Fernando opened a new more elegant restaurant in Novato to escape the influx of his coarse mestizo countrymen admitting that the newcomers had ruined the neighborhood he had operated at for decades.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
September 24, 2018 10:40 am

Amazing ! A slum in San Rafael? I lived in the hills outside San Rafael in 1960. Back when the NWP railroad was still running freight. Now it’s a hiking trail for the greenies.

Robert (QSLV)

September 23, 2018 9:41 pm

I see no mention of the fact new data reflects the illegal population currently in-country is TWICE the estimate. 22 million rather than 11 million.