Unpacking Peggy McIntosh’s Knapsack

Guest Post by William Ray

[White Privilege is] the unquestioned and unearned set of advantages, entitlements, benefits, and choices bestowed upon people solely because they are white. Generally white people who experience such privilege do so without being conscious of it.

—Peggy McIntosh, quoted in the Racial Equity Resource Guide

The concept of ‘white privilege’ was popularized by Peggy McIntosh in a 1989 paper written at Harvard University and titled, “White Privilege: Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack.” It was written as a personal, experiential essay, and it details 26 ways in which McIntosh’s skin color has been decisive in determining her life outcomes. This hugely influential paper has been responsible for the subsequent proliferation of a rigidly enforced theory of privilege throughout social movements and university classrooms. So central has this doctrine become to progressive politics, pedagogy, and activism, that to even question its validity is to invite the inquisitorial wrath of ‘social justice’ radicals. But it is for this very reason that it is important to subject McIntosh’s ideas to scrutiny. So let us return to the source and to first principles and unpack Peggy McIntosh’s knapsack…

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Peggy McIntosh was born Elisabeth Vance Means in 1934. She grew up in Summit, New Jersey where the median income is quadruple the American national average—that is to say that half the incomes there are more than four times the national average, some of them substantially so. McIntosh’s father was Winthrop J. Means, the head of Bell Laboratories electronic switching department during the late 1950s. At that time, Bell Labs were the world leaders in the nascent digital computing revolution. Means personally held—and sold patents on—many very lucrative technologies, including early magnetic Gyro-compass equipment (U.S. Patent #US2615961A) which now helps to guide nuclear missiles and commercial jets, and which keeps satellites in place so you can navigate with your phone and communicate with your Uber driver. Means is also recorded as the inventor of a patent held by Nokia Bell in 1959 known as the Information Storage Arrangement. This device is the direct progenitor of ROM computer memory, and is cited in the latter’s patent filed in 1965 for IBM. So, long before Peggy McIntosh wrote her paper, her family was already having an outsized effect on Western culture.

Elizabeth Vance Means then attended Radcliffe, a renowned finishing school for the daughters of America’s patrician elites, and continued her private education at the University of London (ranked in the top 50 by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings), before completing her English Doctorate at Harvard. Her engagement to Dr. Kenneth McIntosh was announced in the New York Times‘s social register on the same page as the wedding of Chicago’s Mayor Daley. McIntosh’s father, Dr. Rustin McIntosh, was Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics at Columbia University. His mother was President Emeritus of Barnard College, an institution in the opulent Morningside Heights district of Manhattan, famous since 1889 for providing the daughters of the wealthiest Americans with liberal arts degrees. This was once the stomping ground of American cultural luminaries like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Cecil B. DeMille, and several Supreme Court Justices. Kenneth McIntosh was himself a graduate of the Phillips Exeter Academy, which boasted alumni including Daniel Webster, the sons of Presidents Lincoln and Grant, and a number of Rockefeller scions. He later completed his elite education at Harvard College and the Harvard Medical School. By the time of his marriage to Elizabeth, Kenneth McIntosh was a senior resident at the prestigious Brigham Hospital in Boston, founded by millionaire Peter Bent.

In other words, Peggy McIntosh was born into the very cream of America’s aristocratic elite, and has remained ensconced there ever since. Her ‘experiential’ list enumerating the ways in which she benefits from being born with white skin simply confuses racial privilege with the financial advantages she has always been fortunate enough to enjoy. Many of her points are demonstrably economic. One is left to wonder why, given her stated conviction that she has unfairly benefited from her skin color, there seems to be no record of her involvement in any charity or civil rights work. If she did take to the streets in support of some cause or other, she left no trace that I can see. Nor, as far as I can tell, has she spent any time teaching the underprivileged or working directly to better anyone’s condition but her own. Instead, she has contented herself with a generous six figure salary, and has not shown any particular eagerness to hand her position over to a more deserving person of color.

‘Vice’ headline, 2016

Very few of the people reading this article—whatever the color of their skin—will have even the vaguest idea of the comfort and privilege in which Peggy McIntosh grew up and to which she has since become accustomed. Nor will we have access to the world of opportunities that she has been fortunate enough to enjoy. But even though the lifetime of privilege McIntosh has experienced is almost certainly due to her wealth and not the colour of her skin, she nevertheless found a way to share this irksome burden with the illiterate children of Kentucky coal miners, the hopeless peasants of the Appalachians, poor single mothers struggling to make ends meet on welfare, and the vast majority of whites in the United States and throughout the world who never had the chance to attend Radcliffe or Harvard. She simply reclassified her manifest economic advantage as racial privilege and then dumped this newly discovered original sin onto every person who happens to share her skin color. Without, of course, actually redistributing any of the wealth that, by her own account, she had done nothing to deserve.

All of which means that pretty much anything you read about ‘white privilege’ is traceable to an ‘experiential’ essay written by a woman who benefitted from massive wealth, a panoply of aristocratic connections, and absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever. This alone calls into question the seriousness and scholarly validity of the derivative works, since they are all the fruit of a poisonous tree. But McIntosh’s hypothesis was eagerly embraced nonetheless, because it served a particular purpose—it helped to mainstream a bitter zero-sum politics of guilt and identity. This dark epistemology has quietly percolated through the universities and the wider culture for two decades now. It has had the effect of draining attention from a massive and growing wealth gap and it has pitted the poor against one another in public spectacles of acrimony and even violence. Even so, it was readily embraced by progressively-minded professors who might otherwise have had trouble squaring their thirst for social justice with their high six figure salaries. In the last decade, this dogma has come screaming out of the nation’s august halls of learning and into mainstream civil discourse (although to call most of what passes for discourse today ‘civil’ somewhat labours the definition). And, still, we are endlessly and forcefully reminded that to question this concept in any way is, in and of itself, racist.

The apostles of this ludicrous doctrine cherry-pick narrow snippets of history and count on the decline of classical education and the meretricious imprimatur of obscurantist pseudo-scientific jargon to ensure the doctrine is never carefully examined. The fact that progressives are so heavily over-represented within the humanities and social sciences naturally helps their cause a great deal. Universities now have exacting strategies in place to enforce doctrinal compliance should the reluctant require encouragement. In one Ontario middle school, class students were instructed to fill out a questionnaire and then physically line up in order of their ‘white privilege.’ Amazingly, not even physics now escapes the iron grip of this dogma. But to resist this nonsense is to bring the nine plagues of political correctness down upon one’s own head. A school board in British Columbia even thought it would be a good idea to greet its poor and working class white middle school students with this poster reminding them of the guilty burden they bear on account of their skin:

I grew up a very poor white kid. By which I mean, single-mother-on-welfare-in-Alberta poor. As a child, I remember feeling utterly hopeless about ever making any sort of life for myself. If I were at school in British Columbia today, I would now have to deal with seeing this admonition every morning as well. One wonders why Teresa Downs doesn’t simply step down from her $200,000 a year job and pass it to a person of colour since she acquired it unfairly. Is her public declaration of culpability supposed to be compensation enough? Presumably, like Peggy McIntosh, she has convinced herself that human well-being will be better served by shaming the children of people whose average annual income is around $23,000.

And all of this has created the societal conditions in which a spoiled racist like Sarah Jeong—another hyper-privileged Harvard graduate and member of a population group far more statistically favored by rates of wealth, education, and incarceration than whites—can send countless tweets denigrating white people, and then have the validity of those ugly sentiments defended by the self-appointed gatekeepers of the progressive consensus. Dozens of articles suddenly proliferated patiently explaining that we just don’t get it, that only whites can be racist, that only whites have privilege, and that anyone who disagrees is almost certainly a racist.

Identity politics have made organizing in social movements almost impossible, as division and suspicion are increasingly encouraged and groups splinter as a result. Every work and every action is now scrutinized for micro-aggressions and the “invisible package of unearned assets” benefitting anyone not deemed to be sufficiently ‘marginal.’ No one, it seems, is interested in questioning the wealth gap anymore. Those of us on the Left who still care about social justice are now expected to devote the limited resource of our attention bandwidth to the cultural appropriateness of cafeteria food. And, all the while, the emphasis on divisive racial categories and the arrogant dismissal of debate has handed the radical Right the best recruiting tool it has ever had.

*     *     *

But then what do I—a person privileged by accidents of race and gender—know about ‘identity politics,’ that Peggy McIntosh does not? Well, I can share at least one lesson drawn from my own ‘lived experience.’ The year I turned 25, I was serving as a United Nations Peacekeeper in the former Yugoslavia. My unit engaged the Croatian Army in what would come to be known as the Battle of Medak Pocket. Eventually, we halted the enemy’s advance and pushed them back.

Clearing a house after the fighting, we discovered the contorted and charred bodies of two young women tied to chairs. One was estimated to be in her early 30s, the other in her late teens. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police techs who processed the scene for the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague confirmed what we could tell just by looking at the corpses: the exaggerated arching of the backs, the screams of agony that still seemed ready to burst from what remained of their gaping mouths, the fingernails embedded in the wood of the chair arm—these two young women had still been alive when they were dowsed in gasoline and set alight. But then the tech added a detail that was not readily apparent. His tests appeared to confirm that they were almost certainly already dead when the Croatian Army rolled into town. That meant they had been burned alive by their neighbours. People they had lived beside and gone to school with.

The area that the Croatian army had briefly overrun had been mixed Croatian and Serbian farming villages. These people had lived together for half a century. They had intermarried, lived in the same streets, eaten the same food, and attended the same social events. But slowly, starting in the 1980s, political leaders and demagogues of various stripes had started using a politics of identity to solidify their social and political power. Each side’s citizens were repeatedly told by respected academic figures that they were being robbed, and that the ‘other’ was exploiting unearned ‘social privilege’ granted by their ethnic status. Children were taught this in school as received truth and ostracized if they dared to question it. Slowly, this curated resentment built into hatred. From there, events developed according to an inescapable logic. Sometimes, soldiers on one side of the ethnic conflict would ask us for news of a high school sweetheart or friend across the lines. But identity allegiance remained paramount. To those who respond with the fatuous claim that this was simply a ‘white-on-white issue,’ I will only note that, as I was fighting for my life in Eastern Europe, the same divisive hatreds were being broadcast across Rwanda by Télévision Libre des Mille Collines. Tribal hatreds are not a white or a black problem, they are a human problem.

Every time identity politics has been used by any faction in human history for any reason violence eventually follows. No matter how detailed and intricate the justification, no matter how reasonable it can be made to sound as a way to correct for unequal social conditions and historical injustice, it always ends in the same foul basement of mutual fear, loathing, and depravity. It is past time to consign this foul epistemology to the trashcan of self serving debasements and return our attention to the real causes of ‘privilege’; the growing disparities of wealth that divide us, whatever the color of our skin.

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September 26, 2018 10:29 am

Instead of bitching about all their white privilege why don’t they use that privilege to help the unprivileged??

September 26, 2018 6:41 pm

They do. They donate monies to useless fuck candidates that then write legislation to STEAL from the rest of us to create a system of entitlements that ultimately ENSLAVES the unprivileged and cons them into supporting more useless fuck candidates with their votes….thus perpetuating the cycle of entitlements and enslavement.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 26, 2018 10:46 am

“Her ‘experiential’ list enumerating the ways in which she benefits from being born with white skin simply confuses racial privilege with the financial advantages she has always been fortunate enough to enjoy.”

Before I ever got to that paragraph, I knew that’s were the author was going. I got dragged into a “white privilege” argument against my will a couple weekends ago. By against my will, I knew if the subject came up that I would it would be pointless and a waste of a good time. Instead of keeping my mouth shut I ventured in and it was as I thought it would be. I tried to argue that the blacks had a thriving middle class before the government stepped in and killed it and was told that that’s because they were segregated. I said “so they should be poor and integrated?” Shouldn’t we have the right to freely associate? No, we must force integration for the good of society I was told. I gave up and went to bed.

I tried to do a search for statistics about wealthy blacks by percentage relative to the black population as a whole and it’s impossible to get any stats back on this. Maybe someone else will have better luck with that. If it is as I suspect, I bet is would reflect same as the white populations.

The author makes many good points. Identity politics is the best way to divide us and keep us from focusing on who the real enemies are.

  Mary Christine
September 26, 2018 6:50 pm

Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams both seem to cite statistics along these lines on a regular basis. You might try looking up their archived commentaries. Might be something in there that addresses your needs. Everything they generally put up regarding pre-LBJackoff and his “Great Society” seems to point to stats on marriage, literacy, employment, and other stats that are nearly identical to white Americans. Any differences are generally NOTHING like the variances you see today in our “wonderful” integrated melting pot of rage.

September 26, 2018 11:51 am

Screw her and the horse she rode in on. I played this silly game for an entire career as an Army officer and contractor in the national capitol region. Identity politics is the unleashing of personally held emotional and psychological problems in which the innocent are convicted by progressive fools who feel that they are doing the subjected professional victims a favor while simultaneously making themselves feel both superior and accomplished.

This entire range and depth of political activism has spawned the race, culture, gender and environmental product portfolios that had just about bankrupted America while giving us inner cities that are less than third world, governmental entities that are incompetent while being politically correct and over $20T in debt.

For every Peggy McIntosh that exists to day they need to be stuffed into that knapsack and thrown overboard in their favorite great lake or a body of water of their choosing……

September 26, 2018 11:58 am

Hmm, where to go…Poland, Hungary, mother Russia?

September 26, 2018 2:12 pm

Russia is looking better every day

September 26, 2018 7:02 pm

My ancestry is Hungarian (only 2 generations back), and they say that if I can learn to speak Hungarian (apparently the hardest language in the world, so that sucks), they will give me citizenship, no questions asked – except a few in Hungarian to show I know the language I would bet). Given that they are keeping the country pure, not a bad thought at all.

September 26, 2018 12:00 pm

My white privilege is that I was raised in a traditional 2 parent home by decent, hardworking and honest people to be a decent, hardworking and honest man. And if you were raised on the street like a dog by a mother and a man who was gone as soon as he put his pants back on then you received black disentitlement. They’re choices, not inheritances.

September 26, 2018 12:10 pm

If you didn’t read all the way through…wealth and income inequality is the growing issue that will cause the most problems.

September 26, 2018 12:10 pm

There is no such thing as equality of outcome.

Nobody owes you anything, just for being you.

Get over it.

September 26, 2018 12:21 pm

This post, is the 2nd one today, that simply knocks it out of the park.
The other was Kavanaghsea-1984 realized.
Both are prime samples of work that, if authors allow, the text should be copied, pasted to a document creation, printed, rebroadcast, and distributed to as wide an audience as possible.
I’ve come to hate Progressives, Liberals, Feminists, SJWs, precisely because of this type of garbage they think, say, believe, recruit with, and have indoctrinated young skills full of mush at our learning facilities.
Conservative white rule of law advocates do not buy into this shit. If they do, then phock them, too.
Those 2 posts need to go viral, to try and repair the damage, and derail the train wreck that is sure to follow, if more effort isn’t directed at stopping the progressive agenda.
To hell with quiet acceptance, that nothing can be done about it.

September 26, 2018 12:23 pm

“It is past time to consign this foul epistemology to the trashcan of self serving debasements and return our attention to the real causes of ‘privilege’; the growing disparities of wealth that divide us, whatever the color of our skin.”

A noble but unfortunately completely unworkable sentiment. It is past time for it to be practicable. The non-whites and their unbalanced fellow-travelers have seen to that. Happily for me, I live in a place in which there is next to no “racial” politics, perhaps because we have a fairly large mestizo population but no blacks nor nearly any folks from other ethnic groups either for that matter. The tension here is definitely socio-economic, but out here in the sticks, the better off financially are not even close to the obscene wealth of what for some reason unknown to me is called an “elite” when rarely are they anything of the sort; they are nearly always nothing more than rich, arrogant and self-indulgent people.

I grew up in somewhat similar circumstances to those of Peggy McIntosh, but never once did I consider that any “privilege” I enjoyed was based on my skin color. It was based on having well-to-do, well-educated and cultured parents, and the good fortune of having a high I.Q., facts I was never allowed to forget, but facts I viewed as resulting from the birth lottery. Skin color wasn’t a factor, although European heritage was in my moral, ethical and achievement-oriented upbringing. Good manners were also important. If these white-haters had these attributes, I suspect they would have cared about skin color as little as I did until the 60s, when the handwriting on the wall began take shape on the societal etch-a-sketch societal screen. My defining moment was at a James Brown concert at NY’s Apollo Theater nearly 50 years ago when a rabble-rouser named Jessy Jackson gave an on stage harangue that was clearly a hint of things to come, things such as Al Sharpton and his enablers. They opened a breach in USA society and I knew perfectly well on which side of it I would stand from then on out.

Like it or not, identity politics appears to be here to stay in many places. White folks will be driven by self-defense into accepting that sad reality if they’ve not already been.

September 26, 2018 1:44 pm

I saw this on Fake Book today, from Humans of New York. Worth a read even if you despise FB.
https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fhumansofnewyork%2Fposts%2F2555598704514214&width=500” width=”500″ height=”544″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allow=”encrypted-media”>Humans of New York
3 hrs ·
“I’m studying human development. A few years ago I came across an article that said there were no successful black nations in the world. It really angered me. I thought: ‘Some fellow is trying to run us down.’ But then I discovered the author of the article was Nigerian. And the more I read, the more I realized it was true. And I started to think that maybe we should be mad at ourselves. I always hear my friends complaining about the politicians in this country. I tell them: ‘Imagine that lightning strikes and suddenly you’re the president. Would you know enough honest people to form a government?’ And they freeze. Because our culture doesn’t ascribe a premium to honesty. People will laugh at you for being honest and broke. Nigeria has the highest concentration of black people in the world. So this is where it should happen. But development doesn’t begin with things, it begins with people. I’m not saying that self-criticism is the answer. But it’s the beginning of the answer. Maybe we should be a little less proud and a little more discontent. Maybe we should stop blaming our immorality on poverty. I grew up in the slums and I don’t want to hear it. Don’t blame it on colonialism, nepotism, racism, or any of the ‘isms.’ And don’t blame it on the slave trade. Because slavery didn’t begin with white people. White people purchased slaves from our shores—that’s true. But black people did the selling. And we were paid for what we sold.”

(Lagos, Nigeria)

September 26, 2018 1:58 pm

White children mining White Privilege in the White Privilege mines.
comment image
Aren’t they lucky?

September 26, 2018 6:43 pm

Plenty of white folks toiled away in white-run camps throughout Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, etc. in the 40s too. Those folks were “extra-privileged.”

September 26, 2018 2:39 pm

The real issue with Peggy McIntosh is that she hasn’t had a nut sack slamming against her in a generation or more…this is the cause of her white privilege complex.

When I read horseshit like this all I can think is OK if you feel you’ve gained an unfair advantage by being white then do Something about it.

If you make 100K and the median income for a person of color is 50K then give some person of color 25K of your income to level the playing field. If your accumulated wealth is say 250K and the average accumulated wealth for a person of color is 25K then give a person of color $112,500.00 of your wealth to level the field. An finally leave all of your wealth when you die to someone of color because….well you didn’t earn it.

September 26, 2018 3:02 pm

“Curated Resentment” should be in bright yellow highlighter. It is the tool that the elites are using to destroy the USA.

September 26, 2018 5:36 pm

comment image?_nc_cat=1&oh=b0398911bf6e58d5046c68e2fc593bc2&oe=5C6148CC

Not sure if the photo will post. It is of a white guy.

We live in strange times. White guy claims black privilege. This was posted today on the South Santa Rosa Gazette


September 25, 2018
Gulf Breeze, FL

Lieutenant John E. Cage, with the GBPD, was responding to a traffic stop in front of GBHS when he said the suspect had become aggressive and belligerent, screaming racial slurs at police officers.

According to a police report, the suspect, 23 yr old Richard James Teague, who goes by the name Damarcus Johnson a.k.a. White Pepper, was pulled over for speeding through a school zone. When police explained why he was being stopped, Teague began to be confrontational. Saying that he was doing the speed limit posted 35 MPH. Officers tried explaining once again, to no avail, that he was in a school zone and the speed is 20 MPH. White Pepper then became heated, accusing the officers of racial profiling and saying that the only reason he was pulled over was “because he was black in Gulf Breeze”. That’s when back up was called and Lieutenant Cage responded, donning his famous $500 sunglasses.

When Cage arrived, the suspect was uncooperative, screaming racial slurs and profanities at the officers. Calling them names like white bread, Miracle Whip, and Captain’s Wafers. He was asked to get out of the vehicle at this point but refused. The officers responded by tasing and detaining Damarcus.

Upon a search of the vehicle, police found Methamphetamines, drug paraphernalia, a 2pac CD, a pair of American flag chubby shorts, a Hillary Clinton mask, a pamphlet titled “What to Do If You’re Black and Get Pulled Over”, and a pack of magnum sized Trojan brand condoms. A strip search conducted at the jail found no sizeable reason for him to have the condoms in his possession.

He was booked for drug possession and is awaiting arraignment. Upon booking, he was asked to give his government name for processing, to which he replied “I’m Rick James, bitch!” His address given at time of arrest was on Blackjack Cir. Navarre, FL.

South Santa Rosa Gazette again appreciates your readership and humor on this matter. We pride ourselves in being the Best of Blackwater 2018 annual winner for local news! Please be sure to “like”, “comment”, and “share” our page to help us continue bringing you the news you look forward to reading!

September 26, 2018 6:45 pm

Do blacks in Africa who hold basically EVER JOB, bitch and complain about all the black privilege they suffer from? Do all the blacks who easily get jobs in black-run cities all over the US bitch and complain about the fact that they were hired simply because their are black (because god knows none of them seem to be qualified to pick up dog crap)?

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 26, 2018 11:01 pm

If you live on a good white street and your neighbor is sent to prison then you might start to wonder if your neighbor is really evil or are you living in a police state.

Hollow man
Hollow man
September 27, 2018 4:31 am

She feels guilty for living but is to scared to shoot herself?