Letter To The CivNats

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the strange aspects of the last century of American politics is that the defining arguments have all happened on the losing side. The winners have always been sure about what they want and what they are willing to do to get it. It is the losers who have always been squabbling with one another about the proper response or the meaning of the latest failure. National Review types always used to argue that all the interesting debates were on their side, rather than on the side of their alleged adversaries.

They were not wrong about that, even though they were deluded about who they were really fighting. For at least forty years and maybe longer, all of the arguments have been on the Right. That’s the thing though, they were always fighting the people to their right, the people now forming the new opposition. It is easy to get down about what is happening in our time, but the one thing we can point to is that there is an authentic alternative forming up now. The veil has been lifted for more of us now than any time in the past.

Of course, we remain a tiny minority, even within the white population. George Hawley, the left-wing college professor from the University of Alabama, estimates that the dissident population is in the 6% range, which would be about ten percent of the white population, give or take. Greg Hood, the main writer at American Renaissance, is bit more optimistic, as he thinks the data says there are many more “leaners” in the population, but his number is still small. You can read Greg’s review of Hawley’s numbers here.

The point is, the vast majority of white people remain in the civic nationalist camp. About 25% of whites identify as Progressive, so that leaves about 65% in the civic nationalist, dissident right and indifferent buckets. This is what the alt-right learned the hard way two summers ago. They held a rally and 500 people showed up, but 2,000 opponents showed up. Many of those protesting the alt-right were MAGA hat wearing CivNats. Even more crucial, s solid plurality of white people blamed both sides for the violence.

It’s why the math of democracy makes white survival an impossibility. That 25% of whites who lock arms with the 40% who are non-white gets the anti-whites close enough to a permanent majority that they are the default option in an election. It’s why they put all their energy into making sure blacks,Jews, migrants and lesbians are super-angry. The left just needs the turnout and they win. They know the math of democracy too. That means the future is the Kavanaugh hearings over and over until you’re dead.

That’s the lesson and the reason for this letter. The civic nationalists need to look at that circus on their television and know that is their future. The people who are rejecting due process and the presumption of innocence don’t look like you. They don’t sound like you. They don’t believe what you believe. More important, they don’t love what you love or hate what you hate. What they are willing to live and die for does not include you, because you don’t look like them or sound like them. You can never be on their side and they know it.

When you appeal to their sense of civic virtue, all you are doing is encouraging them to punch you in the face again. That’s because their civic virtue is not your civic virtue. It can never be otherwise. After decades of work to train blacks, for example, to embrace civic nationalism, they still cling to their own ideas and their own hatreds. It turns out that those racists you guys were always trying to run off were right after all. Civil society is a white man’s thing. It is not an idea. It is the result of white people living in their own lands.

Now, I know a lot of civic nationalists. Many of them post comments here. Some of my best friends are civic nationalists. Many will beg at the tiny feet of Ben Shapiro, convinced it is ideology not race, until he slams the oven door on them. Just look at South Africa, where whites are being slaughtered by blacks. Yet, many whites refuse to accept the reality of their situation. The father of Mollie Tibbetts, the white girl murdered by an invader, cares more of his civic virtue than his own child. Some people can’t be saved.

On the other hand, if you are watching this circus in Washington and wondering if it is all coming apart, you may want to take a moment and look hard at the scene. It is a white man going through trial by ordeal, something white people banned 1500 years ago. The people putting him through that ordeal don’t look like you. They don’t believe what you believe. They mock what you believe. They think things like due process and rule of law are the white man’s law, not their law. Their law is what you see on your television.

You need to ask yourself, is there really any way to tame them that has not already been tried? Is there an argument that is going to cause Debra Katz or Michael Bromwich to reconsider their war on white people? Will Maxine Waters or Kamala Harris ever agree with you? You sat and watched Judge Kavanaugh give a stirring speech in defense of decency and civic justice that Cicero would have found moving. Think about all that has been said and written in favor of civil nationalism, yet, here we are anyway.

More important and this is where you as a civic nationalist either head down the road to Damascus or heads into the darkness. Look at the fruits of civic nationalism. The champions of the constitutional order and rule of law are all sitting on the Republican side, getting rolled by the non-white rage heads responsible for this circus. The professional civic nationalists have built out a well financed system to promote your cause. Yet here they are getting clobbered again. If they can’t win this fight, what can they win?

Look. I get it. In your heart you know our side is right about “the race stuff.”. It’s why you moved to a neighborhood with good schools and a bad basketball team. It’s why you support Israel and oppose Islam. You know that only in a society run by white men, can there be anything resembling civil order. You hate yourself for it so you have created all sorts of ways to show you’re not an anti-Semite or conceal your real feelings toward blacks. It’s hard to put down that steamer trunk of guilt you have been taught to carry.

I get it. All of us on this side of the great divide get it. All of us have made the journey you will have to make. It’s not easy to accept that all the stuff you have been taught about the constitution and patriotism was just a way to blind you to the approaching darkness. Now you have a chance to open your eyes and see what comes next if you don’t begin your journey to this side. That circus on your television is not going to just fade away. it is a glimpse into the future, of your children’s future and your grandchildren’s future.

No matter what you choose, the years ahead will be every bit as ugly as the spectacle unfolding on our televisions and on social media. The Great Brown Army believes this is their time to the destroy the white patriarchy, by which they mean white America. The fight to stop it is going to ugly and you will have to get used to thinking about things in a way that used to feel wrong. But, the fight is going to happen whether you snap out of your daze or remain in the CivNat delusion. The question before you is which side are you on?

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September 29, 2018 4:44 pm

Is it really as simple as black & white? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Either way, there are no participation trophies awarded in Political Darwinism. Many on the right are playing the game while power remains the religion of collectivists. These people will sacrifice everything you have to win. Compromise is thing of the past. They’re all in. The Rubicon has been crossed. People will die for their religion. And, believe me when I tell you, they will. How about you, Z?

Old Man
Old Man
September 29, 2018 4:51 pm

Wheat and chaff know no colors.

‘If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.’

Revelation 13:10

MN Steel
MN Steel
September 29, 2018 9:36 pm

Perhaps Z could read a sober assessment from someone who has “been there” and where we’re going.


Trust me on this, bodies will clog hydroelectric turbines here, the same as they did in Zvornik, on the Drina River.

And there will be no peacekeepers from the UN or NATO that will have the capacity or appetite to calm a whole continent in turmoil…

…but China has the population and sealift capacity to secure the remains…

niggas 4 trump
niggas 4 trump
September 29, 2018 4:57 pm
September 29, 2018 5:44 pm

The most important thing for any government is compliance. The Resist movemt has failed thus far because the tax cuts have budged the long dormant velocity of money.

Its the White Man that’s made his move to comply and produce the taxes and tranquility that society needs. The reversal of this fortune and the U.S. Is going down for the count.

The Civic Nationalist that get caught in California, New York, New Jersey and Illionois are going to get fucked. Move now.

September 29, 2018 6:18 pm

You are right about New Jersey . It’s a nigger wonder land where I am and I am down town towing stage equipment for the teen boy band BTX . They are from South Korea but blacks are everywhere. I hate this fucking place . I don’t know how Stucky puts up with it. I travel the USA and the place you don’t want to be in any emergency are / is the big cities . Stay far away if you can. I am down here for the money and that’s it .

September 29, 2018 10:10 pm


Don’t end up like Reginald Denny.

September 29, 2018 6:15 pm

CivNats’ future:
comment image

WNs’ future:
comment image

I’ve already made my choice.

Trump should read this article, BTW.

September 29, 2018 6:42 pm

Zman, you’ve really piqued (or peaked) my imagination with this one. Before I launch into one of my long rambles which may or may not make it back to topic, let me tell you this paragraph jumped out at me and insisted I copy it and bring it here for comment:

“That’s the lesson and the reason for this letter. The civic nationalists need to look at that circus on their television and know that is their future. The people who are rejecting due process and the presumption of innocence don’t look like you. They don’t sound like you. They don’t believe what you believe. More important, they don’t love what you love or hate what you hate. What they are willing to live and die for does not include you, because you don’t look like them or sound like them. You can never be on their side and they know it.”

The reason this jumps out at me is this: I happen to have a large collection of photos from the 40s, 50, 60, 70s and some 80s of the local community and schools in the local farm community I was raised. I can see the evidence of segregation in the 40s and 50s, but then in the 60s there seemed to be a real attempt at assimilation. The 70s brought racial tension to that community in ways never before seen, as the welfare payments to teens having babies encouraged most of the young black women in my school to have children to bring in another check.

So, what the hell happened in the 70s that made assimilation seem so toxic to the newly integrated black community, with its new civil rights acts protecting basic rights that had been exploited for decades? Why does the black community seem to be even more ghetto poor now?

The rest of the essay is though provoking, as well.

September 29, 2018 7:46 pm

“You know that only in a society run by white men, can there be anything resembling civil order… It’s why you support Israel and oppose Islam.”

Civilized “white men” oppose the criminal Jewish State also.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
September 29, 2018 8:43 pm

I, could not, of course, have written this any better. I know which side I’m on. I really do appreciate TBP’s openness to all writers and their views and the unwillingness to censor what people post here. As I said when TBP announced that their posting was open to all, I don’t have the option any more of getting my feelings hurt and storming off like some uppity negro just because I don’t like what someone has written. But I think it is the case that this profoundly libertarian ideal is part of what has gotten us to this dark place. We are so determined to be fucking “nice” and “fair” and “free” that we are being taken for everything we have and are. So, white man, are these dusky shiftless hordes going to think of how you valued “freedom” and get misty-eyed about it before they rape your daughter and piss on your grave? I personally know people like Mollie Tibbetts’ father. A nicer, kinder, more disgusting, sniveling, cock-sucking race of rodents has not existed on earth. Or perhaps they have and we just don’t know anything about them because they left no descendants. Perhaps instead of being so understanding of others viewpoints we should take a more imperial mindset. If we know the Truth, then everything else is a fucking lie. Roll over in your grave Murray Rothbard! Shake your gray libertarian head Lew Rockwell! How many battles have we won following libertarian ideals? Wear your tri-cornered hats, stand up and salute the flag, honour the constitution and in the meantime the Republicans you elect to office go to DC and wipe their asses with that inspired document.

I am more and more convinced that we will only, if ever, rise from our slumber when we are faced with a true apocalypse. God is warning us of what is to come. If we do not arise and stop these devils in their tracks none of us will have any descendants. Ah, but, you know, we will be such beautiful losers.

So what can the average man do. I don’t know. I don’t know the average man. The existence of such a man has been reported but to my knowledge has never been observed. So the questions is what can I do. Perhaps very little, but what I have done has made a difference in my life and the life of my family and these are the only ones entrusted to such a limited man as I. I have turned off the fucking television. I have put down the fucking fork. I carry a slap-jack. I refused to be intimidated at work by victims. I read something besides The Burning Platform. How many average men do you know that fucking read? I am planning more ways to make money. I do not in any way entertain the lies of the liberal, the weak and the stupid. Do people dislike me? I fucking hope so. Are they intimidated; sometimes; thats how it fucking works! Do I feel alone and alienated; sometimes; that what happens. Be a man instead of a woman and let that fear eat you alive. I know that I am not going to get another chance to do this again. My prayer is that I will do it right this time.

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
September 29, 2018 10:16 pm


Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 30, 2018 12:26 am

The 1% control the government, Wall Street, the media, and Hollywood.

The 1% supports global warming, abortion, feminism, homosexuality, immorality, war, debt, welfare, tyranny, depopulation, vaccines, gun control, censorship, regulations, offshoring, divorce, forfeiture, torture, the police state, nanny state laws, a global government, and illegal immigrants.

The 1% want Americans to be immoral, weak, dependent, and divided. Anyone who supports these issues is labeled normal, but anyone who supports morals, peace, a balanced budget, personal responsibility, freedom, and reduced immigration is called a spammer, troll, shill, bot, racist, junkie, retard, or nutjob and is censored, banned, gets an IRS audit, is arrested, or killed. The media minimizes the bad sides of policies the 1% promote and exaggerate the benefits. The 1% slander those who question them with insinuation and lies.

Everything the 1% wants is bad for you.

Has anyone noticed that the Jewish media praises Jewish movies, books, and TV shows?

Jews are used to play white people in films and white people take the roles of Jews.


Movies show white characters to either be weak or evil.


Movies portray females or blacks to be heroes.


Homosexuality is praised.




Teen and pre-teen sex is portrayed as normal.



History is rewritten.


Morality is ridiculed.


Race-mixing is shown to be acceptable.



Immorality is shown to be normal.





The 1% love socialism because they want the 99% weakened and dead.


The police state doesn’t protect you. Tyranny helps the 1% meet their private prison quotas.

The 1% want you to lose your free speech rights and gun rights so you can’t resist.

The 1% want you to lose your 4th amendment rights so they can wiretap and frisk you and take your property through asset forfeiture.

The 1% want you lose your right to a trial so they can torture and kill you.

The USSR failed.


Almost nothing major happens in the US without the approval of the 1%.

Debt benefits the 1%.

Nanny state laws help our overlords meet their private private quotas.

There are wars because the 1% owns the defense companies and they want more refugees to reduce wages.

There are food stamps because the 1% owns the food corporations and makes money from the bank fees.


The 1% supports Obamacare and mandatory liability insurance laws because they make money from insurance premiums.

The 1% support illegal immigration because they want to divide the population.

The 1% supports homosexuality because immorality weakens the US.




When was the last time you saw a movie about the Bill of Rights, freedom, or family values?

Why are immorality, blacks, and illegal immigrants praised, but morality and white men are ridiculed?







What if the reason the 99% are not in concentration camps now is because the US Ponzi economy has not collapsed yet and Americans still have guns?





The 1% don’t care if the US collapses because they live in gated compounds with security guards on private islands, go to private schools, and have private jets to fly them to private airports.

Communists vilify and ridicule moral and successful white men.



Communists find former moral people, racists, and Libertarians to insult morality, racism, and freedom.





Communists want to weaken the population with affirmative action, lower standards for minorities, divorce laws, welfare, overcriminalization, taxes, regulations, and by outlawing businesses.

Communists have corrupted the Catholic church, ACLU, NFL, Boy Scouts, Nobel Peace Prize, and beauty pageants.


The 1% praise immorality and homosexuality and ridicule morals.


The 1% want Americans to be weak and dependent on welfare.


The 1% want liberals divided against conservatives.

The 1% want homosexuals divided against straight people.

The 1% want citizens divided against the police.

The 1% want men divided against women.

The 1% want Americans divided against illegal immigrants.

The 1% want blacks divided against whites.

The 1% support wars that enrich bankers and defense companies. The 1% support wars that kills off the 99% and leads to refugees and terrorism that results in more wars.

The 1% support the nanny police state that helps the rich fill their private prison quotas.

The 1% want Americans in prison and dead.


The 1% want Americans disarmed so that they won’t resist when the American Ponzi economy collapses and the ruling class opens up the concentration camps.

The 1% support censorship because they don’t want Americans to be aware of and organize against the ruling powers.


The 1% push feminism because they want the 99% to die off. No fault divorce laws, domestic violence laws, child support laws, and alimony laws discourage men from getting married. Girls would rather marry the state than marry a man. Why would men get married when marriage is so risky and men could lose half of their property in a divorce? Why would men get married if girls are willing to have sex before marriage?


The 1% support regulations so that only the rich can afford to start a business.

The enemies of the US are not foreign countries now. The enemies are the elites that want to wipe out the white people and send the rest of the 99% to the gulags to be starved and killed. The 1% then will divide the wealth and land of the USA among themselves. How else can you explain the destruction of the USA? Economics isn’t rocket science. If you want a strong economy, don’t punish hard work with taxes and regulations while rewarding laziness with welfare and allowing millions of 3rd world immigrants to flood the country.









grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Free Speech Forum
September 30, 2018 10:02 am

I can disagree with but a single claim here.

“Communists have corrupted the Catholic church…”

No. The catholic church by its own doctrine is communist. Read Acts chapter 4 which it claims as its own. It is the story of “Divinely” communist Israel, not of Christianity. The church was not corrupted, the church is corruption.

They too are the 1% and want you subjugated if not dead.

  grace country pastor
September 30, 2018 10:09 am

Galatians 3:28-29

‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.’

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 30, 2018 10:28 am

Amen, brother Paul.

A new creature!

  grace country pastor
September 30, 2018 8:37 pm

Agree with you. I point out to my catholic deacon friend that the church is part of the deep state in this country.

  Free Speech Forum
September 30, 2018 12:38 pm

That is one hell of a reply.
Thanks for the links, and the work it took to gather and forward them.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 30, 2018 10:36 am

Leftist are unfit to Judge: OJ and Bill were exonerated but Brett was convicted. Obama and Harpy were their choice. They long ago decided my race and gender was less fit for college, less fit to hire, promote, to receive assistance, to be heard, to reproduce and even to live. They made my choice for me; things work both ways; payback is gonna be Hell.

September 30, 2018 11:24 am

We will get what we deserve ,if we follow te example of the French,Germans and British.

September 30, 2018 1:10 pm

two tbp comments from me in one week. let’s hope this isn’t a trend.

the way i see it and the only way it has ever been considering the finite nature of most resources, is this is a zero sum game despite what many of you have been taught to believe. you either believe zman or you don’t. if you do and z is right (or wrong), the worst that happens is you vote for a few more white politiciansand the steady deterioration of the west occuring all your life continues. if you don’t believe z, and he’s wrong, same result; no harm, no foul.
but what happens if you don’t believe zman and he is right about these civilizational problems? is it already too late?

it is unfortunate that most of you reading this have seen too many winters. on the other hand, maybe that means a group willing to do what needs to be done. better you than your children.

I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.
Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture,
navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry,
music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.
-John Adams, Letter to Abigail Adams (12 May 1780)