The Monster Mash

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The sad reality is that last week’s Pittsburgh synagogue massacre is only the latest float in the long-running parade of ghastly homicidal spectacles rolling across this land and will be just as forgotten in one week as was last year’s Las Vegas Mandalay Bay slaughter of 58 concert-goers plus over 800 wounded and injured, a US record for non-military acts of violence. The Pittsburgh shootings elbowed the mass pipe bomber, Cesar Sayoc, out of the news cycle — but then Sayoc didn’t manage to actually hurt any of the high-profile figures he targeted with his mailings. What I wonder — and what the news media has so far failed to report — is just how incompetent a bomb-maker Sayoc was. Fake news meets fake bombs.

One of the strange side effects of an epic American political hysteria is this strange ADD-like inability of the public to focus on anything for more than a few moments, even the most arresting atrocities. The hysteria itself is too compelling, like the actions of a human limbic system driving the collective public psyche from fight to flight on the wild horses of pure emotion. Reason has been discarded by the wayside just as a super-drunk person will shed his clothing even on a freezing night. Total culture war now beats a path toward all-out civil war, with the looming mid-term election as a fulcrum of history.

The country is not “divided,” it’s sliced-and diced like a victim in one of the Halloween bloodbath movies now so beloved by movie audiences that they must be regularly updated. It’s hardly a stretch to say that the US public sees its collective self as a throng of zombies lurching across the ruined landscape in search of a dwindling supply of brains, and they even seem to take a certain comfort in that endeavor, as though the zombies were performing a meritorious public service ridding the nation of as many brains as possible.

The Democratic Party could not be more in tune with this monster mash of collapse politics. The party has been living in a haunted house of its own construction for much of this century, and methodically adding to its roster of resident blood beasts month by month in an orgy of monster creation. They remind me of the chanting and stomping “natives” in any of the long line of King Kong movies, summoning the giant ape to the gate of their Great Wall so as to scare off the party of feckless white adventurers from faraway Hollywood. Only in this edition of the story, King Kong is the Golden Golem of Greatness at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and it annoys him greatly to be summoned by these tiny savages beating their drums. Of course, America-the Horror-Movie doesn’t add up as a coherent narrative. And so the nation sinks into bloody incoherence.

The Democratic Party war on white people and their dastardly privilege has been the theme all year long, with its flanking movement against white men especially and super-especially the hetero-normative white male villains who rape and oppress everybody else. Anyway, that’s the strategy du jour. I’m not persuaded that it’s going to work so well in the coming election. The party could not have issued a clearer message than “white men not welcome here.” Very well, then, they’ll vote somewhere else for somebody else. And if it happens that the Dems don’t prevail, and don’t manage to get their hands on the machinery of congress — then what?

For one thing, a lot of people get indicted, especially former top officers from various glades of the Intel swamp. It shouldn’t be a surprise, given the numbers of them already called before grand juries and fingered by inspectors general. But it may be shocking how high up the indictments go, and how serious the charges may be: sedition… treason…?

These midterm election may bring the moment when the Democratic Party finally blows up, at least enough to sweep away the current coterie of desperate idiots running it. It’s time to shove the crybabies offstage and allow a few clear-eyed adults to take the room, including men, yes even white men. And let all the shrieking, clamoring, marginal freaks return to the margins, where they belong.

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October 29, 2018 10:51 am

Well Kunstler gets the most important part about putting members of the Deep State on trial.

The fear of doing so has always been misplaced. It’s the absence of justice that will lead to civil unrest and then to all out civil war.

No economic program can unite the country at this point and the Democrats and their NPC s have admitted it. Only justice at this point can restore confidence in government.

October 29, 2018 11:49 am

Its all a product of the war on truth. We literally cannot trust anything printed, recorded, or reported at face value.

The weaponization of the first amendment is finally complete. Flat Earthers, 9/11, Trump is a Nazi, Stalin was a good guy, Benghazi, Chemtrails, Lizard People…I hereby declare this the Schrodinger Times.

Everything is true and nothing is true.

The truth does not exist
The truth does not exist
October 29, 2018 11:00 pm

I’ve been saying for a looong time, the truth does not exist.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 29, 2018 12:04 pm

I know that this is just a minor point, but what is the platform of the Democrats this election cycle? I can’t recall anyone articulating anything other than get Trump. Do they have one and what is it?

  hardscrabble farmer
October 29, 2018 12:21 pm

I wondered who cued up the Hondo 2000 mile hike and why.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 29, 2018 12:30 pm

Within my own local DMA (Designated Market Area) the Democrats (funded by Chuck E. Schumer and Nancy Pelosi) are primarily advocating for economic redistribution via healthcare and education.

October 29, 2018 12:41 pm

The overall message is still – Dump Trump.

October 29, 2018 1:50 pm

Then you are in California just like me. Well, education is hard to push in a place where big tech claims to have upended every apple cart including education. Why would anyone spend time at a legacy institution when you can find that same info online, in ten seconds and for free? The general consensus is that school is for pathetic cry babies and losers. It used to be that the news of a family member making it into a good school was greeted with joy. Not anymore – no one cares.

On to healthcare. How do you promise something for free that is already free? You can’t have millions of illegals without having a free healthcare system. Just go to the emergency room just like everyone else.

October 29, 2018 1:48 pm

“…this strange ADD-like inability of the public to focus on anything for more than a few moments…” Says this about “the public” then expects to sell books to them? HA! Reminds me more of Hillary calling democrat voters stupid(which they are) and then expecting their votes. Just in case you have not been told enough; you are a condescending arrogant pompous jackass.

October 29, 2018 2:48 pm

Very well done this go-around, James. Kudos! Will you still include yourself as One of the few remaining “sober, white, male Demos” staggering around in the ashes, scratching seared hairs wondering what’s next?

October 29, 2018 8:44 pm

Blame the victim. The Chattering Classes chattering to each other pretending they are vox populi and making history – Karl Rove style – and their owners are fully responsible for the American ‘public’ consciousness. At ALL levels, from the Fake News, to “iphone ADD” to funding the 98% Marksist SJW universities creation of PC, even to the alleged “food” that keeps the Dems fat, stoopid and distracted. But of course, us proles are knowingly responsible for all that. Right?

JHK has compared 2016 to 1856, and the total collapse of the Whig Party. Now, perhaps its time to abolish the Dem party that stands for nothing. It’s only raison d’être is to plunder the stupid – their rank and file – for the purpose of a Maoist Putsch for it’s billionaire Owners and their Media. Then, assuming they can survive collapsing the country, then their “One World”, they go down in history in a glorious orgy of mass graves – starting with their own Useful Idiots, then for us, they hope.

Having read extensively of WWII and Soviet history, including a big picture comparison like The Ominous Parallels – alas, 35-50 years ago – I’m re-thinking my sympathies. All those poor victims taken away in boxcars? What if they were the Soron’s Minions, SJW, Antifa, PC, Feminist, BLM, MoveOn, BAMN, Communist, Democratic, Socialist, (((et al))) society destroyers of their day, of the 20’s & 30’s? What if Hitler was “elected” [by parliament] to be the fly swatter for a pestilent horde preparing to smash society itself? Is it time for a new way of looking at the cover up that is history?

When Dem Destroyers decide my friends’ homes and businesses are “fun for the smashing”, will the application of Rule 550 will be more satisfying than Rule 308? Won’t that help the left with the overpopulation issue they were so keen on for the last 50 years? Cuckservative NPC’s have already shown what it’s like to be civil to savages. Lose. Lose. Lose. Time’s up!