Trump Raises the Stakes With CNN

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Trump Raises the Stakes With CNN

Last week, the White House revoked the press pass of CNN’s chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, and denied him access to the building.

CNN responded by filing suit in federal court against the president.

Acosta’s First and Fifth Amendment rights had been violated, said CNN. The demand: Acosta’s press pass must be returned immediately and his White House press privileges restored.

“If left unchallenged,” CNN warned, “the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers our elected officials.” A dozen news organizations, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, are filing amicus briefs on CNN’s behalf.

On Thursday, the Trump administration raised the stakes.

Justice Department lawyer James Burnham declared in court: “If the president wants to exclude all reporters from the White House grounds, he clearly has the authority to do that.”

After all, whose house is it if not the “President’s House,” the home of Donald Trump as long as he serves in the office to which he was elected by the American people?

The West Wing contains the Oval Office and the offices of senior staff. As for the West Wing briefing room, it was built by President Richard Nixon in 1969, when White House passes were regarded as privileges.

When did they become press rights or press entitlements?

Is Trump obligated to provide access to whomever CNN chooses to represent the network in the West Wing, even if the individual assigned routinely baits the press secretary and bashes the president?

Whence comes this obligation on the president?

White House aides can be fired, forced to surrender their passes and be escorted out of the building.

Whence comes the immunity of White House correspondents?

The First Amendment guarantees CNN reporters and anchors the right to say what they wish about Trump. It does not entitle Acosta to a front-row seat in the White House briefing room or the right to grill the president at East Room press conferences.

Why was he expelled from the White House?

Says press secretary Sarah Sanders, “The First Amendment is not served when a single reporter, of more than 150 present, attempts to monopolize the floor.”

Acosta baits the president, argues, refuses to yield the floor, manifests a hostility to Trump and trashes him regularly on-air.

Such conduct has made him a champion to Trump haters. But to others, it makes him a biased witness to the Trump presidency who has no legal or constitutional claim to a chair in the West Wing briefing room.

When this writer entered the White House in January 1969, a reporter who had traveled in the 1968 campaign came by to explain that I had to understand that he was now part of “the adversary press.”

What we had done to be declared an adversary, I do not know. I had assumed that the opposition party would become the adversaries of a Nixon White House.

But if the press declares itself an adversary of the White House and if it acts as an adversary — as it has a First Amendment right to do — such members of the media are no more entitled to the run of the West Wing than would be a member of Congress who regularly attacks the president.

Theodore White wrote in “The Making of the President 1972” that the real enemies of Nixon’s White House were not Democrats such as Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield and House Speaker John McCormack but CBS News, The Washington Post and The New York Times.

This holds true for Trump. If the media are not “the enemy of the people,” the major media are certainly — and proudly — the enemy of Trump.

Trump’s most visible and persistent adversaries are not Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. And it is Trump’s attacks on CNN and “fake news” that bring his loyalists to their feet. With his use of Twitter, Trump has found a way around an overwhelmingly hostile media.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller gets a favorable press, as he is seen by the media as the instrument of their deliverance from Trump.

But should the special counsel bring in a report that says, “Donald Trump did not collude with Russia in the 2016 election, and we could find no obstruction of justice in how he dealt with our investigation,” Mueller’s indulgent press would turn on him overnight.

CNN says that if Trump succeeds in pulling Acosta’s press pass, it could have a “chilling” effect on other White House correspondents.

But if it has a chilling effect on journalists who relish confronting the president and reaping the cheers, publicity and benefits that go with being a leader of the adversary press, why is that a problem?

The White House should set down rules of conduct for reporters in the briefing room, and if reporters repeatedly violate them, that should cost them their chairs and, in cases like Acosta’s, their credentials.

This confrontation is healthy, and the republic will survive if the press loses this fight, which the press itself picked.

Notify of
November 16, 2018 8:20 am

Where are the PJB’s of today? They don’t exist. Conservative voices and common sense are being silenced. Orwell may have been a bit early but he was certainly spot on…. Chip

November 16, 2018 9:22 am

This ass media’s lawsuit is the opening salvo of endless suits and ‘investigations’ the Libtards will launch against Trump. It will be the Dems undoing as more fence-sitters ‘walk away’ when they realize how deranged the Leftists are.

Wait for the hysterical laughter when the Hildebeast declares she’s running in 2020. Interesting times indeed. Such entertainment and at no additional charge!

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
November 16, 2018 11:07 am

Enjoy the comedic interlude while you can.
Just like the theaters in the old days, it was cartoons before the movie. Prepare accordingly.

November 16, 2018 9:52 am

Jim Accoster

November 16, 2018 11:37 am

Jim Accosther

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
November 16, 2018 10:11 am

I have to say that I am impressed. Not by this post, it is shit, but by the exceptional posts provided through Jim by Doug and Z and HSF. Take a moment to go back and see if you can spot how ol’ Pat has informed us about Trump upping the stakes. I can find no mention of stake upping after it was declared.

None of our regular writers would ever make such a mistake.

  Hollywood Rob
November 16, 2018 10:24 am

Trump alleviated the Accoster of his press card.
Then Acosta/CNN whined and sued Trump.
Acosta wants the press pass back immediately.

Now, On Thursday, the Trump administration raised the stakes.

Justice Department lawyer James Burnham declared in court: “If the president wants to exclude all reporters from the White House grounds, he clearly has the authority to do that.”

It also implies that denial of press passes could be perpetual.

See it now?

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  Hollywood Rob
November 16, 2018 2:50 pm

To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, the title is the message. Somebody posted an article that supposedly argued Gavin Newsome did nothing to prevent the forest fires in California. Then you read the article and after all the graphs and data, there is nothing but the same repetition of the article heading.

Which reminds me of that old story – You can often get away with a wild claim because folks stop listening after you use because in a sentence.

November 16, 2018 11:04 am

I really care very little about this Acosta business;
BUT, it occurs to me to wonder where in the Bill of Rights (or anywhere else) one can find the principle that one man’s right to something can be used to compel another man’s action.

I am no expert on the “freedom of the press”; but the 1st Amdt refers to the printing press … that is the publishing of the printed word. What you have a right to say, you also have a right to write (and read). This encompassed not only neswpapers, but pamphlets and books as well.

My right to report what you say does not grant me authority to compel you to answer my questions.

The President holds “Press Conferences” because, as a public servant, he has an obligation to explain his actions to the general public. Attendance at these “conferences” has been limited for the practical purpose that the conference not become an anarchic free-for-all.

It seems to me that President Trump can fulfill his obligation via Twitter and other means. The “Media” has exactly zero right to question the President or to even seet foot on White House grounds.

When did a right to put things in print become a special privilege to compel others assigned to a self-appointed elite of representatives of specific corporate conglomerates?

November 16, 2018 11:14 am

Trump should end ALL press conferences …. IMMEDIATELY.

And he should do what FDR did …..

[imgcomment image[/img]

Rather, Not
Rather, Not
November 16, 2018 11:40 am

Stucky, he does. But it is ignored.

However, if Abilo Acosta has a right to a press pass, then every citizen does. I think the TBP family should have a designated attendee at the presidential press briefings. Pick a citizen, or even a cuban refugee, and get a press pass too!

I nominate Stucky to be TBP’s press rep assuming our host doesn’t want it.

The president shouldn’t fight the lawsuit, he should agree with it. Hard press passes are a right, and every citizen has just as much a right as a CNN reporter, so there will be a lottery to assign them. Winners have to get security screened by secret service. Press pass lottery winners can sell them to CNN reporters, assuming they can reach a mutually agreeable price.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 16, 2018 1:31 pm

I wish Trump would do the Jacksonian “Mr. Marshall has made his ruling. Now let HIM enforce it.”
I do not believe the judiciary has the right under the Constitution to order the executive to do anything. They are surely not an equal branch. They would have to demonstrate a violation of some statute. Is there any statute that says the President has to invite or accept the presence of an individual shithead to an event which is not open to the general public?

larry morris
larry morris
November 16, 2018 1:48 pm

Well when they are all sitting there and no one else shows up or if they do and don’t talk good for the PRES, never would I ever have one more PRESS ans or question the WH again

larry morris
larry morris
November 16, 2018 1:53 pm

I have come to realize that if one tells me they are a DEMOCRAT that I shall never ever like them or help them CNN just showed me what mean really is and I shall not forget

  larry morris
November 16, 2018 9:14 pm

lar,youse a good man–

November 16, 2018 2:13 pm

This is the most absurd situation currently playing out. A judge orders Trump to give this ignorant greaseball back his press badge? Oh, yes, Trump, give it back. Then take the following steps:
–Abolish the so-called “White House Press Corps”. Throw them out, bag and baggage.
–Abolish press conferences and go to Charles DeGaulle-style sessions, with hand-picked reporters who must remain seated and who are required to submit written questions in advance. They can´t question the president; he merely answers the written questions as he sees fit.
–No more reporters allowed on any government transportation, no more reporters allowed to speak to any senior official. Any questions will be in written form and will be answered by government spokesmen.
–No more pretending that the press (as it exists now) is anything but an arm of the Democratic Party. No civility, no handshakes, no nothing.
–Announce that all law-abiding U.S. citizens and properly cleared foreigners are eligible for press credentials and no preference will be given to “professional journalists”. They will wait in line with everybody else for a shot at a briefing or press conference, should there be any.
–If any Federal judge attempts to interfere, simply shut down all press relations and let these tailless lizards pick through dumpsters for their scoops.

Scott halloween
Scott halloween
November 16, 2018 9:46 pm

Agreed. I would love to see a commercial on tv with trump saying, want to know what’s really happening in the world? Tune in to my fireside chat 9:00 o’clock central time.
Followed immediately by the national news where they will lie about everything I just said.