Clintons Face Empty Seats As Trump-Trashing Speaking Tour Kicks Off With A Coughing Fit


Having seen donations to their ‘foundation’ collapse by 90% since they failed in their bid to regain The White House, The Clintons decided a 13-city paid speaking tour was in order to scrape together some coin.

Unfortunately, as the image above shows, the supposed-power-couple’s draw is starting to fade as the  Daily Mail reports that just 3,300 tickets were sold in the Scotiabank Arena in downtown Toronto, which holds 19,800.

As President Trump tours the nation in front of 10s of thousands of fans, The Clintons faced 83% empty seatsin the Canadian hockey arena as it seems fewer and fewer North Americans want to hear their whining scapegoatery.

As The Daily Mail reports, Bill Clinton said the U.S. had ‘compromised’ its moral leadership in the world under Trump, and defended his NAFTA free trade agreement. He said of the recent elections:

“We got a chance to become a democracy again and reclaim a debate,” adding that there were Republicans of good will “who don’t want to make America a single homogenous authoritarian country. We got a chance to have a debate again now.”

The former president apologized for Trump’s angry clash with Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau during his last trip here, setting off a trade clash, though the U.S., Canada, and Mexico ultimately reached a deal.

“All the rhetoric was just for consumption, it was just rhetoric. And we did some real damage I’m afraid to our relationship and if we did I ask for your forbearance because we do love you, most of us, in America,” said Clinton, who inked the NAFTA agreement during his tenure.

But the Trump-bashing had to wait for a few minutes as Hillary suffered the return of the coughing fit that so enlivened her 2016 campaign…


“You need another?” her husband asked, offering her a bottled water. She also took what looked like a cough drop after about an hour on stage.  Her husband filibustered while her voice recovered, and Clinton participated during the event’s final 30 minutes.

As the American Thinker points out, “While 3300 tickets sold at prices ranging from $53 to over $200 still yields a healthy payday, even after expenses, the optics are terrible,” which is something even loyal Democrats and CNN is pointing out:

“I just think the optics of going to an event where people are paying to see them, and they are financially gaining from this, I am not sure that is the right way to re-ingratiate them back into the public sphere,” said a former Clinton aide.

“They haven’t gone away, and I don’t want them to go away, but I am not sure this is the right venue from an optics standpoint.

Tickets were going a lot cheaper as the event neared…

As American Thinker points out, even though curtains were erected cutting the arena in half, the vacant seats far outnumbered the occupied ones.

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November 29, 2018 11:18 am

whining scapegoatery.
Was the key point.
I read they canceled the whole shebang somewhere.
They belong in Prison, bipartisan prison, with Bush(s) and Cheney too.
What is up with Toronto? Seems to be a magnet for Globalist swine. A cornucopia of targets for Jordan Peterson.

  Francis Marion
November 29, 2018 1:10 pm

Damn, got my hopes up when I heard she had a coffin fit.

November 29, 2018 11:51 am

It’s unimaginable that anyone would pay to see these two has been, sociopaths.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 29, 2018 12:07 pm

It’s going just great , the Clintons are out of the country speaking as if they have anything to do with real American citizens and the crowd is not even close to what President Trump has listening outside an arena filled to capacity .
Don’t agree with our president on everything but I hope he has the guts to keep using a stick to poke the hornets nest that is congress and a cattle prod for the RINO’s in the senate .

November 29, 2018 12:10 pm

I sometimes wonder if their constant dog and pony show is only to keep them somewhat in the public eye. Both Clintons have placed themselves in a dangerous position with people that really don’t care what it takes to handle a problem. Even if they appear foolish, it’s better to appear foolish than to appear even more foolish.

November 29, 2018 12:13 pm

My outdoor fireplace has seating for 7. They could probably sell this area out, then claim “another sell out extravaganza”.

November 29, 2018 1:09 pm

Same with my bathroom that seats…1

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
November 29, 2018 12:39 pm

I actually feel sorry for those poor Canadiens that have nothing better to do with their time and money than listen to these two gas bags. Can’t they read a book or watch paint dry?

  Craven Warrior
November 30, 2018 9:57 pm

They have legal cannabis. Sit at home, get high, and listen to a Richard Pryor album. Plenty of better things to do than be in the presence of this much hate and evil.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
November 29, 2018 1:14 pm

They are sitting in very well padded chairs….they should be in padded cells and the keys thrown away!
Lots of words, signifying nothing, but only demeaning themselves once again.
Like old has-been movie stars they are so desperate to keep their names and faces in
the public eye. Shame on them and shame on our so-called ” legal system” for keeping them out of prison where they should have been years ago.

November 29, 2018 2:34 pm

3,300 people paid good money to listen to their derisive drivel and Hillary yak a hairball. There really are suckers born every day. It is just sad.

November 29, 2018 3:06 pm

Need to book them on a Lion Air or Malaysia Air flights.

November 29, 2018 6:15 pm

looks like a bigger turnout then an average nfl game

November 30, 2018 7:38 pm

Voter fraud as far back as eyes see, they don’t need to pack stadiums to win. Little o plugged to empty seats yet Muslims filled positions everywhere. More blacks and Hispanics voted RED than ever before, and we are to believe these races were soo close. Just like hildebeast won the popular vote.


It’s who counts the votes,