Get out of the Matrix; a few ways you might not know

Submitted by Tommy

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December 4, 2018 1:41 pm

I’ve watched some different videos of this kind of stuff online.

What I’d really like, is to meet someone who has really claimed (whatever the correct word is; The woman says it’s not the Sovereign Citizen movement) that they’re NOT paying taxes, and the has said, “Okey-Dokey. You’ve solved the secret riddle. Now we agree you don’t have to pay taxes.”

Because I’m totally down for this movement, if it works. But I remain skeptical, until I meet someone who is living this in real life.

December 4, 2018 2:17 pm

I agree, if you get a chance to give it a listen I’d be interested in your views on some of the points they present.

That goes for all of the the burning heavyweights out there too! Lend me your perspective.

December 4, 2018 2:11 pm

I was hoping that some of the powerful minds around here had a thought, thanks admin for posting. It’s long, but interesting…if you let it be.

December 4, 2018 2:19 pm

Similar stuff for people who don’t pay taxes because the money isn’t backed by gold, and on and on and on.

Works great until the Fed’s come for your ass.

December 4, 2018 2:31 pm

I’ve heard of that….but this is different. It’s really interesting.

December 4, 2018 3:17 pm

@Tommy – Sorry, I didn’t mean to downvote.

I meant to reply, and say, Yes, we need a case study. A real solid field test. Now, Irwin Schiff died in Prison for The Cause, so I’m not ready to step up to THAT level of commitment.

Who here at TBP is willing to follow the steps these folks outline, and let us know if you’re able to successfully step out of the Matrix?

December 4, 2018 3:25 pm

Down votes are a badge of honor in these parts – but Schiff just put ‘zero’ in/on tax forms and so forth. He just went for the fast and easy. This is a COMPLETE legal overhaul of your identity. You have nothing. Everything is through the perspective of your business – everything. In that way you’re business is on par with the government – another business. Same for the city, state…..all of it.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
December 4, 2018 9:15 pm

This is kinda how the Italian Mafia guys do it: nulla tenente. They don’t officially own a thing.

December 4, 2018 3:49 pm

I’ll do it, just start a gofundme page to pay off my student loans that I stupidly, greedily, naively accepted to chase that piece of paper that proves I know something and I’ll begin filing the required paperwork.

December 5, 2018 2:55 am

I’m a straight up Anarchist and if the IRS called me up with some made up number of dollars they’d like to have then the only words out of my mouth would be “can I pay over the phone?” That is how much I fear the Mafia, um, I mean the IRS. I’ve had to deal with them once before and I never want to repeat that experience. Suggesting that there is some secret handshake that gets you out of paying taxes is just ludicrous if not downright dangerous. Paying off Uncle Sugar is a cost of doing business.

December 4, 2018 4:00 pm

Told this story here before. I know a guy who has not paid federal taxes in probably 15 years now. He simply does not file tax returns at all. His theory is that where they get people is submitting false returns, so he doesn’t file. The first year or two he got nasty letters from the IRS, which he ignored. He failed to appear at the hearing, so they just came up with some ridiculous judgement against him, which is still outstanding. They periodically sweep any/all of his bank accounts, so he keeps the balances at or near zero until he has to make a payment of some sort. He works cash jobs mostly and scrapes by. So yeah, it can be done, but it’s a miserable life.

December 4, 2018 4:28 pm

So, here is the exact verbage that dials in on the legalities, etc. Like I said, it’s interesting. It’s much, much more than just not filing or filling out forms with zeros or whatever. It’ll be interesting to watch this couple take on the world with this shield.

Click on/read the “Everything in Commerce is Fictional”

December 4, 2018 4:48 pm

The easiest way would require a significant amount of the population to just refuse to pay any taxes at all. Say 2/3 of the population. Just refuse to pay them. Yes there would be some that would be made an example of,but in the long run it would bring every tax jurisdiction,and government entity to it’s knees. I know though. In this day and age it is difficult to get two people to agree on anything. I have mentioned this when I here the complaints about high school taxes. Most are just afraid of what would be done to them for refusing. On the same token….These are the same people that laugh when I try and explain how tyrannical gov. has become.

December 4, 2018 6:57 pm

The guys with the most guns make the rules.

Don Murphy
Don Murphy
December 5, 2018 10:30 am

No, the guy with the most guns who has the will to use them makes the rules.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 5, 2018 11:04 am

Every person , citizen , sovereign , knight of Neek what ever plays this who’s on first etc .. nonsense and some get away with it because typically they do not own shit worth losing or worth the governments trouble to confiscate and push the issue .
They are judgement proof , some end up doing some jail time not but at the end of all these groups , movements etc sooner or later this police states enforcing arm can and will squash them like a bug .
I will agree that in the over all scheme of things government from local , state and federal have become nothing more than a criminal enterprise with paid armed minions with badges to do the collection or confiscation of wealth from the general public leaving them worse off in the guise of serving the people . It’s a big club and most average Americans are not in it .