The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Dissenters Could Lose Everything

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare.

I wish that this was an exaggeration, but it isn’t.  Over the past couple of decades, the Internet has completely changed the way that we all communicate with one another.  At one time, all forms of mass communication were tightly controlled by the elite, but the Internet suddenly allowed us to communicate with one another on a massive scale without having to go through their gatekeepers.  This radically altered the landscape, and at first the elite were unsure of how to respond to this growing threat.  There was no way that they could roll back time to an era before the Internet was invented, and so they have decided to use it for their own insidious purposes instead.

Today, the Internet has become the centerpiece of their “Big Brother surveillance grid”, and they are gathering information on all of us on a scale that has never been seen before in all of human history.  But of course it was never going to stop there.  Over the past couple of years we have started to watch the elite use all of this information to punish those that are doing or saying things that they do not like.

Perhaps the most extreme example of this phenomenon is what is going on in China.  The following comes from BuzzFeed

Chinese journalist Liu Hu always knew he’d have trouble with the authorities; he had been exposing corruption and wrongdoing for years. He was used to being hassled with regular fines and forced apologies imposed by his authoritarian government. He nevertheless persisted in truth-telling.

One day in 2017, Hu logged onto a travel site, but couldn’t book a flight because the site said he was “not qualified.” Soon he discovered he was blocked from buying property, using the high-speed train network, or getting a loan. And there was nothing he could do about it. His rights to essential goods and services were now circumscribed through an algorithm designed to discriminate against the 7.5 million people on China’s “Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement” list.

In China they call it a “social credit score”, but in reality it is nightmarish authoritarianism at its worst.

They are monitoring all that their citizens do and think – their political opinions, their shopping patterns, their travel history, their Internet behavior, etc. – and if they upset “the Beast system” then they could ultimately lose access to everything.

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment.

Just imagine a world in which you will no longer be able to buy, sell, open a bank account, get a loan, use public transportation or get a job.

Chinese authorities are even putting up surveillance cameras in the schools so that they can constantly monitor students

Here, the surveillance cameras took the data on individual facial expressions and used that information to create a running “score” on each student and class. If a score reached a predetermined point, the system triggered an alert. Teachers were expected to take action: to talk to a student perceived to be disengaged, for example, or overly moody.

You would think that the Chinese would rebel against such a system, but most are already too fearful to say anything about it.

And some are actually embracing the new system

In Beijing and throughout China, closed-circuit cameras and other surveillance devices are so ubiquitous that they’ve become part of the landscape. If facial recognition helps with public safety, some say, that’s a good thing.

“Perhaps people would behave themselves more,” said Xia Chuzi, a 19-year-old student interviewed in Beijing.

But we would never allow such a thing to happen here in the United States, right?


While not yet as advanced as what the Chinese have done, our own version of “the Beast system” is expanding with each passing day.

If you use the Internet, the technocratic elite know virtually everything about you.  And as we have seen so frequently in recent months, they also have the power to “deplatform” those that they do not like

Independent Media readers are well aware of the multitude of ways big tech and social media platforms have been censoring conservatives, from demonetizing video channels, to blocking, banning and shadow banning conservatives, to limiting the reach of promotions and by “tweaking” algorithms so that search results push Independent Media sites so far down that they can rarely be found.

And restricting buying and selling is starting to happen too.  In fact, we have seen numerous online payment platforms ban individuals and organizations that hold “extreme views” recently.

Over time, the information that the elite have about all of us will continue to grow, as will their desire to punish those that think or act “offensively”.  But in the process of creating a “utopia”, they will actually be creating an authoritarian nightmare.  The following comes from Ethan Huff

Social media is arguably the greatest accomplishment thus far of the “deep state” in establishing a new world order. For one, it allows the various ministries of propaganda around the world to project their official narratives without impediment using authoritarian censorship tactics. It also creates a virtual echo chamber of leftism that, once all the conservatives are finally removed from all the tech platforms, will create the online liberal “utopia” that the social engineers are striving to achieve.

We live at a time when political correctness has become institutionalized.

One wrong opinion, and you can lose a social media account that you spent years building up.  And one wrong statement can cost you a career that you spent years training for.

Ultimately, we are heading down the exact same path that China has gone.  Their “social credit score” system is being hailed as the next great thing all over the world, and those that hate freedom of speech can’t wait to fully implement such a system in the western world.

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22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
December 4, 2018 7:30 am

Death before doom porn!

December 4, 2018 7:50 am

last night,i posted the comment below over on uncola’s article but it fits better here–

“i took my mom out to the cancer center today,and it’s such a large place that they have the mobile driver licensing bus out there on a regular basis-
my license renews in june so i ducked in to renew it early–less then 10 minutes,$48.00,i’m good till 2027–
i noticed that some of their eqpt is from idema,and it reminded me that i read a while back that idema is heavily involved w/the driver’s license bureaus of 42 states–
“bfd,”some of you are no doubt saying–
idema just happens to be one of the drivers of china’s social credit system”

do you guys think that they’re working out the kinks in china b4 bringing it here?

December 4, 2018 11:52 am

Of course. It most certainly already exists behind the scenes.

December 4, 2018 7:52 am

It reads awfully like Revelations 13:17, doncha think?
Revelation 13:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

King James Version (KJV)

December 4, 2018 1:13 pm

Just got gas at the station. When I ran my credit card, the screen on the pump told me to wait. Then it showed my name and said I was “approved”.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 4, 2018 10:38 pm

I sure do Michael. No way it’s not going to happen.

December 4, 2018 7:57 am

here’s a short piece from david cole over at takimag which talks about deplatforming & how it is probably legal because in the 1990s the republicans were suckered into inserting it into the communciations decency act thinking it would be used to fight porn,not political foes–

The Deplatforming Wars, Part I: Screwed by Cox

December 4, 2018 8:23 am

Great post. I really like Cole’s stuff. He insightful and funny as hell. No surprise to me that the repos are responsible for delivering evil into every act they do. But it’s NOT inadvertent-that’s their cover. It is the plan of the ‘loyal opposition’. Just figure out loyal to whom? I’ve always maintained that they are the truly dangerous wing of the bird of prey. Who’s worse pelosi or ryan? Ryan-going away. Pure evil.

December 4, 2018 1:21 pm

Right.. That is their cover. They are the Trojan Horse. The EPA, DEA, DHS etc.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
December 4, 2018 3:59 pm

For all the times in the last 50 years that Republicans owned the white house and both houses of congress they could have dismantled the Fed, the IRS, the New Deal, the Great Society, Obamacare, gun control acts of 1932 and 1968… and countless other bits of tyrannical legislation, but have declined to do so. In fact they just doubled down and gave us the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act, the Patriot act, TSA, DHS. They love big Gov every bit as much as the Dems. At least the Dems are somewhat honest about what they are all about.

December 4, 2018 8:03 am

here’s another article about google & their internal debate about burying the search results for some conservative sites,one of whom was the daily caller–
the daily caller sent them a list of questions about censorship,which they refused to answer–

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 4, 2018 8:04 am

Newton’s Third Law must be obeyed.

December 4, 2018 8:31 am

If we ever had another revolution, I imagine this would be in the ‘new’ Bill of Rights:

The people shall be free from: Data Collection, GPS tracking by any device, Facial Recognition, Iris Recognition, LPR (license plate readers), permanently installed cameras in public spaces.

I could go on and on.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 4, 2018 8:42 am

The problem with technology is that it is employed the same way robots are (not to say that robots are not a tech, rather to make a point)-they are layered under three or four shifts of human operators, programmers, repairmen and installers. A human can do everything a single robotic device can (such as a remote traffic camera) but for one of these to be of use it requires approximately 12 human beings should opponents decide to take them out, i.e. hackers, drone operators, a twelve year old with a decent varmint rifle. The cost to keep all of these systems in operation in the event that someone should decide they be rendered inoperable is incalculable. And at such time as one is being replaced you’ve pre-selected your targets, i.e the installers, the repairmen, the programmers, etc. Once you’ve begun to put a dent into these support staffs, there is a lag time until replacements can be found and trained. And a guy installing traffic cams is not going to be made of the same stuff as a Navy SEAL. If he thinks that every time he goes out in his little panel van that there might be a set of eyes on him behind a high powered scope, the level of compensation is going to have to alter dramatically to keep him on the job.

Imagine the impact of a single T-1 line being cut at one location downstream from that break. Imagine if this were being done all over the place all of the time. Imagine the cost.

Every system employs it’s best defense until such time as someone else identifies its vulnerabilities. 4G warfare will not involve tank battles between dissenters and the FedGov, but rather a million sappers with wire cutters and laptops, completely independent of command and control.

These things work in a perfect world and then only at about 70% capacity without any opposition of any kind

  hardscrabble farmer
December 4, 2018 1:35 pm

“a million sappers with wire cutters and laptops” A Cell Phone Militia even.
Sappers kept us busy and paranoid. In fact, We developed a special hand grenade for swimmers in the delta. The standard grenade wasn’t quit powerful enough to keep them from swimming up and planting charges on our boats and barracks barges. We would periodically throw one over the side as a deterrent. Just one example of the cost of containing determined saboteurs.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 4, 2018 2:41 pm

That’s pretty much the same way I’m thinking it’ll go down around here. Even SEALS have to stop for a minute when they get swarmed by mosquitos.

December 4, 2018 10:01 am

The infrastructure required to survail and propagandize is actually one of the Deep States choke point that is the weakest.

That infrastructure requires a certain number of subscribers to make it economically viable. If 30 percent cancel , the whole system will be in peril without subsidation.

In times of revolution, violence will strike at the infrastructure of Internet and Cable .

December 4, 2018 10:04 am

Kinda makes you wish you could take back every comment you’ve ever written. By 2032 none of you here, except a couple trolls, will be commenting on anything anymore. Either due to self censorship, death or imprisonment.

I usually wont comment under the same screen name for this long. I have commented on this blog virtually since inception with various email addys and screen names. Do you believe it helps at all for remaining at all anonymous or more difficult to track?

December 4, 2018 10:05 am

And do you believe running a vpn helps? If my vpn runs from a canadian vs say a ny addy, the net behaves differently.

December 4, 2018 10:17 am

i suspect that unless for some reason you are already being investigated,your data is being harvested & probably scanned but not read by a human–
however,i bet it’s available if you or someone you’re connected to is being investigated–

December 4, 2018 11:56 am

Yes that .. every post, every phone call, every search … all recorded and kept for future use … if needed.

December 4, 2018 1:02 pm

One only needs to watch these crime investigating shows on TV to see that they can see what cell towers you pinged while driving. All phone records are there as well as texts.
Years ago when Al Gore invented the internet, they called it the “information super hi-way.” They weren’t shitting were they? Only thing, back then did anyone consider that hi-way going both directions?

December 4, 2018 12:09 pm

“By 2032 none of you here, except a couple trolls, will be commenting on anything anymore. ”

That’s because by 2032 most of us here will be close to 100 years old.

In Sept 2032 I plan on doing a Stucky QOTD: How often do you shit in your pants?

December 4, 2018 12:17 pm

Stucky- Just a reminder that 150 is the new 100, so we may still be here in 2032 due to advances in our crappy healthcare. That does not mean we won’t be shitting our pants. 🙂

December 4, 2018 1:01 pm

speak 4 yourself old man–
i plan to be killed off at 95 by a 30 yo guy when he catches me w/his wife–

December 4, 2018 1:38 pm

Or can you remember having a movement an hour later?

December 4, 2018 1:58 pm

Its 2018. Thats 14 years away. I will be 67. Demographics will have eaten america by then, in legal immigrants alone. Add a fourth turning to that. When the country turns left i will never make another comment. Too risky. I believe they will at least try to do everything they say. A virtual death warrant for me and america. If there was truly some where insulated and safe to go, i’d be there.

December 4, 2018 12:29 pm

Why are these mentally ill degenerate filth being allowed to make decisions that impact others?

Apple CEO Tim Cook Says Apple Will Not Permit ‘Hate Speech’ (as Defined by the Left) – “Because It’s the Right Thing To Do!”

December 4, 2018 1:27 pm

from,fairly long article–several big biz industry groups are funding a start up that will rate websites–
i wonder how that will work out for small businesses?

December 4, 2018 1:43 pm

We already have paypal banning accounts. They may never consolidate all the systems of repression to keep the charade going longer. They may be all connected and operate in unison like they did during the recent elections but never openly like the Chinese.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 4, 2018 1:46 pm

“We only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence, Cook said. “You have no place on our platform. You have no home here.”

It says without a trace of self-awareness or irony.

This blind spot the size of the Alps will not serve them long term.

An example of a source of pressure with no release valve.