Global Warming Enthusiasts are really believers of the Malthusian Trap – Modern Witch Doctor Analysis

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Dear Martin,

You have pointed out several times that the agenda behind the global warming crowd is, besides taxes, also the reduction of the global population. Initially, I had difficulties believing in this “crazy conspiracy theory”, but I start to believe you could be right. Where I live, The Netherlands, the brainwashing machine to convince people that CO2 is THE problem, is on overdrive and very effective. More and more people are believing this non-sense and regularly start to claim that the world population should decrease because we are one of the main sources of the increase of CO2 concentrations.

When you ask them how that should be accomplished they reply “birth control”. But how this should be done they don´t know, but most probably (as usual) rely on the government to come up with a solution. Furthermore, couldn´t it be that the promoters of global warming (IPCC et al) actually know that CO2 is NOT the problem but by feeding us the propaganda, they actually catch two flies in one blow: increased taxes and reduction of the population because the majority will not be prepared for the upcoming cold/famine.

What is your opinion? Is this a crazy conspiracy theory or is there a chance it could be true?

Best regards,


REPLY: I am not one for conspiracy theories. My reporting on this subject is not even SPECULATION or a wild IMAGINATION. I was at the White House dinner and was seated at a table of ten with the heads of environmental groups. I cannot get my head around how these people think. They openly admitted that this was all about reducing population growth and how to frustrate it with wetlands to Global Warming these days. They DO NOT believe in Global Warming or CO2. They are using this to reduce the population. Ever since Thomas Malthus (1766 – 1834), the English cleric, wrote his 1798 book An Essay on the Principle of Population, he set in motion this diehard school of thought that the population would exceed the food production and society was doomed. He also never accounted for (1) cycles in population, (2) cycles in disease (plagues), and (3) improvements in technology in the production of food no less (4) cycles in nature and weather.

The Global Warming people are really closet believers in the “Malthusian trap” and they have been lobbying the government to overregulate society to prevent construction and thereby reduce population growth. He saw the population growth as PREVENTING real economic progress towards a utopian society. He wrote: “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.” Malthus further wrote:

That the increase of population is necessarily limited by the means of subsistence,
That population does invariably increase when the means of subsistence increase, and,
That the superior power of population is repressed by moral restraint, vice and misery.

I totally disagree with Malthus. His analysis is primitive at best and I regard it as still in the witch-doctor level of thinking. This is PRECISELY why I developed Socrates to evolve. For all I know, perhaps one day they will discover that azuki beans are a whole new energy source. We cannot judge the long-term trends based on current understanding of technology. Quantum Computers, for example, are a completely new way of technology that may lead to a host of new discoveries.

Quantum Computing is the first real change in computer science. Traditional computers encode information in bits which are essentially magnets that store a charge and that created the binary code of 1 and 0. Therefore, 8 magnets form a bit and thus the letter A would be 01000001. You can store the entire alphabet in these bits. Quantum computers, on the other hand, work entirely different. They are based on qubits, which operate according to two key principles of quantum physics: superposition and entanglement.

These Global Warming people are ignorant of so many aspects. They offer nothing for their analysis is biased, one dimensional, and considers nothing outside of what they want to believe. If you want to be a real RESEARCH ANALYST, you have to follow the data not predetermined conclusions or assumptions.

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December 6, 2018 6:19 pm

About the middle of February, they’ll all be begging for “global warming”.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 6, 2018 7:07 pm

Well that wandered off into the weeds unexpectedly. Leaping from globull warming to qubits. How the hell is this going to help?

December 6, 2018 7:25 pm

If you can’t see and feel the impact of overpopulation you are very slow intellectually. Yes, warming is a scam. However, we have reached a point where social and cultural degradation is causing widespread issues. Interpersonal stress is increasing as well as suicides and especially planetary ecological degradation. Overcrowding does have a huge impact.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
December 6, 2018 7:42 pm

Don’t blame overpopulation and overcrowding.

Blame the government, which is responsible for both.

The Earth can easily support 8 billion or 80 billion people- but not before you flush war and usury down the crapper.

December 6, 2018 7:59 pm

Ironically, the nation’s that are the cleanest… Western nation’s.. are the ones under assault and invasion from the third worlders who breed like rabbits.
If you want to get a globull warming Lefty’s head to explode.. tell them you are anti- immigrant because of the severe, negative impact on our environment because of the uncontrolled immigration from undeveloped countries that are trashing the planet.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
December 7, 2018 8:21 am

Don’t travel much, Doug?

Robert (QSLV)

December 7, 2018 10:10 am

Yes…but why would any western nation increase its population at staggering costs ($300 billion net per year in the US; $30 billion in Canada; 84 billion Euros in France) by importing totally incompatible people from Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Central/South America who constitute a permanent economic and social liability? This is total insanity that is not supported by the vast majority of European people who inhabit western nations. Therefore, there is much more going on than just population control using global warming lies. Clearly, mass invasions from the third-world are well funded, organized and promoted by very powerful people that have as their agenda the destruction of European nations and the civilization that they have built. The question that must be addressed is: who has the resources and motive to destroy the European people and the nations and civilization that they have built? Who controls just about all western governments? Who controls all central banks and the value of our money and therefore our labour? Who controls the Main Stream Media and social media giants? Who controls the culture of the west using Hollywood propaganda and subversion? Answer those questions and perhaps then we can start to take back control of our countries before they are completely destroyed. Unfortunately, focusing on symptoms and not the ultimate cause consumes a lot of time and achieves very little.

December 6, 2018 7:54 pm

Quantum computing is already developed. It will be the ultimate tool(as is planned) of the global beast system.
It has the ability to institute the social credit system, predictive criminality and of course, the complete control of buying and selling in the upcoming cashless society.
There are several excellent videos on YouTube about this DARPA developed technology…scary chit.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 7, 2018 11:16 am

You are absolutely correct. We can no longer think in terms of A.I. Before people know what hits them Artificial Omnipotence will be the new reality.

Scary chit indeed.

December 6, 2018 8:32 pm

We are devolving, NOT evolving. Population will decrease on its own because of it. Such is the nature of physics and such is the nature of the world… Chip

December 6, 2018 8:41 pm

OH, and CO2 is plant food!

December 7, 2018 7:57 am

These “Shithole” countries and cities are the way they are because of the people who live there. Sub Saharan Africa is the way it is because it’s full of Sub Saharan Africans. Detroit and LA are the way they are because of the people who live there.
I’m no student of history, but I suspect it has always been this way and always will be. YMMV

December 7, 2018 9:58 am

Reducing the population by 6 billion would be a good thing. I’m not in favor of killing them but wide spread neutering would be beneficial.

December 7, 2018 6:55 pm

Uh, look … I’m too old to be much of a worry regarding procreation, but … ah …could we go with spaying instead? Maybe vasectomies? Tubal ligations, and whatnot? I’ve grown rather attached to certain parts of me.