Capture the Flag

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

A titanic battle between Mr. Trump and his antagonists looms in the political gloaming of the new year. It may not be resolvable by conventional means since the Intel and Justice agencies have been leading a two-year coup-by-subterfuge against the president, with Robert Mueller as the spearhead, leaving a slime-trail of sedition and prosecutorial misconduct that they are now desperately trying to cover up. How then can the corrupted Department of Justice and its stepchild, the FBI, be relied on to adjudicate these unprecedented crimes against themselves?

The answer may be coming next week when the lame duck session of House Oversight Committee calls John Huber to appear. Huber is the federal prosecutor out of the Salt Lake City district office who was assigned by the erstwhile Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into the manifold irregularities of the RussiaGate matter. It’s not clear how much Mr. Huber can tell the committee about an ongoing case, but he hasn’t made a peep all year, and if his testimony suggests that he’s twiddling his thumbs in the sagebrush, it will inform you that we are headed into real civil war. Too much incriminating information is already loose in the public domain about Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluding with Russia, and something has to be done about it.

It’s obvious that the Obama White House, along with CIA director John Brennan, and Director of National intel James Clapper, used the FBI and the DOJ (with support from the nation’s two leading newspapers), and help from Britain’s MI6 intel shop, to run illegal operations against Mr. Trump during the 2016 election, and then persisted in acts to delegitimize him after Jan 20, 2017. All this, of course, is apart from whether you like Mr. Trump or approve of his policies.

It’s well documented elsewhere that Robert Mueller’s mission to detect election “collusion” between Russia and Mr. Trump was a bust, and that all he has to show for it is a roll of contrived convictions for lying to federal prosecutors and the FBI. The case of General Flynn lies at the center because he served as Mr. Obama’s Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and he knew too much about US shenanigans around the notorious Iran nuclear deal and other shady doings. They were alarmed when he went over to Mr. Trump’s campaign, and determined to disable him.

Once Mr. Trump appointed Gen. Flynn Director of National Security, Mr. Obama engineered an “incident” in late December of 2016 (confiscating Russian properties in Maryland over alleged election meddling and laying down new sanctions), that prompted Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak to phone Gen. Flynn, the incoming DNS. US Intel was prepared for that set-up and recorded the call, which required the illegal “unmasking” of Flynn, a nicety of spycraft. Thus, the FBI had a transcript of the phone call and were easily able to entrap Flynn in mis-remembering the particulars of the call.

The predicate for this operation was completely dishonest: that incoming senior government officials are forbidden to speak to foreign ambassadors. In fact it is their duty to consult with foreign officials, especially in Mr. Flynn’s job, and a long-established tradition of every presidential transition. The coup cadres of the Deep State used The New York Times and The Washington Post to persuade the public that Gen. Flynn had done something treasonous, when it was nothing more than routine transition business.

Gen. Flynn’s sentencing paperwork was released a few days ago. The question is: will he be free to speak about the process he was put through? If there was any contingency against him speaking freely in his sentencing guidelines, it hasn’t been publicized. In any case, he deserves to be pardoned, and I believe that Mr. Trump will do exactly that after Mr. Mueller releases his long-awaited report.

Others have made the point that the Mueller Report will be a handbook for the impeachment of Mr. Trump by the House. The house can run hearings on that until the cows come home, but they’re unlikely to get a conviction in the Senate. The larger question is whether Mr. Mueller himself should be subject to prosecution and there’s plenty of evidence that he has been involved in misconduct himself going back to the shady Uranium one deal when he was the FBI Director. It’s obvious that he was brought onto the RussiaGate case in the Spring of 2017 not to find the truth about “collusion” but to attempt to save the reputation of the FBI and the DOJ using all the considerable power of a special prosecutor to cover the trial of official misdeeds.

There is enough ill-feeling and bad faith about all that activity to suggest that President Trump will have to set in motion some kind of extraordinary adjudication process. There have been rumblings for more than a year that he might accomplish that by declaring an emergency and bringing on military tribunals to sort this mess out. Until now, that has seemed farfetched to me. Not anymore. If, over the weeks turning the corner to 2019, Mr. Huber or Mr. Mueller or any of the House and Senate Committees don’t show any progress in airing out the official criminality among government employees, then we are headed into a titanic conflict between two camps in government. The financial markets may already be signaling the distress coming down the road as these two camps prepare to play capture the flag.

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December 7, 2018 9:56 am

” a two-year coup-by-subterfuge against the president, with Robert Mueller as the spearhead”

Mueller is turned, perhaps was from the very beginning.

“There have been rumblings for more than a year that he might accomplish that by declaring an emergency and bringing on military tribunals to sort this mess out. Until now, that has seemed farfetched to me. Not anymore.”


Even Jim has succumbed to the LARP. Read:” Until now,(Q) has seemed farfetched to me. Not anymore.”

I hope T4C shoves the ad hominems down your throats good and hard, but I know she will not, as she has far too much class.

December 7, 2018 10:43 am

1. You spelled “morons” incorrectly.

2. Stop pretending you hate Q. You love Q! You’re just stirring shit.

3. Pray … I will pray for your soul.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
December 7, 2018 12:29 pm

The Q bullshit is nearly as big a hoax as anthropogenic global warming. I’m holding my breath waiting to see which occurs first, the draining of the swamp, or NYC inundated by rising sea levels.

December 7, 2018 7:01 pm

Au contraire! Personally, I think the OWS bull was even bigger, but perhaps did not last as long.

I distinctly remember you were as big a believer in OWS as these q-nutters are in Q. Have your wounds healed yet?

December 7, 2018 8:24 pm

You should have ducked.

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 12:57 pm

No one in his right mind would have lost 50% of his life’s savings in a speculative venture. That you consider you might have done that to yourself, you might want to understand that whatever decision you make with the mind you have is likely to be just as acutely wrong as that one would have been. What a dilemma!

December 7, 2018 3:59 pm

I thought everyone here was using “morans” as a stylistic “cool” word indigenous to this site. I guess TS nailed it at 11:53.

December 8, 2018 10:56 pm

Close but no cigar. However the word as spelled has special meaning here. That’s all I can tell you or I’ll get banned.

December 7, 2018 11:17 am

William Barr? Where did you get that name? The Washington Post, mouth of the CIA, seems legit.
How come Huber and Horowitz are in the MSM regularly now?
I wonder….

Big Ed
Big Ed
December 7, 2018 12:07 pm

I am personally down at the crossroad waiting for Godot and the return of Jesus…Much more likely than a big swamp critter cruxification.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 8, 2018 8:39 pm

Huber hasn’t done anything worthwhile throughout his career. I don’t expect that to change now.

December 8, 2018 11:37 pm

I hear you. I don’t see how so many die hard trump fans still manage to get their hopes up about any of this. I’d love to be wrong here, but anyone expecting anything big to happen is going to be sorely disappointed. From Huber or any of it.

Here’s what’s going to happen from Huber – a whole lot of nothing. The mueller report will contain noting substantive but will be talked about as though anything that makes trump or people near him look bad will be talked about endlessly on every MSM outlet. That’s a big part of what this investigation was intended to do. All this is is a taxpayer funded opposition political research aimed at making trump look bad going into 2020.

December 7, 2018 11:53 am

Raw heresy! By the very source of our ventage. Oh, the castigations I received, with clear threat of discommendation if I ever again wrote ‘moron’ instead of ‘moran’. Or maroon. Or some derivative thereof. Subtle intimations, but clear nevertheless.
I am undone, and suddenly adrift.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 7, 2018 12:19 pm

Sounds like “unshirted hell” to me.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
December 7, 2018 8:29 pm

You didn’t get the memo? Must be because your not in the loop , loser.

  EL Coyote (EC)
December 7, 2018 10:44 pm

Sigh, how true. You however are consistently and forever ‘in the loop’. That would make you Lupe, I guess.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 2:39 pm

Your a funny guy. My boss was funnier. He called me ‘Guadalupe head’. He was creative with his insults. You are vapid, Tran-Sexual.

  EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 3:05 pm

Double sigh. You know…’loopy, Lupe.’ With all the various double entendres available beyond the obvious. Get it? I wouldn’t have thought that I would have to explain to you of all people. You seem much brighter than that. I’ll remember to keep it simple, for future reference.
And here I thought you were teasing instead of being asshole. My bad.

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
  EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 1:00 pm

I think you mean “yore.”

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 2:41 pm
  EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 3:37 pm

As an aside…I’m the one who gave you the upvote because I thought it was funny. That’ll teach me.

December 7, 2018 2:26 pm

Ugh. Tucker really crucified Trump yesterday. Maybe he’s right. Edit: didn’t see that Stucky already posted it. He hits him hard, but I think fairly, maybe it’ll wake him up

December 7, 2018 5:30 pm

Why is my name highlighted? And why is that Stucky one Ugly Fat Fucker?

P.S. I am no longer fat. Well, not that fat.

December 9, 2018 8:34 am

Agree that Trump has not followed through on many of the issues from his campaign platform especially with respect to the wall, obamacare, foreign policy, and the stock market bubble.

So it doesn’t appear that Trump is going to drain the swamp. Is he false opposition? If so, where do we go from here? Are you going to vote communist democrat? And if voting is not the answer then what is? I’m prepping as usual for a collapse. But is that it? Dialog is not possible with the entirety of the left. I probably would only agree with those in the freedom caucus on the right. What’s left? Chip

December 7, 2018 10:14 am

Bullshit! The Republican geldings in the House and Senate have produced ZERO in the last 2 years. My prediction is that the Democrats will show them what real scorched earth investigations look like.

Those pussies have delivered nothing. No wall, no change in immigration laws, no Obamacare repeal and no prosecutions. They pretend to be patriots while taking political cover from their pals Ryan and McCain. Those 2 traitors are gone but now they have Romney to hide behind.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 7, 2018 12:22 pm

Fortunately we can lose RINO Mitt, Collins and Murkowski and have 51 with Pence.
I think Trump should form a new party and leave those three assholes standing alone as “Republicans.” Then they can do what they always wanted and caucus with the Dhimmicrats like all the other faux Indies.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  Harrington Richardson
December 7, 2018 10:16 pm

Let the NeoCons, RINOs, and NWO Rockefeller-Bush Republican Traitors have the Republican Party and start a new Party of Real Conservatives. We could have a naming contest too. May I suggest the American Party.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  robert h siddell jr
December 8, 2018 8:44 pm

No way a new party will emerge unless the Republicans and Democrats are completely destroyed. They have control of everything now, even the debates.

  Vixen Vic
December 8, 2018 11:57 pm

Ya they learned their lesson with allowing Perot to participate. They’ll see to it that no one like him is ever allowed up there.

December 7, 2018 10:21 am

JK sums it up pretty well in this piece. Around here, we know this post contains truths, not partisan opinion, and there are proofs available.
Unfortunately, the sheeple going about their daily lives do not have the patience, time, or curiosity to research and understand all the details that are there, for anyone who does care, and has a brain with good capacity to understand the blatant corruption of it all.
Ignorant emotions rule, and logical understanding of the purposefully hidden crimes is the casualty.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 7, 2018 12:35 pm

Imagine the screaming from the rooftops if Jerry Corsi was a Hillary campaign operative and had just filed criminal charges against a Special Counsel. Crickets. Whistleblowers from the Clinton Foundation. Crickets. There is more. Now I know why my buddies that were in Nam always wanted to kill the MSM reporters over there.

  Harrington Richardson
December 7, 2018 5:34 pm

It would have been more effective, and saved much trouble down the road, had they killed the journalism professors over here when they returned.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 7, 2018 10:44 am

There is a War of the Worlds, Physical and Spiritual. The Russia-Gate Inquisition/Coup was just a small counter attack against We The People’s Counter Revolution, a mere whiff of battles to come with the rotten core of the powerful Illuminati, from Brussels & Rome, and WDC & Berkley, and from their millions of Minions from Chateaus & Penthouses, to Welfare Plantations & border shanties. The NWO conspires to destroy the Old World Order, not just ideologically but to a man. The Sheeple are waking up to the MSM Lies and have had enough of being tricked, cheated, robbed, herded off the Kings Lands, sprayed like bugs, homes burned, children brainwashed, suffering seeing Oligarchs above the Law and themselves gored by the Law. It’s coming to a head; it’s not just Trump; TPTB must yield or fight.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  robert h siddell jr
December 7, 2018 11:08 am

That’s why they are trying to start a war with Russia.
A very big distraction is needed to keep sheeple from looking at TPTB as the real evil that needs to be destroyed.

  Mary Christine
December 8, 2018 5:22 pm

Either way, nothing will happen, and what we see will continue.

  Mary Christine
December 9, 2018 8:54 am

I don’t see the American people supporting a war with Russia. Seems a bridge to far to me… Chip

December 7, 2018 11:15 am

At this point, when the corruption and treason at the DOJ and FBI has been confirmed x 100, Trump will either go nuclear or he will go away, and maybe in handcuffs..Trump has been totally naive about the US legal “system”, or he would have fired Mueller immediately, and Sessions too….But some people don’t learn..Trump needs to discover that he’s President…

December 7, 2018 6:22 pm

He does have the military leadership on his side … else he would be gone by now. But, it is he’d better use them to remove the sedition and the sand is through the glass for that to happen. Terrible thoughts …

December 9, 2018 8:56 am

there’s enough information in the public domain to indict Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Clinton and a whole host of others. if it doesn’t happen there is clearly one justice system for the left and one for the right … Chip

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 7, 2018 12:04 pm

I have been watching the exposing of the deep state since “Fast and Furious.” The standard pattern has been the criminal acts becoming public knowledge, yet never prosecution. And so it is today.
There was a time I thought Trump would make a difference, with the help of an insider named “Q,” but the last two years have been pretty much business as usual, with “where we go one we go all,” going nowhere.
With the loss of the house in a few weeks, the hopes of a different outcome are dwindling. The sadness is there isn’t another option as Trump is the last hope. When there is only one basket, you have no choice but to put all of your eggs into it.
If there is no surprise coming in the next few weeks, I hope we will just be able to accept the reality of two tiers of justice for us and them and I will not have to listen to anymore slogans of “lock her up!” Or, “build the wall!”

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  Not Sure
December 7, 2018 10:23 pm

As long as there is God, there is hope. Trump is not the only Mighty Warrior God can raise up; many good men would say “Here am I Lord, send me.” Is 6:8

  robert h siddell jr
December 8, 2018 11:20 am

Sir, I like the cut of your Jib.

December 7, 2018 4:53 pm

The big problem with crypto at the moment, of course, is that you can only get your money out if new money flows in. Proclaiming that you don’t want your Litecoins anymore is fine but unless someone new is willing to buy them with new cash you don’t get to sell. I know this seems clearly obvious but I’ve had to explain this to several crypto bugs that I know. Why people “invest” in things they do not understand is beyond me.

Anyone thinking about coming aboard the crypto train must be looking at the trend line and the trend line is down. After all, why buy Ethereum at $82 if you believe the bottom to be at $10?

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 1:16 pm

Wow, that is some analysis. You should make millions in the market. How have you done?

December 7, 2018 4:54 pm

Who in their right mind would invest in crypto’s? There are other options.

December 8, 2018 12:49 pm

Investing in a corporation underwritten by the taxpayers is bound to be a wise financial decision … and a horrible ethical one.

December 9, 2018 1:00 am

comment image

December 7, 2018 5:34 pm

The market cap of all coins combined has dropped from $820 Billion to $120 Billion today in less than 1 year. That’s an 85% fall … and still falling. Bitcoin is now considered the largest financial bubble in history –

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 1:17 pm

Yeah, that’s been said quite a few times along the way. You might think about that.

December 7, 2018 5:54 pm

I’m convinced cryptos were a trial ballon/ beta trial for FedCoin or similar. Expect it within 2-3 years as they take us cashless. If you want something you don’t want the govt to know about you better get it soon.

December 7, 2018 7:41 pm

I do not see that ever ever ever happening. For one, it is the perfect ledger just like you said. How then will the Pentagon lose tens of trillions of dollars when a perfect ledger exists? How will the CIA launder its opium money? Cash is for Criminals and government is the biggest criminal of them all.

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 1:20 pm

Have you considered that the gov’t won’t mind all that much if you and a few others get rich while the vast majority gets a little poorer? Would you rather be a house nigger or a field nigger, as they say?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 8, 2018 8:50 pm

Well said, Nickel.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 7, 2018 10:35 pm

Cryptos were a demonstration project for blockchain which got out of hand in my opinion.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
December 7, 2018 7:58 pm

Haha you dumb motherfuckers.

NSAcoin to $0 soon.

December 8, 2018 8:52 am

Notice their value is counted in dollars?

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 1:15 pm

Ask yourself why am I laughing, and I am laughing. Markets are manipulated for one reason: advantage. Either scare the rubes and buy cheaply, or and make maniacs out of them, sell high, and then drop the trap door. Has it ever been different?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 8, 2018 8:48 pm

Never trust money that’s not something you can hold in your hand and not made of a metal.

December 7, 2018 4:54 pm

There is so much going on behind the scenes it’s impossible to understand it with any real confidence.

Earlier this month there were reports of Trump’s 90-day ceasefire agreement on new economic tariffs with China.

Within days, the MSM began to cast doubt on the agreement saying Trump was being played like a “fish on the hook”.

Then, we find out the U.S. Department of Justice arranged for the CFO of a Chinese tech conglomerate to be arrested in Canada on the same day Trump’s ceasefire agreement was announced in the media. And it appears the gal who was arrested is akin to Chicom royalty.

Is it possible the Global Cabal is demonstrating to China that Trump is not the final arbiter in any negotiations? Or, is it just another example of the deep state undermining POTUS at every opportunity? Both? One and the same? Kabuki Theater? Something else?

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 7, 2018 5:09 pm

I’m watching the Comey investigation today and again, he chooses not to disclose the answers to crucial questions. The end result is Comey keeps repeating the same routine and never gets called on his culpability in the criminal shenanigans he did, during the attempts to get to Trump.
Clearly the deep state is in charge, as also seen in the arrest of the Chinese business official just when Trumps negotiations are at a critical point. The Chinese have to be asking themselves, who is in charge; the president or the career politicians who are trying to bring him down?

December 7, 2018 7:13 pm

UN – The Chink arrested in Canada was shipping US made goods into Iran and that did not sit well with our oil oligarchs, Trump is of little importance in the great scheme of things.

22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
December 7, 2018 7:57 pm

Again, all eyes on France. This shit is getting real globally!

I was a little drunk when I said Epstein took a 2nd round of civil liability for the raping the girls. He took civil liability for interfering with the victims lawyers and now the door is wide open for a 2nd round of STATUTORY RAPE LIABILITY.

Keep in mind Trump was “hanging and banging” with this guy not so long ago!

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
December 7, 2018 10:29 pm

All the politicians probably and much worse.

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 1:39 pm

Trump is all about a reset, not a continuation. You don’t think he knows that the debt is overwhelming across the world and can never be reconciled without bankruptcy? So he clouds every issue, points in every direction, spends while he can, takes credit where he can, blames everyone he can. All that to what end? Admin thinks the problem is that the pols won’t balance the budget. Others wait for God to make things right. Still others sit and stew, wondering what the hell is happening while offering theory after theory. Some sit comfortably (or uncomfortably) on their gold and silver. Then there are the Demorats who know exactly the way out: Jamestown.

There are things to do and have that seem sensible at a minimum. Have a current passport, have some PMs, some cryptos, no debt, protective devices, and some reliable neighbors.

  1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
December 8, 2018 4:04 pm

Sometimes I think there is indeed method to Trump’s madness. For example, look at all the things going on around Iran. India will stop using petro dollars to trade with Iran. Western Europe is fuming , along with its current burning. So do they eventually say enough is enough with NATO? One can hope.

December 8, 2018 7:50 pm

Aside from breaking off trade talks, some are worried that Beijing could seek to retaliate in kind by arresting a notable US executive. While the threats of Chinese bureaucrats might not amount to much in the eyes of US prosecutors, threatening a US executive with long-term detention in a Chinese “reeducation camp” just might.

December 7, 2018 6:19 pm

If anyone except Trump gets in trouble and ends up in prison it would be amazing. I don’t expect anything to happen. Trump will be crucified by the Democrats and the media, that is it.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 7, 2018 10:30 pm

Or some by some miracle, the other way around.

John Galt
John Galt
December 7, 2018 6:32 pm

TOday 12/7/18 on the interstate from Georgia to Chattanooga there was a massive billboard reading QANON I laughed my ass off and wasnt fast enought to take a picture. Solid black sign with barely visible white large letters almost opaque. As if any of the aheeple even will bother and those of us using critical thinking skills have already dismissed this Q character bullshit as a diversion of hope while DJT bullshits until he loses 2020 and hands over the reins to the communist marxist democrats. Its all over folks…. prep now…..bought all the junk silver in chattanooga today you will need to find another city….my truck was floating heavy on the interstate….

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  John Galt
December 7, 2018 7:53 pm

Amen brother.

Anyone who thinks 27 CENT GREEN TIP is so outdated that it’s not even a relevant general purpose cartridge needs to keep it to around 100 yards and be realistic.

Go light on the guns and heavy on good ammo.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  John Galt
December 7, 2018 10:32 pm

I didn’t hear the fat lady sing…

  John Galt
December 8, 2018 4:08 pm

I agree about the prep. I also agree that Q is a psyop. Trump…not so sure of. Maybe an unwitting tool. Though it still bugs me that there were professionally printed signs ready to go to protest the second the election was called.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
December 7, 2018 7:47 pm

All eyes on Paris.

After Macron is kicked out tomorrow (tonight) we can get to work on kicking out Trump and everyone else who would have his seat in the Oral Orifice.

This shit is getting real.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr

Hope the Brits are watching and learning…


Dude, you are deluded beyond measure, one, the frenchies have been chanting “we want Trump” and who the fuck do you think is going to join you in taking down Trump? A gang of purple haired man haters and their Antifa muscle?
The shooters are solidly behind Trump.

John Galt
John Galt
December 8, 2018 6:50 am

JUst thinking out…..have a Question.

If Trumpmdoes not run in 2020 (pick any reason you want, one could be the democrats exhaust him or fake news wins by then)

Do we guarantee a democrat victory because so many will write DJT in as nominee?

WHo would be the GOP front runner? Lindsey Graham? Lmao pense? The fake news keeps sending me in emails that Pense is gay? Not aure why that matters in todays world and or why that’s “bad” or “taboo” since the left are all so into “gay” nowadays and force rammed it down everyone to make them at least publically think its ok to be gay but not ok to white. argghhh, went on a rant. See how these demonrats make us so distracted this is what i mean for 2020…..divide and conquer.

1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
1 of the 6% aka bigfoot
  John Galt
December 8, 2018 1:43 pm

Talk, talk, talk. Take a minute and admit you are looking at shadows on the wall.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
December 8, 2018 10:39 am

The Shit has always been real,
people have always been for sale.
Doesn’t matter how you feel,
because winners tell the tale.

It won’t matter how fast you run;
there is nowhere to hide.
Nobody has a big enough gun
to keep everyone on their side.

Everybody zeroed in somebody’s scope,
everybody safe in their bulletproof plan.
Everybody is losing their hope,
while waiting for a better man.

On our doorstep, a burning bag
of shit that used to be our flag.

22winmag - Say no to doom porn and NSAcoin stories
22winmag - Say no to doom porn and NSAcoin stories
  Diogenes’ Dung
December 9, 2018 6:35 am

Not bad.

Not bad.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
December 9, 2018 6:33 am

Has anyone else seen through Trump’s shit or is it just me?

Paris is on fire and which nation [okay if not nation, which revolutionary spirit] on Earth could America turn to if we got rolled by the fucking global commie-muzloid alliance?


Paris is the bellwether if there ever were one.

The more Paris burns is the more we’ll burn in just a few short…

December 9, 2018 11:43 am

Time to buy more ammo and replacement parts for the AR15