The Financial Jigsaw – Issue No. 30

Having looked at the EU in more detail last week and shown how the UK was fraudulently enjoined as a member, there is much more to reveal in the coming weeks: here is the link to last week:  Issue 29 

In this Issue we will see that the elite’s ability to manipulate the populace is now limited due to the rise of the internet and is borne out by the latest Brexit vote which surprised the establishment and ruling elites.  They have spent two years fighting back and attempting to engineer a second referendum just as the Wilson government did in 1975.  Perhaps it will not be so easy this time around as people are better informed.  However I recognise that the powers that be have many advantages and I remain uncertain the Brexit can ever be finalised in the time allowed.  


The European Union 

            “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein [who might have been commenting on Brexit]

“Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred; and always stronger than internationalism”.

George Orwell

The Establishment’s ability to suppress information is now limited

Here we witness the classic British manipulation which the ruling elite have practiced since time immemorial.  Only now, with the advent of the “*Internet Reformation” has it been possible to broadcast, to those who wish to know, the skulduggery and deceit which is endemic in British political life.

These people are masters of the ‘diplomatic omission’;  the ability to say enough, but not all, of what the truth might be and which has its origins in the practice of Empire.  However, it does have to be acknowledged that the UK Civil Service is probably one of the best, honest and of the highest integrity in the world.  It is the politicians who are often found to be at the root of governmental dysfunction and that is firmly in the British public’s court to answer through the ballot box.

*The Internet Reformation: A shortened description edited from

The Internet Reformation is the culmination of the power and glory of Western civil society and free-market thinking. It is NOT an “Internet Revolution.”

This concept is based on what happened during the era of the Gutenberg press. Almost from the beginning, the Gutenberg press was a revolutionary technology. As soon as people used the press to print Bibles, readers began to discover that the Holy Word differed considerably from what they’d been taught by the Catholic Church. The changes ushered in by the Gutenberg press were fundamental. The Renaissance began a reconfiguration by allowing for the rediscovery of the scientific orientation of Greece and Rome. This set in motion a series of events that has not yet ceased to reverberate. 

Every social order needs formal elite to organize and animate it. In the high middle Ages, the hierarchy consisted of the Catholic Church leaders along with Royal families throughout Europe, as well as powerful merchants and bankers. In the modern era, the hierarchy is much less obvious and consists, from available evidence of the great modern banking families led by the Rothschilds based in the City of London along with attendant Institutional influences and abetted by corporate interests and the so-called ‘Dark Nobility’ and ‘Dark Church’. It is this hierarchy that promulgates regulatory democracy and its various dominant social themes; the fear-based promotions that the Western power elite uses to control the people and to further centralize power and authority worldwide. Just as the Catholic Church leaders dreamed of one ‘Pax Romana’ around the world, so does today’s power elite dream of one New World Order driven by regulatory democracy. 

At the centre of the new global order is the central bank itself, printing money-from-nothing, perpetually devastating the economies of nation states through monetary (and price inflation) and through its ruin, creating the necessity for a global currency and a single global central bank, presumably based on the IMF. Within this latter meme, gold and silver are held to be barbaric elements, not needed anymore in a fiat money world. In fact, what the Internet is increasingly showing us is a way to return to some basic freedoms; Bitcoin and gold lead the way.  

Human beings do have a kind of Hive Mind (via intimate communications between families and friends and various cultural exchanges) and once additional information is made available, that Mind incorporates it.  There are downsides; the power elite does profit from the centralizing effects of technology. Spymasters and dictators profit from the aspects of technology as they always have. And yet the positive elements are likely unstoppable as well. There is little possibility at this point of the Internet being shut down as simplistic formulations might have it. It is decentralization that the modern power elite fears most because decentralized spheres of influence are impossible to control.  

In fact, the European Union is failing, various serial wars of conquest are not going well and fear-based memes of the elite are continually being debunked by an Internet that adds more to humankind’s real knowledge base every day. It will take decades if not centuries to control the damage that has already been done (from an elite standpoint); and what has been done cannot be undone. 

A new enlightenment is taking place; a fundamental reforming of societies’ knowledge base. It is far more important and fundamental than a “technology revolution.”  It is rewriting the basic relationship that human beings have with their knowledge base and with its impact on their lives. The centralizing architecture erected by the Anglo-American elites is even now being undermined. The darkness is lifting as it lifted long ago during the Renaissance. An Internet Reformation is coming. It will have numerous unpredictable ramifications. In fact, its dawn is already here.

The British vote to stay in the ‘Common Market’ through disinformation

In June 1975, the month when inflation hit 27% per annum, its highest level in history, came the referendum; the British people voted by 2 to 1 to remain in a “Common Market” which the vast majority believed was intended to be no more than a free-trading arrangement.

As for any fears that there might be moves towards “an Economic and Monetary Union” and “fixed exchange rates for the pound”, the Wilson Government’s own leaflet of the day, to every household, promised categorically: “this threat has been removed”.

An example of the deceit evident in the European issue is that of the Europhiles claiming Britain has somehow derived special benefits from trading with our continental neighbours which we could not have enjoyed without membership.

However, the figures give the lie, and show that UK incurred a cumulative trading deficit with our European partners amounting to more than £170Bn; and continue to experience a drain on the exchequer at the rate of £8Bn per annum (HMG – 2011-12).

Furthermore, when Robin Cook was Foreign Secretary, he claimed that “3.5 million British jobs now depend on trade with our European Union partners”. The implication is that, if we did not belong to the EU, those jobs might somehow disappear. The figure of 3.5 million jobs actually came from a report commissioned in 1999 by ‘Britain in Europe’ from a reputable research organisation, the National Institute for Economic and Social Research.(NIESR)

The report actually stated it estimated that 3.5 million UK jobs were linked to trade with the EU. But even if Britain were to leave the EU, it emphasised, few of those jobs would disappear, because we would continue trading with the EU much as we do now (and as do other non-EU countries, such as Norway and Switzerland).

But no sooner had Britain received the report than it issued a press release claiming that “British withdrawal would cost 3.5 million jobs”. The NIESR’s director, Dr Martin Weale, was so angry at this misuse of his report that he described Britain’s behaviour as “pure Goebbels”. But this did not prevent Robin Cook and his cronies continuing to parrot a propaganda point which is still echoed by Europhiles to this day.

Thank goodness Britain retains the pound sterling

The bright spark in this tale of woe is of course, the UK currency, the pound sterling.  So long as Britain fails to join the euro, and this must be a given now that the euro is clearly in its twilight years, it can never be fully part of a new super-state within which Britain has become entwined in so many other ways.

We can only applaud the British peoples’ choice in the Brexit referendum, an outcome that is best for Britain’s people in every way and I will leave the reader to decide upon that point in 2020 or maybe before. Until then, the sad saga of the European economic meltdown continues apace; but can H.M. Government be trusted to do the right thing?  I make no apology for deviating briefly next week from the EU script to highlight the American experience and the personalities engaged in disinformation as an example of where the ‘United States of Europe’, if allowed to, will end up. 

To be continued next Saturday

Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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