Witch Hunters

Guest Post by The Zman

Alex McNabb is one of the personalities on The Right Stuff. His primary role is as a side kick on the TDS podcast, but he turns up on other shows and works on the various bits they do. In his spare time, he is a licensed emergency medical technician working in rural Virginia. That means he is one of the people riding an ambulance to situations where people are injured. In rural parts of America, there is a shortage of EMT’s and ambulance services, so much of the work is done by volunteers like McNabb.

For the past few week, Antifa agitator Christopher Mathias has been trying to get McNabb thrown off the ambulance crew. Mathias pretends to be a news reporter, but his real job is to harass people with whom Antifa disagrees. He started harassing the ambulance service and when that did not work, he started calling the state licensing board. When that went nowhere, he started harassing the Board of Supervisors. He finally found a fellow lunatic to try and use his government position to pull funding from the ambulance service.

Now, it should be said that most people in McNabb’s position would have tried to lie low for a while until the lunatics found a new target to harass. Instead, he stood up for himself in public and made his case. The Board of Supervisors appears to have been suitably impressed, or perhaps shamed, as none of them were willing to support the lunatic’s effort to harm the ambulance service. That’s not the end of it, of course, as lunatics never quit after they lose a fight. Instead, they redouble their efforts and keep coming.

Even so, you have to wonder if people are starting to get tired of these ridiculous show trials, where mentally unstable people like Christopher Mathias get the final word on public morality. Whatever you think about McNabb’s entertainment life, he’s causing no one harm with it and his work as an EMT saves lives. It’s why rational societies maintain a barrier between public and private life. We’re better off not knowing the interior life of the people we deal with every day. More important, we don’t need to know it.

Watch the video of the exchange between the chairman of the Board of Supervisors and McNabb and it looks like something from a Stalin show trial. The chairman was not there to serve the people of his county. He was there to put on a performance and show his betters that he is a true believer, willing to sacrifice all for the cause. In fact, his antics were so cringe inducing, it made McNabb look like a hero. If you’re on that board and you see that, you don’t want any part of that Boyd character. He’s a nut.

Of course, it is a great example of how people like Mathias are the new Puritans. They spend their days looking for sinners. Replace the phrase “white supremacist” with “blasphemer” or “heretic” in these things and it makes much more sense. It’s why they indiscriminately throw around the term, applying it to anyone they oppose. Just as Eskimos have lots of words for snow, these new Puritans have lots of words for the sinners they are sure must be holding back progress toward the Promised Land.

It’s also another example of something that never gets discussed. Settled society is that space between the fanatics on one side and the barbarians on the other. For most of human history, the barbarians were a real threat, so keeping the fanatics under control was a necessity. The witch hunters in the 16th and 17th century were eventually suppressed, because they were dangerous. In this age, our rulers have no fear of barbarians, so they are amused by fanatical lunatics like Chris Mathias.

At some point, one of these witch hunter is going to mess with the wrong witch and something very bad will happen. It would be one thing if these nuts were content to write silly posts on sites like the Huffington Post, but they are not. As we see in this situation, this Mathias guy has invested a big chunk of his life trying to ruin a life. McNabb is a reasonable guy willing to combat this nut within the rules. One day, the target will not be reasonable and he will not be concerned about the rules.

Even if that day never comes, these stories serve to make the case that the people in charge are, at best, indifferent to what is happening in America. A responsible elite steps in and puts the brakes on this nonsense. The people running the Huffington Post, that would be Verizon, would not give these loons a platform. They may not be able to stop a crackpot like Mathias from stalking people on-line, but they can send the message that his behavior is unacceptable. It’s how sensible elites maintain order.

Instead, we live in a world of daily reminders that the people who rule over us hate us and take pleasure in our suffering. Again, no matter what you think of McNabb, he provides a much needed service. People will literally die if this ambulance company is shut down because of McNabb’s blasphemy. Rural communities rely on volunteers like McNabb for these vital services. That tells you the truth about our rulers. They may not agree with what you say, but they are willing to lay down your life in order to suppress it.

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December 22, 2018 8:54 am

We need an EMT. Tax breaks etc could be arranged. Seriously. I have considered getting trained. Its the staying sober such as to be available to do the job off hours that stops me.

no one
no one
December 22, 2018 9:19 am

If he’d been a cop and killed someone’s kid for carrying a toy weapon instead of using his freedom of speech, then he would be on paid vacation with high fives all around at the precinct.

December 22, 2018 9:19 am

It is said that it takes approximately 100 years for historical truth to be finally accepted, free from the taint and biases of the “victors” (who are quite often successful in their attempts to downplay and dismiss historical facts. World War 2 will be seen as an attack on Germany, which was coming into its own on the world stage as a technological superpower, posing a threat to then British and American hegemony, as well as being a threat to the Rothschild banking cartel.

A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question official jewish holocaust orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the official jewish holocaust story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to all things holocaust. Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment.

The so-called jewish holocaust has been turned into a de-facto religion (“holocaustianity”)in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish holocaust truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the tribe that FEAR the real truth of the jewish holocaust being exposed is evident. A questionable and totally dishonest judicial “trick” used in holocaust trials is that of “judicial notice” in which TRUTH CANNOT BE USED AS A DEFENSE OR ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE IN THE KANGAROO COURTS THAT PROSECUTE THOSE WHO DARE TO INVESTIGATE THIS HISTORICAL EVENT. “Judicial notice”, once invoked against a defendant, disallows the introduction of evidence that does not conform to “commonly accepted beliefs” about the “holocaust”, EVEN IF THE EVIDENCE PROVES THAT THE “HOLOCAUST” CLAIMS ARE LIES AND FABRICATIONS. A question for you holocaust promoters-why are there laws that criminalize the search for truth?? What are you afraid of??

The latest “vicitms” of “holocaustianity” are Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer, both are grandmothers who have been prosecuted and sentenced to maximum-security prisons in Germany for “incorrect thoughts”.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
December 22, 2018 9:30 am

Now these fucking fruitlloops are endangering innocent lives? EMTs save lives and don’t ask questions about peoples political indulgences. I hope something happens to that fuck and then McNabb shows up to help. What will that little fuck do then?

December 22, 2018 9:39 am

“At some point, one of these witch hunter is going to mess with the wrong witch and something very bad will happen.”

Patience,you try and keep it but it comes and goes,this insanity keeps up there will be more then one witch that goes feral,feel this direction continues will be one of said feral witches.

December 22, 2018 12:29 pm

I wouldn’t give a f-f if Mr. McNabb was a commie so long as he does the noble volunteer work he does. As for Mathias…. Past time to stop such jerks in their tracks.

December 22, 2018 2:21 pm

You guys just don’t get it. There will never be a place in our society for Nazis. Wear that badge (a signal to the rest of the country that you’re stupid), get kicked to the curb. If you don’t like it, it doesn’t matter (“but he was one of the good Nazis”). It’s not going to change. One thing I learned in life very early. If you stake out losing positions, don’t be surprised if you lose. The stupidity of people that fight that astounds me. “If we just got rid of all the Jews things would be better”. Not for the stupid. Because smarter people are still going to run rings around the stupid. Just like they are now. You’re going to get mad at somebody, get mad at your parents, because they didn’t give you any high IQ DNA.

December 22, 2018 5:24 pm

Star,all who do not go the progressive route are already nazis along with being racists/misogynists/deplorable/despicable ect.,there are too many of us to not have a place in society!

December 23, 2018 1:33 am

Not so. Stop playing stupid. There’s nothing wrong with being pro white folk, pro Christian, pro heterosexual, pro-American, pro traditional values, any of that. Make your case.