2020: Year of the Democrats? Maybe Not

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

If Democrats are optimistic as 2019 begins, it is understandable.

Their victory on Nov. 6, adding 40 seats and taking control of the House of Representatives, was impressive. And with the party’s total vote far exceeding the GOP total, in places it became a rout.

In the six New England states, Republicans no longer hold a single House seat. Susan Collins of Maine is the last GOP senator.

In California, Democrats took the governorship, every state office, 45 of 53 House seats and both houses of the legislature by more than 2-to-1. In the Goldwater-Nixon-Reagan Golden State bastion of Orange County, no GOP congressman survived.

Does this rejection of the GOP in 2018 portend the defeat of Donald Trump in 2020, assuming he is still in office then?

Not necessarily.

For consider. Nancy Pelosi may want to close out her career as speaker with solid achievements, but she could face a rebellion in her party, which is looking to confront and not compromise with Trump.

The national debt may be surging, but Capitol Hill progressives will be demanding “Medicare-for-all” and free college tuition. Trump-haters will be issuing reams of subpoenas and clamoring for impeachment.

Other Democrats, seeing the indulgent attention their colleagues are getting from the media, will join in. Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s House Judiciary Committee may have to accommodate the sans-culottes.

Is this what America voted for?

By the Ides of March, a dozen Democrats may have declared for president. But looking over the field, no prospective candidate seems terribly formidable, and the strongest, unlike Barack Obama in 2008, are too old to set the base afire.

According to a USA Today poll, 59 percent of Democrats say they would be “excited” about “someone entirely new” leading the party in 2020. Only 11 percent say they would prefer a familiar face.

Yet, who did these same Democrats view most favorably? Joe Biden, a 76-year-old white male first elected to the Senate when Richard Nixon was president.

Biden polls better than any of his rivals, with 53 percent of all Democrats saying they would be “excited” about his candidacy, and only 24 percent saying he ought not run a third time for president.

The candidate who comes closest to Biden in exciting the base is 77-year-old Vermont socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Bernie’s problem?

Almost as many Democrats believe he should not run again as would be excited about having him as nominee.

As for Elizabeth Warren, the USA Poll must be depressing news. Twenty-nine percent of Democrats would be excited about her candidacy, but 33 percent believe the 69-year-old Massachusetts Senator should not run.

Beto O’Rourke, the three-term Congressman from Texas who put a scare into Sen. Ted Cruz in November is less well-known than Bernie or Biden. But those excited about an O’Rourke run outnumber those who think he should not run.

Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, both African-American, are less well-known but have more Democrats excited about their running than are opposed to it.

However, as Harris is from California and Booker from New Jersey, both blue states that Democrats are almost certain to carry in 2020, and both are from a minority that already votes 90 percent Democratic, even their appeal as vice presidential nominees would not seem to equal that of O’Rourke or Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, who won re-election while his state was going Republican.

Yet, Brown, too, at 66, is eligible for Medicare.

A Biden-Brown ticket would present problems for the GOP. But could a Democratic Party that ceaselessly celebrates its racial and ethnic diversity and appeal to women and millennials get away with nominating a ticket of two white males on Social Security?

Other problems are becoming acute within the Democrats’ coalition of blacks, gays, Asians, Hispanics, women and LGBT, fraying the seams of the party.

After Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan praised the Women’s March co-president Tamika Mallory, and declared Jews to be the enemy in a speech last February, the Women’s March movement has splintered.

Asian-Americans who vote Democratic nationally are growing bitter over diversity policies in the Ivy League and elite schools that admit black and Hispanic students over Asian students with far higher test scores.

The BDS movement (boycott, divest, sanctions), targeted against Israel, is angering Jewish Democrats while gaining support on campuses.

Elizabeth Warren opposes BDS, but also opposes efforts to punish those who champion BDS. “I think the boycott of Israel is wrong,” said Warren at a town hall meeting, but added that “outlawing protected free speech activity violates our basic constitutional rights.”

In identity politics, loyalty to race, ethnic group and gender often trump the claims of party. The diversity Democrats celebrate is one day going to pull their party apart, as the social, cultural and racial revolutions of the 1960s pulled apart the party of FDR and LBJ.

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December 28, 2018 8:51 am

Every one of the “presidential candidates” is a classless clown…..all the way from “speech stealing” Joe Biden to “beto” never been there and never done that O’Rourke……

Of course Biden could change his handle to Jose…….could work……..in the Wilmington “hood” at least.

December 28, 2018 9:00 am

Splintered. Good description.
And not just for one party.
For the entire nation.
Nay; most Western cultures, where forcing diversity is some group’s cause; the effects are painfully obvious.
Long gone are the days of finding a leader with character, integrity, and appealing to a majority, with an uncommon ability to bridge divides.
Mr. B’s last sentence can be broadened to Western society as a whole.
… diversity they celebrate…pulls apart…shreds…splinters.

Common ground, like common sense, and common decency, -all becoming the sacrifices, upon the altar of diversity.

At the local level, a neighboring small City council just approved drag queen story time for the kiddies, at the local library.
One council woman resigned.
At the hearing on the motion, the objectors were shouted down by the supporters, labeling them haters, for not embracing the force fed degradation, and a place at the table, for the lunatic fringe.

December 28, 2018 9:02 am

Democrats don’t run. They are picked by the Jews.

e.d. ott - thought criminal
e.d. ott - thought criminal
December 30, 2018 6:04 am

That’s funny. They must’ve infiltrated the gutless Republicans, too.
Cool story, bro.

December 28, 2018 9:35 am

I just don’t see what it is about Democrats that appeals to anyone. Bernie Sanders offered free shit to everyone. I found it insulting. He is proof that kids are not educated about communism in school or by their parents. I think Democrats will get traction going into the future because many people are just that stupid.

December 28, 2018 11:13 am

The more Democrats there are at the time of collapse, the more people that wont live to see the other side. Being 100% dependent on the government for your sustenance isn’t going to work out all that well for a lot of people. Likewise, those not smart enough to invest in tools, skills and hard work will find themselves in the same boat.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
December 28, 2018 12:08 pm

Those already “on the ropes” , eating govt cheese will be the first to be swept away.

Robert (QSLV)

December 28, 2018 9:41 am

Vote fraud is the key to Democrats’ “success” Pat, so your whole column is kind of silly…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 28, 2018 9:55 am

That only helps around the edges. Unless you live in Oklahoma, there are libs all around you. Maybe I should move to Oklahoma.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
  Iska Waran
December 28, 2018 12:09 pm

Stay out of Tulsa and Oklahoma City.

Robert (QSLV)

December 28, 2018 9:55 am

Let’s look at democrat party “fundamental values”:
-every other sexual and social perversion
-people of color
-feminist women
-abortion on demand
Notice that there is one thing missing-heterosexual white males.
Any white heterosexual male who votes democRAT is contributing to his own demise and promoting white racial genocide…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 28, 2018 10:06 am

By the indentity politics metrics of the democrat party, the nomination should be Kamala Harris’s to lose. She checks off the most boxes: Indian, black, woman, skank. She comes off as a nag, though. If she can come in in the top three in IA and NH, then she could pick up steam with black voters in SC. Then on to CA. Even if she gets the nomination, she’ll have a hard time toppling Orange Man Bad unless she stops saying stupid shit like “speaking truth to power”. Fucking normal people don’t say shit like that. They also don’t give a shit about global warming or “food deserts” or checking your privilege or any of that shit that people in the Bay Area think is important. So if she gets the nomination, it should be entertaining.

Big Ed
Big Ed
  Iska Waran
December 28, 2018 2:57 pm

All she has to do is release a sex tape of her with 2 large dogs going at it and the nomination is hers!!

  Big Ed
December 28, 2018 3:31 pm

Or Big Mike

December 28, 2018 10:28 am

Fuck demonrats! Did they stop stealing money out of your pay every week? No? Then the government didn’t shut down.

December 28, 2018 10:29 am

goes for repubs too, none of these overlords give two shits about us, i dont give two shits about them

December 28, 2018 10:37 am

Musket is correct. I would submit that the Democrat Party won those 40 seats by attrition. There were approx. 45 Republicans that retired (in the heat of battle, I add) for this election. The statistics are that incumbants have a 98% win rate in elections. Had those “Republicrats” not gone AWOL we may have seen another outcome. Paul Ryan was NO LOSS (and I am from WI, however he is a Democrat, note his stand “change” about the time Sarah Palin was asked to run for VP with McCain). One really must question the advisability of “absentee voting” without resonable cause. And, is anyone questioning the use of computers for voting? “Life Lock” is making big money on the ability for that system to be compromised.

December 28, 2018 2:07 pm

Oprah,cars for everyone.

e.d. ott - thought criminal
e.d. ott - thought criminal
December 30, 2018 6:01 am

The “hook or by crook” ProgTards are winning simply because there are more of them.
Buchanan has a point. Their diversity is their Achilles Heel and at some point, one faction will seek to dominate.
The PC ProgTards will be replaced by Democratic Socialists who will get sick of the disunity of diverse identity politics and morph into something even more extreme.
We know where this eventually ends up.