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December 29, 2018 7:09 pm

Well I didn’t know the jail time could be so severe . I just got back as in two days ago from New York City . I carried two pistols in side the city. I am not going back. Fuck those liberal progressives Democrats. They don’t want law abiding people to have guns. I hope that whole damn place Burns to the ground. ….I’m not going to be out here with out a way to defend myself.They can all go to hell.

December 29, 2018 10:42 pm

Really? You carried into NYC? You might as well have carried in some heroin to sell while you were there!

December 29, 2018 9:02 pm

As far as I’m concerned, the whole East coast is on my blacklist, with the exception of Vermont and NH.

December 29, 2018 9:39 pm

Agree,do not spend your monies nor do business with folks in these states till they can clear the govt.s out.

Pyrrhus,what do you have against the state of Me.?As far as guns go tis a right to carry state,of course,that can always change but at moment outside of Portland area for most part a good state and people.

December 30, 2018 7:48 am

As an upstate New Yorker I can say it is not the whole state. It is NYC and Albany. The Gov. here won reelection winning only 12 of the 62 counties. It is the Urban Liberal/ Progressive population centers that elect and allow this BS. We loath the Liberal ass clowns that force their ideologies on us,here in the Adirondacks.

December 30, 2018 1:05 am

Stossel is a dumb fuck. It’s not legal to carry a handgun in New York City. New York City gets to decide that. If you want to visit New York City don’t bring your handgun. It’s not real complicated.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
December 30, 2018 2:24 am

Every gun law goes against the 2A. IMO anyway.

I’d wager Reginald Denny would carry a gun next time.

e.d. ott - thought criminal
e.d. ott - thought criminal
December 30, 2018 3:38 am

When enough voters decide defensive carry or private ownership of firearms within a jurisdiction is illegal despite Constitutional law otherwise, well … it ain’t real complicated, either. Reasonable people leave or suffer the stigma of becoming an unprosecuted criminal. America has become a land full of moral hypocrites who like the idea of bullying and legally-mandated theft from their own citizens.
Some people refuse to get the memo.

December 30, 2018 10:55 am

Has star always been this way? Come on man, “shall not be infringed”.

December 30, 2018 12:55 pm

Yes…….the constitution does not apply in nyc…….soviet style government………..code inspectors everywhere will visit your business 3 -4 times a month hitting you with fines and whatever they can make up………well armed criminals everywhere hunting for their next victim…….don’t worry though the overall numbers of crime are small only relegated to the fringe poor neighborhoods rarely striking on the upper west side and some such high end neighborhoods so no worries for starfcker he lives in a safe neighborhood

December 30, 2018 5:21 am

Indian medical student kicked out of college by racist white professors for questioning their SJW beliefs

Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor’s SJW beliefs.

Here is the audio of the lecture where he questioned his professor’s SJW beliefs:

He speaks from 28:45 to 34:00

Here is the audio of the suspension hearing:

Here is a picture of the people who were at the suspension hearing:

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Notice how 14 out of the 16 people at that suspension hearing are white people. If this is not an act of racism against a sincere indian medical student, then I don’t know what is. Look at their smug arrogant faces as they kick him out for DARING to question their SJW beliefs.

His twitter handle is kieranravib if you want to ask him questions or set up an interview with him

Kamalami Hootenany Singh
Kamalami Hootenany Singh
December 30, 2018 7:31 am

ok, dumbfuck, what does this have to do with the topic?

  Kamalami Hootenany Singh
December 30, 2018 9:23 am

I believe A was showing a example of the sjw’s hypocrisy,like the anti gun nuts in NYC that have armed gaurds ext. for themselves.I do realize the gfolks in much of the state of New York are prisoners of these cities,hope they succeed/do what ever is necc. to drop these shackles along with other regions in the country.

  Kamalami Hootenany Singh
December 30, 2018 1:03 pm

Cognitive dissonance much……..why do you fail to understand that what happened to the Indian student treated that way is a feature not a bug……….they basically burnt him at the stake in the modern variation of the Salem witch trials for daring to have a contrary view……..they do that with their whole belief system it’s what bougie Bolshevik leftists do…… have to go along with their herd…… believe in academic excellence your a rascist… believe in the constitution and self defense rights as a birthright your a dangerous extremist……..try it Singh…….go to a party with your lefty friends and take the opposite opinion from them you will suddenly have 98% of the people there glaring at you and pretty much boycotting your presence at future events might even cost you your job

December 30, 2018 1:23 pm

A friend of mine went back to his home town turned ghetto in Chicago last year after a 20 year absence.
He’s sitting in a diner with a friend (Only 2 white guys)….The friend looks at him and says, “How does it feel?”
What?(Him)….”To be the only one here not packing”
There’s a point when common sense takes over and problems get fixed by the people.
Laws are not written for you or I…..