Tucker: Leaders show no obligation to American voters

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January 5, 2019 7:49 am

Tucker is one reason I still subscribe to cable. When THEY finally purge him I’ll tell at&t to go fuck themselves.

As for that contemptible cocksucker mitt, I’m sure he’s trying to weasel his way back into presidential contention. Him being a mormon in good standing tells us he’s already delusional. So now he strives to replace jeb! And he will-among those who’s time has come and gone-like Harold Stassen and Pat Paulson. And that clit-less muzzie ghetto boogie wasted the MF excretion on trump?

January 5, 2019 7:08 pm

In hindsight, we shoulda elected Pat Paulson for lifelong King. How could it have been any worse than what we got.

January 5, 2019 9:02 am

“They” are pretty brazen to comport themselves as they do. We? elect them and what? They take office and deride us for our views and “lead” us in a direction that is the complete opposite of our wishes. So much smarter, more righteous, more wise and correct they are than we. Fuckwads.

Bob P
Bob P
January 5, 2019 9:17 am

Tucker is great, and I agree with pretty much everything he said here, but the prospect that the politicians will change to put family above everything else is zero. Family above social justice? No way. Family above Wall Street? No way. Family above the Pentagon? No way. The only hope of achieving what he–and, I think, most of us here–want is to let the system crash and burn. Only when the money runs out will all this shit end, and the money will run out soon. The only question: will TPTB take us down with them?

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
  Bob P
January 5, 2019 9:56 am

Hope ain’t much of a plan. TPTB have a real plan for transitioning from any pretense at money to a scrip/distribution permission slip system they hope will be embraced. If their forecasting and planning is really great, the people will DEMAND this system. That takes care of money, for a brief time.

What TPTB have in mind is having all the people that are necessary to the operation of the system voluntarily in a big corral, so to speak. The ones that don’t matter (think a lot of people in developing nations,including ethne/racial groups sub-saharan Negroes. Uyghars, dumb white people. Most of the Mideasterners, etc) will be used as straw-men enemies/bogeymen to keep the important prisoners working in the corral for “security”. The prisoners will see themselves as beneficiaries of a full employment system, with fair distribution, at the cost of the illusions of free speech, liberty, etc. As long as that 5G smartphone works, and the Bud Lite is available, good to go!

Looks to me like that will work, for a while.

January 5, 2019 10:10 am

Striking at the branches.

January 5, 2019 11:03 am

A lot of our societies problems have to do with the cost of living versus wages. People are depressed and stressed when everything costs way too much compared to what they make. My kids tell me that their friends in high school think they have no future. They don’t see buying a house and even a new car is a far-fetched idea. People who are doing well just don’t get it. Or don’t care.

January 5, 2019 11:19 am

Fixing the money would help, but won’t happen anytime soon.
The controllers won’t let it happen.
After the crash and burn, I give it a 25% chance or possibility.
The other 75%?
Some type of SDR, from a basket of elite fiat currencies, as dictated by the IMF et. al.
Any of which might wisely be backed by gold reserves?
Possibly the renmibi / Yuan, and the ruble, as their respective countries, along with India recognize and encourage stockpiling the barbuous relic.
Rickards’ wisdom, not mine.
And in America, too few understand.
The USD?
As Casey says, it is simply the cleanest of dirty shirts in the foul smelling laundry bin of fiats.
The most popular, in style of garments that are really dirty rags.
…the last commerce war horse that’s on it’s slow trek to the glue factory.

January 5, 2019 12:58 pm


This line in your post grabed me:

“And in America, too few understand.”

I have always felt that is the number one problem in relation to the International Banksters who are behind all of it. Yesterday I sent out the e-mail message below to 37 people in my inner circle. Most of who do not “understand” and then part of an essay from a friend. A small bite. I am going to then send them additional small bite TRUTHs every few days.

Hopefully some of them will then do the same. I have had some success in the past with some family and friends and now I’m going to get serious. Its all I can do but it may count for something with some. The internet really has changed everything, in many ways, and this is one message I’m going to use with those I have some gravtis with to open eyes still closed.

Here is my E-Mail Message to my inner circle:

I’m attached part of an essay that was written by a friend of mine, with his permission. This section of his essay deals with just the Federal Reserve, The FED.

We have never met in person. He had a Christian Blog I found interesting and through it we became internet friends and defiantly are Brothers in Christ.

He is also a highly educated man of many degrees. I am a man of many degrees of hard knocks and scars, giving as well as receiving.

He is a PHD level brilliant mathematician and the only real math I can do is count my blessings.

He is a retired Preacher and from his blog and writings and formal education is obviously a brilliant theologian. I am a man of rough edges, a retired business fraud gumshoe, current homesteader/farmer, modern day Minuteman and a guy who reads the Bible a lot.

I’m just highlighting the stark differences in-between the author and the submitter and to ensure the true author gets the credit for his compelling research and excellent writing that I whole heartily agree with.

Because of the internet more and more people are starting to realize who the FED really is, their corrupt history and the fact they are just a component of the DEEP STATE that has been a parasitical leech on all Americans since 1913.

What has to be done about the FED is a mass education of Americans about who they really are. This attachment is an excellent snapshot.

If you agree just forward the attachment as a BCC to your circle.

More coming.


The Federal Reserve Bank – 105 Years of Deception

To most Americans, the notion of our government having been overthrown is the fodder of conspiracy nuts or the province of people out of touch with reality. However, not only do the vast majority of Americans have no clue our government was overthrown at the start of the 20th century, they also have no comprehension of the insane and exorbitant price we are collectively paying as a result. America once truly was a land of freedom and opportunity, yet without our knowledge, everything changed upon the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. These changes where extensive in regard to how our government functioned, but from a citizen’s point of view nothing major or important happened. This was no accident but instead, an important aspect of their plan. The changes Americans would experience came slowly at first so nobody noticed or became alarmed, but eventually Americans were put on the rollercoaster ride we live with today.

Almost all Americans know something is terribly wrong with our ship of state, but most
of us have no idea what is wrong or how it can be fixed. As a result, we sit back and watch
helplessly as the American dream crumbles and dies around us.

The best description which applies to the Fed is that it is a money counterfeiting operation for those who own it and this enables these people to harvest huge amounts of money from working Americans without giving them anything in return. In other words, the Federal Reserve Bank is a racket far worse than a Ponzi scheme or Mafia created con game. However, the tragedy of our situation is that the Fed is a racket which Congress made legal by voting it into existence. With it came “Fractional Reserve Banking”.

The Bible condemned usury: “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is
poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.” -(Exodus 22:25).

You will find nearly a hundred verses that speak to the evil issue of usury. The Roman Catholic Church had a problem with this, and chose to franchise money-lending to the Jewish House of Rothschild in 1823/24, by commissioning the House of Rothschild to be their “Fiduciary Agent”. Throughout history, knowledge about the nature of debt and its creation was a mystery to most everyone. The bankers took great pains to keep things this way. They knew what a tremendously good thing they had going. Therefore, their first order of business was to insure nothing upset this applecart. This is why most governments have never addressed or come to grips with this extremely unfair situation. The bankers were always there and more than willing to use their great wealth to persuade those in positions of authority to help keep their secret. Thus, concurrent with the advent of modern banking, we also have the advent of government corruption. These two things are inseparable and you cannot have one without the other. No one can honestly postulate that central banking by a private bank is a good thing for the citizens of a nation. However, many people do and because they do, it necessarily follows that either they are complete fools or feathering their own nest. There are no other possibilities.

Governments should own and operate their own central banking system. If a private company is chosen to provide this service, the government involved should set the interest rate used by this company. Furthermore, said company should only be allowed to keep the interest they earn from their loans. This interest will be a sufficient return on their investment to keep them in business and provide them with reasonable profits. The monies paid to retire the loan, which are windfall profits to the bank, should be surrendered to the government involved and placed in its general fund. If this arrangement had been in place for the United States over the past 105 years, we would be blessed with everything we have today, but would not have a huge national debt hanging over our heads. Furthermore, there would be no need for an income tax and citizens would be able to keep and enjoy all the fruits of their labor. Instead, our elected leaders foolishly allowed the Federal Reserve to keep the windfall profits realized by creating credit. These windfall profits enabled the Fed to corrupt our government and many other key institutions of our society. These include corporations, educational institutions, the media, our entertainment industries, state and local governments, and of course, our Federal Government.

The following is a list of changes which would be to our benefit had Congress not passed the Federal Reserve Act:

· A tax on income and wages would not be needed
· The national debt would be negligible.
· The wealth garnered from establishing credit would finance government operations.
· Citizens would be able to keep the fruits of their labor.
· Inflation would be minimized.
· Depressions and major recessions would be eliminated.
· Only one member of a household would have to work
· People would be able buy things through savings.
· Credit card use would be optional.
· The work day and week would be shorter and people would be able to take longer vacations.

The above listed things are lost to us because Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act
in 1913.

Incredibly, the Fed has given us nothing in return for the sacrifices made by the people of this nation. In lieu of being a benefit to us, the Fed and its owners have brought us nothing but chaos, depressions, and war. They used our money to corrupt the major institutions of our society and now they are using our military, resources, and money to corrupt the entire world. A good example is that of the Social Security Trust Fund. President’s Bush (father and son) and Clinton borrowed the reserves of the Social Security Trust Fund, replacing it with IOU’s in the form of Treasury Notes, to pay for the 17 years of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

Our government – the one we lost – was special and something to be proud of. For the first time in history, a group of men came together, put their personal interests aside and established a new government designed to best serve and protect all those fortunate enough to live under it. The government created by the Founding Fathers embodied the loftiest of governing principles and because of these principles the United States of America became arguably the greatest nation in all of history. Not only did our citizens enjoy the highest standard of living in the world, we opened our doors to others and became a beacon for the oppressed and down trodden of other nations. Our government exemplified an ideal and it was for this ideal which so many Americans made the ultimate sacrifice.

If enough people become aware of this deception, all sorts of good things become possible. But unless we wake up soon, the future is going to be a living hell for our progeny. Unless we are prepared to make the same kind of sacrifices like those who went before us; unless we act as beacons for the oppressed and down-trodden and reclaim the ideals of our once-great nation, their sacrifices will have been made in vain — to our shame and dishonor. Few Americans know anything about what is behind the events which have shaped our nation. Most of us assume that information provided by the mainstream news industry is the truth, however, on critical issues, we only get part of the story and a lot of important information is left out.

Part 2 the detailed History of the International Banksters who own and control the FED is coming.

January 5, 2019 1:26 pm

I like it, brother. One or two recruits at a time, & pray the awareness spreads like wildfire.

So, too, explain that the passage of creation in 1913 was done by a scant few US policy critters, after hours, late night, in a lame duck session after the body of Congress went home on holiday break, if I have the facts correct.
Thanks, Woody. Wilson!!!

Offer your recipients a carrot to explore more if interested, to qualify those genuinely interested in the truth.
If more interest is shown, recommend to them The Creature from Jekyll Island book.

Looking forward to your subsequent efforts.
Part 1 was excellent.
Kudos, Mark.

January 5, 2019 1:55 pm

Thanks Augee!

Yea, I’ going to stay with these 37 and send about 6 or 7 small bite e-mails then put them all together and send it as a whole educational essay in the finale and suggest they pass it on to their inner circle.

It has always depressed me how few people I meet and get into serious discusions with undersand the Banksters, the FED, Factional Reserve lending, the history of it all yada, yada, yada.

Once I explained it to a highly educated (liberal) VP of one of my consulting clients over lunch and he didn’t believe me! He actually had no clue at all and refused to believe the FED wasn’t part of the government.

The masses have to be educated. If we can just get 25% of the eyes open past those who already are it could push a tipping point. However, it has to be simple and the laguange clear and concise. I’m sure its out there now in many forms…but its the direct delivery over and over that has to be figured out and it has to come from trusted sources.

January 5, 2019 2:20 pm

Every time I drive over the Woody Wilson Traitor Bridge in DC I roll the window down and hurl a huge luggy and say out loud:


My wife always rolls her eyes and laughs because she knows it coming. If it wasn’t for that deathbed confession I’d say a lot worse.

January 5, 2019 7:40 pm

Mark, just for giggles if you ever visit Jekyll Island, I’m sure you’d feel right at home (not). Nothing much to see or do. When I went there for the 1st time, I thought there would have to be some mention of the fed, but I saw none.

At the thought of your luggy, I looked at the JI Museum website. What a joke.

January 5, 2019 11:50 pm


There should at least be be one of those historical markers:

On this Island the plot was hatched…er the plans were made…to steal…er rescue the banking system of the United Serfs er United States of America. These vipers er businessmen met here to steal er seal the deal.

If you really want to know who is behind the Fed simply follow the money. Look who got bailed out in 2009:

Bank Amount
Citigroup $2.513 trillion
Morgan Stanley $2.041 trillion
Merrill Lynch $1.949 trillion
Bank of America $1.344 trillion
Barclays PLC $868 billion
Bear Sterns $853 billion
Goldman Sachs $814 billion
Royal Bank of Scotland $541 billion
JP Morgan Chase $391 billion
Deutsche Bank $354 billion
UBS $287 billion
Credit Suisse $262 billion
Lehman Brothers $183 billion
Bank of Scotland $181 billion
BNP Paribas $175 billion
Wells Fargo $159 billion
Dexia $159 billion
Wachovia $142 billion
Dresdner Bank $135 billion
Societe Generale $124 billion
All Other Borrowers $2.639 trillion
Total $16.1 trillion

Joe Sixpack $000000
Jane Shopping Mall $000000


January 6, 2019 12:56 am

Yes, there should have been some kind of marker and you’d think there’d be some kind of notation from the JI Museum.

I know of the bailouts and then some, and those “at the red shield” and his progeny have sown seeds far and wide, viz. IMF ,World Bank, IBRD.

I suppose there should be a marker in NH as well, I dunno if there is one or not. Maybe it’s at the Mount Washington Hotel.

January 5, 2019 2:35 pm

Mark, the guy who wrote that is dumb as a rock, because his central premise is false “Instead, our elected leaders foolishly allowed the Federal Reserve to keep the windfall profits realized by creating credit.” Wrong. The FED turn its profits over to the US Treasury every year. It’s been running 80 or 90 billion a year recently.

January 5, 2019 4:08 pm


Actually the central premise of his essay is further into it I just cherry picked what was on my comment to explain the Fed to my circle. Of course you wouldn’t know that. Just mentioning that in his defense.

But back to your point.

He said: “Instead, our elected leaders foolishly allowed the Federal Reserve to keep the windfall profits realized by creating credit.”

You said: “Wrong. The FED turn its profits over to the US Treasury every year. It’s been running 80 or 90 billion a year recently.

You have a legitimate criticism, I didn’t see that and I’m going to ask him for a clarification. I’ll leave out the dumb as a rock part (he’s a great guy). I think the rest of the material is ahhhh…rock solid…would you agree?

Consider this face on the case of the sentence you took issue with! I will get back to you tonight if I can reach him.

Here is something related:



The Congressional Budget Office, in its annual update of its economic and budget forecast, projected that the Federal Reserve will suspend its remittances to the U.S. Treasury in 2018 as the economy improves and rising interest rates produce capital losses on the Fed’s huge bond portfolio.

After paying its own bills, the Fed turns over its profits to the Treasury. Last year, the Fed sent the Treasury nearly $89 billion, a record, because of interest payments it is receiving on its expanding — now $3 trillion — portfolio of government bonds and mortgages.
The Fed’s remittances to the Treasury have climbed from about 0.2% of gross domestic product in 2009 to about 0.5% this year, CBO said, and will climb further to about 0.6% of GDP in 2014 and 2015. Then they are projected to decline as the Fed takes losses on its bond portfolio and raises the interest rate it pays on bank reserves held at the Fed, dropping to zero between 2018 and 2020. The Fed would resume payments to the Treasury in 2021 under the CBO scenario.

Fed officials and economists say the anticipated losses won’t limit the central bank’s ability to manage monetary policy, but acknowledge that could cause a political backlash.
CBO deficit projections include the flow of funds between the Fed and Treasury. CBO projects that the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasurys will rise from today’s levels of slightly above 2% to average 2.1% in 2013, 2.7% in 2014 and 3.5% in 2015. End of article.

In case its new to you (it was to me) I just found this website below before reading your post and was impressed…at a quick glance it looked intriguing. Just passing it along. This looks like something polished and eye catching to pass on to my inner circle in my OPEN THEIR EYES QUEST!


January 5, 2019 4:54 pm

Cool. And yeah, dumb as a rock is a little over the top. Carry on. ???

January 5, 2019 6:08 pm

Sir Yes sir!

Executing a snappy hand salute and crisp about face. (Not smiling until his back is turned).

January 5, 2019 6:26 pm

Turning over the profits to a war mongering Govt. that can’t or won’t account for trillions but funds millions of abortions is not a solution.

January 5, 2019 7:56 pm


That’s 100% agreed.

starfcker brought up a point in my friends essay about the “mechanics” of the FED scam, their and the Treasury’s money shuffle, not about the bottom line of the Ponzi scam plunder of the FED.

Every other word and sentence of my friend’s essay frames the unconstitutional crimes of the Federal Reserve traitors.

It’s a point in the over all message of the essay I will research and answer.

January 5, 2019 8:24 pm

It was good except for that and it should be a good tool for converting the unaware. I was more or less Red Pilled by something a Preacher wrote that had nothing to do with Jekyll island but his reference to it got me curious and the rest is history.

January 5, 2019 8:39 pm


This website I just found today is 100 times better then any essay by anybody! Still exploring it. If it all checks out it will probably be my new go to for potential conversions and opening eyes. The visuals fantastic. So far the text is strong. Can’t believe I have missed it up until now as I have been all over the web on the subject for many years.

Obviviously (((they))) are becoming almost desperate to censor and control the net.

We need web block chain technology ASAP.

Have you seen this before? If not what do you think?


January 5, 2019 9:14 pm

Looks pretty good. I’ll check it out when I get to town next week. Too hard on this phone.
All my early research wat done with the index files at the library. The net just allowed me to find out the names of their grandkids and what color their eyes are. Wish we had the net in the 80’s.

It just doesn’tmatter
It just doesn’tmatter
January 6, 2019 10:51 am

Too long

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 5, 2019 11:43 am

TC has really gone and done it. Every thing he says is true. Everything he suggests only leads to one thing. (((They))) have to go for anything to improve. (((They))) are the communists. (((They))) are the banksters. (((They))) are the congressmen and senators and as we see above, (((They))) are the women who “lead” the MIC.

(((They))) don’t care what you think. (((They))) don’t count your votes and (((They))) ignore your concerns. It has been studied and it has been proven. (((They))) are smarter than you and you can’t figure out a way to stop them.



Please read this. I know you are busy. I know you can’t understand much of it. But you have to read it and you have to realize that what Tucker is saying is what these guys found in their research. (((They))) are really out to rule the world and (((They))) are a long way down the road to accomplishing it. (((They))) have a 300 year head start as you aren’t very bright and just want to be left alone, but now that you know you can start to do something about it.

You can’t watch it burn down. Your part is what is going to burn down. (((They))) have the part that isn’t going to burn down. The money that (((They))) have in their vaults is the money that (((They))) will use to buy up what you allowed to burn down and then (((They))) will own it all. Bought fair a square, right out from under your sorry ass. Just like (((They))) did in Palestine.

  Hollywood Rob
January 5, 2019 12:41 pm

The link you provide is an excellent scholarly article, never mind a bit of rough sledding, rich in distilled information, analysis, and conclusions about the “system”.

Will need to go through it again comprehensively. Thanks.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Hollywood Rob
January 5, 2019 1:27 pm

Remember that Romney’s not a Jew. I even know a Jewish bartender in a dive bar. Probably the only one in America. There are correlations, but they’re not universal.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Iska Waran
January 5, 2019 3:19 pm

I had a Jew friend who passed away a few years back. Vietnam vet, crewman in an M113 track. He was an appliance repair man. That’s why I laugh at anybody who tries to act like they are “all” this or that. Around here most of the Jews are farmers including a couple of farmer Rabbis. Try telling me or anybody else they don’t make an honest buck by their own sweat. New York, the City of London and Hollywood don’t represent the world.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  Iska Waran
January 5, 2019 8:36 pm

Sometimes it seems that people are less concerned that there are globalist neo-imperialists, than the fact that the globalist neo-imperialists might be jews. It’s like elitism and super privilege would be ok if only it were controlled by their own kind of people.

January 5, 2019 11:56 am

T. Carlson said it most concisely; he called our “leaders”, those people in Washington D.C., “mercenaries.”

Who has them bought and paid for?

January 5, 2019 12:39 pm

Tucker getting really close to the truth now; probably a little too close. They won’t let him be on the air much longer.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 5, 2019 1:22 pm

If I had to pick one party of the main two, I’d still pick the Republican Party but barely and I’m often unsure why. I can see that Democrats almost invariably do stupid things like building a Mantua Square in Philly expecting successful small businesses to open and flourish – as though black women braiding each other’s hair can create wealth like an economic perpetual motion machine. Here in Minneapolis we throw $22k/ student toward the cost of K-12 public education and wonder why it doesn’t make all kids smart. Regarding the wars, the parties seem about the same. At least the left wing of the democrat party claims to want to cut defense spending. Tucker hopes that the Republicans will start caring about families and normal people. I doubt it and doubt whether they’d even know what to do if they did. If I sent this video to the lib members of my family, they might agree with many of his goals, but they’d be incredulous that anyone wouldn’t see the Dems as the party more likely to achieve them.

I agree that we’re likely to move toward socialism very soon – at least as practiced in Western Europe. Single Payer, higher taxes, complete takeover of education (almost there already) and other industries. Conservatism TM will have nothing but itself to blame.

January 5, 2019 4:15 pm

I remember Tucker preaching the left’s side on CNN for years, just like Beck and many others. Never trust any mouthpiece that started out their acting career on the left. A script is a script is a script, they READ for money….that is all.

January 5, 2019 5:01 pm

I wear the downer as a bagde of extreme pride. Thanks

Truth hurts…..

January 5, 2019 5:25 pm

Just say no to elite mouthpieces…..unite and become legion against this tyranny and mind control. The game does not stop until YOU stop playing.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 6, 2019 2:46 am
January 5, 2019 6:37 pm

Right, and he’s a self admitted establishment man. Said so in an interview recently. Fox is controlled opposition and they will not hire anyone not in the club. Same for Hanity. TBP has had a huge influx of braindead ConservaBOTS lately. I’m beginning to think it’s a plot. Too many Sage worshippers.

January 5, 2019 6:56 pm

Flea- Most here can’t think for themselves. They give blowjobs to the stooges who oppress them because they have no backbone. They conform to the majority here and out in society, group think gives them a woody. Maybe they get paid to be bots IDK.

January 5, 2019 7:11 pm

My Sister married a Spliv shyster whose favorite line was “People are Stupid”. I never believed it until I did.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
January 5, 2019 8:23 pm

Tucker is right about one thing for sure. Giving favoritism to one group of people creates hate between the groups of people and not hate where it’s justified, toward those handing out the favors and creating the divisions. He’s also correct that the division of the people is by design.

“Because these people thrive on exploiting divisions. Harmony is not profitable, disharmony is. This applies first to the big wars, but it applies to everything on down the line, even the smallest things in times of relative peace. It applies to the male/female relationship, as we have seen, from which they figured out how to profit in the most efficient way only recently. It applies to race relations. It applies to the parent/child relationship. It applies to everything, large and small. In short, the world isn’t a complete and utter mess by accident. Unlike me, these people do not enjoy solving problems. They enjoy creating them. Project Chaos, you know. A manufactured chaos
is far more profitable than any idyll.” – Miles Mathis

On The Beach
On The Beach
January 5, 2019 10:55 pm

Why do people call the cocksuckers in congress “leaders”? They are our representatives. Well, they were supposed to be our representatives. Now they are representives for the lobbiests that bribe them.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  On The Beach
January 6, 2019 2:44 am


EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 6, 2019 3:15 am

He’s disgusted with the Uniparty. Wow, how Coulter. TC is nothing more than a mainstream Alt/Righter. His ideas sound like rehashed Daily Stormer articles. Looking forward to more of his Billy type tripe.

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 6, 2019 4:57 am

“His ideas sound like rehashed Daily Stormer articles.” You’ve been drinking, huh?