China Overrated by Right-Wing Kooks: These Crazies Are Just Like Hitler

Guest Post by Fred Reed

One often sees the silly assertion by right-wing extremists that feminists, social justice warriors, and other “cranks” are enstupidating American education. The purpose. according to these fascists, who are just like Hitler,  is “to make historically incompetent groups look competent.” The racism in these absurd claims is obvious. In particular such  Neo-Nazis say that mathematical education is being destroyed to benefit “retards.” This “dumbing down,” they say, will hand the future to China.

This is conservative drivel. Nothing suggests that China is gaining on the US in science and technology, except the evidence, and this can be ignored. It is particularly important to keep in mind that the Chinese cannot innovate, only copy American technology.

Harvard-MIT Math Tournament Ordinary American kids, the best mathematicians in two of America’s best universities. Asia cannot match this.

Face it: America’s young are the brightest in the world and attend the most advanced schools in the United States, the country that everybody wants to be like and live in. These youngsters will maintain American scientific preeminence through the strength of diversify. Anyone who doubts this can note that the Harvard-MIT math wizards are almost one hundred percent diverse. The Chinese cannot keep up with this degree of talent. Especially since they cannot innovate.

I hate to use this phrase, but it fits–conservative lunatics overvalue elitist subjects pervaded by racism and sexism, such as engineering, math, and information technology.  Theirs is a narrow view, and does not recognize the value of human elements, such as safe spaces. Experts acknowledge that American safe spaces are safer than Chinese safe spaces. In fact some indications suggest that Chinese universities do not even have safe spaces, so you can imagine how dangerous they are.

America’s 2018 Championship Math Olympiad Team:  Adam ArdeisharAndrew GuVincent HuangJames LinMichael Ren, and Mihir Singhal,

With minds like those above on our side, America has nothing to fear from a pack of funny-looking Asiatics who can’t innovate. All several billion of them.

Crispr bombshell: Chinese researcher claims to have created gene-edited twins.

While alarmists point to this as evidence of Chinese capacity in advanced research, it is in fact evidence of their inferiority. Crispr (Clustered Regularly Intersperse Palindromc Repeats) was invented by a pair of Western women. Consequently anything the Chinese do with it is derivative and not to be taken seriously.  Sure, a fundamentally primitive country can get lucky. There is nothing to worry about.

China Shatters “Spooky Action at a Distance” Record, Preps for Quantum Internet

“In a landmark study, a team of Chinese scientists using an experimental satellite has tested quantum entanglement over unprecedented distances, beaming entangled pairs of photons to three ground stations across China—each separated by more than 1,200 kilometers.”

This is just an example of China’s outmoded male linear thinking, obviously sexist and probably transphobic.  While the Chinese focus on tour de force gimmicks, American universities never lose sight of their primary task of getting rid of Confederate statues. These  offend students  who can’t spell “Confederacy.” The inability of American students to do eighth-grade algebra is probably a result of these statues:  China, with no Confederate statues at all, does well mathematically. Anyway, mathematics is elitist and should be replaced by cooperative games led by a caring adult.

There is good news for those interested in social justice: American universities are de-emphasizing mathematics in fields like astronomy to encourage the entrance of women and people of color into the hard sciences. This policy is clearly necessary for social justice. The need is made  obvious by the lack of students of color in the photographs above. The result will be a flood of black, Hispanic, and female scientists who, by sheer numbers,  will overcome a lack of talent. They will overwhelm their Chinese competition through socially progressive inclusiveness.

The Chinese, notoriously racists and sexists, cannot achieve this democratization as they admit only the “brightest” students through biased IQ tests. By contrast, America is unleashing the power of its morons.

Chinese Researchers Achieve Stunning Quantum-Entanglement Record

“Scientists have just packed 18 qubits—the most basic units of quantum computing—into just six weirdly connected photons. That’s an unprecedented three qubits per photon, and a record for the number of qubits linked to one another via quantum entanglement.”

It is fortunate for the United States that the Chinese cannot innovate. Anyway, quantum computing is just a fad. Yes, they can manufacture washing machines and even assemble iPhones with white supervision, but the squinty-eyed little bastards cannot invent things. They steal all their technology which invariably originates in the West. Cars, airplanes, and computers were all invented by white Europeans. Asians can make little paper umbrellas for expensive drinks but nothing more challenging.

More evidence of the superiority of Americans: The 2016 World Champion Math Olympiad Team–Ankan Bhattacharya, Allen Liu, Ashwin Sah, Michael Kural, Yuan Yao, Junyao Peng, and coach Po-Shen

Despite right-wing alarms,  America’s lead in the sciences is not in peril.  In both 2016 and  2018, the United States, not China, won the world championship. As inclusiveness increases in American universities, with admission of anything arguably a primate, and more women and minorities of color go into mathematical fields, US superiority will increase.

China Drives International Patent Applications to Record Heights; Demand Rising for Trademark and Industrial Design

“China moved into the second position as a source of international patent applications filed via WIPO in 2017, closing in on long-time leader United States of America, in another record year in the use of WIPO’s intellectual property services for patents, trademarks and industrial designs.”

This is nothing to worry about. These patents must be of low quality, since the Chinese can’t invent anything, and were probably stolen in the first place. American education is far ahead in all fields of importance, especially its policies regarding transgender bathrooms, which in the course of things will be more important than definite integrals, whatever those are.

China is developing a new laser satellite meant to hunt down submarines more than 1,600 feet underwater

Trivial. We already know where our submarines . We don’t need lasers to find them.

Huawei introduces world’s first 5G-ready 7nm mobile chipset, Kirin 980

“Chinese Huawei on Friday unveiled the world’s first “solution-ready” commercial 7nm (nanometre) chipset Kirin 980 which is believed to be the most powerful smartphone SoC (system-on-a-chip) equipped with Artificial Intelligence(AI) capabilities.” The chipset will be manufactured by TSMC, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, making it an all-Chinese show.

Here is more reason for thinking that China is behind the West. It can make only little tiny seven-namometer–well, whatever those things are. But you can bet America can make much bigger  ones.

China is working on a fleet of drone submarines to launch a new era of sea power

“China is developing large, smart and relatively low-cost unmanned submarines that can roam the world’s oceans to perform a wide range of missions, from reconnaissance to mine placement to even suicide attacks against enemy vessels, according to scientists involved in these artificial intelligence (AI) projects.”

The obsession with those torpedo thingies, obviously phallic symbols,  is so…male. But enough said. The position of America, exceptional, indispensable, is secure and will remain so for centuries to come.

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January 7, 2019 11:55 am

That there’s funny – I don’t care who you are.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 7, 2019 12:01 pm

I love Fred. Not in a homo way, you know…

January 7, 2019 12:08 pm

Fred is not very good at satire.

January 7, 2019 12:19 pm

Actually Javelin Fred was very good at satire when he used it to point out the absurdities facing us. It ceased to be funny when he started using it to put Americans down. Alcohol I guess. Now he just comes across as a bitter old woman

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
January 7, 2019 12:20 pm

Let me explain the Way of Caustic Sarcasm and the Philosophy of Irony, Grasshopper. Only then may you laugh.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  e.d. ott
January 7, 2019 12:55 pm

Overuse of sarcasm just makes the whole thing turbid – like this article. His statement that “Cars, airplanes, and computers were all invented by white Europeans” is true. Surrounding it with sophomoric sarcasm doesn’t negate that.

January 7, 2019 12:40 pm

He’s one of the best.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 12:56 pm

at what?

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 1:20 pm

Satire. That is a very funny post – all the more so as it was not immediately clear that it was indeed satire.

January 7, 2019 12:50 pm

New York City has a certain number of very elite schools …… and the Asian kids predominate, even though they are a statistical minority. It’s tough to get into these schools; you need top grades, you need high test scores, and great references.

But, Mayor DeBlowMe, just replaced the School Superintendent who is a bigger jackass moron than the person he replaced. The new moron wants to do away with all the rigors of getting into these elite schools. You see …. it’s not fair to nigs&nogs … so he’s gonna implement quotas. Twenty percent NigNogs minimum, no matter how fucken dumb they are.

And the white response? Well, these elite schools teach that white students are BORN racist.

And just in yesterday’s NY Post a top student from one of these elite schools wrote a full page essay —- that White Privilege is rampant and must end!! Oh … by the way, she’s white. And this self-loathing white trash claimed she reached her current lofty station in life mostly because of her own white privilege. Got it? …. our schools are teaching whites to hate themselves.

America, what a country!

January 7, 2019 12:56 pm

One good thing to look forward to is when China takes over the U.S. and we don’t have to eat that shita** Chinese food that has been foisted on us for generations and we can get the real deal. (I have found that the real deal depends on in which country one started eating Chinese food).

January 7, 2019 1:51 pm

Thanks all the same, but I’d rather have potable water.

e.d. ott - dim sum king
e.d. ott - dim sum king
January 7, 2019 6:16 pm

That pee-goo “Chinese” food you’ve been eating might be served by Koreans who own a badly furnished stealth Asian restaurant. I found a joint just like that near Clarksville, Tennessee years ago. It fooled all the round-eyes who didn’t know the difference.
You want REAL Chinese food without having to deal with ethnic military domination? Wander into NY ChinaTown and find Big Wong. If you’re the only white boy in there and they’re lookin’ at you funny, you’re in the right place.

January 7, 2019 1:56 pm

“….the squinty-eyed little bastards….” Fred

What would happen if Black Female Muslim, international TV news correspondent ( CNN or Al Jazeera for example), in a wheelchair, said that at a televised conference with President Xi?

January 7, 2019 2:11 pm


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 7, 2019 2:50 pm

You can also immigrate

It has been years since I used google translate. Thanks Monte.

January 7, 2019 2:15 pm

Too funny.

January 7, 2019 3:14 pm

Well hopefully I will be in heaven when all this shit hits the fan. I don’t think most whites know or even care about being replaced by these soul less bastards . I wonder how whites will react when all these people of color join the progressives in their planned genocide of white Americans. Even i am getting to the point where as a once proud patriotic American of the white male traditional order have given up .I just don’t care anymore about trying to save America. To me there I not much Worth saving except….. The people on this blog !. I really mean it. My mom ,my cat ,my soon to be big dog and the folks here. God bless and stay alert.

e.d ott - comrade comedian
e.d ott - comrade comedian
January 7, 2019 6:37 pm

I used to have a red ginger cat named Mousy Tongue. Mean little guy and a great leaper.
BTW, I’d keep an eye on that nice, big juicy sweet dog.

January 8, 2019 7:46 am

Much of China’s tech has been given by or stolen from the US with the assistance of our Corrupt leaders, just look at all those pics of students and think about how they got there. In China 1.5 billion serfs live in a do or die culture, they don’t value life, liberty or God. Technology today as it always has been(Book of Enoch), is powered by the fallen angels using us as tools/dupes. All this quantum stuff, AI etc. is going to be used by the antichrist to kill and enslave humanity and blaspheme God. No wonder the Chinese are at the forefront in surveillance, tyranny and godlessness.

January 7, 2019 3:26 pm

The stats are staggering – something like 80-90% of all grad students in US universities in technical subjects like engineering aren’t even Americans. We are rapidly becoming the Eloi.

January 7, 2019 10:15 pm

We can print astronomical number of USD and buy everything we want. Why bother to do the hard work? Business degrees make more financial sense.

January 7, 2019 5:57 pm

I want my country back. I don’t want to live in a nation where the elite consists of alien people from Asia or any other part of the non-European world with whom I have little or nothing in common…even if they are good in mathematics and computer science. Europeans invented the modern world, western civilization and the most successful nations and communities on the planet but immigration is now destroying them. Immigration is a mortal threat to our existence as a free and sovereign people. This is what the Yellow Jacket revolution is all about. Alien governments, alien universities, alien schools, alien police, alien cultures, alien streets, alien neighborhoods, alien hospitals, alien doctor’s offices, alien hospitals, alien airports, alien museums…ALIEN NATION….alien everything.

January 7, 2019 6:59 pm

I wish I could remember the number of times I have said on this site that the Chinese would eventually run the US down in STEM, only to have the general TBP commentators reply that I do not know what I am talking about, that the Chinese cannot think laterally, cannot innovate, etc. I called hogwash, and said it was only aa matter of time, and that that time was rapidly approaching. And lo and behold, I was right. What a surprise.

I made this little point often: China graduates more engineers each year than the US has in total. That is incredible. Soon, they will have thirty or forty times as many engineers running around than does the US. I wonder how that will turn out. Even if a vast majority of them are average, the shear numbers will ensure they are at the top of the tech tree.

These bastards are smart, they will work the average American into the ground, and they are getting well educated. And, oh, I almost forgot – they do not waste time studying sociology, art history, women’s and black studies, psychology. It is STEM baby, or go harvest rice.

Look at some of the things they have done: landed on the dark side of the moon, put a rail gun on a ship, built an island in the middle of a sea, hypersonic weapons, etc.

And anyone that thinks their manufacturing is not able to make world class products has their head up their asses. Yes, they make a lot of junk., and their system is unregulated which means buyer beware. But they also make a lot of world class products.

The Chinese are going to kick American ass for a long, long time, and for sure they will be a world power, if not the world power.

Underestimate them at great peril.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 7:33 pm

That was comprehensible … and succinct.

January 7, 2019 7:51 pm

…but, but, but, we have lots and lots of lawyers!

January 8, 2019 11:34 am

And we kick ass at marketing, especially on Social Media. The US is better at getting rubes to buy junk (that mostly comes from China BTW) that they don’t need. We Rule!

January 7, 2019 11:07 pm

In a relatively short time, Shanghai, a city of 20.7 million, has shot ahead of even perennial superstars like Singapore, Finland and Korea to rank first in all 3 subjects. By contrast, the United States ranks 17th, 25th and 24th in reading, math and science, respectively.

Overlooked in many of the news reports about PISA, however, was the quieter one- upmanship of Canada over the U.S. Not only does Canada outrank the United States in the 3 subjects, but it also has managed to close the education gap for children from immigrant families and from socio-economically disadvantaged households.

Canadian 15-year-olds, on average, are over one school year ahead of 15-year-olds in the U.S. in math and more than half a school year ahead in reading and science. Socio-economically disadvantaged Canadians are much less at risk of poor educational performance than their counterparts

January 7, 2019 11:43 pm

And why are Canucks ahead? Two reasons: fewer blacks and fewer Hispanics as a percentage of population.

Please, do not crow about something that so easily can be explained by demographics. Canada has 2% of its population black, and only 0.6% Hispanic. Holy fuck, they should be several years ahead of the US on performance. Adjusted for that, Canada would have to be doing very poorly indeed if the non-black non-Hispanic populations were ignored for both nations.

I mean, seriously, when you factor in 13% of the US population having an average IQ of 85, and another 25% or whatever it is with an average IQ of around 90, often combined with English as their second language, the rest of the US is kicking Canada ass.

And the fact that they elected Trudeau goes to show just how stupid the majority of Canadians are. At least the US has an excuse, when around 40% of the population are bred or imported to support idiots. What the fuck is Canada’s excuse?

January 8, 2019 8:56 am

I have heard it all before but Llpoh you are dead wrong. Remember how the Japanese were going to take over the world in the 1990s? I have worked over decades with scientists from Japan and China and yes there are very good scientists in these countries…but there is something missing. Charles Murray in his superb book “Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950” touched on this lack of creativity in the Asian people and attributed it to a conformist culture. As shown by Murray, Asians are absent from the list of top achievers in the fields of science, technology, medicine and music. But I suspect it goes much deeper than that because our genes inform our culture and the type of civilization that we build. Inventiveness and creativity is not in their genes, at least not to the extent that they are in those of the European people. The average IQ of Asians may be slightly higher but IQ is a very crude measure of general intelligence that does not capture the more subtle aspects such as creativity. European men (yes there is a very large gender component to creativity) are the inventors of the modern world, Asians are the replicators of European inventions and the Africans…well they are the sun people. I should add that western man is in decline due to a number of factors such as a subversive culture imposed on the west but this can be quickly reversed after we take back control of our nations.

January 8, 2019 9:09 am

Wdg – well, then, I guess I am wrong about them landing on the dark side of the moon, building rail guns, hypersonic weapons, etc. I guess those little achievements show nothing re their ability to innovate.

They are very smart, and are showing incredible initiative. It is far, far better to overestimate them than to underestimate them. You are severely underestimating them.m

January 8, 2019 12:46 pm

I am not underestimating them because with western science and technology they represent a major threat to the west. However, China is highly overrated in terms of their economy and capacity for technological development. They are using science and technology mostly borrowed or stolen from the west to land a space craft on the dark side of the moon. I would not call this a great technical achievement or breakthrough. And to be technologically advanced, they need to steal even more from the west which is what we are seeing. However, at some point this theft will be stopped or at least reduced significantly; otherwise we go down the drain so to speak.

As an aside, I well remember lecturing at Beijing University and “Science City (Tsukuba) just outside Tokyo in the 1980s and 1990s, and what struck me was how westernized these institutes and cities had become. It was a bit like the Japanese navy modeled after Britain in WWII and airplanes based on aeronautical advances in the west…but we all know how that ended. As noted above, it will come down to genetics and the role it plays in innovation and creativity. In fact, genes are perhaps the greatest asset we have, thanks to our unique evolutionary history in a northern glacial landscape and perhaps the addition of critical Neanderthal genes, which is another reason to stop the dilution of this absolutely essential gene pool by importing millions of low-IQ people from the third world who, unlike the Chinese and Japanese, created very little.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
January 8, 2019 10:11 am

The Chinese have a plan. It’s a plan based on manufacturing might and trade. They are building an impressive infrastructure and a military to protect their assets and sources of raw materials.

The US has a plan also. It’s based on using coercion to force other countries to remain within the petrodollar US world reserve currency scheme. It’s also a plan of world domination through wars of imperialism. We were sold a bill of goods when we were told manufacturing isn’t needed and a tech economy will pull us through. Then it was the service economy. Hotel maids and taxi drivers will pull us through. All the while it was an economy based on financial chicanery.

Our wars of imperialism have failed. All we can do now is bluff and the bluff is being called. The petrodollar is going away. Americans might start getting used to the idea that the gravy train is about to come off the rails.

Neil Dunn
Neil Dunn
January 7, 2019 8:14 pm

Knowing that Fred has already solved the math problems, I clicked on Fred’s link to the Harvard-MIT math wars and decided to accept the challenge. So below are two problems from the 1998 Algebra exam(See below how to get there):

6. How many pairs of positive integers ( a, b) with a ≤ b satisfy 1/a + 1/b = 1/6

10. G. H. Hardy once went to visit Srinivasa Ramanujan in the hospital, and he started the conversation with: “I came here in taxi-cab number 1729. That number seems dull to me, which I hope isn’t a bad omen.” “Nonsense,” said Ramanujan. “The number isn’t dull at all. It’s quite interesting. It’s the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two cubes in two different ways.” Ramujan had immediately seen that 1729 is 12 cubed + 1 cubed = 10 cubed + 9 cubed.

So now– What is the smallest positive integer representable as the sum of the cubes of three positive integers in two different ways?

To check your answers go to:
Click on “archive”. Then click on “1998”. Then “algebra”. Lastly. “solutions.

I hope you had as much fun as I didn’t.

  Neil Dunn
January 7, 2019 11:53 pm

The first was easy – did it in my head. The second not so much – maybe could have done it with pencil and paper.

January 8, 2019 10:10 am

Like Hitler??? No way, today’s German Nazis want the NWO so bad they’re willing to kill their own culture!

January 8, 2019 1:05 pm

my wife went over to germany over the holidays to visit her dad–
she said the muzzies have never been so out in the open & numerous as this time–