Tucker: ‘In 2003, Warren Wrote A Book About How The Entry of Mothers Into The Workforce Has Been a Disaster For Families’

Via Information Liberation

On his show Monday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson highlighted a 2003 book from Elizabeth Warren and her daughter where they argued “the entry of mothers into the workforce has been a disaster for families and the country.”

The book was titled, “The Two-Income Trap.”

Here’s parts two and three:

Tucker has been taking heat from the fake news for saying similar in an epic monologue last week.

Everything Tucker has said — which the media attacked him viciously for — is born out by the evidence:

The Washington Post reported in December 2016 that white women are also now drinking themselves to death at record rates.

“Thirty-one percent of the women with a college degree reported drinking multiple days a week, compared with 21 percent of women with some college and 14 percent of women with a high-school education or less,” the Washington Post reported.

Economic gains are mostly being concentrated in the hands of a tiny globalist elite.

Deaths of despair among the white working-class are surging (and this is being cheered by the left).

According to the left, merely raising these issues as a topic for discussion is a hate crime.

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January 8, 2019 8:32 am

In 1965, my female sociology teacher accurately predicted the future of both parents working. She also hinted at the future consequences. She got them right too

Bob McDoanld
Bob McDoanld
January 8, 2019 8:35 am

This women is a freak. It seems that nearly everyone in politics has become a freak. I have little hope the situation will improve in my life time. Anyone who thought the last Republican Primary was a circus wait for the Democratic one coming. The freak show begins; Warren, Bernie, Hillary (maybe), Spartacus, Harris and dirty uncle Joe. What other rats can they drag out of their holes.

Because you will call me a racist no matter what..
Because you will call me a racist no matter what..
  Bob McDoanld
January 8, 2019 8:57 am

Many of us long-timers here secretly pray the next election brings a far left radical democrat prseident and then the senate goes full donkey balls left to match the house. Give it all to them and allow them to riun it, crumble it to dust faster than the current death by a thousand cuts. The current slowness is allowing these scum to infiltrate the party, the religions, the christian houses (think movies on netflix with hidden agendas, youtube, and ipads), by slowly indoctrinating our kids and these kids will be changed forever and their kids and so on until they end up taking it over anyways. The problem is they will take it over and evryone thinks their batshit craziness is normal. Allowing/making it happen very fast will allow many to see the flaws in their way of life. It will end faster too as all socialism does. I am personally gonna vote the farthest left i can until this shit gets real. Can you imagine waking up later this year and you will be sentenced to ten years in a federal prison if you go to mcdonalds drive through and call the hairy bearded lady a sir. You mis idenify a gender and its a first class felony. Well thats what canada is already doing. But if we slowy allow this to creep in over say 1-2 generations and allow feewings to matter because words are so detrimental to these snowflakes that is what will happen. It becomes normalized. Either give it all up or ban together and revolt and shut the shit down. Sitting around bullshitting and bitching is making us/you just part of the problem.

Old Toad of Green Acres
Old Toad of Green Acres

Lemmings? Join the other fools in rushing over the cliff? I think not.
This is Biblical and biological. Mass insanity is in evidence worldwide.
I will cling to my faith and my guns and pray that when the time comes I make the right choices.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls

That is a very interesting strategy. Could very well be a good one. But only if you really believe all is lost.


What do you think the first 2 years of Obama was?

Big Ed
Big Ed

The flaw in the theory is that people will see, understand , and change direction when confronted with a failed world, all around..Look at Detroit: a once great and productive city, that fell under Dem. Prog. control for decades- annual failure and decline unto this day..And they will not change direction!! You can not fix terminal stupidity and willful ignorance.

  Big Ed
January 8, 2019 4:24 pm

There’s hope for Detroit!! Melinda Brown Duncan

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 14, 2019 10:30 am

OMG! That was awesome! I was laughing my ass off watching it! You know what? She’s f’n right!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Bob McDoanld
January 8, 2019 10:29 am

“I think I’m gonna have me a beer – as we common people say in America.”

  Iska Waran
January 8, 2019 11:58 am

Smiling. Just one small way of mumbling: screw it.
Psht-ftzit! Pop the top off a long neck, & enjoy a simple pleasure. Ice cold, of course.

January 8, 2019 9:30 am

White women should take a page from immigrants. Share child care with friends ,take welfare benefits and work under the table as maids.

But I guess that wouldn’t be enough status. Which is what it all comes down to.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 8, 2019 10:08 am

And have as many babies as possible.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 8, 2019 10:03 am

I guess I will have to find yesterdays Tucker on line. This is the most confusing post I have ever seen. Parts 1-3 of the tweets all same the same thing and the rant that is posted doesn’t have anything to do with yesterdays episode.

What the hell is the point of the post? That women are unhappy because they are working so they are medicating themselves to death?

It’s way more complicated than that and this post does nothing to look into the reasons (which are many) behind what is going on with women.

  Mary Christine
January 8, 2019 10:25 am

What’s going on is simple Mary. Women are biologically and emotionally set up to take care of children and grandchildren. They have intense emotions that a man could never understand, that are necessary to bond with a child strongly enough to get them out of infancy. It’s a huge responsibility, and nature has given them the tools to do that. If a woman doesn’t have children, it doesn’t mean those super intense emotions go away. And they are hell on everyone when they don’t have an appropriate outlet. It’s actually not very complicated. It’s biology

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 8, 2019 10:28 am

When news of Warren’s wrongthink becomes more widely known in her party, her chances of winning the nomination will drop from 0% to 0%. (Even though she’s a woman, she’s a cis-woman, presumably straight and, now, admittedly white.)

January 8, 2019 11:24 am

What would America look like today if all these white women had stayed home, had 4 or 5 little white children and social media and welfare queens had never been invented? Would there be a job shortage for white men today? Would household debt be at the levels we see today? Would there be 15 drive-thru shit factories at every off ramp in America now?

Is America a better place than in the “Leave It To Beaver” days?

January 8, 2019 11:33 am

Bonus question: Would Corporate America be as powerful and oppressive today if the bitchez had just stayed home?

January 8, 2019 11:30 am

I was very fortunate to be in on the start (1972) of the software ‘wave’. I was able to create a highly profitable company – and my wife could be a homemaker. It’s really about capitalism – division of labor. I found it quite acceptable to work 12+ hours a day (to get the business running) while my wife handled everything else.

It’s really nice to get really decent meals / laundry / ironed shirts / all the household ‘stuff’ taken care of.

This enabled us to homeschool.

January 8, 2019 11:35 am

Democrat hypocrisy knows no bounds. Fauxcahontis and her book of misogyny is just a small example. Look at all the video of Obama, the Clintons, and NanPo and Chuckie all LOVING the concept of a wall and of border security! That’s when illegal aliens weren’t proving the Left with any benefit. Now that Dems figured out these people can be bribed (and helped) to vote Democrat–illegally or once they get their promised citizenship–they know that keeping illegals OUT isn’t in the their best interest. It’s not the best way in which these invaders can be used to Democrat benefit. NOW walls are “immoral!”


January 8, 2019 1:35 pm

Yeah, it wasn’t long ago that the democrats HATED immigration because the labor unions were against it. Zoom ahead a decade or two or three, and the unions have largely been emasculated. Now you’d think based on this, the unions would support conservatives or at least be vocal against immigration, but no they’d rather accelerate their own destruction. Tells you a lot both about democrats as well as the unions.

January 8, 2019 2:53 pm

And both people who read it say it makes a marvellous doorstop.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 9, 2019 5:54 pm

I recall Elizabeth Warren did a lecture on the 2 parents having to work and the short and long term overall effects upon families and economic stability of our society . She also addressed the actual decline of the buying power of the dollars earned making that 2 earner family a necessity not an additional income luxury that it may once have been !
For all her recent faults and political associations recently she got that subject correct !