Israel vs. America – The Per Capita Cost Of Border Wall Construction

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

Left: Israel’s West Bank Wall – Right: Proposed US Border Wall Prototypes

President Trump’s stare-down with Democrat leaders Pelosi and Schumer over $5.7 billion in funding for a proposed southern border wall construction is poised to become the longest on record by January 12th.  Trump has shown no signs of backing down, demanding national airtime for an address to the nation regarding the wall:

Trump himself has touted the success of Israel’s border walls as justification for a wall in America…

…and Israeli President Benjamin Netenyahu agreed with Trump, using the border wall between Israel and the West Bank as his model for success:

The wall Netenyahu is referring to is the Israel-Egypt barrier on the southern border, which began construction in November 2010 and was completed in December 2013.  The 152-mile long barrier was built at the urging of Netenyahu to curb an influx of illegal immigrants and terrorists from African nations.  Even left-leaning Politifact was forced to admit it worked

Johnson said Israel cut its illegal immigration rate by “99 percent” by constructing a 143-mile fence along its southern border.

Israeli government data support Johnson’s statement.  Johnson’s statement is accurate, but needs additional information. We rate it Mostly True.

…however, it is hardly the only border wall built in Israel.  It is estimated that between 293 and 308 miles of the Israel-West Bank barrier wall are fully constructed, with a total estimated length of between 440-490 miles when completed.  The successes of the “security fence” have been lauded by its proponents

A portion of the security fence between Israel and the West Bank

In March 2002 alone, 140 Israelis were murdered in a continually escalating wave of Palestinian terrorism. Noting that only one suicide bomber managed to come from Gaza, where a security fence was already in place, Israel began construction of a security fence facing Palestinian areas of the West Bank in 2003.

The construction of Israel’s security fence put an immediate and dramatic end to the Palestinian campaign of suicide bombing. By 2009, only 15 Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorism, compared with 452 murdered in 2002, the year before construction began.

…but as noted above, Israel has even more border barriers.  The security fence with Gaza has an estimated length of 25 miles, and seven miles of an 80-mile security barrier of “concrete wall topped by steel mesh, sensors and surveillance cameras” on the northern border with Lebanon have been completed.

Clearly, the very tiny country of Israel devotes an incredible amount of resources to border fencing and security, with an estimated 484 miles of completed walls/fencing and more under construction.  Conversely, the US claims to have 580 miles of “barriers” in place already.  Israel’s heavy usage of border walls is even more astounding when its size and GDP are considered relative to the US:


  • Population (2017 est): 8.7 million
  • GDP (2017): $350.9 billion (USD)
  • GDP per capita: $40,333 (USD)

The US

  • Population (2017 est): 325.7 million
  • GDP (2017): $19.39 trillion ($19,390 billion USD)
  • GDP per capita: $59,533 (USD)

Israel’s population is 2.7% of the US population, and its annual GDP is 1.8% that of US GDP.  In spite of Israel’s tiny size, population and GDP, the total mileage of completed barriers in the country is just under 25% that of the entire length of the 1,954-mile US-Mexico border.

Putting it into per capita terms, each Israeli citizen is “responsible” for the construction of about 3.5 inches of wall.  Conversely, each US citizen is “responsible” for the construction of 0.11 inches of “barrier” – which as Peter Skerry articulated in in 2009, long before Trump or his wall – has  been poorly constructed in many areas, often intentionally so:

A section of the US-Mexico border designed only to stop vehicles

Finally, there was the Border Patrol itself. As scores of interviews reveal, this agency did not want a fence so difficult to climb that there would be injuries, taking up the valuable time of its agents and resulting in a mountain of liability claims.

Yet, despite all the trappings, Border Patrol agents report that individuals routinely manage to scramble over both the primary and secondary fences in less than one minute. Officials now acknowledge that the fence was never designed to stop illegal immigrants cold, just slow them down so they could be apprehended. “The fences were never meant to be more than a filter,” one Border Patrol officer explained.

To put US wall construction into per capita terms vs. Israel’s wall, if just 50% of America put just 20% of the resources into border walls that Israel does, the full length of Trump’s wall would already be completed.  Minus, of course, the sections of the wall that don’t need to be rebuilt – many border areas already have a sufficient barrier in place. 

The opposition to Trump’s border wall ultimately boils down to the argument “it’s a waste of money”.  But the same politicians so vociferously opposing a $5.7 billion dollar wall funding request complained, but ultimately funded George W. Bush‘s Iraq war request – despite its $54.4 billion budget for 2003 alone (over nine times Trump’s wall request).  That price tag has since ballooned well into the trillions – but Democrats refused to shut the government to prevent it.

Democrats have also refused to shut the government over funding for the US Navy’s wasteful aircraft carrier spending.  The last completed aircraft carrier, the USS George W. Bush (CVN-77), was commissioned in 2009 at a cost of $6.2 billion (more than Trump’s wall funding request), and underwent its first deployment in June 2011.

The USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) was commissioned in 2017 at a cost of $17.5 billion (including $4.7 billion in R&D for the new carrier class) – and will still require more funding to fix lingering issues with ship engines and EMALS catapults that still don’t work properly – before it can undergo its first deployment…

…but that still hasn’t caused Pelosi or Schumer to shut the government down to object to this waste of taxpayer dollars. 

In fact, the USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79) continues to be built, with no contractors or military personnel fired or disciplined, despite not being scheduled to enter service until 2022.  And as noted above by Anthony Capaccio, the future USS Enterprise (CVN-80) just began construction with an estimated cost of $12.6 billion, and the unnamed CVN-81 at an estimated price tag of $15 billion was recently approved by the Navy – without any objection from Democrats:

Regarding applying Israeli solutions to the US – I’ve stated in the past that there’s no “one size fits all” solution, but that it it is wise to cherry pick ideas that have worked, and apply some of their concepts.  Israeli airport security describes TSA procedures, specifically the new body scanners, as “worthless” – as evidenced in how easy it is to smuggle weapons past them.  Given the huge cost of these scanners (which got former Obama DHS secretary Michael Chertoff’s firm rich), it would have behooved the US to listen to Israel then, dumping these scanners instead of wasting money on them.

Perhaps the same can be said about Netenyahu’s advice on a border wall?

Fiscal responsibility was abandoned by Presidents Bush and Obama, and clearly Trump has no intention of curtailing monster budget deficits and out-of-control defense and entitlement spending.  With politicians of all kinds either 1) refusing to corral spending, or 2) understanding that they can’t win on a platform of fiscal responsibility (and thus not running on one), government spending is going to continue unimpeded, with hundreds of billions (if not more) being wasteful at best, outright wasted at worst.

Many Americans don’t mind this government shutdown, and applaud Trump for drawing a line in the sand for what amounts to a rather small funding request in the overall scheme of things.  However, “the resistance” is doing this to all of us, as they are so keen on not giving Trump a win, they will risk shutting the government down for what could be months.

If government money is going to be wasted anyway, why not spend it on a border wall – which the Israelis have a decades-long track record as a worthwhile investment?

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White Rationalist
White Rationalist
January 10, 2019 8:35 am

Per capital? Sheesh

Rather, Not
Rather, Not
  Duane Norman
January 10, 2019 11:33 am

Appreciate it was just a typo….but the per capita cost is still missing. We have length per capita, but not per capita cost. We have a bunch of ratios 50% of 20% of whatever).

What did/will Israel’s wall cost, divided by number of Israelis, and what will America’s wall (either this bit, or total estimated, just be clear) cost, divided by number of Americans?

Those would be very useful numbers to the discussion, whatever the reality.

Rather, Not
Rather, Not
  Duane Norman
January 10, 2019 12:54 pm

That is a pretty good argument for not making the title of the article:

“Israel vs. America – The Per Capital Cost Of Border Wall Construction”

Typo or no, it is BS clickbait.

  Rather, Not
January 10, 2019 12:33 pm
$2.6 billion to build 325.5 miles of barrier – almost $8 million per mile, so roughly $1 per mile per Israeli.
So, we’d be looking at about 1000 miles of Wall – if the actual construction cost per mile is the same ($8 million/mile), the cost per person in America per mile would be about $0.025 – or just over $8 billion for the entire Wall.

[Used 8 million as Israel’s population; 325 million as US population – too lazy to look up the exact numbers]

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 10, 2019 8:56 am

Build The Wall (using DoD and DHS funds), then Bill the Democrats per se: “Dear Democrats, the Wall will be completed in a couple months so send me the Budget Request you have been sitting on but raise the DoD and DHS by $5B or explain why not to the 38 million EBT Card holders. And thank you for showing your stupid Commie asses again and giving me another great 2020 Campaign Issue, Trump.”

January 10, 2019 9:04 am

Imagine if they focused more on building a big wall instead of a big Wall Street?
Wall Street has recently lost more in market cap than the cost of the wall. And this is even after Trump gave those fat cats a 40% discount on their taxes! But Trump’s priority was Wall Street, not the sourthern border wall.

While all walls are equal, some walls are more equal than others ~ George Orwell

January 10, 2019 9:49 am

We have been completely overtaken by the citizens of a certain tribe, who wish the US to labor under the same conditions they have created for themselves. It is all related to 9/11 (the false flag who shall never be acknowledged).
Think about it.

They used to get their planes hijacked all the time (in the 70s for you young folks), then they created “secure airports” and now we have to be burdened with the same jackbooted “over the top” security, for what, some box cutters?

They can’t stand their neighbors (who also can’t stand them) so they circled all their stolen lands with 40 foot walls, and now we are supposed to do the same?

Mexicans, south Americans don’t hate us, they love us, maybe a little too much, but we don’t need to keep suicide bombers coming in from the southern border, we just need common sense immigration policy that does not create an incentive for migration (no free welfare for trespassers)

I don’t think Trump will get the wall or even a fence, across the entire southern border,
but if he is wise, he will get us a more intelligent immigration policy, with this shutdown tactic.

January 10, 2019 11:27 am

Charles Schumer is a dirty traitor, puts Israel ahead of America…. he bragged about it.
Is Chuck Schumer on a Mission From God to Protect Israel?
Senator Chuck Schumer is receiving a lot of attention from an interview he gave yesterday to a Jewish radio show for some very sharp criticisms of how the Obama administration has handled its recent dustup with Israel. … Near the end of the interview, this is how Schumer reiterated his devotion to the cause of Israel:
“You know, my name …. comes from the word shomer, guardian, watcher. My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov. And I believe Hashem actually gave me that name. One of my roles, very important in the United States senate, is to be a shomer — to be a or the shomer Yisrael. And I will continue to be that with every bone in my body … ”
Schumer is an AGENT of a Foreign Government, undermining OUR Government and Nation.
Schumer is all FOR you paying for that wall around Israel but YOU do not deserve security.

Make America Gringo Again
Make America Gringo Again
January 10, 2019 10:59 am

I hope the fucking commie federal employees starve to death and we can get on with white freedom-loving replacements. Trump is draining the swamp!

January 10, 2019 11:25 am

How many of YOUR/America’s $4+BILLION in WELFARE given to Israel every year comes back to America in the form of BRIBES to “american” politicians? Traitors voting to give Israel MORE, so they can get bigger BRIBES
“Israel Buys the US Congress: Sabotaging the US-Iran Peace Negotiations”…um=related_articles
Since Congress Says walls are racist hate, we can just take down the 25′ wall we have been paying to build all around Israel. In October 2003, the UN General Assembly approved a resolution condemning Israel’s so-called “security barrier,” a grotesque thing, parts of it much larger and more formidable than the Berlin Wall, that Israel has built on occupied Palestinian territory. But YOU do not “deserve” protection. If WE are bigots for wanting security Congress is a bigger bigot, look at all their protections …….. remove all locks, gates, barriers, and guards from Congress.
… Congress says we can afford to borrow $38BILLION from Communist China to GIVE to Socialist Israel …… but we cannot allocate $25Billion to build OUR WALL. “Putting WHO First”? Making WHO Great Again? This is what is know as TRIBUTE … like when the Bully TAKES a kid’s lunch money — Congress is paying TRIBUTE to the Bully and SHAMING America.
Americans, You, are paying to build a 25 foot tall wall all around Israel ……. but if You ask for a wall to protect your Families from Illegals you are told you are a RACIST BIGOT By GUESS WHO —– Jews and their sock-puppet LIBERALS like Franken, Schumer, Feinstein, Sanders, Schiff, Pelosi
But wait!— Now YOU are paying for Israel’s new wall along Lebanon — The Israeli military has so far completed the construction of 11 kilometers of a 130-kilometer-long border wall with Lebanon The nine-meter-high wall will extend from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the area around Mount Hermon in the east, according to Israeli military officials. It is expected to cost 1.7 billion shekels ($473 million). YOUR tax dollars.
YOU are not “entitled” to a fence to protect Your Family, but Israel murders Children that “get too close” to THEIR fence that You paid for

Israel: Condemned by Their Own Words

The state of Israel locks up children of African invaders as young as one year-old—at the same time that the Israel-supporting US Jewish lobby has publicly condemned the Trump Administration for its “unjust” immigration policy. Israel Locks up 1-Year Old African Invaders—But US Jews Condemn Trump for ‘Unjust’ Immigration — JULY 6, 2018
It is Jewish controlled ACLU, SPLC, ADL, and other George Soros/Israeli/Rothschild “civil rights” organizations that do not give a FIG about YOUR Civil RIghts that twist the Law to force these Invaders in on you. You have NO RIGHTS to live in peace in their eyes.

January 10, 2019 11:44 am

So Israel’s population is 8.7 million, huh? Sounds like 6 million too many.

January 10, 2019 12:41 pm

Or 15 million too low?

January 10, 2019 12:25 pm

Can anyone remember the Democrats ever caring about wasting money before?

keep your civvies in the prowler
keep your civvies in the prowler
January 10, 2019 12:34 pm

Ask the Chinese, they built a Great Wall that kept out invaders for centuries..

January 10, 2019 12:58 pm

What was the per capital cost to US taxpayers for ISRAEL’S WALL???? Because we know that the Israelis didn’t pay for it.

January 10, 2019 1:11 pm

We here know that most of government is just kobokie theater. I don’t profess to know how everything in government work’s. So perhaps it is just my ignorance. This whole shutdown over funding has me a bit baffled. Trump want’s the wall.His base want’s the wall. The left ,and their base don’t want it. So the fight seems to be over the Dem’s controlling the house not giving Trump the funds. My question is…..Did the Rebub’s not control the purse strings in the house for the first two years of his presidency? Can someone explain this to me,as I may be missing something here. Or was I correct with my kobokie theater?

January 10, 2019 2:23 pm

He really doesn’t have the support he would like to pretend he has. Republicans in the House are all able to shout for a wall now, knowing full well they are in the minority. Truthfully, much of the wall would need to be on PRIVATELY-OWNED land, and due process demands that before any of it can be seized, citizens have a right to trial, etc. to determine just compensation for the taking, etc. So a wall likely isn’t going to happen, regardless….but yes, they had two years in which to do a LOT of things they all promised they would do – like abolish Obamacare.

January 10, 2019 3:04 pm

If Trump invokes the Insurrection Act, he can do whatever needs to be done.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 10, 2019 5:57 pm

The Coulter puppet is a lame duck. He’s not doing jack but shutting down the government. He can keep it shut down for 2 more years. The 2020 candidates will run on a promise to re-open the government on day one.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 10, 2019 5:51 pm

kobokie theater

Is that in Hoboken?

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 10, 2019 4:29 pm

“If government money is going to be wasted anyway, why not spend it on a border wall…?”

Could you rework the numbers to include the $Trillions burden on the American people? Hiding those inconvenient facts is outright bullshit. Does Israel have Trillion dollar liabilities?

Surprised you didn’t use the old marketing shtick – “At a cost of pennies per month..”

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 10, 2019 6:30 pm

In a bizarre twist, the Democrats are defending the budget while the tax and spend Republican president wants to bump up the bursting budget for money to build a wall along the southern border.

I had extrapolated the cost of a 2000 mile wall from the cost per mile of a section that has already been built. This article says Trump hopes to put up a 200 mile section for $5.7 Billion. That sounds like we are looking at a $50B cost for the entire thing. The $5.7B that you claim is miniscule in per capita terms is just the tip.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  EL Coyote (EC)
January 10, 2019 6:40 pm

Since the Army Corps said they can build 200 miles in one year, it could take ten years to finish this white elephant.

Might have to call this shit The Long Emergency.

Of course you can now tout this as a $500 Million per month project; dirt cheap!