The Active Citizens

Guest Post by The Zman

Recently, I have been getting hammered with spam calls on my mobile phone. These are robo calls for various scams. One that comes daily is for some green energy scheme that promises to save me 50% off my electric bill. Another is a call from “your credit card company” that starts with “Don’t hang up.” I always hang up. The frequency of calls has reached the point where I no longer bothering answering my cell. I’ve turned the volume down to zero and check the log once in a while to see if anyone I know called.

This is a recent issue. I’ve had the same number for a long time that I registered with the do not call registry. I have no idea if that works, but the lack of spam calls had me thinking it must have worked until recent. Out of curiosity I went to the site for the FTC to see if maybe that service had been discontinued. It turns out that it still exists, but the web site is down, supposedly because of the government shutdown. That’s not a joke. Here’s the link and they posted the notice in Spanish, for the convenience of Mexican users.

Now, it would surprise no one to learn that a government website is really just a facade and that web requests are being handled by a person, who types the response to each query. You can just imagine an army of Winston Smith’s typing web responses and noting unapproved activity. That’s certainly not the case here. The bureaucrats in the FTC thought this was a bold statement. In reality it is just the petty nonsense that goes on with the administrative state. They put that up to spite the public.

This small little incident I’m describing is a microcosm of what’s wrong in the country. The FTC website should not exist. There’s no need for a do-not-call registry. The government could simply make the telephone companies responsible for the abuse that goes on with telemarketers. The phone companies would then demand the government pass laws that discourage these scams. The phone system operators would then aggressively police their networks and turn the scammers over to the state.

That does not happen, of course. The idea of the government doing things to make daily life easier on the citizens is so alien to us now, that the very suggestion of it is met with howls of protest. That is, after all, what happened when Tucker Carlson suggested the people in charge start worrying about the happiness of the public. The shrieking and gasping at such blasphemy around the Imperial Capital was deafening. No one in the ruling class, or their attendants, thinks the government owes us anything.

The paleocon formulation for this is anarcho-tyranny. This is when the state is no longer able to do the basics of government, like going after phone scammers. That’s the anarchy part. On the other hand, the state is more than happy to hassle citizens over petty rules and regulations. That’s the tyranny. It’s true in a lot of ways and certainly applies to local government. That’s not all of it though. There’s a growing hostility to the idea of people expecting their government to be responsive to the public.

That’s the core of the immigration debate, when you examine it. One side still thinks it is the duty of government to protect the borders and enforce the immigration laws. More important, they expect the government to put the general welfare of the American people ahead of the interests of foreigners. Sure, some immigration is fine, as long as they assimilate and become an asset. In other words, immigration is just another public policy and the right policy is the one that serves the interests of the citizens.

The other side thinks the only reason anyone wants to limit immigration is to protect losers who can’t compete with the newcomers. After all, only losers want the government to protect them from competition. David French calls it victim-politics. In other words, if you think the people in charge are not doing their duty to look out for the interests of their fellow citizens, you’re a crybaby and loser. It’s amazing, but a guy who has spent his life on the government teat thinks his class owes you nothing.

In other words, we have gone past the old anarcho-tyranny formulation into a new phase where the ruling class can’t be bothered to do anything. In fact, they are offended by the very suggestion that they have a duty to the rest of us. Carlson is going through an advertiser boycott because he had the temerity to suggest that maybe the people in charge are not doing their duty. All the beautiful people are rushing to social media to defend billion dollar global corporations against a guy who says stuff on TV.

Of course, the pettiness of the administrative state and the hostility to the idea of responsive government have the same root cause. The ruling class no longer see the rest of us as being citizens in the way they are citizens. We know have active citizens and passive citizens. The former is for members of the managerial class and the latter is for the rest of us. Active citizens get to talk about what kind of country they want and how the government will achieve it. Passive citizens just sit quietly in the cheap seats.

That’s why they are so offended by Trump and the surge in populism. They see it as a something like a slave revolt. It’s not the material inconvenience. It is the moral effrontery of the hoi polloi daring to question them. That’s the reason the FTC site is down. The people who did that think they are doing us a favor. They are offended and probably bewildered as to why this is happening. They are so divorced from the rest of us, we may as well be space aliens or wild creatures living in the forest.

This is why reform is hopeless. It’s not that “the deep state” is secretly gaming the system to their advantage. There’s nothing secret here. The sorts of reform needed would have no material impact on our rulers. The reason reform is hopeless is they now define themselves in opposition to the rest of us. They no longer see themselves as our fellow citizens. Rather, they see us as a threat to their status as active citizens. Anything that blurs the lines between us and them, must be opposed, on principle.

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January 10, 2019 4:57 pm

” This is why reform is hopeless. It’s not that “the deep state” is secretly gaming the system to their advantage. There’s nothing secret here. ”

True that!

January 10, 2019 5:10 pm

The spammers are now using local exchange numbers or in-state numbers as a cover. I don’t answer unknown callers and delete them. I figure if it’s important the caller will leave a message.

Old Shoe
Old Shoe
January 10, 2019 5:11 pm

One of you that know how to post a you tube vid go there and post How To Deal With A Telemarketer by Tom Mabe. Everybody should listen to it at least once. Funny stuff.

no one
no one
January 10, 2019 5:15 pm

I agree.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 10, 2019 5:47 pm

After dealing with Pedophiles, the Chemtrails, sterilizing GMO and vaccine makers, Internet pornographers, Vote Fraud personnel, etc, find these Robo bastards and just shoot them on the spot.

  robert h siddell jr
January 11, 2019 12:33 pm

I’ve been suggesting phone scammers and mass telemarketers that ignore the no-call registry be put in stocks in public areas where we can creatively publicly abuse (urinate on) them. They annoy the shit out of us, I’m sure we can make their lives miserable too.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
January 10, 2019 6:31 pm

I have my notifications on my cellphone set so that it only rings when someone in my contacts list calls. All other calls come through, but do not ring. Most of them will just hang up when voice mail answers. In the case of a legitimate call coming in, like an outdialing trunk from your doctor’s office, they can always leave a voice mail for you to return their call. If anyone needs detailed instructions on how to do this, I can email them to admin for him to post.

It certainly has calmed my annoyances since I set this up. LOL!!!

  Texas Patriot
January 10, 2019 7:29 pm

If I don’t recognize the number, and am in the mood to answer, I do so using a foreign language.
Always get an interesting pause from the caller before I hang up on them 🙂

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
January 10, 2019 7:34 pm

I tried that for a while, but then it just got to be too dang many to mess with. My method above works great for me.

  Texas Patriot
January 10, 2019 10:18 pm

Maybe people could read “The Good, the Spam, and the Ugly” as a prep for handling these – when they are in the mood.

  Texas Patriot
January 10, 2019 9:20 pm

What a bitch. Don’t you have a personal number where only your friends can call?

January 10, 2019 7:21 pm

Lately I have been getting robocalls in mandarin. I spend more time blocking call numbers than answering legit calls. It is all basic cold call calculation, the more calls the more fish.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
January 10, 2019 7:35 pm

With my method above, you don’t have to block anything. They just sort of self-block. LOL!

Ham Roid
Ham Roid
January 10, 2019 8:05 pm

What about identity theft? Someone steals a banker’s money and tells them that you did it. And fucking Uncle Sam agrees with them.

And what gets me is, we just sit back and take it. Hopefully, not for much longer.

January 10, 2019 8:05 pm

Zman…At the risk of sounding paranoid, I suspect that members of the Resistance are being targeted and deliberately harassed. Otherwise I cannot explain why my computer is under constant attack whereas my wife’s computer is mostly free of problems. I would guess that most contributors to TBP are singled out for special treatment, a bit like conservative groups targeted by the IRS. We know from whistle blowers and Wikileaks that the NSA collects all digital data created by American citizens which they use to separate the deplorables from the brainwashed masses or loyal sheeple.

January 11, 2019 12:31 pm

I should have added that my phone is also being bombarded with companies selling products and service plus charities, and phone calls with no one on the other end. But what is most disturbing is official sounding threats of prosecution for tax fraud from someone claiming to be Revenue Canada. These messages arrive about 3 or 4 times a year, are not from Revenue Canada and despite a large effort I have not been able to determine the source. I have asked around and none of my friends or relatives have received such threatening message which makes me wonder why I have been targeted. Could it be that I don’t believe the lies we are fed 24/7 by our treasonous government and MSM, and challenge the Fake Narrative?

January 10, 2019 9:29 pm

I answer because it’s the only time you can threaten to hunt down and kill someone without penalty…I’m taking about Sam from Florida with an Indian accent telling me My PC is infected…yet you can hear the boiler room noise in background

January 10, 2019 10:14 pm

My wife and I were just discussing how close to the “Hunger Games” we’ve moved in the past 10 years. Scary as fuck. And it’s happening right before our eyes. I want to know who is behind some of this shit, like the “men are bad” PC about everything including 60 years ago stuff, and all the LGBQRST propaganda? Why does every tv show have a gay couple or tranny when they represent a fraction of the population? What’s their end game? We don’t like it. Or Gavin Newsome for that matter.

January 11, 2019 8:01 am

TV has become a freak show parade: Funky looking niggers / fem looking gays / bizarre trannies – it’s a shit show.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 11, 2019 9:51 am

It’s clearly something for The Useless Idiots, not us. The Nightly News is a Political Limbo Dance: How low and to the Left can you go Shepard Smith, Chuck Todd, Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews, George Stephanopoulos, Don Lemon?

January 11, 2019 11:10 am

What’s their end game?

Always the same. State Ownership.

Of what?


Your children. Everyone’s children.

Legal recognition of marriage was always about property (i.e. who gets what when the “man of the house” dies). This property includes children. Who owns children? They are not independent adults; so someone is not only responsible for them, but has an ownership interest in them. The child “belongs” to someone. It is “someone’s” (possessive) child, just as this is “someone’s” website, that’s “someone’s” car, or house, or ….

The ownership interest of men in their own children has been diminished to almost nothing, in the eyes of the courts, and in the eyes of society. Once accomplished, all that remains is to eliminate the mother’s interest as well, and to place the State’s interest above all. Ask yourself, “How does CPS view a parent’s interest in their child, as opposed to the state’s interest?” Whose “interest” is superior?

In addition to the legal destruction of a parent’s right to their own child, there must be a societal/cultural shift to allow the state to claim ownership of everyone. That is, parents must be conditioned that “their” children aren’t really “theirs”.

How to achieve this?

Destroy the family. Destroy marriage.
Regarding the parents … divide and conquer.

It’s what rise in divorce rates has been about. It’s what presumptive awarding of custody to mothers was about. It’s what the denigration and degradation of the father (and now, men generally) in decades of tv, movies, and other media was about.

Most recently, it is what “Gay Marriage” was about. It had nothing to do with sexual proclivities; but rather was to destroy the legal (and societal) conception of marriage — and therefore the legal and societal conception of the family, parents, and so, who “owns” children.

Destroy the family, own the children.
Destroy marriage, destroy the family. Destroy fatherhood, destroy the family. Destroy motherhood, destroy the family. Destroy heterosexuality, destroy the family.
Destroy sex (“gender”) itself, destroy fatherhood, motherhood, heterosexuality, marriage, parentage, family.
Own the children.

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
January 11, 2019 1:03 am


Obeying the law is difficult when everything is illegal.

Americans are no better than beasts and slaves now that the US is a police state. Tyranny turns people into animals.

Law is not justice.

The government destroy lives. What if a genius researching cancer cures was arrested for withdrawing less than $10,000 from his own bank account and then couldn’t get a job because he has an arrest record?

Americans who love the Gestapo today seem like rape victims who defend their rapists.

Do Americans feel like traitors when they support tyranny?

Do Americans think tyranny only affects other people? Do Americans believe that freedom only benefits others?

What country is this?

January 11, 2019 4:59 am

“This is when the state is no longer able to do the basics of government, like going after phone scammers. ”

Exactly what I have been thinking. They don’t really give a shit either.
The US government is a fucking joke anymore.

January 11, 2019 8:05 am

The ‘public’ should be angry about the junk calls and UBE (Unsolicited Bulk E-Mail – aka SPAM). Eating up bandwidth and storage of the infrastructure – that we pay for in out access charges.

Obviously the service providers are making money on this shit. If it cost them money – they would shut it down in a instant.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
January 11, 2019 4:27 pm

In Europe, the person placing the call pays for the call, just like when you send a letter generally the sender pays for the stamp.

When I moved back to the US, I was shocked to find that here there’s some kind of “cost-sharing” where we end up paying to receive calls! Who signed off on this ridiculous regime!?! Calls are also cheaper over there, from what I could tell.

Since we don’t use the cell phone nearly enough to justify a monthly “plan”, we now have to pay a dime every time a spammer (or our idiot optician) feels like throwing some promotional junk phonemail at us. We “fired” the optician over this, btw.