The rise of Socialism: Standing on the shoulders of morons

Guest Post by Simon Black

I’ve spent the last several days in this quaint Colombian city near the Venezuelan border (though I’m presently at the airport, en route to Chile for a board meeting).

As I’ve discussed several times in the past, Colombia is great. It’s naturally gorgeous, incredibly cheap, and full of interesting opportunities.

The country has recently emerged from decades of civil war. And the rebuilding efforts will have a profound impact on the economy… most notably with the national infrastructure.

Colombia’s highways are pitiful.

The distance from here to Bogota is barely 400 kilometers– it shouldn’t be more than a 3-4 hour drive. But it takes almost nine hours thanks to the terrible highways.

Railways, ports, even digital infrastructure are all lacking in Colombia, in large part because of the decades-long war against the FARC. For years the government didn’t want to build more railways if the guerrillas were just going to destroy them.

With the war over, they’re dumping an enormous amount of money into modernizing the country, which invariably brings interesting opportunities.

Colombia is still cheap today.

I spent the weekend in the mountains outside of Bucaramanga looking at real estate projects where, for example, a plush family home on more than an acre lot in an upscale community ran less than USD $70,000.

That’s cheap. My rule of thumb is that anything less than $1,000 per square meter for good quality residential housing (about $92 per square foot) is a great deal.

I also saw a huge, stately home with a grand, Spanish colonial interior courtyard, plus several acres of land, for less than $200,000.

That’s a hell of a bargain for a country with such a bright future.

One of the most noticeable things about this town, though, is the presence of so many Venezuelan refugees.

Bucaramanga is very close to the border, so it’s a natural migration point for Venezuelans fleeing their country. They’re EVERYWHERE.

Talking to these people, it’s apparent that the conditions are far worse than generally reported in the media. I’ve been to Venezuela several times myself, and I’ve seen firsthand the lack of food, medicine, etc.

It’s incredible that a country like Venezuela that’s rich in so many resources is in such a desperate situation.

Venezuela is legendary for its world-class oil and mineral deposits. But more than that, Venezuela boasts incredibly talented entrepreneurs and skilled labor, plus plenty of port facilities, arable land, etc.

This place SHOULD be an economic powerhouse. And decades ago it used to be.

But today Venezuela is one of the world’s most impoverished nations.

How did it all go wrong?

It’s all due to the rise of corrupt socialism.

You know the story: about 20 years ago, Hugo Chavez took control of Venezuela and engaged in radical economic and political reforms that awarded supreme power to the government (specifically to Chavez) while doling out crippling socialist programs that the country couldn’t afford.

When the price of oil was at an all-time high, they were able to limp along.

But when oil prices fell, Venezuela’s government went broke.

They tried to make up for it by nationalizing and expropriating everything that wasn’t nailed down– businesses, private land, etc. But that made matters worse.

They also borrowed heavily, burned through their international reserves, and printed an unbelievable amount of money. The currency quickly went into free-fall.

When I first went to Caracas several years ago, the exchange rate was about 8 bolivares per US dollar. A few months later when I returned, it was 50. My next trip was 500.

Soon a single US $100 bill would buy me literally stacks of Venezuelan bolivares; and by the time they finally capitulated and took the money out of circulation, it took over 4 million bolivares to buy a single US dollar.

(Since August 2018 the Venezuelan government started issuing new currency, which is basically the old currency minus a few zeros…)

All of this began with a premise that the government could centrally plan prosperity– that a tiny political elite could engineer wealth and efficient productivity while simultaneously providing an endless supply of free benefits to the constituents who keep them in power.

This experiment in central planning has notoriously failed throughout history (and it bankrupted Venezuela in less than two decades).

Yet we invariably see it rear its ugly head over and over again despite its dismal track record… especially in times when wealth and income inequality rise.

Every time people feel like they’re getting screwed by the system… every time they feel like someone else has an unfair advantage, there are cries to seize assets, confiscate wealth, and centrally plan prosperity.

We’re starting to see those calls rise again in the Land of the Free, where a whole spate of socialist-leaning candidates are coming out of the woodwork… including some presidential contenders.

There are now 40 socialists in Congress, including the infamous 29-year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who think it’s a great idea to centrally plan the economy, jack up tax rates to confiscatory levels and even nationalize certain private industries.

Their desires are echoed by Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman who believes that 70%+ would be the best tax rate for maximum economic efficiency.

It’s even more interesting to note that, according to a recent Gallup poll, more younger Americans (18-29) now identify with Socialism than Capitalism – 51% vs. 45%. That’s a 12-point decline in a positive view toward capitalism in just the past two years… back in 2010, 68% of young Americans viewed capitalism favorably.

To borrow from Isaac Newton, they seem to be standing on the shoulders of morons.

And yet membership in the Democratic Socialists of America has swelled 7x just in the last two years.

This is all really alarming.

I’m not saying the US is going to become Venezuela in 20 years. But the Land of the Free is rapidly going down the same destructive path.

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January 12, 2019 11:36 am

Q: What do get when you mix together nigs, nogs, fags, lezzies, commies, joos, socialists, mooslims, self-loathing whites, butt-ugly women and other societal drek?

[imgcomment image[/img]

A: The incoming freshmen at the 2019 Congress …. touted as the most diverse ever.


January 12, 2019 11:45 am

What a shit pile.

January 12, 2019 11:47 am

Yup. Now there’s a group I would not mind machine-gunning. Really.

January 12, 2019 12:57 pm

Getting in the mood for some public service, are you?

January 13, 2019 11:15 am

Dan Crenshaw (R) is in that picture , so aim selectively.

January 12, 2019 12:42 pm

I was thinking maybe a bus full of school teachers and adminis-traitors. Not very diverse without some good looking, smart folks tho.

January 12, 2019 11:45 am

Requests to bring in child brides OK’d; legal under US laws

January 12, 2019 12:14 pm

Is it possible that the destruction of the Rothschild central banking scheme figures in the destruction of Venezuela?
He who controls the money controls the country.
I care not who holds the levers of power. He who controls the (banks) money controls the country.

January 12, 2019 12:23 pm

I know I have ranted about this before, but now it is official . The new radical leftist combo extreme socialist and wanna-be communist Santa Cruz city council, 3 newly elected by pandering to a solid block but tiny minority Marxist brainwashed college student and street people, have passed rent control by ordinance despite the people voting 2:1 against it in just the last election (it has been defeated 4 times now over 40 years). A few hundred people came to the meeting (inside, but overflowed into two other venues and outside) , all but a handful begged, pleaded, or defiantly protested against this. There were few tenants in attendance, but a few professional reps of hard leftist groups were there. I spoke, I gave them hell for my 90 seconds, but in the end it made no difference. 510 letters were submitted before that meeting to city council. Someone did the math and 497 of them were totally against it, and of the 13 for, not all of them were for that particular ordinance.
Democracy is now officially DEAD.
The various kinds of rent control are insidious thefts of property rights from those who may or may not have wealth, and gifted to those who may or may not have need, as if that mattered anyway.
The communists want class warfare, and the assumptions that all renters are poor , or all landlords are rich is a lie.
It is all lies.
“Tenant protection urgently needed” . The only protections urgently needed is landlords from an oppressive government. “Lack of affordable housing (or “inclusive” housing)” is a lie. All housing is affordable to those who can afford it. We have always in the USA handled the poor with taxes, welfare, and charity. That is socialism, but at least that attempts to take from those who can afford, and give to the needy (plus or minus fraud, scam, abuse).

This is worse. It is 3’rd grade communism that cares not about taxing only profits so as not to kill wealth creation entirely, Doesn’t care who the members of made up class identity groups are, and re-distributes RIGHTS as well as money. It is evil.

This city council had the arrogance to actually write the laws as retroactive back to the end of the previously unneeded emergency rent control ordinance before the vote.
It didn’t seem to matter that retroactive ex post facto criminal law is banned in Federal and States in EVERY jurisdiction by the US Constitution for 250 years.
It didn’t seem to matter that retroactive ex post facto civil law is banned from interfering in the obligations of contract in Federal and States in EVERY jurisdiction by the US Constitution for 250 years.
I brought this up in person and not one word of that was ever discussed in public by the council.
I YELLED the law into their faces as the City Attorney put his head in his hands. The communist bastards on the council never blinked.
This was item #1 for the new council, I would assume the most important and “best” item.
If that was the BEST item to consider, I shudder to think of the worst.
There are communist “reading groups” here that hold regular meetings in community rooms or private homes.
This is not going away, this will get ugly.

Big Ed
Big Ed
January 12, 2019 5:06 pm

I had 2 rental houses in Santa Cruz…When I saw this turd in the air, headed for the fan, I sold out..One more property to sell in Watsonville and I am leaving the state after 48 years of working here, paying taxes, and watching the downward spiral..The invasion from Mex. is nearly complete, the schools are DFL, and the politics are commie moronic…So sad but it is what it is..

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 12, 2019 12:27 pm

How can the author be so confident in the future of Colombia given that it took them so long to dispatch the FARC? Why isn’t Colombia susceptible to the same popular sentiment that brought in Chavez? Because Colombia is pretty? Most of the poorest countries have palm trees and lots of poor people will always think that government can just snap its fingers and fix everything.

I object to the term “capitalism” as being the opposite of socialism. The proper term for what we want is “free markets”. The term “capitalist” is itself a Marxist term and much of current capitalism has little relation to a free market economy. Instead, it’s corruptocratic, rent-seeking. The current conspiratorial arrangement in healthcare and health insurance is just one example, and it’s a big part of why people are willing to entertain socialism.

  Iska Waran
January 12, 2019 12:59 pm

Right you are. Crapitalism gives Commies a good name.

  Iska Waran
January 12, 2019 6:13 pm

Great comment, Iska. Our current enemy is not socialism, it’s oligarchy. The Maroons who write these articles don’t even know why they’re being paid to write them

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 12, 2019 3:04 pm

This is because Envy and Greed are related and both are sins. Bad things man.

  Donkey Balls
January 12, 2019 5:24 pm

Donkey balls hits it. These people are motivated by ENVY and Resentment plus greed. Socialist are nothing but thieves . There are vile .
This is why they want a Third world America . Hispanics vote for this shit no matter where they are. California is becoming a third world shit hole because of white liberals progressives Democrats and Hispanics. The only thing that going to stop the rest of America from becoming a shit hole is civil War . Violence and Force is the only thing these bastards respect. Blacks are worse then Hispanics.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Donkey Balls
January 13, 2019 6:26 am

I was thinking the same thing, Donkey. If people weren’t so envious and greedy, the politicians couldn’t play them so well. Be content with what you have and don’t worry about what others have, regardless of how they got it.

Hollow man
Hollow man
January 12, 2019 6:57 pm

This is why we are going to tear ourselves apart.