The Unprofitably Incompetent

Those who can’t do, demand.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Profit propels civilization. When a producer can make an item or provide a service at a cost lower than a customer values that item or service, and the customer has the means and the freedom to buy, the difference between what’s paid over cost is profit. That profit is the producer’s incentive to produce, and in turn funds the producer’s consumption, savings, and investment, which creates other producers’ profits. Profit is the necessary prerequisite for consumption, savings, investment, and consequently, progress.

Many of us profit every day. We offer services and provide goods, supporting ourselves at a cost that is lower than what we’re paid. We’re profitably competent, engaging in honest production and peaceful, voluntary exchange. The only alternatives to profitable competence are living off of someone else’s profitable competency via inheritance or charity, or criminality—theft via fraud or violence.

Criminals cloak their thefts in all sorts of justifications, some of which, like socialism, become full-blown political doctrines. Ironically, a larcenous litany of demands and rationalizations are efflorescing at a time when whatever is left of the overall profit pool has been drained. It has been mortgaged multiple times, just as hordes of the unprofitably incompetent, who had no hand in producing it, clamor for their “fair share.” They’ll insist the profitably competent figure out how to pay for it, but the fair share of nothing is nothing, political promises to the contrary notwithstanding.

“Your means, my ends; I wish, you fulfill,” is the foundational fantasy of modern governance. The favored groups shelter in their safe spaces—government and its rackets, crony corporations, academia, the media, and Hollywood—living on the delusion that there will always be someone who will produce, without question or protest, for their benefit. Upon that foundation they’ve constructed a phantasmagorical edifice of illusory constructs and passages to nowhere.

As the foundational fantasy totters, the fantasies it supports become more fantastical. The profit pool exhausted, you would think everything possible would be done to succor the profitably competent who are supposed to replenish it. Instead, that illustrious group is demonized at every turn, and the demands on them become ever more absurd. They are guilty because they’re productive, and must expiate their guilt by producing for the unproductive, whose incompetence makes them morally superior.

The most “toxic” trait often associated with masculinity may be competence. It’s not exclusively masculine, but whether its possessors are male or female it has certainly become toxic, depriving them of any right to what they produce and any right to criticize those who steal it from them. Twits who can’t replace a light bulb demand free schooling and medical care, guaranteed jobs and incomes, trips to Mars, and who knows what else. Those who are to fund it all are to cheerfully regard doing so as a privilege.

The notion of reparations won’t die. Anyone with money (the only people who can pay) supposedly owe the descendants of various victim classes reparations for the supposed sins of their ancestors. To hold individuals guilty of crimes they couldn’t have committed is a moral obscenity. The demands for retribution are simply another naked money grab.

The rhetoric grows increasingly hateful. The slave class can be openly disparaged, denigrated, and deplored based on their race, gender, geographic location, religion, politics, the way they smile at a Native American, or any other characteristic the masters don’t like. But woe to the slaves who utter anything the tyrannical cult deems offensive or incorrect. Transgressors are put through social media hell, ostracized, ruined, and coming soon, incarcerated.

If you’ve found your safe space and you’re incapable of producing marketable value that exceeds its cost of production, you’re dependent on the profitably competent, but their very existence is a constant reproach, a reminder of your own inadequacy. So where gratitude would be appropriate, you instead hate, mock, and abuse your meal tickets. This isn’t PhD in psychology material—spoiled children have been abusing their parents for centuries. Interestingly—at least for psychology PhDs—the dependent get more abusive as they get more dependent.

Their safe spaces require little or nothing in the way of competency. They have become havens for personal predilections and peccadilloes that were once socially unacceptable, virtually free from any standards of comportment or dress, and citadels of venomous, self-serving ideologies.

One month into the partial shutdown of the largest safe space, it’s obvious that not only has the sky not fallen, but unsurprisingly, America is doing just fine without those 800,000 furloughed workers that even the government considers nonessential. Which elicits the question: What were they doing when they were on the job?

“Not much” is not necessarily the right answer. The 100,000 plus pages of the Federal Register and the tax code suggest that they’ve been spending a lot of time gumming up the works for and extracting money from the profitably competent many of them despise. The furlough may accomplish the first step of breaking America’s addiction to government: realizing that most of it is not only useless, but harmful. We’ll see if it leads to the next steps: getting rid of personnel, programs, agencies, and entire departments, and changing policy accordingly (we can dream). If things change in that direction, expect the denizens of what are no longer safe spaces to become increasingly vitriolic.

You can’t reach a point where dependents openly denigrate those who support them without the latter’s tacit or explicit consent. Parents who spoil their children and endure the brats’ abuse get what they deserve. Ayn Rand had it right. The people who make America go could bring it to a shuddering stop simply by stockpiling their resources and walking off their jobs for a month or two. An added turn of the screw would be withdrawing their funds from the banking system (see “The Yellow Vests Get it Right,” SLL).

It’s time to stop funding the abusers, time to stop excusing them with “they mean well, but…”, time to reject their claims to moral superiority, time to stop building safe space sanctuaries, time to stop apologizing for profitable competence, and time to recognize its moral value and reclaim the right to its profits. If it takes a strike to hurl the brats into the maw of their own incompetence and upend the tyrannical cult, so be it. The biggest crime hasn’t been that of the brats and the cult, it’s been the failure of those who haven’t defended what’s rightfully theirs.

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January 25, 2019 2:23 pm

It will be interesting when this whole shit show falls off the cliff . I’m really not afraid of it any longer if it means I get away from about 1/3 of this population. I think it would be worth it for me just to see the look on their faces when the left finally realizes the party is over. If it happens soon America may have a second chance. Anyway I’ll be buying more ammo this weekend.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Robert Gore
January 25, 2019 2:56 pm

Robert – Enjoy your writing enormously; appreciate all your efforts on behalf of sanity and civilization. I agree that there will be some comical moments following SHTF Day but don’t expect the humor to last long. Will get ugly quite rapidly I believe. Best Libertarian Regards from the miasma of the “left coast” – Rich

January 26, 2019 11:00 am

The incompetent are not necessarily evil, but more likely powerless. To make the powerless your enemy means you’re facing the wrong way. Follow the money honey. Most of us are powerless, it’s just that many are poor, stupid and distracted by shiny things. Know your enemy and waste less time thinking yourself morally superior.

January 26, 2019 1:19 pm

Great post, Anon.

22winmag - The South was Right!
22winmag - The South was Right!
January 26, 2019 1:37 pm


D-60, X-91, X-25, X-14

Old Shoe
Old Shoe
January 25, 2019 2:33 pm

America has crossed the Rubicon morally and spiritually. There’s no going back. A great cleansing awaits.
I’m not happy or pleased about it. It’s just what is. Whatever’s coming should be pretty ugly.

  Old Shoe
January 25, 2019 3:09 pm

Look at Venezuela to see what is in store for the U.S.

January 25, 2019 3:53 pm

I would say Dacca, Bangladesh is more like their long game for us.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 25, 2019 6:20 pm

Venezuela so far is tame compared to what millions of armed Deplorables would be capable of.

Cleveland Rocks
Cleveland Rocks
January 25, 2019 10:09 pm

Look at the Weimar Republic and aftermath.

22winmag - The South was Right!
22winmag - The South was Right!
January 26, 2019 1:37 pm

Lots of aid from Russia and China??

  Old Shoe
January 26, 2019 1:05 am

Come on, that could never happen here!

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 26, 2019 5:00 pm

It already is! Learn to barter.

January 25, 2019 3:03 pm

Great article, Robert, as usual. I would like to add a couple things to the discussion. People need a means to get the things required to sustain their lives. I’ve always favored the system we once referred to as broad money. People went out into the world and got their share based on their efforts. The more people who gave honest effort every day, the more people who enjoyed the fruits of the American dream. Government’s only role was to keep a fair playing field so that basically if you went out there and made those efforts you could take care of yourself and the people that were dependent upon you. Clinton destroyed that system with NAFTA and MFN status for China. The most valuable thing most people owned, and the commodity that they traded willingly for the ability to get the things they need was the value of their honest labor. Most people’s labor was instantly devalued to the same level as wherever the poorest person willing to work in the world was willing to take. And let’s face it, a man who misses three meals is willing to work a full day just for a full stomach of anything. A woman who misses three meals will suck any dick presented to her just for a full stomach of anything. So the people running this scam have seven billion people out there to exploit. And the people in our country running their businesses paying fair wages have to compete with that, which is difficult, and in some cases impossible. If you are not going to let people earn the ability to get the things that they need, they’re going to have to resort to another system. That’s the attractive part of socialism. I doubt anybody hungry really cares about politics. They just want to be able to get their hands on food. And if somebody promises a way to let them do that, that’s where their votes will go. So we’ve got to rebuild the system where honest effort is the way to get the things you need. Can it be done? It could be, no question. Will it be, I don’t know. Our struggle is not capitalism versus socialism. Our struggle is oligarchy versus our Republic. I have not gotten a paycheck from another man since I was in my twenties. I’m 58. Every Friday for most of my adult life I’ve written paychecks. I have my little piece of that honorable system where I get rewarded for my efforts, and I get to reward the people that help me get there. This is a great passage in your piece. “you would think everything possible would be done to succor the profitably competent who are supposed to replenish it. Instead, that illustrious group is demonized at every turn, and the demands on them become ever more absurd.” Those demands aren’t really coming from the hungry hordes. Those demands are coming from the oligarchs at the top who want it all for themselves. They see the hordes as just a simple pass through. It matters not where that money comes from. All these laid off government drones make more money than you and I might imagine they make. Because if you can give a stupid person a $90,000 a year job doing nothing, they are still going to go out and spend that 90 grand stupidly. And big business knows how to extract money from stupid people. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 25, 2019 4:47 pm

Bingo bango. An article all by itself.

No one
No one
  Donkey Balls
January 25, 2019 6:58 pm

Someone should reformat this and post it.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
January 26, 2019 11:44 am

Agree 100%. I will also add “The people who make America go could bring it to a shuddering stop simply by stockpiling their resources and walking off their jobs for a month or two.”.
They almost did – it was called 2008. Unfortunately, it was blunted by wild printing of the currency to benefit the parasites. I am afraid as long as the “currency” is the dollar, and the Fed has the ability to print, and funnel through the banking system, the producer class will run in to the problem of inflation eating away that stockpile, and be forced to “go back to work”. They have us by the balls through inflation. I know many who were very self sufficient up until the explosion of credit in 2009 through now. Once their savings was making nothing, and even routine visits to the doctor became outrageous, along with utility, food, and other necessities you can’t reasonably stockpile, they had no choice but “join the labor force” again. Inflation and the Fed are an insidious tax on everyone, that non one man in a thousand sees. It is their way of stealing from the productive, even if the productive resist.

We are Screwed
We are Screwed
  Mad as Hell
January 27, 2019 7:56 am

In 2009 my gross income went from $400k to zero. The $128k in federal taxes I paid went to zero. They realized they fucked up. You cannot kill the hand that feeds you. They now realize this. Their new tactic is to make you cuck yourselves and provide it willingly while they berate you. If you fight back, or talk back they will soon be incarerating those producers paying the taxes. You set the precedence now you must continue to produce otherwise face jail. Atlas Shrug is becoming real. My income is now double but taxes are 12% because I learned about conservation easements. Most of Congress does this too. I figure hide from taxes where they do and invest like them. They will protect you as they would themselves. Bastards. I plan on homesteading fulltime to eat in 12 yrs and income and taxes go to zero. They can have 100% of nothing.

22winmag - The South was Right!
22winmag - The South was Right!
January 26, 2019 3:53 pm

You’re a nutbag one day, and dropping serious wisdom the next day. What gives?

Shit, after a month squatting in the frozen bush during field exercises eating 2 awful MRE’s daily and precious little hot food, we were ready to kill each other over a scrap of anything fresh or good tasting. Guys lost their shit and got Article 15s and worse over shit like that- and that’s in the fucking military- supposedly a cohesive unit.

January 25, 2019 3:08 pm

Gov’t shutdown temporarily ended until February 15th….so much for that.

January 25, 2019 3:19 pm

Did anyone really think they wanted to see the FSA not get their food stamps,and other goodies.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 25, 2019 9:00 pm

It would have been amusing watching them riot in freezing weather

22winmag - The South was Right!
22winmag - The South was Right!
  Harrington Richardson
January 26, 2019 3:58 pm

As much as you knock me, there is nothing amusing about it.

The cold would only make people starve indoors a little longer until they are driven out into the cold- hungrier and much vicious than if they sought food earlier.

January 26, 2019 11:40 am

The government shutdown ended because the airports were beginning to close. I’m at a trade show at the moment (the world’s largest) and I can tell you that people started to freak out and panic when word began to spread. A few closed airports (Kennedy, LAX) would bring our just-in-time delivery system to a halt. The economic effects would be catastrophic.

At the end of the day, all of this around us is tissue paper thin and the game of cat & mouse between the President and that Hag Pelosi nearly brought the entire edifice to a standstill. Next time we might not be so lucky because when it unwinds, nothing will be able to stop it.

January 26, 2019 2:31 pm

It would suck to be away from home, but I do think the unwind while perhaps (certainly) PAINFUL it is no less absolutely necessary.

No one
No one
January 26, 2019 7:25 pm

I agree.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
January 27, 2019 10:36 am

Well, you know Reagan had a great solution for that in the 80’s – fire them all if they don’t show. Of course, that would require BALLS and I thought Trump had those. Apparently not. He blinked, and now Pelosi and the demos see weakness. He is actually in a worse position now. They used to think he was nuts, now they know his soft spot. Game over folks.

January 25, 2019 3:45 pm


January 25, 2019 4:15 pm

The people who make America go could bring it to a shuddering stop simply by stockpiling their resources and walking off their jobs for a month or two.

In two months, it will be eight years for me. I read the writing on the wall around the same time as did Ann Barnhardt.

Someday soon, we might even go full minimalist, because, after all, the best things in life are free.

That was excellent, Robert, and I’ll always have a heart for the heroes as well; especially those still plugging away.

Taxes, regulations, inflation, and multi-national monolithic monsters. Something’s gotta give. Been there. Done that.

comment image

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 25, 2019 4:22 pm

The title alone made me laugh out loud.

The great disconnect, imo, is what some people call fraud and theft vs. what others ca fraud and theft.

January 25, 2019 5:13 pm

It is a threat to American democracy itself that an entire generation of students have had their minds poisoned with Marxist trash politics while taking and having themselves trained supposedly in legit grievance studies (i.e. black studies, womans’ studies, Indian studies, etc) and then grow up convinced their mission in life is to adopt ANY grievance, legitimate or not, imaginary or not, and not rely on facts or American principals of law or value, with an aim to tear down ALL power structures through any means, using any false claims, always emotional victim status by oppressors to justify , and have no plan to replace that well established working structure with anything. All of political correctness is such i.e. the right not to be offended by others free speech, the rich should pay for everything and are evil, that racism, sexism,ageism, homophobia, bigotry, even religion are the root of all these imaginary grievances, and otherwise American law/principals and facts don’t matter. These vengeful, ignorant, mind poisoned resentful Marxists can pretty much go fuck themselves. They are easy to spot, and anyone who says they are an “activist” might as well wear a tee-shirt that says “I’m a LEFTTARD and I’m with these other DUMBTARDS who listen to me”.

January 27, 2019 2:40 pm

To the point and brilliant. How have so many of those with whom we share air fallen for this claptrap??

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 25, 2019 6:15 pm

Robert, absolutely spot on. Best statement of the situation in the fewest words I have yet seen.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 25, 2019 6:35 pm

That was a good one. Imagine what we could do if we had the means to really and truly organize on a two month level for exactly that- a complete cessation of complicity. Buy nothing, sell nothing, do whatever possible to go Galt, and watch the wheels come off.

no one
no one
  hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2019 8:15 am

A very fine first comment. I hope someone sees that no one thinks so and encourages others to read your comment.

And, perhaps, Someone else can answer your question about the notifications. There are some anomalies associated with email addresses sometimes. Perhaps ghosts in the machine?

no one
no one
  hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2019 8:24 am

As a matter of fact, Benjamin, I have given thought to how any sort of grass roots movement forms and has impact on a national level. Think Prohibition.

Abolition. Tea Party. Puritans.

This is an interesting idea worth review. In my humble opinion.

How to Save the American Yellow Vests Movement
By Bree Hood on January 23, 2019

Let’s Talk Strategy

All successful strategies require a brutally truthful assessment of the battlefield. Reactionary and emotional responses to information override logic and eventually obscure the truth all together. Our emotional reactions color the truth with what we want to believe is true–the ego is the defender of the status quo.

When it comes to strategy, ego is the enemy. A strategy cannot be about how we feel, it must be about what is happening in the material world and whether those things are beneficial or detrimental to our goals.

If we honestly want change in this country, then we have to learn how to dismiss our own egotistic responses and develop our stratagem by immersing ourselves in a factual assessment of the data available to us. When applied to movements, that means centering on universal suffering in such a way that it does not cater to individualism above the collective whole. This, I’m afraid, is where the American Yellow Vest movement is failing.

The people of France have given us such a clear strategy, most importantly the demand for RIC, or Citizens’ Initiative Referendum, and their continued movement shows us that their strategy is more successful than all of the political and social movements currently active in America. And yet, so many people involved in the American Yellow Vests movement seem to be outright rejecting the French strategy in favor of recreating partisanship and divisive identity-driven causes.

The Yellow Vests Movement in America

Go to an America Yellow Vest group online today and you will see Trump supporters claiming he is the leader and savior of the Yellow Vest movement juxtaposed with left-leaning people pushing electoral strategies, specific politicians, and somewhat incremental legislation. How are these clashing narratives any different than the same political pendulum nonsense we have been debating for the last few decades? How is focusing on electoral politics as a solution a revolt against corrupt governance?
In response to such ideological clashes, many have splintered off to create dueling Yellow Vests groups. Right-leaning Yellow Vests groups and left-leaning Yellow Vests groups metastasized only to expend their energies accusing each other of “not being the real Yellow Vests’.” In reality, neither of them is honoring the intent of the French Yellow Vests movement. Because of this failure, neither side will accomplish anything but a further diluting of our power. Brother fighting brother, sister fighting sister, while the status quo system consumes all of our futures.

Too many well-intentioned people are unable to move beyond ego driven responses and their attachment to political identities. Even when they have an example to follow ( #GiletsJaunes ) they immediately recreated their previous ideological silos. It is a bitter irony that both sides continue to brand themselves with a yellow vest, which was intended by the French people who donned them as a symbol of moving past political divides to unify around their common humanity.

If you are angry with my critique so far, take a deep pause and reflect, my aim is not to bash but to present a possible way forward. I want the movement for liberty to be successful, if we cannot be honest about our failings then we will never grow and better ourselves.

“Truth, by its very nature, is belligerent. It wages war against deception and mind control.” ~ Mark Passio

It is a good start on a strategy. But, as we know from watching the derailment of many well-meaning movements, Tea Party or other causes often gone awry, the start of any campaign is when it is most vulnerable to attack. What seizes the hearts and minds of us all?

The article

We are Screwed
We are Screwed
  no one
January 27, 2019 8:09 am

Now imagine going to your bank cashing out $500,000 and then trying to redeposit it. It will get confiscated under current laws. Unless your banker puts in writing with a notary signature where the money came from and then you redposit with him. Try taking that little letter to another bank etc. You think the feds wont scare your old banker into “forgetting” he signed that letter?

  hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2019 9:01 am

Welcome Ben. I add you to my list of people of interest. I went through email de-listing a while ago. Sorry, I have no logical reason for it. I kept trying and it went away. I’d blame window bugs.

No one
No one
January 26, 2019 12:04 pm

When I was a radar tech, we called them goblins and glitches. I learned to make a big fuss with the toolbox for the crew to see after setting the reset/restart system switch to “restart.” It took a good fifteen minutes to completely restart that transmitter inflight, which was just about time for me to train a savvy student on how to remove and replace a STALO tube manually, should electronics fail. For the most part, thankfully, they didn’t fail, so by the time I’d R&R’s some card in the cabinet for the student demonstration, the system would be up and running and I would get an “atta girl” from the mission commander or flight commander at debrief. After all, the radar was down, they saw me and my student hauling the toolbox back to the radar equipment and opening up cabinets. Then, the radar came back up. Obviously, I was a skilled radar maintenance technician. Or very good at acting like one. Is there a difference? Well, punk? Is there?

Is a red rope and a brown nose the same thing? In this age of shamed honesty, I have to admit there is a certain harmonic quality that resonates and smells a bit. I was trained by a man whose name I will withhold, but who became quite a successful AF Chieftain by knowing how to look good. He kept a good full dress uniform available for boards and important meetings, so as to stand out in the eyes of higher ups who made decisions about career moves.

I’m not sure there are true “technicians” in many repair shops because mostly parts is just replaced, not repaired, you know? This is why we purchased an older “new” truck… we have a real mechanic ouch hare in these heels, so we want to have a decent vehicle that isn’t about to fall apart. (The smarmy attempt at dialect is a respectful tribute to the fact that you have to drive to his house down the gravel road to make an appointment to have him come see your car. He R and R’d a transmission in my 2009 Tucson for $250 bucks. It is like brand new, but he had it six weeks.)

Anyway, we bought a 2014 F150 XTR package (Canadian package for some reason or the other) with only 37,000 miles. We went through it and its history pretty thoroughly, even making them replace the manual and maintenance record books in English rather than French. Anyway, we aren’t afraid of a truck that was owned by one guy who bought it in Dearborn, Michigan and only put 37,000 miles on it over five years taking his elderly mother and two of her saintly friends to mass several times each week. (I made that up… I have no idea why the XTR ended up auctioned off to a dealership along US67 to nowhere, but after two months on the lot, there was a willingness to negotiate. Cash is still king in some parts.)

At least there are no ghosts in the machine, which is what the electronically powered and algorithmically controlled cars of our future will have.

I once worked with a programmer who trusted me to know the backdoor way in to change parameters within the database architecture he’d designed. It was a brilliant little magic trick achieved by knowing how to do the impossible on the opening access portal. I HOPE I’m phrasing that right. I’ve been out of the business for almost a decade, so the entire operation probably goes on between phones. When I was doing government make-work on a program management team that lacked any managers or mission, I literally babysat a database that tracked all costs and payments to the depot, with access to all the data streams associated with each and every entry available.

It was my ability to alter the access to the efficiency tools that alerted the “watchers” that someone had a back door in. They went looking for that someone and saw me.

But, I had already seen them there, trying to find me. As I told the programming genius from Utah who was with me briefing the General about ten years ago, maybe more… I timed the backdoor entry into the database with the knowledge the system itself did a complete data re-set every morning to give the data managers fresh data to work with.

Since I knew this, I knew it gave me a three-hour window to get the information I needed but my own access had been blocked. I gave the General an account as a database manager, logged in as her and downloaded the efficiency reports with her name on them as the producer. It gave me cover for when they tried to charge me with granting the General access to efficiency data which she needed, in my opinion. I did it and eventually lost my job over it, but our usefulness as program managers had ended long before I was hired to design powerpoint presentations and train workers on how to use their access to database tools to help them be more efficient. It was a crazy job with crazy things in a crazy world where no one was ever working in the maintenance bay but ten thousand people were logged onto jobs in my database. I could see them all logged on, but if I walked from my desk into the mile-long work bay at Tinker AFB, you might here a hammer or two or see one work crew. I was there one day to see a jet engine drop onto a workfloor below, carelessly swung across the floor by a soon to be former forklift operator. Or whatever big equipment he was using to move that engine from one place to another over the heads of workers.

But, usually, there was just a scattering of people on the floor after the first couple of busy hours. In an environment where people control their own schedules without constant supervision, they tend to abuse the laisse faire attitude from on high. Instead of producing more and more happily, they learn what the bare minimum is and produce that bare minimum growing more and more miserly about the minimum.

That is something no one thinks bears repeating and considering: Instead of producing more and more happily, they learn what the bare minimum is and produce that bare minimum growing more and more miserly about what constitutes the minimum and who should produce it.

Oh, and where there is data being collected, there is always a backdoor in. Always. That is what the programmer told me.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2019 9:05 am

Interesting site, I’ll check it out. Welcome to the NH contingent.

22winmag - The South was Right!
22winmag - The South was Right!
January 26, 2019 6:56 pm

Tell me this place isn’t a Granite State circlejerk echochamber!

  hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2019 12:46 pm

fyi …. cuz people like to know a little about Sources

The “yellow vest” article linked above is written by Bree Hood. She doesn’t identify with either Dems or Repubs, but tends to vote Green when she does vote …i.e., she voted for Ralph Nader.

In the article linked below she’s pissed off at the Democrats for claiming that they (Dems) align with 90% of what Greens want. She says this is bullshit.

“We would have long ago had a green new deal if that were the case. We would have long ago had rank choice voting, universal healthcare, living wages, and an end to imperialism and wars of aggression if that were true.”

Universal health care, high minimum wage, blah blah. So, there’s that.


On the other hand, she writes a really really good article about wanting to live in truth.

——— –

Bottom line for me; seems like a web site worth adding to my small ‘Check out weekly’ list.

Hey, Ben Lurken! Very nice first post.

No one
No one
January 26, 2019 1:12 pm

I was hoping no one might pique your attention about Ben Dover here, who has real potential.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2019 12:57 pm

“The website owner, whose picture you may find if you peruse the site might put you off.”

Why? Because the web site owner is a ….. a …… young black dude??

You sayin’ we be prejudice? I’ll bet bb and Dutchman will love his writings. Let’s take a quick look at his beliefs.

================================= =

He used to be …. …. a nigger.

“I will admit, I was a part of the same crowd I’m now picking up a pen to speak against. I too once went around foolishly talking about “white privilege” this or “white people are evil” that. This was not too long ago; a time when I used to see justice through colored binoculars. I was part and parcel of the very divisive culture I thought I was speaking against. It took two years of hardship for me to finally shed my blinders and see injustice as it is without putting an adjective in front of it.”

But, he has come to the Light …… a regyoulah dude, like us, fighting the powers of Darkness.

“Let me wrap it up with some “real talk”. Enough of the nonsense, stop acting the victim and complaining about what the “white man” did to you and realize that they suffer too. I know some will cite examples and say “white people” stuck in poverty don’t have it as bad as “black folk” stuck in indigence—this is such folly. Poverty is poverty and those who are stuck in it have minimal chances to escape the clutches of destitution. Once someone is mired in homelessness and gets sentenced to a life of concrete mattresses and newspaper blankets, they have little hope to go from that level of despair to finding renewal. Instead of judging who has it worse and turning the suffering of people into abstract philosophical debating points, how about we stop seeing through color and just help people who suffer as we are best able?


Above excerpts from this article;

  hardscrabble farmer
January 27, 2019 8:03 am

Cool handle.

Boat Guyn
Boat Guyn
January 25, 2019 9:05 pm

Who’s John Gault ???

January 25, 2019 9:12 pm

Well,can someone with sewing skills put some specific pockets on a yellow vest for me,looking to hold 30 round magazines(that is 30 rolled magazines/reading material).

Nailing spiral shank nails can be painful,don’t ask how I know!

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 25, 2019 11:50 pm

Can anyone make me a diesel Ford Ranger?

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
  Donkey Balls
January 26, 2019 10:18 am

No problem; Poof! You are a diesel Ford Ranger.

  Donkey Balls
January 26, 2019 12:54 pm

Why yes we can,though another here wanted a Chevy S-10 diesel the same principles can be applied to the ranger.Are we taking a earlier 70 Ranger full size or a smaller later year Ranger?On a side not,I hate the “New 2019 Ford Ranger,ugly and too full of electronic nonsense.

January 26, 2019 9:40 am

“time to reject their claims to moral superiority, time to stop building safe space sanctuaries, time to stop apologizing for profitable competence, and time to recognize its moral value and reclaim the right to its profits…”

Time indeed. But how? How do you reject, stop, and recognize these things as you suggest Robert? Don’t get me wrong I’m not criticizing your post. I’m asking an honest question. We’re not going to change anything through the ballot box. The establishment is too damn big, too interconnected, to infiltrated with globalists, communists, socialist morons. They control almost all communications and means of brain washing and indoctrinating the masses.

Try this on for size. Trump may be any of the three things Doug says in many of his articles. What if he is a fraud? What or who next? My prediction is there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Trump gets re-elected in 2020. The globalists will not allow it PERIOD. There will be voter fraud on a MASSIVE scale to make sure that no one outside the globalist approved candidates are permitted to “win”.

Once that reality comes to pass, and some idiot progressive like Harris is elected in 2020, what are we going to do? Wait for 2024? Hoping some gray rider will come to our rescue?

It will be interesting to see what happens in three weeks. I predict Trump will declare his National Emergency and it will be immediately struck down by the ninth circuit. It will be tied up in the courts past the 2020 election and Trump will lose that election big time due to lost base support and massive voter fraud by demoncrats.

I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it… Chip

January 26, 2019 12:26 pm

George Webb is a pretty knowledgeable resource

January 26, 2019 1:06 pm

This is exactly why I do not in est in the stock market run by frauds. I invest in real estate and private businesses. The FIRE system is a systemic fraud, financializing anything that moves, money chasing anything, bringing costs up for everyone.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
January 26, 2019 3:45 pm

This was fantastic. Thanks Robert.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 26, 2019 4:49 pm

I remember when…growing up… years ago, post Depression…the “watchword” of most all parents was “I am giving my children what I never had!” Well, that has been escalated into today and those whiners in Gov’t seemingly don’t or can’t make do for a few months or longer. They may just have to learn some new skills they never knew they had. Then again, they will learn that Uncle Sugar doesn’t pay well being on Welfare and Unemployment. They’ve milked the “gravy train” too long. Like Ron Paul recently said something like –
“I can count only on one hand the honest people in government…”

Same goes for long time Senators, Congressmen and women who have reaped huge financial benefits from collusion, taking bribes, being on the Board of Directors of companies like…well, Monsanto and other criminal companies and activities to further their financial well-being feeding at the public money trough.

Karma is always in full throttle! And we’ve reaped what we have sown. American is not long for her final demise – as this once great empire greatly sinks into the muck and mire of all the innocent blood she has shed. And she goes the way of previous failed empires.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 27, 2019 1:18 am

What people don’t get is that we are the game that is being played. As long as we let partisan loyalty get in the way of holding elected officials in check, what we will continue to get is this bankrupt government that ignores the plight of the people and only answers to the demands of corporations. ..”

  Word to the Wise
January 27, 2019 8:33 am

how do you intend on holding the elected officials in check?

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 27, 2019 1:58 am

None of what is happening today is a new thing. Corrupt and evil rulers have been double dealing since the early kings in Biblical times. There were more evil rulers than there were good ones! Yet, even today, we hear “Woe is me..what do I do?? What do we do?”

Well, for starters – put on your big boy/big girl panties (whatever the case may be) and toughen up! There is too much information available to be ignorant. Another even far greater depression is coming, and for many its already here. It will be much, much worse than anything before. Learn to do without. Learn to be uncomfortable. Hard times builds character.

Boycott everything you can for a long period of time, disconnect from the “system” where possible. Stop spending money foolishly on foolish stuff like sports events, movies, stop watching fake media including newspapers, TEEVEE news, magazines; quit eating out – how about cooking at home; grow a garden and eat from there; be your own banker; don’t buy what you don’t need. Get out of debt. Disconnect.

Warnings Against Foolishness
Proverbs 6:5 -9 “Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the fowler’s snare. Walk in the manner of the ant, O sluggard; observe its ways and be wise:
Without a commander, without an overseer or ruler, it prepares its provisions in summer; it gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?” /strong>

January 27, 2019 7:53 am

Robert, your last sentence said it all. We reap what we sow and we have sown Venezuela. We have already fallen off the cliff; we’ve just not hit bottom yet.

January 27, 2019 10:54 am

Socialism vs Capitalism is a false dichotomy . The are two sides of the same System of the Beast coin.

Capitalism is state sponsored usury whilst socialism is debt based servitude wherein the subjugated are made profitable via symbiosis betwixt government, finance and free shit . Free market is a myth . America First is the job of the US government. Call it what you will , but any nation that abandons it’s people for mere economics is not long afterwards a nation. You dance with the ones that brung you.

” But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.”

Karl Marx On Free Trade

E Michael Jones on Barren Metal, British Empiricism vs German Idealism

January 27, 2019 11:00 am

Dear consumer units. This is your free market. It’s turtles all the way down.

NEW Database: Subsidy Tracker 2 – See how much your state or community spends on economic development tax breaks.

January 27, 2019 2:31 pm

If not for muh free market capitalism , ‘Muricans couldn’t afford the basic necessities of life. Markets would be monopolized and wildly overpriced. Ax Chief Red Ass of the Never Wipe Tribe, he’ll tell ya’

“Its owned and licensed brands include Armani, Brooks Brothers, Burberry, Chanel, Coach, DKNY, Dolce & Gabbana, Michael Kors, Oakley, Oliver Peoples, Persol, Polo Ralph Lauren, Ray-Ban, Tiffany, Valentino, Vogue and Versace.

Italy’s Luxottica also runs EyeMed Vision Care, LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, Sears Optical, Sunglass Hut and Target Optical.”

It’s turtles. All the way down.

comment image

January 27, 2019 2:11 pm